Zone1 Serious Question About Abortion

The difference is some people consider the fetus to be another person, with rights of their own.

That you can't understand that, or don't want to understand that, shows you refuse to address the actual argument.
A fetus isn't a person.

A person is born.
That doesn't make it a disposable life, and that's the crux of the argument.

Are you going with the fetus as a parasite trope?
No, the choice of the women to decide along with anyone else that she chooses.

You don't get a spot in the room.
No, the choice of the women to decide along with anyone else that she chooses.

You don't get a spot in the room.

So that means people who aren't firefighters shouldn't have a say on what fires get fought?

Exclusionary arguments are just that, arguments. they make no logical sense in a legislative republic.
So that means people who aren't firefighters shouldn't have a say on what fires get fought?

Exclusionary arguments are just that, arguments. they make no logical sense in a legislative republic.
A medical family decision isn't a fire.
A medical family decision isn't a fire.

Again, you downplay the fact that some think another life is involved. This isn't someone removing an appendix, despite your wish for it to be so.

and even then doctors won't remove your appendix just because you feel like it.
Again, you downplay the fact that some think another life is involved. This isn't someone removing an appendix, despite your wish for it to be so.

and even then doctors won't remove your appendix just because you feel like it.
A person can't exist inside another person and supersede their rights. I know you think it's wrong that zygotes and fetuses take 9-10 months to become a person, but that's they way it is.
A person can't exist inside another person and supersede their rights. I know you think it's wrong that zygotes and fetuses take 9-10 months to become a person, but that's they way it is.

Again, that's the argument. They see it as a person from conception, or 6 weeks, or 10 weeks, or 16 weeks. You only think it's a person when it's head clears the hoo-hoo.

That doesn't mean the argument is invalid. It really doesn't mean the Constitution prevents the argument.
If they’re enforced once, it’s a law. And you can look it up.

Wow, how naïve you are. Tell that to all the prostitutes and dope smokers...

Here's the problem with laws. You have to have general consensus that this really should be a law.

The problem with abortion laws prior to Roe is that they were routinely being ignored by women and doctors. SCOTUS probably though Roe was no more controversial than Griswold was 8 years earlier. It was just taking obsolete laws off the books.

Little did they know that the Evangelicals needed an issue to keep their flocks motivated after segregation stopped playing well.

Men routinely go to jail for not paying child support. Why the downplaying?

Routinely? How often does it ACTUALLY happen. There are 7 million deadbeat dads out there... I doubt that many have gone to jail.

What is considered a "rape"?

The devil is always in the details when these crazy stats are cited by your side.

If she says no, it's a rape.
If she is in no condition to consent, like drunk out of her mind, it's a rape.

See. That was simple.

Not to worry, though, once you guys get done, you'll have thousands of false reports to sort through from women trying to get abortions.

Thats as bad as jury nullification.

Jury Nullification is awesome when it happens. It says to the state "You've gone too far!"
Routinely? How often does it ACTUALLY happen. There are 7 million deadbeat dads out there... I doubt that many have gone to jail.

70% of the 15 million open child support cases against men owe debt, which is 10,500,000 people.

14% of those were jailed, or 1,500,000 men.

Yes, it routinely happens, unless millions of people isn't "routine" to you LMAO.
If she says no, it's a rape.
And there it ends.
If she is in no condition to consent, like drunk out of her mind, it's a rape.
If men are drunk, are they raped by women?

No wonder your numbers don't make sense.. any woman who has sex after a beer or two you think is "raped".
The republic model for medical decisions.

Stop calling hiring someone to kill someone else a “medical decision.”

Especially if you’re going to have the gall to imply other people are “dumb” while saying something that incredibly stupid.
Wow, how naïve you are. Tell that to all the prostitutes and dope smokers...

Here's the problem with laws. You have to have general consensus that this really should be a law.

The problem with abortion laws prior to Roe is that they were routinely being ignored by women and doctors. SCOTUS probably though Roe was no more controversial than Griswold was 8 years earlier. It was just taking obsolete laws off the books.

Little did they know that the Evangelicals needed an issue to keep their flocks motivated after segregation stopped playing well.

Routinely? How often does it ACTUALLY happen. There are 7 million deadbeat dads out there... I doubt that many have gone to jail.

If she says no, it's a rape.
If she is in no condition to consent, like drunk out of her mind, it's a rape.

See. That was simple.

Not to worry, though, once you guys get done, you'll have thousands of false reports to sort through from women trying to get abortions.

Jury Nullification is awesome when it happens. It says to the state "You've gone too far!"

Unless of course when some righty gets off because of it, right?
Stop calling hiring someone to kill someone else a “medical decision.”

Especially if you’re going to have the gall to imply other people are “dumb” while saying something that incredibly stupid.
A zygote is not a person. It’s a collection of cells.
A zygote is not a person. It’s a collection of cells.
You’re a collection of cells. Literally, undeniably.

A human being in the zygote stage of life literally can’t be “a collection of cells,” as their entire body is comprised of one cell.

And honestly, it makes more sense to me that those you hate should have personhood than you should, if we’re just going to be arbitrary in assigning it. I’d prefer all humans be equal but if we’re going to be bigoted, why not target the bigots instead of the innocent?
You’re a collection of cells. Literally, undeniably.

A human being in the zygote stage of life literally can’t be “a collection of cells,” as their entire body is comprised of one cell.

And honestly, it makes more sense to me that those you hate should have personhood than you should, if we’re just going to be arbitrary in assigning it. I’d prefer all humans be equal but if we’re going to be bigoted, why not target the bigots instead of the innocent?
Keep your religion in your church.

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