Seriously, what kind of a country have we become when people hope their President is guilty?

Stop and think about that for a minute...We had/have ‘citizens’ praying that their President was guilty of crimes against America.
Imagine what our grandparents would think of these filthy fucks?

It's kind of a double edged sword really.

Let's say that Barr's investigation leads him to Obama for the spying. Wouldn't we on the right hope that Obama is guilty?
I don't know about the 'right' as that seems a pretty vague term. I know that THIS conservative would not be hoping that Obama is guilty of spying on an American candidate.

Somebody is responsible. I can't believe these things were going on under his nose and he had no idea or say in what was happening.
Yes, but that is what impartial investigations are for. I'm hoping they find the guilty party, but I am not hoping it is one particular person.
Stop and think about that for a minute...We had/have ‘citizens’ praying that their President was guilty of crimes against America.
Imagine what our grandparents would think of these filthy fucks?

Nobody wants Trump to be guilty of anything, but ignoring his guilt, as you are, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
But it doesn't exist. Over two years of investigation and millions of tax dollars for a report that says, NOT guilty of collusion or obstruction.

You can't say "nobody wants Trump to be guilty of anything" and still insist that he is guilty in spite of the lack of evidence.

In Trump world, up has become down.
People have yet to explain to me what they dislike about Trump policy wise and how they are worse off with him as Pres.

It's almost as if not one single person has voiced an objection to .....

Border wall
Muslim ban
Mistreatment of refugees
Eliminating Obamacare, or in the alternative undermining it to implosion
Deteriorating foreign relations with key allies
Pandering to Kim Jong Un
Tariff wars
Persistent anti-environmentalism
Undermining animal abuse enforcement
Condoning human rights atrocities like the brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi

Just to name a few off the top of my head.
People have yet to explain to me what they dislike about Trump policy wise and how they are worse off with him as Pres.

It's almost as if not one single person has voiced an objection to .....

Border wall
Muslim ban
Mistreatment of refugees
Eliminating Obamacare, or in the alternative undermining it to implosion
Deteriorating foreign relations with key allies
Pandering to Kim Jong Un
Tariff wars
Persistent anti-environmentalism
Undermining animal abuse enforcement
Condoning human rights atrocities like the brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi

Just to name a few off the top of my head.

The nation is much more hostile to anyone who is non white, non christian, and homosexual. How’d that happen? We have a President who is belligerent toward non whites, non christians (except for Jews) and homosexuals. So school pictures are like this:


“Very Fine People” protest like this:


And if you’re in the military or our service academies, you’re told that your service is no longer needed based on your sexual preferences. If we do ever have a national emergency where we draft people…this should be a great policy going forward…..(actual DoD publication).


Wouldn’t want that job as the commander…”Son, prove you’re gayness to me!”

Essentially, Trump is a creep. A lot of his supporters are creeps.
Stop and think about that for a minute...We had/have ‘citizens’ praying that their President was guilty of crimes against America.
Imagine what our grandparents would think of these filthy fucks?

Nobody wants Trump to be guilty of anything, but ignoring his guilt, as you are, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
But it doesn't exist. Over two years of investigation and millions of tax dollars for a report that says, NOT guilty of collusion or obstruction.

You can't say "nobody wants Trump to be guilty of anything" and still insist that he is guilty in spite of the lack of evidence.

Actually, the report shows 10 different instances of obstruction of justice. Did you read the report or just take your favorite fake news source word for it?
Stop and think about that for a minute...We had/have ‘citizens’ praying that their President was guilty of crimes against America.
Imagine what our grandparents would think of these filthy fucks?

Our grandparents would have never allowed the likes of Trump to be elected.
Or Clinton. The anti bush hedge .. Or G.W. Bush. Son of Bush big oil in government clone. Hell No. Or Obama. He was half black his career rode on that But then our forbearers voted for FDR , JFK or Nixon. Our political choices back then were rather dodgy then, too.

FDR was so popular with my grandparents generation, they voted for him 4 times. He was the greatest President of the 20th century bar none. It's not even close.

My grandfather was a decorated WW1 veteran, with the Purple Heart being one of those decorations. If he were to have been alive to see the likes of a Trump disrespect the likes of a John McCain, that generation would have called for Trumps head.
Stop and think about that for a minute...We had/have ‘citizens’ praying that their President was guilty of crimes against America.
Imagine what our grandparents would think of these filthy fucks?

Nobody wants Trump to be guilty of anything, but ignoring his guilt, as you are, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
But it doesn't exist. Over two years of investigation and millions of tax dollars for a report that says, NOT guilty of collusion or obstruction.

You can't say "nobody wants Trump to be guilty of anything" and still insist that he is guilty in spite of the lack of evidence.

In Trump world, up has become down.

Like 3.2% GDP is down from 1% in purple lips time.
Stop and think about that for a minute...We had/have ‘citizens’ praying that their President was guilty of crimes against America.
Imagine what our grandparents would think of these filthy fucks?

Nobody wants Trump to be guilty of anything, but ignoring his guilt, as you are, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
But it doesn't exist. Over two years of investigation and millions of tax dollars for a report that says, NOT guilty of collusion or obstruction.

You can't say "nobody wants Trump to be guilty of anything" and still insist that he is guilty in spite of the lack of evidence.

Actually, the report shows 10 different instances of obstruction of justice. Did you read the report or just take your favorite fake news source word for it?

I don't read MSM hit pieces. I let experts like Savage Rush Levin decode what is happening. I dont have time. I listen driving back and firth.
Stop and think about that for a minute...We had/have ‘citizens’ praying that their President was guilty of crimes against America.
Imagine what our grandparents would think of these filthy fucks?
We are thinking we are a nation of laws. Your fat assed orange buddy broke the ;aw. We want him prosecuted.

Trump picked a AG who believes a sitting President can't be indicted.

You assfucks think that means he didn't break the law.
People hate Trump. Trumps is a ...asshole. I voted for him. Because of the bigger assholes, the LEFTIST liberals. . I was a liberal . Not a leftist. I realized that liberals now aren't my version of what liberals should be. Now, they morphed into the thought police from Orwell. I oppose them. I repudiate them.

Cool story about how you voted for a total asshole. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
Anyone not thinking that we can do so much better than this POS in our WH now, has to remove their heads from their butts

Hillary was not "better".
People have yet to explain to me what they dislike about Trump policy wise and how they are worse off with him as Pres.

It's almost as if not one single person has voiced an objection to .....

Border wall - SECURING our border for safety and security
Muslim ban - TERRORIST ban
Mistreatment of refugees - Treated same as under Obama and Bush
Nepotism - Bid effing deal. How's it hurting? Bobby Kennedy?
Eliminating Obamacare, or in the alternative undermining it to implosion - GOOD!
Deteriorating foreign relations with key allies - Holding allies and trade partners accountable
Pandering to Kim Jong Un - Peace on the Korean peninsula
Tariff wars - Making trade deals more fair for the U.S.
Persistent anti-environmentalism - How? Where?
Undermining animal abuse enforcement - How? Where?
Condoning human rights atrocities like the brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi - Joking right?

Just to name a few off the top of my head.

Responses in your quotes. You are clueless as usual.
Stop and think about that for a minute...We had/have ‘citizens’ praying that their President was guilty of crimes against America.
Imagine what our grandparents would think of these filthy fucks?
We are thinking we are a nation of laws. Your fat assed orange buddy broke the ;aw. We want him prosecuted.

Trump picked a AG who believes a sitting President can't be indicted.

You assfucks think that means he didn't break the law.

So what law did he break?
My grandfather was a decorated WW1 veteran, with the Purple Heart being one of those decorations. If he were to have been alive to see the likes of a Trump disrespect the likes of a John McCain, that generation would have called for Trumps head.

Not to worry. If he's a Democrat, he's probably still voting today.
Stop and think about that for a minute...We had/have ‘citizens’ praying that their President was guilty of crimes against America.
Imagine what our grandparents would think of these filthy fucks?

It's kind of a double edged sword really.

Let's say that Barr's investigation leads him to Obama for the spying. Wouldn't we on the right hope that Obama is guilty?
I don't know about the 'right' as that seems a pretty vague term. I know that THIS conservative would not be hoping that Obama is guilty of spying on an American candidate.

Somebody is responsible. I can't believe these things were going on under his nose and he had no idea or say in what was happening.
Yes, but that is what impartial investigations are for. I'm hoping they find the guilty party, but I am not hoping it is one particular person.

No honest judge would have issued a warrant with the main source of information being opposition research. If a judge did issue a warrant based on that, he or she should be thrown off the bench. It's likely whoever submitted the FISA court information lied or misled. Those are the people I would like to see locked up. I don't worry about Obama. He will have his day with God.
Stop and think about that for a minute...We had/have ‘citizens’ praying that their President was guilty of crimes against America.
Imagine what our grandparents would think of these filthy fucks?

No hope is involved.
He is guilty of attempting to obstruct the mueller investigation.

How did he do that? Care to give us an example?


All 100% bull. I won't go through the list, but nothing there is obstructing justice. What is the source, the US Communist Party?
Stop and think about that for a minute...We had/have ‘citizens’ praying that their President was guilty of crimes against America.
Imagine what our grandparents would think of these filthy fucks?

It's kind of a double edged sword really.

Let's say that Barr's investigation leads him to Obama for the spying. Wouldn't we on the right hope that Obama is guilty?
I don't know about the 'right' as that seems a pretty vague term. I know that THIS conservative would not be hoping that Obama is guilty of spying on an American candidate.

Somebody is responsible. I can't believe these things were going on under his nose and he had no idea or say in what was happening.
Yes, but that is what impartial investigations are for. I'm hoping they find the guilty party, but I am not hoping it is one particular person.

No honest judge would have issued a warrant with the main source of information being opposition research. If a judge did issue a warrant based on that, he or she should be thrown off the bench. It's likely whoever submitted the FISA court information lied or misled. Those are the people I would like to see locked up. I don't worry about Obama. He will have his day with God.

That would be all Republicans. Just like the judges on the FISA court. Therein lies your problem. And none of the investigators, or the judges are the least bit concerned about anything Trump has to say about it.

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