Seriously, America, can't we do better than Trump or Hillary?

Putin is not the topic. Trump or Beast? No contest. You liberals is sick twisted selfish SOB. You don't care if continue system D=debt=collapse to ensure USA children will have it worse off. Asia will eat your lunch fools. They already have taken most industry. They work hard, little crime, plan, build and succeed. You don't stand a chance. Do you see them fooling w/muslim scum? China has been getting rooted into even Africa, quietly.

You didn't really think Rupert Murdoch was a "conservative" "Catholic" did you??

Murdoch's media properties were all for BILL CLINTON in 1992 because BILL CLINTON was FOR WAR AGAINST IRAQ, which is what ISRAEL WANTED...

Remember when GHWB "didn't finish the job" in Iraq?
rebuild the trust with Russia that was established by Reagan

Reagan didn't even communicate with USSR, other than to tell Gorby to tear down this wall..

You don't have a clue, and that is why you don't see Trump for what he is...
Do you see them fooling w/muslim scum?

All muslims are "scum?"

I bet you've never even met one...

Ill bet I have. Worked with many on daily basis. They don't willingly denounce 50-60 yrs of daily muslim mayhem even if asked. You may get a "those guys are crazy" but no more. I have heard calls to prayer 5 times a day, seen the full burka eating meals with "the man" standing guard. If muslims are so great why everyday for 100 yrs or more, wake up to see how many civilian they murder today. The good ones I worked with, lol, just have yet to join the fight it seems. They seem to be fine with it all.
To that end I would tell Donald to promise countries like Ukraine, for example, would not be allowed to join either the EU or NATO but would be allowed to form bilateral trade agreements with western countries that would allow Ukraine to prosper in return for Russia not interfering in Ukrainian political affairs.
Trump, the US, cannot forbid a country to join the EU. After the Nato turned Ukraine into a bankrupt hell hole where praising of jew-murdering nazi gangs is obligatory, the EU´s interest in Ukraine has dwindled sharply, anyway. The right step are elections in Ukraine with the Party of Regions and Yanukovich allowed to run.

TI would further suggest that the US would strongly support Russia keeping its bases in Syria under long term leases if Russia would drop its objections to Assad stepping down in an orderly way to allow a new government or governments to take control.
What is that American desire to remove President Assad about? Do you have any reason to condemn this socialist but libertarian, secular, progressive and strong government, which is democratically legitimated?

These are things Trump might be able to do but which Clinton would not be able to do because of the history of the Clinton administrations dealing with Russia.
Clinton has no interest in America. The ruling elite already dropped America. Clinton will try to drag the US deeper into the conflicts for reasons that are obscure and make no sense at all.
clinton is not the monster the right makes her out to be. her problems largely stem from a lack of charisma and almost 40 uears of right wing noise

not that she doesn't feed that noise, but really, she isn't what she's made out to be
No, she's not, you are correct. And she will make a great president. The woman has overcome more hardship than anyone else in politics because she is grounded and confident and she doesn't, as my dad always advised, let the bastards get her down.
To that end I would tell Donald to promise countries like Ukraine, for example, would not be allowed to join either the EU or NATO but would be allowed to form bilateral trade agreements with western countries that would allow Ukraine to prosper in return for Russia not interfering in Ukrainian political affairs.
Trump, the US, cannot forbid a country to join the EU. After the Nato turned Ukraine into a bankrupt hell hole where praising of jew-murdering nazi gangs is obligatory, the EU´s interest in Ukraine has dwindled sharply, anyway. The right step are elections in Ukraine with the Party of Regions and Yanukovich allowed to run.

TI would further suggest that the US would strongly support Russia keeping its bases in Syria under long term leases if Russia would drop its objections to Assad stepping down in an orderly way to allow a new government or governments to take control.
What is that American desire to remove President Assad about? Do you have any reason to condemn this socialist but libertarian, secular, progressive and strong government, which is democratically legitimated?

These are things Trump might be able to do but which Clinton would not be able to do because of the history of the Clinton administrations dealing with Russia.
Clinton has no interest in America. The ruling elite already dropped America. Clinton will try to drag the US deeper into the conflicts for reasons that are obscure and make no sense at all.
The US has no direct power to prevent the EU from allowing Ukraine to join, but the US has great influence there and can effectively prevent it from happening.

Are you being sarcastic about Assad?
I have to admit though it is a little disheartening that the GOP will attack her nonstop because she's female while pretending that isn't the reason. Similar to the attacks on Obama for being black.
I have to admit though it is a little disheartening that the GOP will attack her nonstop because she's female while pretending that isn't the reason. Similar to the attacks on Obama for being black.
It is disheartening to see Democrats pretend the attacks on Hillary are because she is female and the attacks on Obama are because he is black rather than because of what they have done. It suggests you think Obama's and Clinton's actions are indefensible.
. They don't willingly denounce 50-60 yrs of daily muslim mayhem even if asked

You are a full of shit bigot.

I bet you still think "the Muslims" were behind 911...

Battery issue. No idea sept 11? Thats what they told "us"? Not bigot, tired of death by 1000 cuts. Not in your league.. I mostly paid attention since they killed housing, IRA, 401K in 08' carry on, please.
I have to admit though it is a little disheartening that the GOP will attack her nonstop because she's female while pretending that isn't the reason. Similar to the attacks on Obama for being black.
It is disheartening to see Democrats pretend the attacks on Hillary are because she is female and the attacks on Obama are because he is black rather than because of what they have done. It suggests you think Obama's and Clinton's actions are indefensible.
What they have done is try to clean up Dubya's mess. With great success overall.
clinton is not the monster the right makes her out to be. her problems largely stem from a lack of charisma and almost 40 uears of right wing noise

not that she doesn't feed that noise, but really, she isn't what she's made out to be

I am a registered democrat------NEVER IN MY LONG LIFE have I voted for a repub for president-----and EVEN I KNOW that Hillary is a dishonest bitch.
you have issues.

I'm not saying she's 100% honest - only that she is not the cartoon villain the right qing media makes her out to be.

I have never posted any of those silly cartoons----I just agree that she is dishonest and my PERSONAL view of her is
"ICK" As to Trump-----he acts like a clown------but I consider that clownish stuff a façade-------My impression of him is that he is more honest than is hillary
i question how anyone can beloeve trump to be more honest when he will and does lie over just about anything.

either you are dishonest yourself or you aren't paying attention.

I have been paying attention------tell me --what is TRUMP's LIE?
so no, you haven't
The US has no direct power to prevent the EU from allowing Ukraine to join, but the US has great influence there and can effectively prevent it from happening.
Trump would not succeed in offering Putin a dirty deal. Russia is interested in calm border regions. Trump promised to change the way the US makes foreign polices.

Are you being sarcastic about Assad?
No. What you "know" about Syria, you got from sources that are hailing Islamist terrorists. Your first steps should be this links:
Syrian presidential election, 2014 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Syrian parliamentary election, 2016 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I have to admit though it is a little disheartening that the GOP will attack her nonstop because she's female while pretending that isn't the reason. Similar to the attacks on Obama for being black.
It is disheartening to see Democrats pretend the attacks on Hillary are because she is female and the attacks on Obama are because he is black rather than because of what they have done. It suggests you think Obama's and Clinton's actions are indefensible.
What they have done is try to clean up Dubya's mess. With great success overall.
In fact what they have done is to create the mess we now see in the ME and the refugee crisis we see in Europe. Had Obama not withdrawn the troops from Iraq against the Pentagon's advice the Sunni Shia conflict would not have reignited and ISIS would not have be born and if Obama had taken action back in 2012 to stop Assad from using his air force against the rebels, that war would have quickly ended, Russia would not be back in the ME and the refugees would not have fled to Europe. It will be up to President Trump to try to repair the mess Obama and Clinton have made of the ME and to try to repair the damage the Clinton did to US Russia relations.
I have to admit though it is a little disheartening that the GOP will attack her nonstop because she's female while pretending that isn't the reason. Similar to the attacks on Obama for being black.
It is disheartening to see Democrats pretend the attacks on Hillary are because she is female and the attacks on Obama are because he is black rather than because of what they have done. It suggests you think Obama's and Clinton's actions are indefensible.
What they have done is try to clean up Dubya's mess. With great success overall.
In fact what they have done is to create the mess we now see in the ME and the refugee crisis we see in Europe. Had Obama not withdrawn the troops from Iraq against the Pentagon's advice the Sunni Shia conflict would not have reignited and ISIS would not have be born and if Obama had taken action back in 2012 to stop Assad from using his air force against the rebels, that war would have quickly ended, Russia would not be back in the ME and the refugees would not have fled to Europe. It will be up to President Trump to try to repair the mess Obama and Clinton have made of the ME and to try to repair the damage the Clinton did to US Russia relations.
Keep telling yourself that while you applaud Bush for invading the wrong country.

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