Seriously, what kind of a country have we become when people hope their President is guilty?

If anything NOW in this current zeitgeist says anything: controlling speech. Blacks calling each other this word, then saying that same word is racist...doublespeak, something out of Orwell. I think that same doublespeak applies to just about anything. Black on black crime? The overall crime rate? Oceania has always been at war with Easteasia.

if controlling speech is bad why do conservatives want to silence liberals and democrats?

Who wants to silence liberals and Democrats? Not us.
A few days ago, on the Colorado mayoral candidate is a midget transsexual handicapped person. No joke. Seriously! The mad hatters get all the attention here... Perhaps I should run as candidate. Straight rights person that isn't handicapped and is white by birth not choice and is being harmed by race baiting anti white haters pro real immigrants Party.

Cisgender ableist supremacy!
If anything NOW in this current zeitgeist says anything: controlling speech. Blacks calling each other this word, then saying that same word is racist...doublespeak, something out of Orwell. I think that same doublespeak applies to just about anything. Black on black crime? The overall crime rate? Oceania has always been at war with Easteasia.

if controlling speech is bad why do conservatives want to silence liberals and democrats?

Who wants to silence liberals and Democrats? Not us.
A few days ago, on the Colorado mayoral candidate is a midget transsexual handicapped person. No joke. Seriously! The mad hatters get all the attention here... Perhaps I should run as candidate. Straight rights person that isn't handicapped and is white by birth not choice and is being harmed by race baiting anti white haters pro real immigrants Party.

Cisgender ableist supremacy!
I will recognize the internet troll agenda, and the contrarians as well. Your rights are being ignored. You may or may not have rights, it depends! I will defend or bash you, just like a real political liberal vacillating politician!
Stop and think about that for a minute...We had/have ‘citizens’ praying that their President was guilty of crimes against America.
Imagine what our grandparents would think of these filthy fucks?

if liberals and dems want trump to be GUILTY of crimes then they are NO FKN DIFFERENT from conservatives and republicans who, on a daily basis, talk about locking up every dem or liberal in the country.
Lots of instances where the case for conspiracy could be made. You haven't read the report, have you?

No I haven't, and neither have you. I depend on legal scholars that did read it and agreed with Barr. Now it's conspiracy? Conspiracy to what? In Mueller's report, he specifically stated that no American was involved in tampering with our election system.
Barr is a fn lying sack of shit ,,a trump ass kisser

Only because he didn't agree with you. The left praised Mueller up and down until the report came out. Now he's the devil incarnate. They wouldn't even let the man attend Easter services without harassing him. Now who's the assholes?
Mueller the devil ?? More republican BS Barr misrepresented everything Mueller found. Barr is a lowlife trump ass kissing pos like most republicans here

If Barr misrepresented "everything" Muller had, then why is Mueller so quiet about it?
I don't know But it's not over He's very careful His words count Not like some one who has vomit spurting from his mouth daily
Libturd, you are a rogue, a rascal, a villain, a thief, a scoundrel, and a mean, dirty, stinking, sniveling, sneaking, pimping, pocket-picking, thrice damned no-good son of a bitch.
Stop and think about that for a minute...We had/have ‘citizens’ praying that their President was guilty of crimes against America.
Imagine what our grandparents would think of these filthy fucks?

if liberals and dems want trump to be GUILTY of crimes then they are NO FKN DIFFERENT from conservatives and republicans who, on a daily basis, talk about locking up every dem or liberal in the country.

Yep, just wait for the evidence, which seems to be mounting every day...dumbass.
Shall we talk about foreign collusion? Ok. Why do states follow federal laws in general?
Interstate commerce. Food and drugs and guns and kidnapping, that is OK? But then certain states and cities disavow federal immigration law? Mexicans make great pets, er cheap labor. Talk about foreign collusion, why are we ignoring this greater issue of businesses conspiring with local governments/ officials above and beyond the will or the benefit of the people to allow Mexicans to violate local or federal immigration laws?...Now, why isn't that on the agenda of liberals when it comes to collusion? That is a far larger and more clear issue that this vague "Russian Collusion " crap. What DID the RUSSIANS actual DO? As apposed to say giving sanctuary to illegal aliens by god knows whom? Don't say humanitarianism, because I have known plenty of people that fled real oppression and communism and they weren't given this level of treatment. Not entire cities that gave them sanctuary from federal immigration law. So this "Sanctuary City" stuff comes of as a cynical ploy to manipulate the narrative...
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No I haven't, and neither have you. I depend on legal scholars that did read it and agreed with Barr. Now it's conspiracy? Conspiracy to what? In Mueller's report, he specifically stated that no American was involved in tampering with our election system.
Barr is a fn lying sack of shit ,,a trump ass kisser

Only because he didn't agree with you. The left praised Mueller up and down until the report came out. Now he's the devil incarnate. They wouldn't even let the man attend Easter services without harassing him. Now who's the assholes?
Mueller the devil ?? More republican BS Barr misrepresented everything Mueller found. Barr is a lowlife trump ass kissing pos like most republicans here

If Barr misrepresented "everything" Muller had, then why is Mueller so quiet about it?
I don't know But it's not over He's very careful His words count Not like some one who has vomit spurting from his mouth daily

It's been nine days and nothing yet. Something tells me Muller said all he has to say.
Barr is a fn lying sack of shit ,,a trump ass kisser

Only because he didn't agree with you. The left praised Mueller up and down until the report came out. Now he's the devil incarnate. They wouldn't even let the man attend Easter services without harassing him. Now who's the assholes?
Mueller the devil ?? More republican BS Barr misrepresented everything Mueller found. Barr is a lowlife trump ass kissing pos like most republicans here

If Barr misrepresented "everything" Muller had, then why is Mueller so quiet about it?
I don't know But it's not over He's very careful His words count Not like some one who has vomit spurting from his mouth daily

It's been nine days and nothing yet. Something tells me Muller said all he has to say.
Didn't the house invite him to testify?
Seriously, what kind of a country have we become when people hope their President is guilty?
Misleading headline. From what I see of polls, most people suspect/know Individual1 is guilty, it's the conviction they're hoping for.
Only because he didn't agree with you. The left praised Mueller up and down until the report came out. Now he's the devil incarnate. They wouldn't even let the man attend Easter services without harassing him. Now who's the assholes?
Mueller the devil ?? More republican BS Barr misrepresented everything Mueller found. Barr is a lowlife trump ass kissing pos like most republicans here

If Barr misrepresented "everything" Muller had, then why is Mueller so quiet about it?
I don't know But it's not over He's very careful His words count Not like some one who has vomit spurting from his mouth daily

It's been nine days and nothing yet. Something tells me Muller said all he has to say.
Didn't the house invite him to testify?

I believe so but I don't know what happened to that. Mueller wouldn't need Congress to say something was wrong with Barr's assessment of his report. He would go right to the media.
Seriously, what kind of a country have we become when people hope their President is guilty?
Misleading headline. From what I see of polls, most people suspect/know Individual1 is guilty, it's the conviction they're hoping for.
BUT just as the swine did as a private citizen he has his lawyers out in full force
Stop and think about that for a minute...We had/have ‘citizens’ praying that their President was guilty of crimes against America.
Imagine what our grandparents would think of these filthy fucks?
Certainly there are also plenty of people praying that Obama and or Hillary are guilty of crimes. Just as bad.

Thats why we need stop living in fantasy land, return to objective reality.
People hate Trump. Trumps is a ...asshole. I voted for him. Because of the bigger assholes, the LEFTIST liberals. . I was a liberal . Not a leftist. I realized that liberals now aren't my version of what liberals should be. Now, they morphed into the thought police from Orwell. I oppose them. I repudiate them.

Cool story about how you voted for a total asshole. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
Stop and think about that for a minute...We had/have ‘citizens’ praying that their President was guilty of crimes against America.
Imagine what our grandparents would think of these filthy fucks?
Our Grandparents elected Nixon twice that is what they say.
If anything NOW in this current zeitgeist says anything: controlling speech. Blacks calling each other this word, then saying that same word is racist...doublespeak, something out of Orwell. I think that same doublespeak applies to just about anything. Black on black crime? The overall crime rate? Oceania has always been at war with Easteasia.

if controlling speech is bad why do conservatives want to silence liberals and democrats?

Who wants to silence liberals and Democrats? Not us.
The more they talk the more they let the masses know the're off their rockers.
People hate Trump. Trumps is a ...asshole. I voted for him. Because of the bigger assholes, the LEFTIST liberals. . I was a liberal . Not a leftist. I realized that liberals now aren't my version of what liberals should be. Now, they morphed into the thought police from Orwell. I oppose them. I repudiate them.

Cool story about how you voted for a total asshole. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
I sleep rather well, troll boy. And you? You perhaps voted for the other asshole that lost. Berniobamclinton. An asshole by any other name...
People hate Trump. Trumps is a ...asshole. I voted for him. Because of the bigger assholes, the LEFTIST liberals. . I was a liberal . Not a leftist. I realized that liberals now aren't my version of what liberals should be. Now, they morphed into the thought police from Orwell. I oppose them. I repudiate them.

Cool story about how you voted for a total asshole. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
Anyone not thinking that we can do so much better than this POS in our WH now, has to remove their heads from their butts
We have liberals that remind me of the L. Carrol's mad hatter. Telling us we have to beware of the conservative fumious bandersnach. Meanwhile liberals come up with new genders telling us gender is a construct. Lectures and hyperbole. They rant about racism when all they do is hate on whites, LIBERALS are just new age neurotic contrarian scolds that hate themselves and love lecturing. Typical vapid minded pseudointellectuals.
People hate Trump. Trumps is a ...asshole. I voted for him. Because of the bigger assholes, the LEFTIST liberals. . I was a liberal . Not a leftist. I realized that liberals now aren't my version of what liberals should be. Now, they morphed into the thought police from Orwell. I oppose them. I repudiate them.

Cool story about how you voted for a total asshole. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
Anyone not thinking that we can do so much better than this POS in our WH now, has to remove their heads from their butts

Better in what way? Lowest unemployment in nearly 50 years, median household income at record level highs, same goes for our largest employers, small businesses, out of that stupid Paris Accord, lower taxes, no more Commie Care fines, how can we do much better?

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