Seriously, How Awesome Was Obama? Post Your Favorite Moments

This was another exciting Obama moment


Obama does not how to do a proper bow in Japan or Saudi Arabia. A slight nod of the forehead is a proper bow in Japan even when meeting the President of a Japan based huge company. Proper bowing techniques are essential in the Far East.
Obama does not how to do a proper bow in Japan or Saudi Arabia. A slight nod of the forehead is a proper bow in Japan even when meeting the President of a Japan based huge company. Proper bowing techniques are essential in the Far East.
I agree...

Obamas past history of picking up soap obviously influenced his bow technique...:lol:
A true class act. Best president I've seen in my lifetime. A man of integrity and heart. Extraordinarily rare qualities in a politician.

This is my favorite moment. What's yours?

He was as "awesome" as shower mold.
My favorite Obama moment was when the the asshole flew of to Vegas the morning after the Benghazi attack.

I particularly liked when he closed all the veterans memorials and parks, even those that were open 24/7 and actually cost money to close when he didn't get his way on a particular vote. A more disgusting POS act it would be hard to comprehend. That level of douchebaggery, when veterans had traveled to THEIR new memorial, and who's days were numbered, is hard for me to reconcile.

It takes a true asshole to do that to an old person.

Going out of his way to make sequestration painful for ordinary Americans showed what a PIECE OF SHIT partisan hack he is.

They had GUARDS at scenic overlooks of Mount Rushmore. Think about that...they claim they didn't have money to run the National Park Service, so they had GUARDS at highway overlooks to make sure no one pulled over to look at Mount Rushmore.

Fuck glad to see that Asshole go.

I do thank him for ruining the Democrat party.
Obama is a likeable guy.

His foreign policy is a mixed bag. We left Iraq and got Bin Laden but I can't think of any other positives.

Having a hard time thinking of positives in domestic policy.
A true class act. Best president I've seen in my lifetime. A man of integrity and heart. Extraordinarily rare qualities in a politician.

This is my favorite moment. What's yours?

It will be Jan20, 2017 when he leaves office.
Being a nice guy =/= being a good president

I think Obama conducted himself with class and is overall a nice guy.

With that said I think he was a terrible president.

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