Seriously, what kind of a country have we become when people hope their President is guilty?

Stop and think about that for a minute...We had/have ‘citizens’ praying that their President was guilty of crimes against America.
Imagine what our grandparents would think of these filthy fucks?
I'm praying that we never see him again ,,,,soon Given the opportunity I will piss on his grave The man is an AH supported by AH's
I am sure nothing would change your mind, so I see no need to try. Believe what you want. It's not like Trump ever lied before, Right?

This has nothing to do with Trump. This has to do with Barr and his analysis and conclusion of the report that you are in denial of.

I hope we can at least agree that according to the report, there was no Russian collusion even though that wouldn't be against the law. Obstruction is interfering or impeding an investigation or legal process. Trump didn't do either. Why? Because he was not guilty of anything. Why would he obstruct an investigation that would prove his innocence?

What Mueller said is he didn't have enough evidence to charge Trump with obstruction, but it doesn't mean somebody else can't try. He was just throwing the Democrats a bone since it's their agenda to try and stretch this out until 2020.

Collusion isn't a legal term. Barr is nothing more than a mouthpiece for Trump. That's why he repeated the "no collusion" claim about a half dozen times in his press conference. That's why he said Mueller left it to him to decide, when he clearly did not.

It may not be a legal term but it was why the investigation was conducted in the first place. Collusion was wall to wall media for two years.

Remember that Hillary lied to Congress under oath, and destroyed evidence they wanted to see, and even she wasn't charged with obstruction. So now you say it's justifiable for Trump even though you can't point to one instance where the case could possibly be made?

Lots of instances where the case for conspiracy could be made. You haven't read the report, have you?

No I haven't, and neither have you. I depend on legal scholars that did read it and agreed with Barr. Now it's conspiracy? Conspiracy to what? In Mueller's report, he specifically stated that no American was involved in tampering with our election system.
Barr is a fn lying sack of shit ,,a trump ass kisser
This has nothing to do with Trump. This has to do with Barr and his analysis and conclusion of the report that you are in denial of.

I hope we can at least agree that according to the report, there was no Russian collusion even though that wouldn't be against the law. Obstruction is interfering or impeding an investigation or legal process. Trump didn't do either. Why? Because he was not guilty of anything. Why would he obstruct an investigation that would prove his innocence?

What Mueller said is he didn't have enough evidence to charge Trump with obstruction, but it doesn't mean somebody else can't try. He was just throwing the Democrats a bone since it's their agenda to try and stretch this out until 2020.

Collusion isn't a legal term. Barr is nothing more than a mouthpiece for Trump. That's why he repeated the "no collusion" claim about a half dozen times in his press conference. That's why he said Mueller left it to him to decide, when he clearly did not.

It may not be a legal term but it was why the investigation was conducted in the first place. Collusion was wall to wall media for two years.

Remember that Hillary lied to Congress under oath, and destroyed evidence they wanted to see, and even she wasn't charged with obstruction. So now you say it's justifiable for Trump even though you can't point to one instance where the case could possibly be made?

Lots of instances where the case for conspiracy could be made. You haven't read the report, have you?

No I haven't, and neither have you. I depend on legal scholars that did read it and agreed with Barr. Now it's conspiracy? Conspiracy to what? In Mueller's report, he specifically stated that no American was involved in tampering with our election system.
Barr is a fn lying sack of shit ,,a trump ass kisser

Only because he didn't agree with you. The left praised Mueller up and down until the report came out. Now he's the devil incarnate. They wouldn't even let the man attend Easter services without harassing him. Now who's the assholes?
Collusion isn't a legal term. Barr is nothing more than a mouthpiece for Trump. That's why he repeated the "no collusion" claim about a half dozen times in his press conference. That's why he said Mueller left it to him to decide, when he clearly did not.

It may not be a legal term but it was why the investigation was conducted in the first place. Collusion was wall to wall media for two years.

Remember that Hillary lied to Congress under oath, and destroyed evidence they wanted to see, and even she wasn't charged with obstruction. So now you say it's justifiable for Trump even though you can't point to one instance where the case could possibly be made?

Lots of instances where the case for conspiracy could be made. You haven't read the report, have you?

No I haven't, and neither have you. I depend on legal scholars that did read it and agreed with Barr. Now it's conspiracy? Conspiracy to what? In Mueller's report, he specifically stated that no American was involved in tampering with our election system.
Barr is a fn lying sack of shit ,,a trump ass kisser

Only because he didn't agree with you. The left praised Mueller up and down until the report came out. Now he's the devil incarnate. They wouldn't even let the man attend Easter services without harassing him. Now who's the assholes?
Mueller the devil ?? More republican BS Barr misrepresented everything Mueller found. Barr is a lowlife trump ass kissing pos like most republicans here
Stop and think about that for a minute...We had/have ‘citizens’ praying that their President was guilty of crimes against America.
Imagine what our grandparents would think of these filthy fucks?
Well...I myself as a European-American have realized there is neurotic self hate I don't share amongst some of us . Particularly among wealthy Europeans Americans. Now IF they have guilt, perhaps they feel they gained something from their whiteness, perhaps they should do something good. Kill themselves. Give all their ill gotten gains to the poor or non Europeans. Me? I didn't get anything from my ancestry, and I have NOTHING to do with rich European Anglos and neither have I benefited from my race, quite the contrary actually. Being what they call " poor white trash", I get ALL the blame with none of the benefit.
Stop and think about that for a minute...We had/have ‘citizens’ praying that their President was guilty of crimes against America.
Imagine what our grandparents would think of these filthy fucks?

It's kind of a double edged sword really.

Let's say that Barr's investigation leads him to Obama for the spying. Wouldn't we on the right hope that Obama is guilty?
I don't know about the 'right' as that seems a pretty vague term. I know that THIS conservative would not be hoping that Obama is guilty of spying on an American candidate.
Stop and think about that for a minute...We had/have ‘citizens’ praying that their President was guilty of crimes against America.
Imagine what our grandparents would think of these filthy fucks?

It's kind of a double edged sword really.

Let's say that Barr's investigation leads him to Obama for the spying. Wouldn't we on the right hope that Obama is guilty?

No I wouldn't think that way, go with evidence regardless of what party the accused is from. If the evidence show he is guilty, then he is guilty, but if it doesn't then he is innocent.

However to charge Mr. Obama of such a serious charge, there has to be very credible evidence to make a charge in the first place.

Partisan politics stinks to high heaven, it is a major factor why I stay away from political parties for over 25 years now. I have seen many people here and elsewhere try hard to defend the indefensible because they want to support their chosen political party on it. What a sad way to go, living with that mindset that can make you appear foolish as hell.

I knew for over a year that Mueller never had anything on Trump over Russian Election conspiracy claims. I knew because I don't have to please some party ideology to support or attack President Trump, I went with the evidence/ or the lack of it in this case.
The republicans vowed to short circuit anything Obama tried to do as president back before he even entered the white house. It was on the day of his inauguration. I know most republicans don't know this since this stuff isn't taught at the limbaugh or hannity institutes of propaganda, so I'll post a link below.

The Conspiracy to Commit Legislative Constipation
Clearly, you weren't taught anything either.

The Republicans failed to stop Obama's policy agenda, which is what they were supposed to oppose.

Obama's policies were bad for America and they needed opposing. Now, maybe if you gave a first thought -- your first ever perhaps -- to the difference between hoping someone is guilty of a crime and legitimate political opposition, you'd realize just how pathetic you sound.
Stop and think about that for a minute...We had/have ‘citizens’ praying that their President was guilty of crimes against America.
Imagine what our grandparents would think of these filthy fucks?
I'm praying that we never see him again ,,,,soon Given the opportunity I will piss on his grave The man is an AH supported by AH's

I wouldn't let you.
People hate Trump. Trumps is a ...asshole. I voted for him. Because of the bigger assholes, the LEFTIST liberals. . I was a liberal . Not a leftist. I realized that liberals now aren't my version of what liberals should be. Now, they morphed into the thought police from Orwell. I oppose them. I repudiate them.
Stop and think about that for a minute...We had/have ‘citizens’ praying that their President was guilty of crimes against America.
Imagine what our grandparents would think of these filthy fucks?

It's kind of a double edged sword really.

Let's say that Barr's investigation leads him to Obama for the spying. Wouldn't we on the right hope that Obama is guilty?

No I wouldn't think that way, go with evidence regardless of what party the accused is from. If the evidence show he is guilty, then he is guilty, but if it doesn't then he is innocent.

However to charge Mr. Obama of such a serious charge, there has to be very credible evidence to make a charge in the first place.

Partisan politics stinks to high heaven, it is a major factor why I stay away from political parties for over 25 years now. I have seen many people here and elsewhere try hard to defend the indefensible because they want to support their chosen political party on it. What a sad way to go, living with that mindset that can make you appear foolish as hell.

I knew for over a year that Mueller never had anything on Trump over Russian Election conspiracy claims. I knew because I don't have to please some party ideology to support or attack President Trump, I went with the evidence/ or the lack of it in this case.

I would totally disagree there. Plenty of proof that showed Hillary erased evidence. She bleach bitted her hard drive. She busted her cell phones with hammers. She had her husband meet with the AG for a private plane conference.

There is a difference of having evidence against somebody and charging somebody.

We can agree it would be difficult if not impossible to get Obama. Even though I believe he was the leader of the pack, nobody will turn their back on him unless they are facing serious prison time, and again, that's not likely to happen either.

I'm not being partisan either. During the Obama administration, there was a cabal that worked in unison to stop Trump from being (or continuing to be) President.
Stop and think about that for a minute...We had/have ‘citizens’ praying that their President was guilty of crimes against America.
Imagine what our grandparents would think of these filthy fucks?

It's kind of a double edged sword really.

Let's say that Barr's investigation leads him to Obama for the spying. Wouldn't we on the right hope that Obama is guilty?
I don't know about the 'right' as that seems a pretty vague term. I know that THIS conservative would not be hoping that Obama is guilty of spying on an American candidate.

Somebody is responsible. I can't believe these things were going on under his nose and he had no idea or say in what was happening.
It may not be a legal term but it was why the investigation was conducted in the first place. Collusion was wall to wall media for two years.

Remember that Hillary lied to Congress under oath, and destroyed evidence they wanted to see, and even she wasn't charged with obstruction. So now you say it's justifiable for Trump even though you can't point to one instance where the case could possibly be made?

Lots of instances where the case for conspiracy could be made. You haven't read the report, have you?

No I haven't, and neither have you. I depend on legal scholars that did read it and agreed with Barr. Now it's conspiracy? Conspiracy to what? In Mueller's report, he specifically stated that no American was involved in tampering with our election system.
Barr is a fn lying sack of shit ,,a trump ass kisser

Only because he didn't agree with you. The left praised Mueller up and down until the report came out. Now he's the devil incarnate. They wouldn't even let the man attend Easter services without harassing him. Now who's the assholes?
Mueller the devil ?? More republican BS Barr misrepresented everything Mueller found. Barr is a lowlife trump ass kissing pos like most republicans here

If Barr misrepresented "everything" Muller had, then why is Mueller so quiet about it?
If anything NOW in this current zeitgeist says anything: controlling speech. Blacks calling each other this word, then saying that same word is racist...doublespeak, something out of Orwell. I think that same doublespeak applies to just about anything. Black on black crime? The overall crime rate? Oceania has always been at war with Easteasia.
If anything NOW in this current zeitgeist says anything: controlling speech. Blacks calling each other this word, then saying that same word is racist...doublespeak, something out of Orwell. I think that same doublespeak applies to just about anything. Black on black crime? The overall crime rate? Oceania has always been at war with Easteasia.

if controlling speech is bad why do conservatives want to silence liberals and democrats?
If anything NOW in this current zeitgeist says anything: controlling speech. Blacks calling each other this word, then saying that same word is racist...doublespeak, something out of Orwell. I think that same doublespeak applies to just about anything. Black on black crime? The overall crime rate? Oceania has always been at war with Easteasia.

if controlling speech is bad why do conservatives want to silence liberals and democrats?

Who wants to silence liberals and Democrats? Not us.
If anything NOW in this current zeitgeist says anything: controlling speech. Blacks calling each other this word, then saying that same word is racist...doublespeak, something out of Orwell. I think that same doublespeak applies to just about anything. Black on black crime? The overall crime rate? Oceania has always been at war with Easteasia.

if controlling speech is bad why do conservatives want to silence liberals and democrats?

Who wants to silence liberals and Democrats? Not us.
A few days ago, on the Colorado mayoral candidate is a midget transsexual handicapped person. No joke. Seriously! The mad hatters get all the attention here... Perhaps I should run as candidate. Straight rights person that isn't handicapped and is white by birth not choice and is being harmed by race baiting anti white haters pro real immigrants Party.

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