Zone1 Serious Question About Abortion

You are probably meaning ad hominem. Calling you a nihilist ain't that.
You’re not calling him a big stinky poo poo head. We cannot substantiate from his words alone that he is likely to literally have a cranium consisting of a giant purulent stool.

Nihilism though? Absolutely on full display.

Also just blatant trolling on his part as usual.
You’re not calling him a big stinky poo poo head. We cannot substantiate from his words alone that he is likely to literally have a cranium consisting of a giant purulent stool.

Nihilism though? Absolutely on full display.

Also just blatant trolling on his part as usual.

Surprisingly he is actually able to ride the line in Zone 1, which makes him a controlled troll, well compared to other examples on this board.
You're so dumb
Zone 1. Keep digging.

You're so fucking stupid.
Zone 1. Keep digging.

What is your source of morality or right and wrong?
Believing in equality and human rights and non-aggression like a good person should. Some people need a god to be good. No fault on them if so. I’m an atheist. Why do you keep up with your bullshit religious arguments that mean NOTHING to me?

On what grounds do you assume that people are born with inherent rights apart from a community?
Because human beings are special. Fuck the community. Fuck society. Fuck all collectivism entirely. We make entirely voluntary arrangements with others, governments should be minarchist nightwatchman states only.

We are social animals and our identities and rights depend upon us being members of a community
No. Entirely wrong and irrelevant thinking. Other people define nothing about my natural rights. They can only try to violate them with stupid laws, as you authoritarians want.

you're just too stupid and arrogant to recognize that.
Zone 1.

“Clean Debate.”

You’re gonna get spanked, sir. And I am sitting here with popcorn.
You are demonstrably a misanthropic bigoted nihilist though?

That isn’t “namecalling,” it’s just what you have said.
Again, it is literally name calling. 😄
Words mean things. It’s how language works.
And a nihilist is a name for people with particular sets of beliefs. 😄
The lives of other human beings mean nothing to you based on wholly arbitrary reasons. Bigotry, misanthropy, nihilism.
Not arbitrary at all. Are you unfamiliar with the definition of the word? My respect for the sociopolitical rights of others begins when they are able to maintain life on their own or through the willing assistance of others. That isn't random at all.
It’s like innocence - human beings who are utterly helpless and sleeping and can take no negative action or any action whatsoever are objective and perfectly innocent, yet you question this despite it being unassailable and obvious objective truth. It’s patently ridiculous.
So if you stumble onto a starving, homeless man in your living room who's so weak he couldn't hurt a fly, you're now responsible for him?
Words mean things.

Your arguments dont.
Ah you are a fraud and and would be promoting killing two year olds in a heartbeat when your peer group of sociopaths adopts the next step after abortions for convenience gets to be old fashioned again.

That sounds like you religious folks that commit horrible genocidal acts when you believe your god has given you permission to do it or some psycho-prophet orders you to commit murder. When some asshole reads the bible and interprets it in such a way that justifies giving poison Kool-Aid to his mindless, sheepish followers.

As an Atheist and Humanist, I consider human life to be the highest principle. I make a distinction between the life of a human embryo and the life of the human being that conceived it. For me, the woman is the actual human being and the embryo or unformed fetus is but a potential human being. The woman decides whether she's going to lend her uterus and womb or not to a gestating embryo, not the government or anyone else.

As humanists, we have clearly defined boundaries on what constitutes right and wrong, just like Christians do. The only difference between us is that you pretend your rights and morality come from an invisible being in another dimension or a "holy book" and we recognize that we are responsible for creating our own morality.

We take responsibility for our own lives and morality, rather than regulating the task to an invisible, imaginary being or heavenly sugar daddy. Our morality is based on the environment (reality) and what we envision would be the best conditions for us and everyone else. Our ethics are based on reason, deliberation, dialogue, human solidarity, and a strong desire to create the very best conditions for our own survival and success as individuals and as a humane, civilized community.
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