Zone1 Serious Question About Abortion

I don’t agree.
And that’s why they’re more deserving of personhood than you are, because you are bigoted and inhumane.

If we’re going to reject equality and target some humans for death for arbitrary reasons, why not spare the innocent, and instead target the bigots?
And that’s why they’re more deserving of personhood than you are, because you are bigoted and inhumane.

If we’re going to reject equality and target some humans for death for arbitrary reasons, why not spare the innocent, and instead target the bigots?
I support a constitutional right of privacy and no governmental local elected official deciding for her.
I love holier-than-thou fucks like you...

How could possibly be any of your fucking business? I can only surmise that only a brain dead retard would ever willingly choose to apprentice under someone whose queries are way over-the-line personal and probing...

He brought up the subject...I was simply making conversation and asking pertinent questions as only an "old guy" can. One only with experience and a non-judgmental attitude can ask.

A lot of guys his age do things without thinking about the consequences of their actions. I wasn't looking to form his opinion for him...he is plenty capable of doing that for himself. But asking open questions let's him tell me his thoughts on the subject.

He stated he wanted a different result than what he was actively pursuing...I know that he didn't realize asking questions is a simple way of making him realize the results of his work.
Again, you downplay the fact that some think another life is involved. This isn't someone removing an appendix, despite your wish for it to be so.

and even then doctors won't remove your appendix just because you feel like it.
Does it matter that Doctors won't remove your appendix just because? They will remove your embryo or fetus. And I'll concede another life is involved, I just don't think that means the woman has a duty to allow that life to gestate inside her. Plenty of lives involved when talking about the starving or homeless, doesn't mean I think you should have to house or feed them yourself.
70% of the 15 million open child support cases against men owe debt, which is 10,500,000 people.

14% of those were jailed, or 1,500,000 men.

Yes, it routinely happens, unless millions of people isn't "routine" to you LMAO.

Nice... too bad you don't have credible statistics for that.

You kind of have your figures in reverse. Most of those men are in jail for other things, not back payment of child support.

If men are drunk, are they raped by women?

No wonder your numbers don't make sense.. any woman who has sex after a beer or two you think is "raped".

If you need to get a woman drunk to get lucky, that's on you.
Does it matter that Doctors won't remove your appendix just because? They will remove your embryo or fetus. And I'll concede another life is involved, I just don't think that means the woman has a duty to allow that life to gestate inside her. Plenty of lives involved when talking about the starving or homeless, doesn't mean I think you should have to house or feed them yourself.

The thing is a sizable portion of this country thinks otherwise, that once that life starts, the government has a responsibility to protect itr.

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