Seriously, what kind of a country have we become when people hope their President is guilty?

It's kind of a double edged sword really.

Let's say that Barr's investigation leads him to Obama for the spying. Wouldn't we on the right hope that Obama is guilty?
I don't know about the 'right' as that seems a pretty vague term. I know that THIS conservative would not be hoping that Obama is guilty of spying on an American candidate.

Somebody is responsible. I can't believe these things were going on under his nose and he had no idea or say in what was happening.
Yes, but that is what impartial investigations are for. I'm hoping they find the guilty party, but I am not hoping it is one particular person.

No honest judge would have issued a warrant with the main source of information being opposition research. If a judge did issue a warrant based on that, he or she should be thrown off the bench. It's likely whoever submitted the FISA court information lied or misled. Those are the people I would like to see locked up. I don't worry about Obama. He will have his day with God.

That would be all Republicans. Just like the judges on the FISA court. Therein lies your problem. And none of the investigators, or the judges are the least bit concerned about anything Trump has to say about it.

Like I said, chances are the judge(s) did no wrong. It's the people at the FBI who submitted those applications I want to see a total investigation on.
Stop and think about that for a minute...We had/have ‘citizens’ praying that their President was guilty of crimes against America.
Imagine what our grandparents would think of these filthy fucks?

You have it wrong.

We KNOW he's guilty. We HOPE he is held accountable.

Sounds totally bottom feeding weirdos know he’s guilty but the worlds greatest investigator and $35 million taxpayer dollars couldn’t prove it...Hmmm
Stop and think about that for a minute...We had/have ‘citizens’ praying that their President was guilty of crimes against America.
Imagine what our grandparents would think of these filthy fucks?

You have it wrong.

We KNOW he's guilty. We HOPE he is held accountable.

Sounds totally bottom feeding weirdos know he’s guilty but the worlds greatest investigator and $35 million taxpayer dollars couldn’t prove it...Hmmm

Incorrect. It isn’t that he couldn’t prove it. It’s that he had a mandate that said regardless of what he found, he could not indict.

The fucker obstructed justice and his campaign colluded with Russian agents. It will all come out in the wash. The assholes legal chickens will come home to roost in the Southern District of New York and the Manhattan DA’s Office.

People have yet to explain to me what they dislike about Trump policy wise and how they are worse off with him as Pres.

It's almost as if not one single person has voiced an objection to .....

Border wall
Muslim ban
Mistreatment of refugees
Eliminating Obamacare, or in the alternative undermining it to implosion
Deteriorating foreign relations with key allies
Pandering to Kim Jong Un
Tariff wars
Persistent anti-environmentalism
Undermining animal abuse enforcement
Condoning human rights atrocities like the brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi

Just to name a few off the top of my head.

The nation is much more hostile to anyone who is non white, non christian, and homosexual. How’d that happen? We have a President who is belligerent toward non whites, non christians (except for Jews) and homosexuals. So school pictures are like this:


“Very Fine People” protest like this:


And if you’re in the military or our service academies, you’re told that your service is no longer needed based on your sexual preferences. If we do ever have a national emergency where we draft people…this should be a great policy going forward…..(actual DoD publication).


Wouldn’t want that job as the commander…”Son, prove you’re gayness to me!”

Essentially, Trump is a creep. A lot of his supporters are creeps.

Versus that black dude who for eight long years told Americans they had it all wrong...that America needed fewer Whites, that man on man butt sex is cool, that men in dresses should shit next to our teen daughters, that lowlife degenerates and criminals were more important than good quality positive contributors, that Americans owe the world?
People have yet to explain to me what they dislike about Trump policy wise and how they are worse off with him as Pres.

It's almost as if not one single person has voiced an objection to .....

Border wall
Muslim ban
Mistreatment of refugees
Eliminating Obamacare, or in the alternative undermining it to implosion
Deteriorating foreign relations with key allies
Pandering to Kim Jong Un
Tariff wars
Persistent anti-environmentalism
Undermining animal abuse enforcement
Condoning human rights atrocities like the brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi

Just to name a few off the top of my head.

You didn’t answer my question. How are you personally worse off? Do you suffer because US and France don’t have as tight of a relationship or that terrorists killed Jamal or negotiations with NK? You should answer the question instead of cutting and pasting from Google. Want to try again? And what key allies? Israel? Oh wait they are better.
Last edited:
People have yet to explain to me what they dislike about Trump policy wise and how they are worse off with him as Pres.

It's almost as if not one single person has voiced an objection to .....

Border wall
Muslim ban
Mistreatment of refugees
Eliminating Obamacare, or in the alternative undermining it to implosion
Deteriorating foreign relations with key allies
Pandering to Kim Jong Un
Tariff wars
Persistent anti-environmentalism
Undermining animal abuse enforcement
Condoning human rights atrocities like the brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi

Just to name a few off the top of my head.

The nation is much more hostile to anyone who is non white, non christian, and homosexual. How’d that happen? We have a President who is belligerent toward non whites, non christians (except for Jews) and homosexuals. So school pictures are like this:


“Very Fine People” protest like this:


And if you’re in the military or our service academies, you’re told that your service is no longer needed based on your sexual preferences. If we do ever have a national emergency where we draft people…this should be a great policy going forward…..(actual DoD publication).


Wouldn’t want that job as the commander…”Son, prove you’re gayness to me!”

Essentially, Trump is a creep. A lot of his supporters are creeps.

As a Jew I felt that most under BHO. We became very PC. My kids schools had swastikas an anti Jew vandalism. I felt that was when the term “white privilege” became a common term. That is when capitalism sort off became evil and impacted me business wise. Just my truth. The response was Trump but by then the country was already very divided. Case and point is Ferguson. Didn’t happen under Trump.
Stop and think about that for a minute...We had/have ‘citizens’ praying that their President was guilty of crimes against America.
Imagine what our grandparents would think of these filthy fucks?

You have it wrong.

We KNOW he's guilty. We HOPE he is held accountable.

Sounds totally bottom feeding weirdos know he’s guilty but the worlds greatest investigator and $35 million taxpayer dollars couldn’t prove it...Hmmm

Incorrect. It isn’t that he couldn’t prove it. It’s that he had a mandate that said regardless of what he found, he could not indict.

The fucker obstructed justice and his campaign colluded with Russian agents. It will all come out in the wash. The assholes legal chickens will come home to roost in the Southern District of New York and the Manhattan DA’s Office.


It did? Mueller found no collusion or conspiracy. Obstruction is a gray area because he is the President and Mueller was working for him. So you’re an expert over the FBI and the AG? Explains why you see nothing wrong with biological boys playing hoops vs. biological girls.
Stop and think about that for a minute...We had/have ‘citizens’ praying that their President was guilty of crimes against America.
Imagine what our grandparents would think of these filthy fucks?
Perhaps a country where we've got a Constitution that ensures that a President has to follow the law just like the rest of us....and if not, has the same legal consequences as the rest of us. At least in theory.
Stop and think about that for a minute...We had/have ‘citizens’ praying that their President was guilty of crimes against America.
Imagine what our grandparents would think of these filthy fucks?

You have it wrong.

We KNOW he's guilty. We HOPE he is held accountable.

Sounds totally bottom feeding weirdos know he’s guilty but the worlds greatest investigator and $35 million taxpayer dollars couldn’t prove it...Hmmm

Incorrect. It isn’t that he couldn’t prove it. It’s that he had a mandate that said regardless of what he found, he could not indict.

The fucker obstructed justice and his campaign colluded with Russian agents. It will all come out in the wash. The assholes legal chickens will come home to roost in the Southern District of New York and the Manhattan DA’s Office.


It did? Mueller found no collusion or conspiracy. Obstruction is a gray area because he is the President and Mueller was working for him. So you’re an expert over the FBI and the AG? Explains why you see nothing wrong with biological boys playing hoops vs. biological girls.

The report never used the words "no collusion". There was collusion. They did not find criminal conspiracy. They did find criminal obstruction. They COULD NOT indict. Simple.

Stop and think about that for a minute...We had/have ‘citizens’ praying that their President was guilty of crimes against America.
Imagine what our grandparents would think of these filthy fucks?

You have it wrong.

We KNOW he's guilty. We HOPE he is held accountable.

Sounds totally bottom feeding weirdos know he’s guilty but the worlds greatest investigator and $35 million taxpayer dollars couldn’t prove it...Hmmm

Incorrect. It isn’t that he couldn’t prove it. It’s that he had a mandate that said regardless of what he found, he could not indict.

The fucker obstructed justice and his campaign colluded with Russian agents. It will all come out in the wash. The assholes legal chickens will come home to roost in the Southern District of New York and the Manhattan DA’s Office.


It did? Mueller found no collusion or conspiracy. Obstruction is a gray area because he is the President and Mueller was working for him. So you’re an expert over the FBI and the AG? Explains why you see nothing wrong with biological boys playing hoops vs. biological girls.

The report never used the words "no collusion". There was collusion. They did not find criminal conspiracy. They did find criminal obstruction. They COULD NOT indict. Simple.


Collision is not a crime. Fact. The report could not find Collusion or Conspiracy. Fact. Obstruction is a gray area. Fact. Alan Dershowitz a Liberal agrees with Barr. Fact. You think biological boys who identify as girls should compete in sports vs biological girls and think those who disagree with you are insensitive. Fact.

If you cannot understand that a 7th grade boy has an advantage over 7th grade girls athletically in most instances then all of your opinions about all other topics are invalid.
Stop and think about that for a minute...We had/have ‘citizens’ praying that their President was guilty of crimes against America.
Imagine what our grandparents would think of these filthy fucks?

You have it wrong.

We KNOW he's guilty. We HOPE he is held accountable.

Sounds totally bottom feeding weirdos know he’s guilty but the worlds greatest investigator and $35 million taxpayer dollars couldn’t prove it...Hmmm

Incorrect. It isn’t that he couldn’t prove it. It’s that he had a mandate that said regardless of what he found, he could not indict.

The fucker obstructed justice and his campaign colluded with Russian agents. It will all come out in the wash. The assholes legal chickens will come home to roost in the Southern District of New York and the Manhattan DA’s Office.


It did? Mueller found no collusion or conspiracy. Obstruction is a gray area because he is the President and Mueller was working for him. So you’re an expert over the FBI and the AG? Explains why you see nothing wrong with biological boys playing hoops vs. biological girls.

The report never used the words "no collusion". There was collusion. They did not find criminal conspiracy. They did find criminal obstruction. They COULD NOT indict. Simple.


Why could they not indict if all that you claim was found?
Incorrect. It isn’t that he couldn’t prove it. It’s that he had a mandate that said regardless of what he found, he could not indict.

"f we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state," the report's conclusion said. They didn't so state, saying that "based on the facts and the applicable legal standard, we are unable to reach that judgment." But Barr and Rosenstein did, concluding that the President did not obstruct, partly because of their conclusion there was not evidence of corrupt intent.
Incorrect. It isn’t that he couldn’t prove it. It’s that he had a mandate that said regardless of what he found, he could not indict.

"f we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state," the report's conclusion said. They didn't so state, saying that "based on the facts and the applicable legal standard, we are unable to reach that judgment." But Barr and Rosenstein did, concluding that the President did not obstruct, partly because of their conclusion there was not evidence of corrupt intent.

“But, but, but....I know he’s guilty because I want to be so bad. I also know Brett Kavanaugh is guilty because I want him to be so bad.”
Incorrect. It isn’t that he couldn’t prove it. It’s that he had a mandate that said regardless of what he found, he could not indict.

"f we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state," the report's conclusion said. They didn't so state, saying that "based on the facts and the applicable legal standard, we are unable to reach that judgment." But Barr and Rosenstein did, concluding that the President did not obstruct, partly because of their conclusion there was not evidence of corrupt intent.

“But, but, but....I know he’s guilty because I want to be so bad. I also know Brett Kavanaugh is guilty because I want him to be so bad.”

It's amazing how two people can read the same exact words, and come up with different conclusions.

All Mueller said is that he can't completely rule out obstruction, but didn't have the evidence to move forward with it as a chargeable crime. Obstruction is ambiguous and subjective. However obstruction means to interfere with an investigation or legal process. Trump did none of these things.

What the left is claiming is that Trump is guilty of obstruction because he had opinions he voiced publicly, or that he "wanted" to do something that never happened. That's not obstruction. But then again, we all know how the left loves the idea of thought police. 1984 is their favorite movie.
People have yet to explain to me what they dislike about Trump policy wise and how they are worse off with him as Pres.

It's almost as if not one single person has voiced an objection to .....

Border wall
Muslim ban
Mistreatment of refugees
Eliminating Obamacare, or in the alternative undermining it to implosion
Deteriorating foreign relations with key allies
Pandering to Kim Jong Un
Tariff wars
Persistent anti-environmentalism
Undermining animal abuse enforcement
Condoning human rights atrocities like the brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi

Just to name a few off the top of my head.

The nation is much more hostile to anyone who is non white, non christian, and homosexual. How’d that happen? We have a President who is belligerent toward non whites, non christians (except for Jews) and homosexuals. So school pictures are like this:


“Very Fine People” protest like this:


And if you’re in the military or our service academies, you’re told that your service is no longer needed based on your sexual preferences. If we do ever have a national emergency where we draft people…this should be a great policy going forward…..(actual DoD publication).


Wouldn’t want that job as the commander…”Son, prove you’re gayness to me!”

Essentially, Trump is a creep. A lot of his supporters are creeps.

Versus that black dude who for eight long years told Americans they had it all wrong...that America needed fewer Whites, that man on man butt sex is cool, that men in dresses should shit next to our teen daughters, that lowlife degenerates and criminals were more important than good quality positive contributors, that Americans owe the world?

Quotes of the President saying those things…please
People have yet to explain to me what they dislike about Trump policy wise and how they are worse off with him as Pres.

It's almost as if not one single person has voiced an objection to .....

Border wall
Muslim ban
Mistreatment of refugees
Eliminating Obamacare, or in the alternative undermining it to implosion
Deteriorating foreign relations with key allies
Pandering to Kim Jong Un
Tariff wars
Persistent anti-environmentalism
Undermining animal abuse enforcement
Condoning human rights atrocities like the brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi

Just to name a few off the top of my head.

The nation is much more hostile to anyone who is non white, non christian, and homosexual. How’d that happen? We have a President who is belligerent toward non whites, non christians (except for Jews) and homosexuals. So school pictures are like this:


“Very Fine People” protest like this:


And if you’re in the military or our service academies, you’re told that your service is no longer needed based on your sexual preferences. If we do ever have a national emergency where we draft people…this should be a great policy going forward…..(actual DoD publication).


Wouldn’t want that job as the commander…”Son, prove you’re gayness to me!”

Essentially, Trump is a creep. A lot of his supporters are creeps.

Versus that black dude who for eight long years told Americans they had it all wrong...that America needed fewer Whites, that man on man butt sex is cool, that men in dresses should shit next to our teen daughters, that lowlife degenerates and criminals were more important than good quality positive contributors, that Americans owe the world?

Quotes of the President saying those things…please

Sometimes us smart people connect the dots based on one’s policies and behaviors. Weird huh?
People have yet to explain to me what they dislike about Trump policy wise and how they are worse off with him as Pres.

It's almost as if not one single person has voiced an objection to .....

Border wall
Muslim ban
Mistreatment of refugees
Eliminating Obamacare, or in the alternative undermining it to implosion
Deteriorating foreign relations with key allies
Pandering to Kim Jong Un
Tariff wars
Persistent anti-environmentalism
Undermining animal abuse enforcement
Condoning human rights atrocities like the brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi

Just to name a few off the top of my head.

The nation is much more hostile to anyone who is non white, non christian, and homosexual. How’d that happen? We have a President who is belligerent toward non whites, non christians (except for Jews) and homosexuals. So school pictures are like this:


“Very Fine People” protest like this:


And if you’re in the military or our service academies, you’re told that your service is no longer needed based on your sexual preferences. If we do ever have a national emergency where we draft people…this should be a great policy going forward…..(actual DoD publication).


Wouldn’t want that job as the commander…”Son, prove you’re gayness to me!”

Essentially, Trump is a creep. A lot of his supporters are creeps.

Versus that black dude who for eight long years told Americans they had it all wrong...that America needed fewer Whites, that man on man butt sex is cool, that men in dresses should shit next to our teen daughters, that lowlife degenerates and criminals were more important than good quality positive contributors, that Americans owe the world?

Quotes of the President saying those things…please

Google Obama and Cambridge Police...
Stop and think about that for a minute...We had/have ‘citizens’ praying that their President was guilty of crimes against America.
Imagine what our grandparents would think of these filthy fucks?

What kind of country do we have when the president is a Russian asset and Republicans don’t deny it, they admire it?

People have yet to explain to me what they dislike about Trump policy wise and how they are worse off with him as Pres.

It's almost as if not one single person has voiced an objection to .....

Border wall
Muslim ban
Mistreatment of refugees
Eliminating Obamacare, or in the alternative undermining it to implosion
Deteriorating foreign relations with key allies
Pandering to Kim Jong Un
Tariff wars
Persistent anti-environmentalism
Undermining animal abuse enforcement
Condoning human rights atrocities like the brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi

Just to name a few off the top of my head.

The nation is much more hostile to anyone who is non white, non christian, and homosexual. How’d that happen? We have a President who is belligerent toward non whites, non christians (except for Jews) and homosexuals. So school pictures are like this:


“Very Fine People” protest like this:


And if you’re in the military or our service academies, you’re told that your service is no longer needed based on your sexual preferences. If we do ever have a national emergency where we draft people…this should be a great policy going forward…..(actual DoD publication).


Wouldn’t want that job as the commander…”Son, prove you’re gayness to me!”

Essentially, Trump is a creep. A lot of his supporters are creeps.

Versus that black dude who for eight long years told Americans they had it all wrong...that America needed fewer Whites, that man on man butt sex is cool, that men in dresses should shit next to our teen daughters, that lowlife degenerates and criminals were more important than good quality positive contributors, that Americans owe the world?

Quotes of the President saying those things…please

Google Obama and Cambridge Police...
It's almost as if not one single person has voiced an objection to .....

Border wall
Muslim ban
Mistreatment of refugees
Eliminating Obamacare, or in the alternative undermining it to implosion
Deteriorating foreign relations with key allies
Pandering to Kim Jong Un
Tariff wars
Persistent anti-environmentalism
Undermining animal abuse enforcement
Condoning human rights atrocities like the brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi

Just to name a few off the top of my head.

The nation is much more hostile to anyone who is non white, non christian, and homosexual. How’d that happen? We have a President who is belligerent toward non whites, non christians (except for Jews) and homosexuals. So school pictures are like this:


“Very Fine People” protest like this:


And if you’re in the military or our service academies, you’re told that your service is no longer needed based on your sexual preferences. If we do ever have a national emergency where we draft people…this should be a great policy going forward…..(actual DoD publication).


Wouldn’t want that job as the commander…”Son, prove you’re gayness to me!”

Essentially, Trump is a creep. A lot of his supporters are creeps.

Versus that black dude who for eight long years told Americans they had it all wrong...that America needed fewer Whites, that man on man butt sex is cool, that men in dresses should shit next to our teen daughters, that lowlife degenerates and criminals were more important than good quality positive contributors, that Americans owe the world?

Quotes of the President saying those things…please

Google Obama and Cambridge Police...

She specifically asked for the example. Deantard, learn to read.

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