Seven women have come forward with accusations against Joe Biden

Should Women Be Believed?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • No.

    Votes: 11 73.3%

  • Total voters
Leftists of the board, please answer the question and then explain what should happen with Biden.

She should be heard, believed is up to what facts are present....

Where are all of the conservatives accusing her of lying, and digging up dirt on her, and falsely accusing her of doing this for political reasons, or digging up false yearbook pictures and quotes, or cuz she's a tramp etc? :dunno:

Hypocrisy, on both sides is abound....
Democrats you should be happy about this! This is your time to replace this loser! The man said the cure can’t be better then the virus lol WTF
Look at this guy ignoring the thread. l don't expect any Trump supporter to talk about the absence of Joe Biden's name in the police report. That's commonly referred to as "playing dumb".

Vice President Biden hasn't offered any proof whatsoever that he is Innocent of the charges.

Biden should be held to the same standard as Justice Kavanaugh was. Prove his innocence beyond all doubt or he's guilty.
Justice Kavanaugh provided no proof that he was innocent? Let alone proof beyond all doubt??

He just came out yelling and crying with wild conspiracy theory, partisan accusations.....

And he got the job.... No proof of innocence required.
Seriously? He had to prove his innocence? In America? :auiqs.jpg:
I grew up thinking that a person had to be proven guilty. I don't know how I got that all screwed up and still passed my classes in school.

You really do need to rethink what country you're living in and what our country stands for, Care.
You have lost your way over the last few years.
Where are all of the conservatives accusing her of lying, and digging up dirt on her, and falsely accusing her of doing this for political reasons, or cuz she's a tramp etc? :dunno:

Hypocrisy, on both sides is abound....
It will be fun watching Dims falling all over themselves to excuse this pervert's behavior.

Former Vice President and top Democrat candidate for president, Joe Biden, now faces accusations from at least seven women who claim he inappropriately touched them.
Tara Reade posted a video on social media telling her story and at least three other women have spoken out since the disturbing video was posted...
Don't be stupider than you have to be. I'll.worry about that as soon as you start to worry about the dozens, including a child, who have come forward to accuse tRump.

Until then you can take this crap and stick it where the sun don't shine.

So you don’t mind voting for a sexual predator? I thought you did.
You clearly don’t.
Leftists of the board, please answer the question and then explain what should happen with Biden.

She should be heard, believed is up to what facts are present....

Where are all of the conservatives accusing her of lying, and digging up dirt on her, and falsely accusing her of doing this for political reasons, or digging up false yearbook pictures and quotes, or cuz she's a tramp etc? :dunno:

Hypocrisy, on both sides is abound....

We are waiting for you to demand he step down.. step up
What a little fucking hypocrite !
She and the rest of the left and their media have clammed up bigtime. There have been no "#MeToo" accounts, no protest rally's, no swamping lawmakers with calls to dump Biden !

Joe Biden Sexual Assault Allegation Made Alyssa Milano Backtrack on 'Believing All Women'
Under fire for refusing to support Tara Reade, Milano says she never thought #MeToo would "destroy innocent men."

In September 2018, when Christine Blasey Ford came forward to accuse Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, actress Alyssa Milano did not hesitate to support her. On the same day that The Washington Post published its interview with Ford, Milano tweeted: "I stand in solidarity with Christine Blasey Ford. #MeToo."

But in the wake of an equally if not more serious sexual assault allegation against former Vice President Joe Biden, the Democratic Party's presumptive presidential nominee, Milano has remained silent. Tara Reade, a former Biden staffer who claims that her boss digitally penetrated her in 1993 without her consent, received no tweet of solidarity from the self-described feminist activist.

Milano finally addressed this blatant hypocrisy in an interview with the radio host Andy Cohen. Here is what she had to say.

"I believe that even though we should believe women, and that is an important thing, what that statement really means is that for so long, the go-to has been not to belie

The funny and sad part about this is very real scenario is that Biden very possibly does not remember any of those incidents and would probably pass a lie detector test.
With his dementia your absolutely right.
Leftists of the board, please answer the question and then explain what should happen with Biden.

She should be heard, believed is up to what facts are present....

Where are all of the conservatives accusing her of lying, and digging up dirt on her, and falsely accusing her of doing this for political reasons, or digging up false yearbook pictures and quotes, or cuz she's a tramp etc? :dunno:

Hypocrisy, on both sides is abound....

How did Dems. go from believe victims to not even listening to them?
Not only is Biden corrupt, stupid and creepy but the sonofabitch is a rapist.
Democrats you should be happy about this! This is your time to replace this loser! The man said the cure can’t be better then the virus lol WTF
Look at this guy ignoring the thread. l don't expect any Trump supporter to talk about the absence of Joe Biden's name in the police report. That's commonly referred to as "playing dumb".

Vice President Biden hasn't offered any proof whatsoever that he is Innocent of the charges.

Biden should be held to the same standard as Justice Kavanaugh was. Prove his innocence beyond all doubt or he's guilty.
Justice Kavanaugh provided no proof that he was innocent? Let alone proof beyond all doubt??

He just came out yelling and crying with wild conspiracy theory, partisan accusations.....

And he got the job.... No proof of innocence required.
Seriously? He had to prove his innocence? In America? :auiqs.jpg:
I grew up thinking that a person had to be proven guilty. I don't know how I got that all screwed up and still passed my classes in school.

You really do need to rethink what country you're living in and what our country stands for, Care.
You have lost your way over the last few years.
Where are all of the conservatives accusing her of lying, and digging up dirt on her, and falsely accusing her of doing this for political reasons, or cuz she's a tramp etc? :dunno:

Hypocrisy, on both sides is abound....
What are the facts? What are the holes? I really don't know.

It will be fun watching Dims falling all over themselves to excuse this pervert's behavior.

Former Vice President and top Democrat candidate for president, Joe Biden, now faces accusations from at least seven women who claim he inappropriately touched them.
Tara Reade posted a video on social media telling her story and at least three other women have spoken out since the disturbing video was posted...

25 have come forward against Trump.

And your point would be?
The point is, Democrats spent 3+ years trying to impeach Trump with stuff like this and they spent a couple months trying to destroy a good man who was nominated for the SC. In the interest of equality and fairness, Biden needs his toes held in the fire too.
And Republicans did it to the Clintons ya da ya da ya da. Hypocrisy abounds.
Democrats you should be happy about this! This is your time to replace this loser! The man said the cure can’t be better then the virus lol WTF
Look at this guy ignoring the thread. l don't expect any Trump supporter to talk about the absence of Joe Biden's name in the police report. That's commonly referred to as "playing dumb".

Vice President Biden hasn't offered any proof whatsoever that he is Innocent of the charges.

Biden should be held to the same standard as Justice Kavanaugh was. Prove his innocence beyond all doubt or he's guilty.
Justice Kavanaugh provided no proof that he was innocent? Let alone proof beyond all doubt??

He just came out yelling and crying with wild conspiracy theory, partisan accusations.....

And he got the job.... No proof of innocence required.
Seriously? He had to prove his innocence? In America? :auiqs.jpg:
I grew up thinking that a person had to be proven guilty. I don't know how I got that all screwed up and still passed my classes in school.

You really do need to rethink what country you're living in and what our country stands for, Care.
You have lost your way over the last few years.
Where are all of the conservatives accusing her of lying, and digging up dirt on her, and falsely accusing her of doing this for political reasons, or cuz she's a tramp etc? :dunno:

Hypocrisy, on both sides is abound....

All I want is for the Montgomery County Sheriff to do his duty and investigate these allegations. Interview the witnesses, canvass the streets where this may have occurred, interview the headmaster of the school, talk to the other members of the class. If I was RBG's nephew, I wouldn't want her working some place with a violent sex criminal.
Democrats you should be happy about this! This is your time to replace this loser! The man said the cure can’t be better then the virus lol WTF
Look at this guy ignoring the thread. l don't expect any Trump supporter to talk about the absence of Joe Biden's name in the police report. That's commonly referred to as "playing dumb".

Vice President Biden hasn't offered any proof whatsoever that he is Innocent of the charges.

Biden should be held to the same standard as Justice Kavanaugh was. Prove his innocence beyond all doubt or he's guilty.
Justice Kavanaugh provided no proof that he was innocent? Let alone proof beyond all doubt??

He just came out yelling and crying with wild conspiracy theory, partisan accusations.....

And he got the job.... No proof of innocence required.
Seriously? He had to prove his innocence? In America? :auiqs.jpg:
I grew up thinking that a person had to be proven guilty. I don't know how I got that all screwed up and still passed my classes in school.

You really do need to rethink what country you're living in and what our country stands for, Care.
You have lost your way over the last few years.
Where are all of the conservatives accusing her of lying, and digging up dirt on her, and falsely accusing her of doing this for political reasons, or cuz she's a tramp etc? :dunno:

Hypocrisy, on both sides is abound....

Biden said we must believe all women. Are you criticizing people for taking his advice?
Not only is Biden corrupt, stupid and creepy but the sonofabitch is a rapist.
Oh boy. Tried judged convicted. From the man who voted for..well....some one with those same tendencies And accusations.

The problem the Dems created with the “believe all women” is merging with the problem the Republicans created with the “you have to prove your innocence argument” to create a nightmare for both men and women.
Never let the Democrats take responsibility for anything. Ever. Better throw in some Republican shit to make it an even-Steven deal.
Democrats you should be happy about this! This is your time to replace this loser! The man said the cure can’t be better then the virus lol WTF
Look at this guy ignoring the thread. l don't expect any Trump supporter to talk about the absence of Joe Biden's name in the police report. That's commonly referred to as "playing dumb".

Vice President Biden hasn't offered any proof whatsoever that he is Innocent of the charges.

Biden should be held to the same standard as Justice Kavanaugh was. Prove his innocence beyond all doubt or he's guilty.
Justice Kavanaugh provided no proof that he was innocent? Let alone proof beyond all doubt??

He just came out yelling and crying with wild conspiracy theory, partisan accusations.....

And he got the job.... No proof of innocence required.
Seriously? He had to prove his innocence? In America? :auiqs.jpg:
I grew up thinking that a person had to be proven guilty. I don't know how I got that all screwed up and still passed my classes in school.

You really do need to rethink what country you're living in and what our country stands for, Care.
You have lost your way over the last few years.
Where are all of the conservatives accusing her of lying, and digging up dirt on her, and falsely accusing her of doing this for political reasons, or cuz she's a tramp etc? :dunno:

Hypocrisy, on both sides is abound....

All I want is for the Montgomery County Sheriff to do his duty and investigate these allegations. Interview the witnesses, canvass the streets where this may have occurred, interview the headmaster of the school, talk to the other members of the class. If I was RBG's nephew, I wouldn't want her working some place with a violent sex criminal.
I don’t think you really care. It is all political.
Democrats you should be happy about this! This is your time to replace this loser! The man said the cure can’t be better then the virus lol WTF
Look at this guy ignoring the thread. l don't expect any Trump supporter to talk about the absence of Joe Biden's name in the police report. That's commonly referred to as "playing dumb".

Vice President Biden hasn't offered any proof whatsoever that he is Innocent of the charges.

Biden should be held to the same standard as Justice Kavanaugh was. Prove his innocence beyond all doubt or he's guilty.
Justice Kavanaugh provided no proof that he was innocent? Let alone proof beyond all doubt??

He just came out yelling and crying with wild conspiracy theory, partisan accusations.....

And he got the job.... No proof of innocence required.

How can he prove he was innocent when there was no evidence he was guilty? Deranged
Kind of like Biden?
Leftists of the board, please answer the question and then explain what should happen with Biden.

She should be heard, believed is up to what facts are present....

Where are all of the conservatives accusing her of lying, and digging up dirt on her, and falsely accusing her of doing this for political reasons, or digging up false yearbook pictures and quotes, or cuz she's a tramp etc? :dunno:

Hypocrisy, on both sides is abound....

How did Dems. go from believe victims to not even listening to them?

I dunno....?

I've just believed they should be heard, not silenced.... then we can draw our own opinions, based on what we've heard and any facts available....

Joe, has always been invading people's space and touchy feely..... with both females and males... it's certainly possible she felt the way she did..... I find parts of her accusations far fetched, because he doesn't have a history of such aggressive actions.... but we are just at the beginning... other women could show up, accusing him of the same? :dunno:
What a little fucking hypocrite !
She and the rest of the left and their media have clammed up bigtime. There have been no "#MeToo" accounts, no protest rally's, no swamping lawmakers with calls to dump Biden !

Joe Biden Sexual Assault Allegation Made Alyssa Milano Backtrack on 'Believing All Women'
Under fire for refusing to support Tara Reade, Milano says she never thought #MeToo would "destroy innocent men."

In September 2018, when Christine Blasey Ford came forward to accuse Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, actress Alyssa Milano did not hesitate to support her. On the same day that The Washington Post published its interview with Ford, Milano tweeted: "I stand in solidarity with Christine Blasey Ford. #MeToo."

But in the wake of an equally if not more serious sexual assault allegation against former Vice President Joe Biden, the Democratic Party's presumptive presidential nominee, Milano has remained silent. Tara Reade, a former Biden staffer who claims that her boss digitally penetrated her in 1993 without her consent, received no tweet of solidarity from the self-described feminist activist.

Milano finally addressed this blatant hypocrisy in an interview with the radio host Andy Cohen. Here is what she had to say.

"I believe that even though we should believe women, and that is an important thing, what that statement really means is that for so long, the go-to has been not to belie

Your link:

"'I've been very vocal about Biden and my support for him,' Milano continued. 'I don't feel comfortable throwing away a decent man that I've known for 15 years in this time of complete chaos without there being a thorough investigation.'"

Milano is a proverbial rich bitch who's too self-absorbed to investigate Joe Biden's political legacy prior to the time she became aware of his existence.

If she had, I doubt it would affect her support for one of the most Wall Street friendly politicians who has ever lived.

From the 1994 Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act that exterminated any remaining barriers to inter-state banking to 1999's Financial Services Modernization Act repealing Glass Steagall, Biden has chosen to side with the one percent (like Milano)

Joe Biden Serves Wall Street, Not Main Street
Never let the Democrats take responsibility for anything. Ever. Better throw in some Republican shit to make it an even-Steven deal.
It is a problem created by the Dems with “believe all women” and now reinforced by tbe Republicans For political purposes. Let’s pretend their Hypocrisy doesn’t exist either.
Never let the Democrats take responsibility for anything. Ever. Better throw in some Republican shit to make it an even-Steven deal.
It is a problem created by the Dems with “believe all women” and now reinforced by tbe Republicans For political purposes. Let’s pretend their Hypocrisy doesn’t exist either.

Because its a never let the Democrats accept responsibility for anything. Period. Ever. Better throw in that Republican shit in always.
Never let the Democrats take responsibility for anything. Ever. Better throw in some Republican shit to make it an even-Steven deal.
It is a problem created by the Dems with “believe all women” and now reinforced by tbe Republicans For political purposes. Let’s pretend their Hypocrisy doesn’t exist either.

Because its a never let the Democrats accept responsibility for anything. Period. Ever. Better throw in that Republican shit in always.
Ok. Point taken.

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