Serious question for atheists.

So you admit that you don't know where it came from or what caused it. Good for you.
Spirit created the material world, Taz.

Spirit is no thing. Space and time were created from nothing.
Be serious, you have no idea where things came from. You just wish they came from a single creator. That's called wishful thinking.
I already told you. All the matter and energy were created from nothing by no thing.
Prove it.
There’s no thermal equilibrium. Done.
That’s retarded. The question is, are you?
It isn't that postulating an Aether wind was dumb, but presuming it to be constant, dense right on the Earth's surface, and so easily detachable was dumb. They also failed to account for many translations needed to determine the dynamic speed of an experimental point on the Earth's surface so really had no clue how fast their wind might be blowing. Very tough thing to do, but if you're going to pretend to have done it, best show your work.
Which is why the beginning of time is so compelling. There’s tons of work on it.
Spirit created the material world, Taz.

Spirit is no thing. Space and time were created from nothing.
Be serious, you have no idea where things came from. You just wish they came from a single creator. That's called wishful thinking.
I already told you. All the matter and energy were created from nothing by no thing.
Prove it.
There’s no thermal equilibrium. Done.
That’s retarded. The question is, are you?
There is no thermal equilibrium. That’s how we know the universe has not existed forever. It is that simple.
You know, I like the way it's explained in the Tao Te Ching...................

Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu Translated and Explained - Chapter 42

The Way gave birth to one.

One gave birth to two.

Two gave birth to three.

Three gave birth to all things.

If you think about it, nothing gave birth to something, and that something gave birth to everything. And, for you Christians, the Trinity is in there as well.
Taoism played a big part in my beliefs.
There is no thermal equilibrium. That’s how we know the universe has not existed forever.
Wrong. Thats only how we k ow it has not existed forever in the causal timeline we can observe.. Ding, it's as if you stopped following modern science in 1985.
You know, I like the way it's explained in the Tao Te Ching...................

Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu Translated and Explained - Chapter 42

The Way gave birth to one.

One gave birth to two.

Two gave birth to three.

Three gave birth to all things.

If you think about it, nothing gave birth to something, and that something gave birth to everything. And, for you Christians, the Trinity is in there as well.
That’s not the only similarity either.

You know, when I was a young man and having a really hard time with religion and spirituality, I was talking to a friend of mine named Owen, and he told me something that changed my life. He said that if I looked for the similarities in religions rather than the differences, I'd get a lot further in my understanding.

He was right. All religions believe in some form of a Creator or Higher Power. All of them believe that what we do in this life determines what happens in the next. All of them believe that if we do good, there is some form of Heaven that awaits. All of them believe that if we do evil, there is some form of Hell that awaits.

That is what led me to become a Taoist, and a few years later, I met a friend of mine who was into Jewish studies. She shared her stuff with me, and I was surprised at how much the Jewish belief was similar to what the Taoists believe.

I also compared Buddhist teachings with what Jesus taught, and guess what? They are pretty close as well.

Me? I personally think that God is too big to be contained in just one belief system or dogma. My opinion is that each religion or dogma is just one facet of the many sides of God.
I also compared Buddhist teachings with what Jesus taught, and guess what? They are pretty close as well
Have you considered the idea that, instead of these coincidences being due to some magical sky daddy or magical absolute truth...they share similarities because human beings invented them all?
You know, I like the way it's explained in the Tao Te Ching...................

Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu Translated and Explained - Chapter 42

The Way gave birth to one.

One gave birth to two.

Two gave birth to three.

Three gave birth to all things.

If you think about it, nothing gave birth to something, and that something gave birth to everything. And, for you Christians, the Trinity is in there as well.
That’s not the only similarity either.

You know, when I was a young man and having a really hard time with religion and spirituality, I was talking to a friend of mine named Owen, and he told me something that changed my life. He said that if I looked for the similarities in religions rather than the differences, I'd get a lot further in my understanding.

He was right. All religions believe in some form of a Creator or Higher Power. All of them believe that what we do in this life determines what happens in the next. All of them believe that if we do good, there is some form of Heaven that awaits. All of them believe that if we do evil, there is some form of Hell that awaits.

That is what led me to become a Taoist, and a few years later, I met a friend of mine who was into Jewish studies. She shared her stuff with me, and I was surprised at how much the Jewish belief was similar to what the Taoists believe.

I also compared Buddhist teachings with what Jesus taught, and guess what? They are pretty close as well.

Me? I personally think that God is too big to be contained in just one belief system or dogma. My opinion is that each religion or dogma is just one facet of the many sides of God.
Well said. I try to see each religion in its best possible light to better gain understanding. I too saw all the same things as you.
I also compared Buddhist teachings with what Jesus taught, and guess what? They are pretty close as well
Have you considered the idea that, instead of these coincidences being due to some magical sky daddy or magical absolute truth...they share similarities because human beings invented them all?

So, explain why those in Israel (the Jews) came up with a belief system that is remarkably similar to that which was thought up by Lao Tzu (Taoism)? You can't say it's because their cultures were close, they weren't.
I also compared Buddhist teachings with what Jesus taught, and guess what? They are pretty close as well
Have you considered the idea that, instead of these coincidences being due to some magical sky daddy or magical absolute truth...they share similarities because human beings invented them all?
If you are looking for the cause, you’d have to go back to the first three Chinese dynasties.

They worshipped the God of Abraham.
So, explain why those in Israel (the Jews) came up with a belief system that is remarkably similar to that which was thought up by Lao Tzu (Taoism)?
Because they were both written by humans. Man, that was easy...and infinitely simpler than proposing a much bigger mystery to explain it.

Why didnt both come up with the idea that we should migrate north in the winter and eat only aquatic plants? Because they were written by humans, not mallards.
I also compared Buddhist teachings with what Jesus taught, and guess what? They are pretty close as well
Have you considered the idea that, instead of these coincidences being due to some magical sky daddy or magical absolute truth...they share similarities because human beings invented them all?

So, explain why those in Israel (the Jews) came up with a belief system that is remarkably similar to that which was thought up by Lao Tzu (Taoism)? You can't say it's because their cultures were close, they weren't.
The great migration from the cradle of civilization. Prior to that they all shared the same religion.
So, explain why those in Israel (the Jews) came up with a belief system that is remarkably similar to that which was thought up by Lao Tzu (Taoism)?
Because they were both written by humans. Man, that was easy...and infinitely simpler than proposing a much bigger mystery to explain it.
Wrong. Prior to the migration from Mesopotamia they shared a common religion.
I also compared Buddhist teachings with what Jesus taught, and guess what? They are pretty close as well
Have you considered the idea that, instead of these coincidences being due to some magical sky daddy or magical absolute truth...they share similarities because human beings invented them all?
If you are looking for the cause, you’d have to go back to the first three Chinese dynasties.

They worshipped the God of Abraham.

Really? Quick question Ding, do you have a link or two concerning that, so I can read about it myself? I'd never heard of something like that, but I would be interested in learning more if you have links.
There is no thermal equilibrium. That’s how we know the universe has not existed forever.
Wrong. Thats only how we k ow it has not existed forever in the causal timeline we can observe.. Ding, it's as if you stopped following modern science in 1985.
Place two objects at different temperatures and see what happens. The same thing is going on all around us. Unless of course you want to argue that energy is being added to the universe. But then you would have to explain how it was being added? And where it came from? And how it hadn’t equillibrated?

There is only one answer. Energy and matter are created from nothing. It’s existence creates and is space and time. And then it begins to expand and cool. And will continue cooling until it reaches thermal equilibrium.
"The great thing about being atheist? It requires so little of your time. " -- Bill Maher
Did the irony sail over your head.
Then you go ahead and explain it. Then we can delve into your self contradictions about atheism. Further input from you will will not then be required.
There are plenty of atheists who spend a good portion of their time arguing about religion and God. You are one of them.

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