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serious question on core Jewish belief

ding said "YOU don't know what they were chosen for."

I don't know either, anyone that knows is lying to themselves and the world..

The Jewish folks are not chosen, the OT is their book, and they have Jesus who is a Jew. The Christians are worshipping a Jew, and is their best friend, who is invisible.

All the NT books are wrote by a Jew. We don't know who Luke was but I suspect he was a Jew.

Paul I think is Josephus. The NT is set of books for/to Gentiles to worship to the Jews.
Penny, dear. Luke was a greek person trained a bit in Medicine.. He wrote in
greek and there is no evidence that he knew hebrew or aramaic or anything about
Judaism or Jesus----never met him. Paul's family background was Greek---but it
seems historically accurate that his parents were greek converts to Judaism. No one knows
who "JOHN" , author of the Book of Revulsions, was. I believe that there are several
writings that made their way into the NT from persons using "JOHN" as a pen-name.
That a person with a Catholic school education is so clueless, does not surprise me.
They were all Jews who wrote the NT. Paul is a lot like Josephus, I therefore think Josephus is Paul.

Who is Luke, they had Jewish witch doctors as well.

I will tell you a secret. Don't tell anybody!

When Paul claimed that he went blind on the road to damascus and said that he had lost his sight and stumbled around acting like a blind man for a while and then presto alakazam he could suddenly see and said that he was cured and had had a vision where Jesus appointed him to be a disciple the other disciples knew he was pretending, an actor and lying fraud, an undercover agent of the enemy, because they all knew that the blindness that Jesus cured was one of perception not sight.

I won't tell -----there is a neuro-vascular condition which results in people "SEEING"
things that are not quite there ie the person CONFABULATES---. This condition
manifests as various forms of ANTON's syndrome also called "cortical blindness"
usually a result of damage to the blood circulation of the Occipital lobes of the
brain-----------ok----so Paul had a kinda TIA transient ischemic attack

Nonsense. He was a rabid persecutor of the followers of Jesus and contradicted the teachings of Jesus himself in his writings specifically that Jesus claimed that the law was obsolete and he claimed to be God which accomplished two things. The gentiles would be cursed and the Jewish people would never accept Jesus as the messiah for as long as these lies persisted.

He was on a mission to pervert early Christianity by pretending to speak for Jesus and claimed a miracle by pretending to see after pretending to go blind.

Occam's razor dear.
Oh-----but lots of people and DA CHURCH OF ROME-----depend on Paul. ----
Personally, I have nothing against him------

Now you know why da church and all its captives are so screwed up....
not because of Paul-----Constantine did it. Does anyone REALLY have any of
Paul's original writings?
If writings were what is important, wouldn't Jesus have left them?
With the level of education he had, he should have been able to speak, read and write four languages, two of which would have had an instantaneous international audience.
who? Jesus? to what "level of education" do you refer?
Jesus, of course. Supposedly, he was a student with the best rabbis in Jerusalem. One could imagine their being very severe task masters.
ding said "YOU don't know what they were chosen for."

I don't know either, anyone that knows is lying to themselves and the world..

The Jewish folks are not chosen, the OT is their book, and they have Jesus who is a Jew. The Christians are worshipping a Jew, and is their best friend, who is invisible.

All the NT books are wrote by a Jew. We don't know who Luke was but I suspect he was a Jew.

Paul I think is Josephus. The NT is set of books for/to Gentiles to worship to the Jews.
Penny, dear. Luke was a greek person trained a bit in Medicine.. He wrote in
greek and there is no evidence that he knew hebrew or aramaic or anything about
Judaism or Jesus----never met him. Paul's family background was Greek---but it
seems historically accurate that his parents were greek converts to Judaism. No one knows
who "JOHN" , author of the Book of Revulsions, was. I believe that there are several
writings that made their way into the NT from persons using "JOHN" as a pen-name.
That a person with a Catholic school education is so clueless, does not surprise me.
They were all Jews who wrote the NT. Paul is a lot like Josephus, I therefore think Josephus is Paul.

Who is Luke, they had Jewish witch doctors as well.

I will tell you a secret. Don't tell anybody!

When Paul claimed that he went blind on the road to damascus and said that he had lost his sight and stumbled around acting like a blind man for a while and then presto alakazam he could suddenly see and said that he was cured and had had a vision where Jesus appointed him to be a disciple the other disciples knew he was pretending, an actor and lying fraud, an undercover agent of the enemy, because they all knew that the blindness that Jesus cured was one of perception not sight.

I won't tell -----there is a neuro-vascular condition which results in people "SEEING"
things that are not quite there ie the person CONFABULATES---. This condition
manifests as various forms of ANTON's syndrome also called "cortical blindness"
usually a result of damage to the blood circulation of the Occipital lobes of the
brain-----------ok----so Paul had a kinda TIA transient ischemic attack

Nonsense. He was a rabid persecutor of the followers of Jesus and contradicted the teachings of Jesus himself in his writings specifically that Jesus claimed that the law was obsolete and he claimed to be God which accomplished two things. The gentiles would be cursed and the Jewish people would never accept Jesus as the messiah for as long as these lies persisted.

He was on a mission to pervert early Christianity by pretending to speak for Jesus and claimed a miracle by pretending to see after pretending to go blind.

Occam's razor dear.
Oh-----but lots of people and DA CHURCH OF ROME-----depend on Paul. ----
Personally, I have nothing against him------

Now you know why da church and all its captives are so screwed up....
not because of Paul-----Constantine did it. Does anyone REALLY have any of
Paul's original writings?
If writings were what is important, wouldn't Jesus have left them?
With the level of education he had, he should have been able to speak, read and write four languages, two of which would have had an instantaneous international audience.
who? Jesus? to what "level of education" do you refer?
Jesus, of course. Supposedly, he was a student with the best rabbis in Jerusalem. One could imagine their being very severe task masters.
really? He did not live in Jerusalem as a child according to the NT He lived in
NAZARETH. Based on the NT it is clear that he was literate. He was asked to read
when he VISITED as a newcomer, a synagogue-----that means they KNEW him to be
literate and that is about it. It is also clear from the NT that he was familiar with the
writings of HILLEL -----he quoted them INCESSANTLY-----but at that time so did everyone
else. Gamliel was considered a hot shot scholar-----but that was IN JERUSALEM
The lefty Jew-haters are out in force on this thread. This is why the DemoKKKrats have two open Holocaust deniers representing them in congress.
Not every Democrat is an unbeliever in Christianity, and not every , hardly none I dare say, believes in Christianity.

What does that have to do with the fact that so many of your fellow DemoKKKrats hate Jews and deny the Holocaust?
Guess who hate Jews, no other than the republicans and the alt right bunch of KKK.
The Torah is abundantly clear that being God's "Chosen People" is not the basis of special favors or immunity from the consequences on their actions. They were punished time after time, even at times directly by g-d, which clearly demonstrates that there is no great benefit to being the Chosen People.

God chose the Jews to be the vehicle by which the divine message is conveyed to mankind, through the Torah.

If they were chosen because of their "supremacy," it was merely their demonstrated talent for communication, which continues to this day. Unfortunately, many if not most of the remaining "sons of Abraham" have forgotten the Message that they were commissioned to convey.

Scripture makes it clear that the Jewish people were not chosen for any merit of their own.
They were chosen for their propensity to pass down traditions orally.

Thats just dumb. Damn.

Every nation passed down their traditions orally.

The specific reason stated was that God loved them and took pity on them and so gave them clear instructions about how to live a peaceful prosperous and abundant life by standing guard over the sanctity of their own minds in a wilderness full of other nations that reflected the image and likeness of wild animals, vile and loathsome beasts and birds..
No. Not every nation did. There's been nothing like this before.

LOL.... I suggest that you go back to the drawing board before you stoop lower and embarrass yourself further than you already have before.

You may be an actor and lying fraud... but you suck at it.

Perhaps you should find another hobby....Can you twerk? Tap dance for nickels? You could make millions!
Can you point to anything which is comparable?

From the beginning every nation passed down their traditions orally.

Damn. You are a very stupid man.

Look it up yourself you lazy twit.
Show me where that history was captured like the Jews captured theirs.

There is nothing like it. Show me something that is comparable.

First you say that the reason the Jewish people were chosen was because they passed down their traditions orally. I told you that all nations did so ever since people could talk which is the truth. Now you switched the question to show me another nation that captured their history like the Jewish people, not 'the Jews' , captured theirs.

Greek mythology. Half beast half human creatures, the realm of the Gods, children of the gods, the trials and tribulations of humans, moral teachings derived from hard learned lessons of their past, etc.

There's one. It would be much easier if you just shut up and admitted you are wrong.
It's the same argument. Ancient history was passed down orally. Only the Jews were successful in passing it down. All others failed.
wrong again----the people of the Indus valley did it ----Sanskrit scriptural writings---
of course----over there in merry old----they still had BEOWULF and CANTEBURY TALES
And you think that's comparable to the answers to the origin questions, history, moral code, laws, etc?

You are such a dick.

The story of the creation of Heaven and earth is not about the creation of the universe, solar system, or the earth. Neither is it about the origin of human beings, animals, etc..

When God said 'let there be light' the earth and all its life forms were already in existence for billions of years.

The firmament, basis, of Heaven is the law that stretches out high above your addled head from horizon to horizon like a crystal clear vault.
The creation account addresses the origin of everything. It's crazy that 6,000 years ago they nailed that everything was created from nothing. And passed that knowledge down orally from generation to generation for thousands of years before it was captured in writing.

"We’ve been seeing that term “particularism” quite often this month. At its root, it refers to the core Jewish belief that the Creator of the Universe also has a special and unique relationship with His chosen people." -Mosaic Magazine

Q1 - How could a universal God have a chosen people? If God has a chosen people, He isn't universal. If universal, can't have a chosen people because He stands in a different relationship to some, i.e., is a different kind of God.

Q2 - How is chosen-people-ism different from white supremacy?
The term "Chosen" is being defined by your selective use and subjective mind, but is it the context of the meaning in the Biblical sense?

Chosen to keep the laws and instructions, reflect and manifest his Essence and memory for it's time and place to be revealed.

It would be like you having a simple project with simple directions instruction panthlet, but the person you hire to put it together chucks the instructions, writes his own panthlet that says he the worker no longer has to obey the rules of wearing safety goggles and gloves that the original panthlet warned. Then they have the nerve to complain to you the boss (who knows the outcome of not following safety measures), when the rule breaker becomes blind and has his fingertips amputated for not heeding the warning and instructions. Would you not designate someone to supervise and instruct how to follow the shop rules for sake of safety not restriction or punishment.
CHOSEN workers (servants not served) to do your good deeds, preferebly ones who obey and trusts the instructions?
Leaving aside the anthropomorphic quality of your example, my objection remains that such a God, who has an "owner-supervisor" relationship with some humans and an "owner-supervised" relationship with the others cannot, by definition, be a universal God. He is not the same God for all people. He is, if I may coin a term, a "biversal" God. But since all humans share the same reality, such a God can't be real.
Or it could be that your assumption that such a God, who has an "owner-supervisor" relationship with some humans and an "owner-supervised" relationship with the others... is wrong.

View attachment 498362
That was the formulation as presented by one of your cohorts on this thread, to which I was responding. I don't, in fact, believe that it has any basis in reality.
I have cohorts? Who are my cohorts? Why didn't someone tell me I have cohorts?

Putting that aside, it sounds like you used an argument you don't believe to try to justify an argument you do believe? Did I get that right?

If so, you literally just invalidated your own argument because you don't believe in the argument you are making.

Not to mention you can't even begin to answer this question until you actually know what they were chosen for. Would you like for me to help you with that?
"Not to mention you can't even begin to answer this question until you actually know what they were chosen for. Would you like for me to help you with that?"

Thanks, but I think I've got a handle on it. Nothing you have said has in the slightest refuted the argument implied in my question. No real God can be the One Universal God while simultaneously having a distinct relationship with a subset of humans. It is a logical impossibility unless one is willing to go to the absurd and repugnant extreme of simply declaring some humans to be not humans--an extreme from which, in fact, some of your more vile rabbis haven't recoiled in order to preserve Jewish supremacy, er, separatism.
I don't believe you do have a good handle on it at all. Again... it doesn't make sense to YOU because YOU don't know what they were chosen for.

AND what you are claiming doesn't make sense to me because I do know what they were chosen for.
Do you claim your God is universal? Creator of the universe? Indivisibly present One in all time and all space?
It's not a claim. God is.

Here's what Huston Smith has to say on this subject:

The idea that a universal god decided that the divine nature should be uniquely and incomparably disclosed to a single people is among the most difficult notions to take seriously in the entire study of religion.​
The Jews did not see themselves as singled out for privileges. They were chosen to serve, and to suffer the trials that service would often exact.​
Isaiah's doctrine of vicarious suffering meant that the Jews were elected to shoulder a suffering that would otherwise have been distributed more widely.​
It is the doctrine that God's doings can focus like a burning glass on particular times, places, and peoples - in the interest, to be sure, of intentions that embrace human beings universally.​
"It is the doctrine that God's doings can focus like a burning glass on particular times, places, and peoples - in the interest, to be sure, of intentions that embrace human beings universally."

God, your "essence", doesn't "focus". Humans focus. God doesn't have an "interest". Humans have "interests." God doesn't have "intentions" Humans have "intentions." You want to claim God is universal and a non-human essence, and then give "Him" human qualities so that you comprehend it and use this contradictory impossible phantasmagorical dream creature to justify your primitive tribal claim to specialness--a conceit the rest of humanity long ago tossed in the dustbin of ignorance and superstition along with throwing virgins in volcanoes. Give it up man. Your religion is nonsense and a threat to your fellow man. Give it up, relegate those blood-thirsty hateful tyrants of the rabbinate to the thrash heap where they belong. Stop being an embarrassment to the rest of humanity. Free yourself.
I'd say that creating the universe from nothing makes God pretty darn universal.

As for giving God human qualities... As Maimonides said, "If you remove all anthropomorphic content from your conception of God: you remove all content of any kind. In the end, you are left with a God whose essence is unknowable and indescribable. Of what possible value is such a conception either to philosophy or religion?..."

Are you proselytizing the religion of atheism? Are you here to save me from myself? Cool.

Just curious... what is it that you have accomplished in life that should make me want to follow your advice?
The Torah is abundantly clear that being God's "Chosen People" is not the basis of special favors or immunity from the consequences on their actions. They were punished time after time, even at times directly by g-d, which clearly demonstrates that there is no great benefit to being the Chosen People.

God chose the Jews to be the vehicle by which the divine message is conveyed to mankind, through the Torah.

If they were chosen because of their "supremacy," it was merely their demonstrated talent for communication, which continues to this day. Unfortunately, many if not most of the remaining "sons of Abraham" have forgotten the Message that they were commissioned to convey.

Scripture makes it clear that the Jewish people were not chosen for any merit of their own.
They were chosen for their propensity to pass down traditions orally.

Thats just dumb. Damn.

Every nation passed down their traditions orally.

The specific reason stated was that God loved them and took pity on them and so gave them clear instructions about how to live a peaceful prosperous and abundant life by standing guard over the sanctity of their own minds in a wilderness full of other nations that reflected the image and likeness of wild animals, vile and loathsome beasts and birds..
No. Not every nation did. There's been nothing like this before.

LOL.... I suggest that you go back to the drawing board before you stoop lower and embarrass yourself further than you already have before.

You may be an actor and lying fraud... but you suck at it.

Perhaps you should find another hobby....Can you twerk? Tap dance for nickels? You could make millions!
Can you point to anything which is comparable?

From the beginning every nation passed down their traditions orally.

Damn. You are a very stupid man.

Look it up yourself you lazy twit.
Show me where that history was captured like the Jews captured theirs.

There is nothing like it. Show me something that is comparable.

First you say that the reason the Jewish people were chosen was because they passed down their traditions orally. I told you that all nations did so ever since people could talk which is the truth. Now you switched the question to show me another nation that captured their history like the Jewish people, not 'the Jews' , captured theirs.

Greek mythology. Half beast half human creatures, the realm of the Gods, children of the gods, the trials and tribulations of humans, moral teachings derived from hard learned lessons of their past, etc.

There's one. It would be much easier if you just shut up and admitted you are wrong.
It's the same argument. Ancient history was passed down orally. Only the Jews were successful in passing it down. All others failed.
wrong again----the people of the Indus valley did it ----Sanskrit scriptural writings---
of course----over there in merry old----they still had BEOWULF and CANTEBURY TALES
And you think that's comparable to the answers to the origin questions, history, moral code, laws, etc?
"And you think that's comparable to the answers to the origin questions, history, moral code, laws, etc?"

Well, I will say, no other people produced such a huge incoherent written mess as the Judeans did--and certainly nothing that commanded the genocide of everyone else. Nor did anyone attempt to control every aspect of their own people's lives, nor give useless scribblers the right to decide life and death, nor justify child sacrifice in the Law
Wow. That had absolutely nothing to do with what I wrote. Now it's my turn....

It is especially easy for us to observe socialism's hostility to religion, for this is inherent, with few exceptions, in all contemporary socialist states and doctrines. Only rarely is the abolition of religion legislated, as it was in Albania. But the actions of other socialist states leave no doubt that they are all governed by this very principle and that only external difficulties have prevented its complete implementation. This same principle has been repeatedly proclaimed in socialist doctrines, beginning with the end of the seventeenth century. Sixteenth- and seventeenth-century doctrines are imbued with cold skeptical and ironic attitudes toward religion. If not consciously, then "objectively," they prepared humanity for the convergence of socialist ideology and militant atheism that took place at the end of the seventeenth century and during the course of the eighteenth. The heretical movements of the Middle Ages were religious in character, but those in which socialist tendencies were especially pronounced were the ones that were irrevocably opposed to the actual religion professed by the majority at the time. Calls to assassinate the Pope and to annihilate all monks and priests run like a red thread through the history of these movements. Their hatred for the basic symbols of Christianity--the cross and the church--is very striking. We encounter the burning of crosses and the profanation of churches from the first centuries of Christianity right up to the present day.

The Torah is abundantly clear that being God's "Chosen People" is not the basis of special favors or immunity from the consequences on their actions. They were punished time after time, even at times directly by g-d, which clearly demonstrates that there is no great benefit to being the Chosen People.

God chose the Jews to be the vehicle by which the divine message is conveyed to mankind, through the Torah.

If they were chosen because of their "supremacy," it was merely their demonstrated talent for communication, which continues to this day. Unfortunately, many if not most of the remaining "sons of Abraham" have forgotten the Message that they were commissioned to convey.

Scripture makes it clear that the Jewish people were not chosen for any merit of their own.
They were chosen for their propensity to pass down traditions orally.

Thats just dumb. Damn.

Every nation passed down their traditions orally.

The specific reason stated was that God loved them and took pity on them and so gave them clear instructions about how to live a peaceful prosperous and abundant life by standing guard over the sanctity of their own minds in a wilderness full of other nations that reflected the image and likeness of wild animals, vile and loathsome beasts and birds..
No. Not every nation did. There's been nothing like this before.

LOL.... I suggest that you go back to the drawing board before you stoop lower and embarrass yourself further than you already have before.

You may be an actor and lying fraud... but you suck at it.

Perhaps you should find another hobby....Can you twerk? Tap dance for nickels? You could make millions!
Can you point to anything which is comparable?

From the beginning every nation passed down their traditions orally.

Damn. You are a very stupid man.

Look it up yourself you lazy twit.
Show me where that history was captured like the Jews captured theirs.

There is nothing like it. Show me something that is comparable.

First you say that the reason the Jewish people were chosen was because they passed down their traditions orally. I told you that all nations did so ever since people could talk which is the truth. Now you switched the question to show me another nation that captured their history like the Jewish people, not 'the Jews' , captured theirs.

Greek mythology. Half beast half human creatures, the realm of the Gods, children of the gods, the trials and tribulations of humans, moral teachings derived from hard learned lessons of their past, etc.

There's one. It would be much easier if you just shut up and admitted you are wrong.
It's the same argument. Ancient history was passed down orally. Only the Jews were successful in passing it down. All others failed.
wrong again----the people of the Indus valley did it ----Sanskrit scriptural writings---
of course----over there in merry old----they still had BEOWULF and CANTEBURY TALES
And you think that's comparable to the answers to the origin questions, history, moral code, laws, etc?

You are such a dick.

The story of the creation of Heaven and earth is not about the creation of the universe, solar system, or the earth. Neither is it about the origin of human beings, animals, etc..

When God said 'let there be light' the earth and all its life forms were already in existence for billions of years.

The firmament, basis, of Heaven is the law that stretches out high above your addled head from horizon to horizon like a crystal clear vault.
The creation account addresses the origin of everything. It's crazy that 6,000 years ago they nailed that everything was created from nothing. And passed that knowledge down orally from generation to generation for thousands of years before it was captured in writing.

You are so pathetic.

When God said 'let there be light' the earth and all its life forms were already in existence for billions of years.

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
And God saw the light, and it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness.

This story does not follow any know scientific knowledge about the beginning of the universe. The light created by the big bang preceded the existence of the earth by billions of years and the earth did not exist before the sun.

The law was given as a light to the nations 6000 years ago. This shows that in the beginning when God created heaven and earth and said let there be light the earth was already in existence, the light spoken into existence is the law.

The firmament, basis, of Heaven is the law that stretches out high above your addled head from horizon to horizon like a crystal clear vault.
The Torah is abundantly clear that being God's "Chosen People" is not the basis of special favors or immunity from the consequences on their actions. They were punished time after time, even at times directly by g-d, which clearly demonstrates that there is no great benefit to being the Chosen People.

God chose the Jews to be the vehicle by which the divine message is conveyed to mankind, through the Torah.

If they were chosen because of their "supremacy," it was merely their demonstrated talent for communication, which continues to this day. Unfortunately, many if not most of the remaining "sons of Abraham" have forgotten the Message that they were commissioned to convey.

Scripture makes it clear that the Jewish people were not chosen for any merit of their own.
They were chosen for their propensity to pass down traditions orally.

Thats just dumb. Damn.

Every nation passed down their traditions orally.

The specific reason stated was that God loved them and took pity on them and so gave them clear instructions about how to live a peaceful prosperous and abundant life by standing guard over the sanctity of their own minds in a wilderness full of other nations that reflected the image and likeness of wild animals, vile and loathsome beasts and birds..
No. Not every nation did. There's been nothing like this before.

LOL.... I suggest that you go back to the drawing board before you stoop lower and embarrass yourself further than you already have before.

You may be an actor and lying fraud... but you suck at it.

Perhaps you should find another hobby....Can you twerk? Tap dance for nickels? You could make millions!
Can you point to anything which is comparable?

From the beginning every nation passed down their traditions orally.

Damn. You are a very stupid man.

Look it up yourself you lazy twit.
Show me where that history was captured like the Jews captured theirs.

There is nothing like it. Show me something that is comparable.

First you say that the reason the Jewish people were chosen was because they passed down their traditions orally. I told you that all nations did so ever since people could talk which is the truth. Now you switched the question to show me another nation that captured their history like the Jewish people, not 'the Jews' , captured theirs.

Greek mythology. Half beast half human creatures, the realm of the Gods, children of the gods, the trials and tribulations of humans, moral teachings derived from hard learned lessons of their past, etc.

There's one. It would be much easier if you just shut up and admitted you are wrong.
It's the same argument. Ancient history was passed down orally. Only the Jews were successful in passing it down. All others failed.
wrong again----the people of the Indus valley did it ----Sanskrit scriptural writings---
of course----over there in merry old----they still had BEOWULF and CANTEBURY TALES
And you think that's comparable to the answers to the origin questions, history, moral code, laws, etc?

You are such a dick.

The story of the creation of Heaven and earth is not about the creation of the universe, solar system, or the earth. Neither is it about the origin of human beings, animals, etc..

When God said 'let there be light' the earth and all its life forms were already in existence for billions of years.

The firmament, basis, of Heaven is the law that stretches out high above your addled head from horizon to horizon like a crystal clear vault.
The creation account addresses the origin of everything. It's crazy that 6,000 years ago they nailed that everything was created from nothing. And passed that knowledge down orally from generation to generation for thousands of years before it was captured in writing.

When God said 'let there be light' the earth and all its life forms were already in existence for billions of years.

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
And God saw the light, and it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness.

This story does not follow any know scientific knowledge of the beginning of the universe.

The law was given as a light to the nations 6000 years ago. This shows that in the beginning when God created heaven and earth and said let there be light the earth was already in existence, the light spoken into existence is the law.

You are pathetic.
Look at you trying to rationalize that the Bible doesn't begin with the account of creation.

It literally drives atheists crazy that science has proven the universe was created from nothing like the Bible said.
The Torah is abundantly clear that being God's "Chosen People" is not the basis of special favors or immunity from the consequences on their actions. They were punished time after time, even at times directly by g-d, which clearly demonstrates that there is no great benefit to being the Chosen People.

God chose the Jews to be the vehicle by which the divine message is conveyed to mankind, through the Torah.

If they were chosen because of their "supremacy," it was merely their demonstrated talent for communication, which continues to this day. Unfortunately, many if not most of the remaining "sons of Abraham" have forgotten the Message that they were commissioned to convey.

Scripture makes it clear that the Jewish people were not chosen for any merit of their own.
They were chosen for their propensity to pass down traditions orally.

Thats just dumb. Damn.

Every nation passed down their traditions orally.

The specific reason stated was that God loved them and took pity on them and so gave them clear instructions about how to live a peaceful prosperous and abundant life by standing guard over the sanctity of their own minds in a wilderness full of other nations that reflected the image and likeness of wild animals, vile and loathsome beasts and birds..
No. Not every nation did. There's been nothing like this before.

LOL.... I suggest that you go back to the drawing board before you stoop lower and embarrass yourself further than you already have before.

You may be an actor and lying fraud... but you suck at it.

Perhaps you should find another hobby....Can you twerk? Tap dance for nickels? You could make millions!
Can you point to anything which is comparable?

From the beginning every nation passed down their traditions orally.

Damn. You are a very stupid man.

Look it up yourself you lazy twit.
Show me where that history was captured like the Jews captured theirs.

There is nothing like it. Show me something that is comparable.

First you say that the reason the Jewish people were chosen was because they passed down their traditions orally. I told you that all nations did so ever since people could talk which is the truth. Now you switched the question to show me another nation that captured their history like the Jewish people, not 'the Jews' , captured theirs.

Greek mythology. Half beast half human creatures, the realm of the Gods, children of the gods, the trials and tribulations of humans, moral teachings derived from hard learned lessons of their past, etc.

There's one. It would be much easier if you just shut up and admitted you are wrong.
It's the same argument. Ancient history was passed down orally. Only the Jews were successful in passing it down. All others failed.
wrong again----the people of the Indus valley did it ----Sanskrit scriptural writings---
of course----over there in merry old----they still had BEOWULF and CANTEBURY TALES
And you think that's comparable to the answers to the origin questions, history, moral code, laws, etc?

You are such a dick.

The story of the creation of Heaven and earth is not about the creation of the universe, solar system, or the earth. Neither is it about the origin of human beings, animals, etc..

When God said 'let there be light' the earth and all its life forms were already in existence for billions of years.

The firmament, basis, of Heaven is the law that stretches out high above your addled head from horizon to horizon like a crystal clear vault.
The creation account addresses the origin of everything. It's crazy that 6,000 years ago they nailed that everything was created from nothing. And passed that knowledge down orally from generation to generation for thousands of years before it was captured in writing.

When God said 'let there be light' the earth and all its life forms were already in existence for billions of years.

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
And God saw the light, and it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness.

This story does not follow any know scientific knowledge of the beginning of the universe.

The law was given as a light to the nations 6000 years ago. This shows that in the beginning when God created heaven and earth and said let there be light the earth was already in existence, the light spoken into existence is the law.

You are pathetic.
Look at you trying to rationalize that the Bible doesn't begin with the account of creation.

It literally drives atheists crazy that science has proven the universe was created from nothing like the Bible said.

You have your head stuck further up your own ass than anyone I have ever encountered in my life.


"There is no darkness greater than that in the mind of the person whose only light in life is a lie" (hobelim 3:14)
The Torah is abundantly clear that being God's "Chosen People" is not the basis of special favors or immunity from the consequences on their actions. They were punished time after time, even at times directly by g-d, which clearly demonstrates that there is no great benefit to being the Chosen People.

God chose the Jews to be the vehicle by which the divine message is conveyed to mankind, through the Torah.

If they were chosen because of their "supremacy," it was merely their demonstrated talent for communication, which continues to this day. Unfortunately, many if not most of the remaining "sons of Abraham" have forgotten the Message that they were commissioned to convey.

Scripture makes it clear that the Jewish people were not chosen for any merit of their own.
They were chosen for their propensity to pass down traditions orally.

Thats just dumb. Damn.

Every nation passed down their traditions orally.

The specific reason stated was that God loved them and took pity on them and so gave them clear instructions about how to live a peaceful prosperous and abundant life by standing guard over the sanctity of their own minds in a wilderness full of other nations that reflected the image and likeness of wild animals, vile and loathsome beasts and birds..
No. Not every nation did. There's been nothing like this before.

LOL.... I suggest that you go back to the drawing board before you stoop lower and embarrass yourself further than you already have before.

You may be an actor and lying fraud... but you suck at it.

Perhaps you should find another hobby....Can you twerk? Tap dance for nickels? You could make millions!
Can you point to anything which is comparable?

From the beginning every nation passed down their traditions orally.

Damn. You are a very stupid man.

Look it up yourself you lazy twit.
Show me where that history was captured like the Jews captured theirs.

There is nothing like it. Show me something that is comparable.

First you say that the reason the Jewish people were chosen was because they passed down their traditions orally. I told you that all nations did so ever since people could talk which is the truth. Now you switched the question to show me another nation that captured their history like the Jewish people, not 'the Jews' , captured theirs.

Greek mythology. Half beast half human creatures, the realm of the Gods, children of the gods, the trials and tribulations of humans, moral teachings derived from hard learned lessons of their past, etc.

There's one. It would be much easier if you just shut up and admitted you are wrong.
It's the same argument. Ancient history was passed down orally. Only the Jews were successful in passing it down. All others failed.
wrong again----the people of the Indus valley did it ----Sanskrit scriptural writings---
of course----over there in merry old----they still had BEOWULF and CANTEBURY TALES
And you think that's comparable to the answers to the origin questions, history, moral code, laws, etc?

You are such a dick.

The story of the creation of Heaven and earth is not about the creation of the universe, solar system, or the earth. Neither is it about the origin of human beings, animals, etc..

When God said 'let there be light' the earth and all its life forms were already in existence for billions of years.

The firmament, basis, of Heaven is the law that stretches out high above your addled head from horizon to horizon like a crystal clear vault.
The creation account addresses the origin of everything. It's crazy that 6,000 years ago they nailed that everything was created from nothing. And passed that knowledge down orally from generation to generation for thousands of years before it was captured in writing.

When God said 'let there be light' the earth and all its life forms were already in existence for billions of years.

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
And God saw the light, and it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness.

This story does not follow any know scientific knowledge of the beginning of the universe.

The law was given as a light to the nations 6000 years ago. This shows that in the beginning when God created heaven and earth and said let there be light the earth was already in existence, the light spoken into existence is the law.

You are pathetic.
Look at you trying to rationalize that the Bible doesn't begin with the account of creation.

It literally drives atheists crazy that science has proven the universe was created from nothing like the Bible said.

You have your head stuck further up your own ass than anyone I have ever encountered in my life.


"There is no darkness greater than that in the mind of the person whose only light in life is a lie" (hobelim 3:14)
You should write a book on your belief that the account of creation wasn't about God creating the universe and see if you can get it published like this guy who wrote a book about how Genesis is describing the creation of the universe.


ding said "YOU don't know what they were chosen for."

I don't know either, anyone that knows is lying to themselves and the world..

The Jewish folks are not chosen, the OT is their book, and they have Jesus who is a Jew. The Christians are worshipping a Jew, and is their best friend, who is invisible.

All the NT books are wrote by a Jew. We don't know who Luke was but I suspect he was a Jew.

Paul I think is Josephus. The NT is set of books for/to Gentiles to worship to the Jews.
Penny, dear. Luke was a greek person trained a bit in Medicine.. He wrote in
greek and there is no evidence that he knew hebrew or aramaic or anything about
Judaism or Jesus----never met him. Paul's family background was Greek---but it
seems historically accurate that his parents were greek converts to Judaism. No one knows
who "JOHN" , author of the Book of Revulsions, was. I believe that there are several
writings that made their way into the NT from persons using "JOHN" as a pen-name.
That a person with a Catholic school education is so clueless, does not surprise me.
They were all Jews who wrote the NT. Paul is a lot like Josephus, I therefore think Josephus is Paul.

Who is Luke, they had Jewish witch doctors as well.

I will tell you a secret. Don't tell anybody!

When Paul claimed that he went blind on the road to damascus and said that he had lost his sight and stumbled around acting like a blind man for a while and then presto alakazam he could suddenly see and said that he was cured and had had a vision where Jesus appointed him to be a disciple the other disciples knew he was pretending, an actor and lying fraud, an undercover agent of the enemy, because they all knew that the blindness that Jesus cured was one of perception not sight.

I won't tell -----there is a neuro-vascular condition which results in people "SEEING"
things that are not quite there ie the person CONFABULATES---. This condition
manifests as various forms of ANTON's syndrome also called "cortical blindness"
usually a result of damage to the blood circulation of the Occipital lobes of the
brain-----------ok----so Paul had a kinda TIA transient ischemic attack

Nonsense. He was a rabid persecutor of the followers of Jesus and contradicted the teachings of Jesus himself in his writings specifically that Jesus claimed that the law was obsolete and he claimed to be God which accomplished two things. The gentiles would be cursed and the Jewish people would never accept Jesus as the messiah for as long as these lies persisted.

He was on a mission to pervert early Christianity by pretending to speak for Jesus and claimed a miracle by pretending to see after pretending to go blind.

Occam's razor dear.
Oh-----but lots of people and DA CHURCH OF ROME-----depend on Paul. ----
Personally, I have nothing against him------

Now you know why da church and all its captives are so screwed up....
not because of Paul-----Constantine did it. Does anyone REALLY have any of
Paul's original writings?
Constantine was converted on his deathbed. He did nothing.

It was the bishop of rome in collusion with a dead caesar who gave him power and authority to make himself the vicar of Christ, da pope, built his church on a hill, vaticanus, anal oracle, and its teaching about an edible mangod are just farts from the vaticanus based mostly on the writings of Paul .

BTW Many of Pauls letters were written while he was in jail. Do you think that the roman authorities would not have redacted and altered his writings before they were sent out to be pro-roman and anti-semitic?

Seriously, " a good christian should submit to all human civil authorities including the emperor" was written by Paul when Nero was Caesar,

Doesn't that stink to high heaven?
yes it does-------and he was PRO-SLAVERY----a point which Rome ingested HAPPILY
The lefty Jew-haters are out in force on this thread. This is why the DemoKKKrats have two open Holocaust deniers representing them in congress.
Not every Democrat is an unbeliever in Christianity, and not every , hardly none I dare say, believes in Christianity.

What does that have to do with the fact that so many of your fellow DemoKKKrats hate Jews and deny the Holocaust?
Guess who hate Jews, no other than the republicans and the alt right bunch of KKK.
you are living in the past------your islamo-nazi pals are now playing with the donkey
The Torah is abundantly clear that being God's "Chosen People" is not the basis of special favors or immunity from the consequences on their actions. They were punished time after time, even at times directly by g-d, which clearly demonstrates that there is no great benefit to being the Chosen People.

God chose the Jews to be the vehicle by which the divine message is conveyed to mankind, through the Torah.

If they were chosen because of their "supremacy," it was merely their demonstrated talent for communication, which continues to this day. Unfortunately, many if not most of the remaining "sons of Abraham" have forgotten the Message that they were commissioned to convey.

Scripture makes it clear that the Jewish people were not chosen for any merit of their own.
They were chosen for their propensity to pass down traditions orally.

Thats just dumb. Damn.

Every nation passed down their traditions orally.

The specific reason stated was that God loved them and took pity on them and so gave them clear instructions about how to live a peaceful prosperous and abundant life by standing guard over the sanctity of their own minds in a wilderness full of other nations that reflected the image and likeness of wild animals, vile and loathsome beasts and birds..
No. Not every nation did. There's been nothing like this before.

LOL.... I suggest that you go back to the drawing board before you stoop lower and embarrass yourself further than you already have before.

You may be an actor and lying fraud... but you suck at it.

Perhaps you should find another hobby....Can you twerk? Tap dance for nickels? You could make millions!
Can you point to anything which is comparable?

From the beginning every nation passed down their traditions orally.

Damn. You are a very stupid man.

Look it up yourself you lazy twit.
Show me where that history was captured like the Jews captured theirs.

There is nothing like it. Show me something that is comparable.

First you say that the reason the Jewish people were chosen was because they passed down their traditions orally. I told you that all nations did so ever since people could talk which is the truth. Now you switched the question to show me another nation that captured their history like the Jewish people, not 'the Jews' , captured theirs.

Greek mythology. Half beast half human creatures, the realm of the Gods, children of the gods, the trials and tribulations of humans, moral teachings derived from hard learned lessons of their past, etc.

There's one. It would be much easier if you just shut up and admitted you are wrong.
It's the same argument. Ancient history was passed down orally. Only the Jews were successful in passing it down. All others failed.
wrong again----the people of the Indus valley did it ----Sanskrit scriptural writings---
of course----over there in merry old----they still had BEOWULF and CANTEBURY TALES
And you think that's comparable to the answers to the origin questions, history, moral code, laws, etc?

You are such a dick.

The story of the creation of Heaven and earth is not about the creation of the universe, solar system, or the earth. Neither is it about the origin of human beings, animals, etc..

When God said 'let there be light' the earth and all its life forms were already in existence for billions of years.

The firmament, basis, of Heaven is the law that stretches out high above your addled head from horizon to horizon like a crystal clear vault.
The creation account addresses the origin of everything. It's crazy that 6,000 years ago they nailed that everything was created from nothing. And passed that knowledge down orally from generation to generation for thousands of years before it was captured in writing.

You are so pathetic.

When God said 'let there be light' the earth and all its life forms were already in existence for billions of years.

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
And God saw the light, and it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness.

This story does not follow any know scientific knowledge about the beginning of the universe. The light created by the big bang preceded the existence of the earth by billions of years and the earth did not exist before the sun.

The law was given as a light to the nations 6000 years ago. This shows that in the beginning when God created heaven and earth and said let there be light the earth was already in existence, the light spoken into existence is the law.

The firmament, basis, of Heaven is the law that stretches out high above your addled head from horizon to horizon like a crystal clear vault.
Have you heard about this before?

ding said "YOU don't know what they were chosen for."

I don't know either, anyone that knows is lying to themselves and the world..

The Jewish folks are not chosen, the OT is their book, and they have Jesus who is a Jew. The Christians are worshipping a Jew, and is their best friend, who is invisible.

All the NT books are wrote by a Jew. We don't know who Luke was but I suspect he was a Jew.

Paul I think is Josephus. The NT is set of books for/to Gentiles to worship to the Jews.
Penny, dear. Luke was a greek person trained a bit in Medicine.. He wrote in
greek and there is no evidence that he knew hebrew or aramaic or anything about
Judaism or Jesus----never met him. Paul's family background was Greek---but it
seems historically accurate that his parents were greek converts to Judaism. No one knows
who "JOHN" , author of the Book of Revulsions, was. I believe that there are several
writings that made their way into the NT from persons using "JOHN" as a pen-name.
That a person with a Catholic school education is so clueless, does not surprise me.
They were all Jews who wrote the NT. Paul is a lot like Josephus, I therefore think Josephus is Paul.

Who is Luke, they had Jewish witch doctors as well.

I will tell you a secret. Don't tell anybody!

When Paul claimed that he went blind on the road to damascus and said that he had lost his sight and stumbled around acting like a blind man for a while and then presto alakazam he could suddenly see and said that he was cured and had had a vision where Jesus appointed him to be a disciple the other disciples knew he was pretending, an actor and lying fraud, an undercover agent of the enemy, because they all knew that the blindness that Jesus cured was one of perception not sight.

I won't tell -----there is a neuro-vascular condition which results in people "SEEING"
things that are not quite there ie the person CONFABULATES---. This condition
manifests as various forms of ANTON's syndrome also called "cortical blindness"
usually a result of damage to the blood circulation of the Occipital lobes of the
brain-----------ok----so Paul had a kinda TIA transient ischemic attack

Nonsense. He was a rabid persecutor of the followers of Jesus and contradicted the teachings of Jesus himself in his writings specifically that Jesus claimed that the law was obsolete and he claimed to be God which accomplished two things. The gentiles would be cursed and the Jewish people would never accept Jesus as the messiah for as long as these lies persisted.

He was on a mission to pervert early Christianity by pretending to speak for Jesus and claimed a miracle by pretending to see after pretending to go blind.

Occam's razor dear.
Oh-----but lots of people and DA CHURCH OF ROME-----depend on Paul. ----
Personally, I have nothing against him------

Now you know why da church and all its captives are so screwed up....
not because of Paul-----Constantine did it. Does anyone REALLY have any of
Paul's original writings?
If writings were what is important, wouldn't Jesus have left them?
With the level of education he had, he should have been able to speak, read and write four languages, two of which would have had an instantaneous international audience.
who? Jesus? to what "level of education" do you refer?
Jesus, of course. Supposedly, he was a student with the best rabbis in Jerusalem. One could imagine their being very severe task masters.
It is equally interesting that Buddha also left no writings. There must be a reason both these men acted, or, in this case, did not act so similarly.
The Torah is abundantly clear that being God's "Chosen People" is not the basis of special favors or immunity from the consequences on their actions. They were punished time after time, even at times directly by g-d, which clearly demonstrates that there is no great benefit to being the Chosen People.

God chose the Jews to be the vehicle by which the divine message is conveyed to mankind, through the Torah.

If they were chosen because of their "supremacy," it was merely their demonstrated talent for communication, which continues to this day. Unfortunately, many if not most of the remaining "sons of Abraham" have forgotten the Message that they were commissioned to convey.

Scripture makes it clear that the Jewish people were not chosen for any merit of their own.
They were chosen for their propensity to pass down traditions orally.

Thats just dumb. Damn.

Every nation passed down their traditions orally.

The specific reason stated was that God loved them and took pity on them and so gave them clear instructions about how to live a peaceful prosperous and abundant life by standing guard over the sanctity of their own minds in a wilderness full of other nations that reflected the image and likeness of wild animals, vile and loathsome beasts and birds..
No. Not every nation did. There's been nothing like this before.

LOL.... I suggest that you go back to the drawing board before you stoop lower and embarrass yourself further than you already have before.

You may be an actor and lying fraud... but you suck at it.

Perhaps you should find another hobby....Can you twerk? Tap dance for nickels? You could make millions!
Can you point to anything which is comparable?

From the beginning every nation passed down their traditions orally.

Damn. You are a very stupid man.

Look it up yourself you lazy twit.
Show me where that history was captured like the Jews captured theirs.

There is nothing like it. Show me something that is comparable.

First you say that the reason the Jewish people were chosen was because they passed down their traditions orally. I told you that all nations did so ever since people could talk which is the truth. Now you switched the question to show me another nation that captured their history like the Jewish people, not 'the Jews' , captured theirs.

Greek mythology. Half beast half human creatures, the realm of the Gods, children of the gods, the trials and tribulations of humans, moral teachings derived from hard learned lessons of their past, etc.

There's one. It would be much easier if you just shut up and admitted you are wrong.
It's the same argument. Ancient history was passed down orally. Only the Jews were successful in passing it down. All others failed.
wrong again----the people of the Indus valley did it ----Sanskrit scriptural writings---
of course----over there in merry old----they still had BEOWULF and CANTEBURY TALES
And you think that's comparable to the answers to the origin questions, history, moral code, laws, etc?

You are such a dick.

The story of the creation of Heaven and earth is not about the creation of the universe, solar system, or the earth. Neither is it about the origin of human beings, animals, etc..

When God said 'let there be light' the earth and all its life forms were already in existence for billions of years.

The firmament, basis, of Heaven is the law that stretches out high above your addled head from horizon to horizon like a crystal clear vault.
The creation account addresses the origin of everything. It's crazy that 6,000 years ago they nailed that everything was created from nothing. And passed that knowledge down orally from generation to generation for thousands of years before it was captured in writing.

When God said 'let there be light' the earth and all its life forms were already in existence for billions of years.

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
And God saw the light, and it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness.

This story does not follow any know scientific knowledge of the beginning of the universe.

The law was given as a light to the nations 6000 years ago. This shows that in the beginning when God created heaven and earth and said let there be light the earth was already in existence, the light spoken into existence is the law.

You are pathetic.
Look at you trying to rationalize that the Bible doesn't begin with the account of creation.

It literally drives atheists crazy that science has proven the universe was created from nothing like the Bible said.

You have your head stuck further up your own ass than anyone I have ever encountered in my life.


"There is no darkness greater than that in the mind of the person whose only light in life is a lie" (hobelim 3:14)
You should write a book on your belief that the account of creation wasn't about God creating the universe and see if you can get it published like this guy who wrote a book about how Genesis is describing the creation of the universe.

View attachment 498886

lol...Make me an offer.

Just make sure it isn't thirty pieces of silver if you ever hope to become more than a jackass in this life.
The Torah is abundantly clear that being God's "Chosen People" is not the basis of special favors or immunity from the consequences on their actions. They were punished time after time, even at times directly by g-d, which clearly demonstrates that there is no great benefit to being the Chosen People.

God chose the Jews to be the vehicle by which the divine message is conveyed to mankind, through the Torah.

If they were chosen because of their "supremacy," it was merely their demonstrated talent for communication, which continues to this day. Unfortunately, many if not most of the remaining "sons of Abraham" have forgotten the Message that they were commissioned to convey.

Scripture makes it clear that the Jewish people were not chosen for any merit of their own.
They were chosen for their propensity to pass down traditions orally.

Thats just dumb. Damn.

Every nation passed down their traditions orally.

The specific reason stated was that God loved them and took pity on them and so gave them clear instructions about how to live a peaceful prosperous and abundant life by standing guard over the sanctity of their own minds in a wilderness full of other nations that reflected the image and likeness of wild animals, vile and loathsome beasts and birds..
No. Not every nation did. There's been nothing like this before.

LOL.... I suggest that you go back to the drawing board before you stoop lower and embarrass yourself further than you already have before.

You may be an actor and lying fraud... but you suck at it.

Perhaps you should find another hobby....Can you twerk? Tap dance for nickels? You could make millions!
Can you point to anything which is comparable?

From the beginning every nation passed down their traditions orally.

Damn. You are a very stupid man.

Look it up yourself you lazy twit.
Show me where that history was captured like the Jews captured theirs.

There is nothing like it. Show me something that is comparable.

First you say that the reason the Jewish people were chosen was because they passed down their traditions orally. I told you that all nations did so ever since people could talk which is the truth. Now you switched the question to show me another nation that captured their history like the Jewish people, not 'the Jews' , captured theirs.

Greek mythology. Half beast half human creatures, the realm of the Gods, children of the gods, the trials and tribulations of humans, moral teachings derived from hard learned lessons of their past, etc.

There's one. It would be much easier if you just shut up and admitted you are wrong.
It's the same argument. Ancient history was passed down orally. Only the Jews were successful in passing it down. All others failed.
wrong again----the people of the Indus valley did it ----Sanskrit scriptural writings---
of course----over there in merry old----they still had BEOWULF and CANTEBURY TALES
And you think that's comparable to the answers to the origin questions, history, moral code, laws, etc?

You are such a dick.

The story of the creation of Heaven and earth is not about the creation of the universe, solar system, or the earth. Neither is it about the origin of human beings, animals, etc..

When God said 'let there be light' the earth and all its life forms were already in existence for billions of years.

The firmament, basis, of Heaven is the law that stretches out high above your addled head from horizon to horizon like a crystal clear vault.
The creation account addresses the origin of everything. It's crazy that 6,000 years ago they nailed that everything was created from nothing. And passed that knowledge down orally from generation to generation for thousands of years before it was captured in writing.

You are so pathetic.

When God said 'let there be light' the earth and all its life forms were already in existence for billions of years.

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
And God saw the light, and it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness.

This story does not follow any know scientific knowledge about the beginning of the universe. The light created by the big bang preceded the existence of the earth by billions of years and the earth did not exist before the sun.

The law was given as a light to the nations 6000 years ago. This shows that in the beginning when God created heaven and earth and said let there be light the earth was already in existence, the light spoken into existence is the law.

The firmament, basis, of Heaven is the law that stretches out high above your addled head from horizon to horizon like a crystal clear vault.
Have you heard about this before?

Screw your stupid links to the firmament of your ignorance.

Have you ever heard about what I said about the true meaning of the creation story?

I've known about what I told you since the second grade when I first read the bible because my mother taught me how to understand fairy tales when I was 4 years old..

I've just been biding my time. I am a very patient man.

And even though the Bible was written a very long time ago and read by billions of people over thousands of years my revelation has never been seen or heard of before.

"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure lying hidden and buried in a field. (the OT) The man who found it (Jesus H. Christ) buried it again."( in the NT)

"I will give you treasures hidden in dark vaults hoarded in secret places so you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name."

"Time was when many were aghast at you, my people, and so now many nations recoil at sight of him. And kings curl their lips in disgust; for they see what they had never been told and things unheard before fill their thoughts."
Last edited:
"We’ve been seeing that term “particularism” quite often this month. At its root, it refers to the core Jewish belief that the Creator of the Universe also has a special and unique relationship with His chosen people." -Mosaic Magazine

Q1 - How could a universal God have a chosen people? If God has a chosen people, He isn't universal. If universal, can't have a chosen people because He stands in a different relationship to some, i.e., is a different kind of God.

Q2 - How is chosen-people-ism different from white supremacy?
The term "Chosen" is being defined by your selective use and subjective mind, but is it the context of the meaning in the Biblical sense?

Chosen to keep the laws and instructions, reflect and manifest his Essence and memory for it's time and place to be revealed.

It would be like you having a simple project with simple directions instruction panthlet, but the person you hire to put it together chucks the instructions, writes his own panthlet that says he the worker no longer has to obey the rules of wearing safety goggles and gloves that the original panthlet warned. Then they have the nerve to complain to you the boss (who knows the outcome of not following safety measures), when the rule breaker becomes blind and has his fingertips amputated for not heeding the warning and instructions. Would you not designate someone to supervise and instruct how to follow the shop rules for sake of safety not restriction or punishment.
CHOSEN workers (servants not served) to do your good deeds, preferebly ones who obey and trusts the instructions?
Leaving aside the anthropomorphic quality of your example, my objection remains that such a God, who has an "owner-supervisor" relationship with some humans and an "owner-supervised" relationship with the others cannot, by definition, be a universal God. He is not the same God for all people. He is, if I may coin a term, a "biversal" God. But since all humans share the same reality, such a God can't be real.
Or it could be that your assumption that such a God, who has an "owner-supervisor" relationship with some humans and an "owner-supervised" relationship with the others... is wrong.

View attachment 498362
That was the formulation as presented by one of your cohorts on this thread, to which I was responding. I don't, in fact, believe that it has any basis in reality.
I have cohorts? Who are my cohorts? Why didn't someone tell me I have cohorts?

Putting that aside, it sounds like you used an argument you don't believe to try to justify an argument you do believe? Did I get that right?

If so, you literally just invalidated your own argument because you don't believe in the argument you are making.

Not to mention you can't even begin to answer this question until you actually know what they were chosen for. Would you like for me to help you with that?
"Not to mention you can't even begin to answer this question until you actually know what they were chosen for. Would you like for me to help you with that?"

Thanks, but I think I've got a handle on it. Nothing you have said has in the slightest refuted the argument implied in my question. No real God can be the One Universal God while simultaneously having a distinct relationship with a subset of humans. It is a logical impossibility unless one is willing to go to the absurd and repugnant extreme of simply declaring some humans to be not humans--an extreme from which, in fact, some of your more vile rabbis haven't recoiled in order to preserve Jewish supremacy, er, separatism.
I don't believe you do have a good handle on it at all. Again... it doesn't make sense to YOU because YOU don't know what they were chosen for.

AND what you are claiming doesn't make sense to me because I do know what they were chosen for.
Do you claim your God is universal? Creator of the universe? Indivisibly present One in all time and all space?
It's not a claim. God is.

Here's what Huston Smith has to say on this subject:

The idea that a universal god decided that the divine nature should be uniquely and incomparably disclosed to a single people is among the most difficult notions to take seriously in the entire study of religion.​
The Jews did not see themselves as singled out for privileges. They were chosen to serve, and to suffer the trials that service would often exact.​
Isaiah's doctrine of vicarious suffering meant that the Jews were elected to shoulder a suffering that would otherwise have been distributed more widely.​
It is the doctrine that God's doings can focus like a burning glass on particular times, places, and peoples - in the interest, to be sure, of intentions that embrace human beings universally.​
"It is the doctrine that God's doings can focus like a burning glass on particular times, places, and peoples - in the interest, to be sure, of intentions that embrace human beings universally."

God, your "essence", doesn't "focus". Humans focus. God doesn't have an "interest". Humans have "interests." God doesn't have "intentions" Humans have "intentions." You want to claim God is universal and a non-human essence, and then give "Him" human qualities so that you comprehend it and use this contradictory impossible phantasmagorical dream creature to justify your primitive tribal claim to specialness--a conceit the rest of humanity long ago tossed in the dustbin of ignorance and superstition along with throwing virgins in volcanoes. Give it up man. Your religion is nonsense and a threat to your fellow man. Give it up, relegate those blood-thirsty hateful tyrants of the rabbinate to the thrash heap where they belong. Stop being an embarrassment to the rest of humanity. Free yourself.
I'd say that creating the universe from nothing makes God pretty darn universal.

As for giving God human qualities... As Maimonides said, "If you remove all anthropomorphic content from your conception of God: you remove all content of any kind. In the end, you are left with a God whose essence is unknowable and indescribable. Of what possible value is such a conception either to philosophy or religion?..."

Are you proselytizing the religion of atheism? Are you here to save me from myself? Cool.

Just curious... what is it that you have accomplished in life that should make me want to follow your advice?
Because Maimonides said a non-anthropomorphic God was useless means only that his religious insight was stilted. After all, the primitive conception of Nature, too, was anthropomorphic, and a primitive defender of angry thunder-gods needing the blood of virgins might have argued as Maimonides did, as Aristotle has been accused of arguing in his teleological Physics, but it wasn't until Bacon explicitly detached science from human subjectivity that the scientific revolution was possible. We need a religious revolution and it will be necessary for a new Bacon to slay the primitive anthropomorphic view of God in order for it to occur.

As for my accomplishments, I have made myself capable, through the power of my own intellect and the courage to think the unthinkable, of recognizing the need for a religious Bacon and acting to bring it about. What have you done?
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Is that not funny?

Is that not the point. If we, the creatures, are imbued with the power of reason and logic, then it is immaterial to "God" whether a conception of Him is logically consistent. However, it is not immaterial to us. If one of us claims God is both universal and particular, our logic tells us that person is wrong, even if the God they worship is the true creator. On that particular point the creature is logically in error and, therefore, wrong. I.e., God cannot be both universal and particular and all those who assert such are asserting a falsehood about God--surely a blasphemy. Therefore, those creatures need to accept universality as a characteristic of God or particularism, but not both.
Have you ever heard about what I said about the true meaning of the creation story?
Say more.

When God said 'let there be light' the earth and all its life forms were already in existence for billions of years.

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; (Lawless) and darkness (Confusion, superstition) was upon the face of the deep( the unknown). And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, and it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness. (heaven from hell)

This story does not follow any know scientific knowledge about the beginning of the universe. The light created by the big bang preceded the existence of the earth by billions of years and the earth did not exist before the sun.

The law was given "as a light to the nations" 6000 years ago. It follows then that in the beginning when God created heaven and earth and said "let there be light" the earth, sun, and universe were already in existence, the light spoken into existence is the law.

The firmament, basis, of Heaven is the Law, Jewish Mosaic law, that stretches out high above your addled anti semitic head from horizon to horizon like a crystal clear vault.

Either a person stands on the law and enjoys abundant life and the blessings of heaven or they are under it, under a curse, dead and enjoying the treasures of hell.

There is no in between.
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