Seriously, America, can't we do better than Trump or Hillary?

clinton is not the monster the right makes her out to be. her problems largely stem from a lack of charisma and almost 40 uears of right wing noise

not that she doesn't feed that noise, but really, she isn't what she's made out to be

I am a registered democrat------NEVER IN MY LONG LIFE have I voted for a repub for president-----and EVEN I KNOW that Hillary is a dishonest bitch.
unflinching determination to take a fresh look at the issues that either party could have done much better than Trump

Trump is friends with Putin, and does NOT KNOW that Russian troops are in Ukraine. 'nough said, candidate is UNQUALIFIED to be CinC of the USA...
"nough said" because you don't know anything beyond the spin the Clinton campaign pushes.

wrong-----from the outset of her first lady days-------the repubs were not SPINNING Hillary------but my impression of her could not be------anything but YUCK
clinton is not the monster the right makes her out to be. her problems largely stem from a lack of charisma and almost 40 uears of right wing noise

not that she doesn't feed that noise, but really, she isn't what she's made out to be

I am a registered democrat------NEVER IN MY LONG LIFE have I voted for a repub for president-----and EVEN I KNOW that Hillary is a dishonest bitch.
you have issues.

I'm not saying she's 100% honest - only that she is not the cartoon villain the right qing media makes her out to be.
unflinching determination to take a fresh look at the issues that either party could have done much better than Trump

Trump is friends with Putin, and does NOT KNOW that Russian troops are in Ukraine. 'nough said, candidate is UNQUALIFIED to be CinC of the USA...
Oh no. The US is going to befriend Russia! What a crime! Treason!:rolleyes:

Come on! If this is your argument you are bettor off with Hillary...
clinton is not the monster the right makes her out to be. her problems largely stem from a lack of charisma and almost 40 uears of right wing noise

not that she doesn't feed that noise, but really, she isn't what she's made out to be
Be realistic her problems are she has a long running history of being utterly corrupt.
she may have done some shady things, but not nearly as many or asvshady as what she has been accused of
In Arkansas, she defended a rapist who raped a 12 year old girl by claiming the 12 year old girl had enticed him into raping her and got him off with a one year sentence. That's not so bad, is it? She is simply a person of very low character.
right. defense attorneys, especially court appointed public defenders, lack character. go with that.
She wasn't a public defender. She was working for the Rose Law Firm, a job she got after she failed the DC bar exam because her husband was Attorney General. And yes, it was a terrible thing she did, something no decent person, defense attorney or not would have done.
clinton is not the monster the right makes her out to be. her problems largely stem from a lack of charisma and almost 40 uears of right wing noise

not that she doesn't feed that noise, but really, she isn't what she's made out to be
Be realistic her problems are she has a long running history of being utterly corrupt.
she may have done some shady things, but not nearly as many or asvshady as what she has been accused of
In Arkansas, she defended a rapist who raped a 12 year old girl by claiming the 12 year old girl had enticed him into raping her and got him off with a one year sentence. That's not so bad, is it? She is simply a person of very low character.
right. defense attorneys, especially court appointed public defenders, lack character. go with that.
She wasn't a public defender. She was working for the Rose Law Firm, a job she got after she failed the DC bar exam because her husband was Attorney General. And yes, it was a terrible thing she did, something no decent person, defense attorney or not would have done.
the things some people will believe...
clinton is not the monster the right makes her out to be. her problems largely stem from a lack of charisma and almost 40 uears of right wing noise

not that she doesn't feed that noise, but really, she isn't what she's made out to be

I am a registered democrat------NEVER IN MY LONG LIFE have I voted for a repub for president-----and EVEN I KNOW that Hillary is a dishonest bitch.
you have issues.

I'm not saying she's 100% honest - only that she is not the cartoon villain the right qing media makes her out to be.

I have never posted any of those silly cartoons----I just agree that she is dishonest and my PERSONAL view of her is
"ICK" As to Trump-----he acts like a clown------but I consider that clownish stuff a façade-------My impression of him is that he is more honest than is hillary
clinton is not the monster the right makes her out to be. her problems largely stem from a lack of charisma and almost 40 uears of right wing noise

not that she doesn't feed that noise, but really, she isn't what she's made out to be

I am a registered democrat------NEVER IN MY LONG LIFE have I voted for a repub for president-----and EVEN I KNOW that Hillary is a dishonest bitch.
you have issues.

I'm not saying she's 100% honest - only that she is not the cartoon villain the right qing media makes her out to be.

I have never posted any of those silly cartoons----I just agree that she is dishonest and my PERSONAL view of her is
"ICK" As to Trump-----he acts like a clown------but I consider that clownish stuff a façade-------My impression of him is that he is more honest than is hillary
i question how anyone can beloeve trump to be more honest when he will and does lie over just about anything.

either you are dishonest yourself or you aren't paying attention.
This election is a GDF disgrace.

One candidate is an absolute moron who behaves like he is in third grade and cannot shut his trap. He doesn't have a clue about things like the Cold War. He insults dead American heroes who fought for our country and were decorated for doing so posthumously. He is a complete disgrace. I'd cheer if he got punched in the face.

The other is one of the most disgusting serial liars who has spent her entire life rising to the top for reasons other than her doing anything worthy of being promoted. She steals, she lies, she is surrounded by fraud and kleptocrats, and always has someone else grease her way out of trouble. She takes credit for things she didn't do. She has the most fraudulent "marriage" in the history of marriage. She is completely unworthy of our trust, not to mention our country, and she is backed by the same warmongering traitors who loved W. She doesn't deserve to be in the White House. She does deserve to be in a different living facility, one with metal bars on every window.

Seriously, isn't this election telling us our two parties are ####ed up beyond hope?

I'd like to propose that we all refuse to vote for either one. Make this election Stein vs. Johnson, and flip the bird at the Dems and the GOP.

Are you with me???
Do you see us liberals complaining about our choice?

Notice every person who doesn't like either candidate is a Republican?
Anyone and everyone who thinks we have a right-wing media is to the left of Trotsky, way left.
Look up how the corporations got bill Clinton to deregulate the media in 1997 and the media stopped being truly liberal.

Anyone who calls the media liberal is living in 1996
unflinching determination to take a fresh look at the issues that either party could have done much better than Trump

Trump is friends with Putin, and does NOT KNOW that Russian troops are in Ukraine. 'nough said, candidate is UNQUALIFIED to be CinC of the USA...
Oh no. The US is going to befriend Russia! What a crime! Treason!:rolleyes:

Come on! If this is your argument you are bettor off with Hillary...
In fact, before Clinton became president the US did have friendly relations with Russia. Bush41 persuaded Gorbachov to liberate the Soviet satellite states by promising him that the US would not allow these states to join NATO, an organization formed to fight the Soviet Union, now Russia, but when Clinton took office he promptly broke that promise and had 12 of these states inducted into NATO, thus surrounding the Russian Federation with an organization formed to fight them. Moreover, Clinton pressured the Russian government to privatize state properties as quickly as possible and since the Russians were somewhat dependent on US aid at that time, they did and it led to economic and political chaos until Putin came to power and began to repair some of the damage the Clintons had done.

Putin's distrust of America and his determination not to allow the West to gain influence or control over nations bordering the Russian Federation is a direct result of the perfidy and incompetence of the Clinton.administration.

Trump admires Putin as a strong leaders who rescued his country from the humiliation and chaos the Clintons' misguided enthusiasms helped create, and he will certainly try to repair the damage the Clintons have done to US-Russia relations.
$20T debt. Out of control govt. $100s' T unfunded. SSI stolen? Medicare paid by "us" but given to illegals. Planes trains automobiles flown WW at your cost for "the elite"! Just a few..

And "they" want more the same? Time for a businessman, not another failed lying cheating non-working lawyer.

Don't worry, if Trump in another loon in 4 years. We know "they" fail. Last one to shake it up was RWR. I was not paying attention but RWR set table for 20 yr run prosperity I heard.
unflinching determination to take a fresh look at the issues that either party could have done much better than Trump

Trump is friends with Putin, and does NOT KNOW that Russian troops are in Ukraine. 'nough said, candidate is UNQUALIFIED to be CinC of the USA...
Oh no. The US is going to befriend Russia! What a crime! Treason!:rolleyes:

Come on! If this is your argument you are bettor off with Hillary...
In fact, before Clinton became president the US did have friendly relations with Russia. Bush41 persuaded Gorbachov to liberate the Soviet satellite states by promising him that the US would not allow these states to join NATO, an organization formed to fight the Soviet Union, now Russia, but when Clinton took office he promptly broke that promise and had 12 of these states inducted into NATO, thus surrounding the Russian Federation with an organization formed to fight them. Moreover, Clinton pressured the Russian government to privatize state properties as quickly as possible and since the Russians were somewhat dependent on US aid at that time, they did and it led to economic and political chaos until Putin came to power and began to repair some of the damage the Clintons had done.

Putin's distrust of America and his determination not to allow the West to gain influence or control over nations bordering the Russian Federation is a direct result of the perfidy and incompetence of the Clinton.administration.

Trump admires Putin as a strong leaders who rescued his country from the humiliation and chaos the Clintons' misguided enthusiasms helped create, and he will certainly try to repair the damage the Clintons have done to US-Russia relations.
Putin is a dictator who wants to make the USSR great again. What would you/ trump, Romney, McCain do about it?
This election is a GDF disgrace.

One candidate is an absolute moron who behaves like he is in third grade and cannot shut his trap. He doesn't have a clue about things like the Cold War. He insults dead American heroes who fought for our country and were decorated for doing so posthumously. He is a complete disgrace. I'd cheer if he got punched in the face.

The other is one of the most disgusting serial liars who has spent her entire life rising to the top for reasons other than her doing anything worthy of being promoted. She steals, she lies, she is surrounded by fraud and kleptocrats, and always has someone else grease her way out of trouble. She takes credit for things she didn't do. She has the most fraudulent "marriage" in the history of marriage. She is completely unworthy of our trust, not to mention our country, and she is backed by the same warmongering traitors who loved W. She doesn't deserve to be in the White House. She does deserve to be in a different living facility, one with metal bars on every window.

Seriously, isn't this election telling us our two parties are ####ed up beyond hope?

I'd like to propose that we all refuse to vote for either one. Make this election Stein vs. Johnson, and flip the bird at the Dems and the GOP.

Are you with me???

What is your problem with understanding that the MSM bias is putting out all sorts of garbage on Trump and protecting Hillary?
That is the gross distinction.
As far as Trump being a moron. When was the last time a moron was worth over $1 billion, has had 10s of thousands of people working for him, has been seen by 2 billion viewers over the last 14 years? Pretty damn good for a moron.
So let's take Mr. Trump's hysterical blown out of proportion statement..."
“If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the second amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know. But I’ll tell you what, that will be a horrible day.”

Now please tell me how ANYONE unless they are morons or the MSM can interpret that Trump wants to assassinate Hillary?
WHERE was that word even used???

Trump wants assassinate Hillary...... 813,000 times results since he made the above statement.
So if you ask me it is MORONS like you that can't
distinguish the crap that the MSM is blowing so out of proportion while as Chris Cuomo of CNN says>>>
appears we have passed the point where hiding the collusion is even necessary...

Here is CNN's New Day host Chris Cuomo explaining how - for Hillary Clinton -
"we [CNN] could not help her any more than we have... she's got just a free ride so far with the media."
CNN Admits "We Couldn't Help [Hillary] Any More Than We Have" | Zero Hedge

So how brain dead do YOU have to be to make such an absolute idiotic comparison between Trump and Hillary?
Again... MSM and idiots are against Trump.... MSM and idiots are FOR HILLARY!!
Plain and simple and if YOU can't see the gross distinction... YOU ARE THE MORON!!!

clinton is not the monster the right makes her out to be. her problems largely stem from a lack of charisma and almost 40 uears of right wing noise

not that she doesn't feed that noise, but really, she isn't what she's made out to be

I am a registered democrat------NEVER IN MY LONG LIFE have I voted for a repub for president-----and EVEN I KNOW that Hillary is a dishonest bitch.
you have issues.

I'm not saying she's 100% honest - only that she is not the cartoon villain the right qing media makes her out to be.

I have never posted any of those silly cartoons----I just agree that she is dishonest and my PERSONAL view of her is
"ICK" As to Trump-----he acts like a clown------but I consider that clownish stuff a façade-------My impression of him is that he is more honest than is hillary
i question how anyone can beloeve trump to be more honest when he will and does lie over just about anything.

either you are dishonest yourself or you aren't paying attention.

I have been paying attention------tell me --what is TRUMP's LIE?
Do you see us liberals complaining about our choice?

So, what you are saying is that "liberals" do not care about integrity, merit, trustworthiness, patriotism, or the financial solvency of the US. All "liberals" care about is how big their next government check is?


Bernie supporters are not happy. They must not be "liberals..."
unflinching determination to take a fresh look at the issues that either party could have done much better than Trump

Trump is friends with Putin, and does NOT KNOW that Russian troops are in Ukraine. 'nough said, candidate is UNQUALIFIED to be CinC of the USA...
Oh no. The US is going to befriend Russia! What a crime! Treason!:rolleyes:

Come on! If this is your argument you are bettor off with Hillary...
In fact, before Clinton became president the US did have friendly relations with Russia. Bush41 persuaded Gorbachov to liberate the Soviet satellite states by promising him that the US would not allow these states to join NATO, an organization formed to fight the Soviet Union, now Russia, but when Clinton took office he promptly broke that promise and had 12 of these states inducted into NATO, thus surrounding the Russian Federation with an organization formed to fight them. Moreover, Clinton pressured the Russian government to privatize state properties as quickly as possible and since the Russians were somewhat dependent on US aid at that time, they did and it led to economic and political chaos until Putin came to power and began to repair some of the damage the Clintons had done.

Putin's distrust of America and his determination not to allow the West to gain influence or control over nations bordering the Russian Federation is a direct result of the perfidy and incompetence of the Clinton.administration.

Trump admires Putin as a strong leaders who rescued his country from the humiliation and chaos the Clintons' misguided enthusiasms helped create, and he will certainly try to repair the damage the Clintons have done to US-Russia relations.
Putin is a dictator who wants to make the USSR great again. What would you/ trump, Romney, McCain do about it?

I will answer for that which I believe that Trump would do ----since neither Ronney nor McCain are in the running. Trump
will attempt to remove Putin's financial ability to attain his 'IMPERIALIST" ambitions-----not be attempting to
impoverish Russia-----but by pulling the financial resources
of the Russia's imperialist adventures. Right now----that includes Putin's cynical GRAB on the Ukraine and on his
throat hold on Syria in collusion with Iran

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