Seven women have come forward with accusations against Joe Biden

Should Women Be Believed?

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    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • No.

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Looks like someone doesn't want to be accused of filing a false police report (a crime).
Perfect strategy for someone who's lying:
On Thursday, Ms. Reade filed a report with the Washington, D.C., police, saying she was the victim of a sexual assault in 1993; the public incident report, provided to The Times by Ms. Reade, does not mention Mr. Biden by name, but she said the complaint was about him. Ms. Reade said she filed the report to give herself an additional degree of safety from potential threats. Filing a false police report is a crime.
It's about time the NYT weighed in on this! I've been wondering where in hell they were. They were being PROFESSIONAL about it and actually investigating it first, not just copying her story from elsewhere as click bait.
Glad they didn't go into the whole "Russian agent" theory.

The thing I keep wondering about, though, is the fact that she DID tell a few people about it at the time. The Times found some friends who didn't believe her, but I wonder how many people they had to ask before they got the response they wanted.

Clear as mud. WaPo will probably be out next.
Looks like someone doesn't want to be accused of filing a false police report (a crime).
Perfect strategy for someone who's lying:
On Thursday, Ms. Reade filed a report with the Washington, D.C., police, saying she was the victim of a sexual assault in 1993; the public incident report, provided to The Times by Ms. Reade, does not mention Mr. Biden by name, but she said the complaint was about him. Ms. Reade said she filed the report to give herself an additional degree of safety from potential threats. Filing a false police report is a crime.
Funny, you didn’t hold Dr. Christine Blasey Ford to that standard.

It will be fun watching Dims falling all over themselves to excuse this pervert's behavior.

Former Vice President and top Democrat candidate for president, Joe Biden, now faces accusations from at least seven women who claim he inappropriately touched them.
Tara Reade posted a video on social media telling her story and at least three other women have spoken out since the disturbing video was posted...

You guys should be out there stomping for him, after all, Trump had 17 women accuse him and/or file charges for rape, sexual assault and sexual harrassment And you voted him in.

No one seems to agree on how many Trump accusers there are, but I think we can all agree they were all scum sucking liars attempting to screw with election results by destroying one of the candidates.

Where are they with their tales of terror today?
Well, it was reported that many of them were offered large sums of money to come up with their false allegations. It's sickening what some lowlifes will do for money. Stormy Daniels, anyone?

Actually she was offered large sums of money to stay quiet...

Face, Trump and Clinton are two peas in a pod when it comes to women.
Women are always trying to shake down billionaires for cash. Furthermore, that's not what actually happened. She sold her story to the National Enquirer with an NDA. Trump then purchased that NDA. Trump never had any direct agreement with her to keep quiet about it.
I don’t think there are any good people le
Democrats you should be happy about this! This is your time to replace this loser! The man said the cure can’t be better then the virus lol WTF

I don't think they could successfully replace him this late in the game. The Democrats would pretty much lose the black vote, which is what they're counting on.
I dont think there are any good people left in the democrat party. Obama sucked the hope out, faith... they are exposed and there’s no Turing back..
If they apologized for spying on Trump, if they denounced people like AOC, then I think middle America would sway to the left.. they can’t and they WILL LOSE CALIFORNIA
4th comment by a Trump supporter, zero comments about Reade not mentioning Joe Biden by name in the police report. This one said "California' or something. lol.
According to Dems no police report is needed. Look at the sham they put on for Dr. Ford. She got to smear an innocent man’s name in front of Congress.
It will be fun watching Dims falling all over themselves to excuse this pervert's behavior.

Former Vice President and top Democrat candidate for president, Joe Biden, now faces accusations from at least seven women who claim he inappropriately touched them.
Tara Reade posted a video on social media telling her story and at least three other women have spoken out since the disturbing video was posted...

25 have come forward against Trump.

And your point would be?
The point is, Democrats spent 3+ years trying to impeach Trump with stuff like this and they spent a couple months trying to destroy a good man who was nominated for the SC. In the interest of equality and fairness, Biden needs his toes held in the fire too.
If not criminally then civilly. This bullshit comes up every election season the magically goes away immediately afterwards.

Tired of the fake bullshit no matter which party is being "accused"

Course I expect to get a 100% role reversal of opinions from when I said this about the Kavanaugh accusers.
Sure. As soon as Dr. Blasey Ford is charged.
Democrats you should be happy about this! This is your time to replace this loser! The man said the cure can’t be better then the virus lol WTF
Look at this guy ignoring the thread. l don't expect any Trump supporter to talk about the absence of Joe Biden's name in the police report. That's commonly referred to as "playing dumb".

Vice President Biden hasn't offered any proof whatsoever that he is Innocent of the charges.

Biden should be held to the same standard as Justice Kavanaugh was. Prove his innocence beyond all doubt or he's guilty.
Justice Kavanaugh provided no proof that he was innocent? Let alone proof beyond all doubt??

He just came out yelling and crying with wild conspiracy theory, partisan accusations.....

And he got the job.... No proof of innocence required.
Democrats you should be happy about this! This is your time to replace this loser! The man said the cure can’t be better then the virus lol WTF
Look at this guy ignoring the thread. l don't expect any Trump supporter to talk about the absence of Joe Biden's name in the police report. That's commonly referred to as "playing dumb".

Vice President Biden hasn't offered any proof whatsoever that he is Innocent of the charges.

Biden should be held to the same standard as Justice Kavanaugh was. Prove his innocence beyond all doubt or he's guilty.
Justice Kavanaugh provided no proof that he was innocent? Let alone proof beyond all doubt??

He just came out yelling and crying with wild conspiracy theory, partisan accusations.....

And he got the job.... No proof of innocence required.

The majority of the US Senate ruled he was innocent as a newborn babe, based on the evidence he showed.
The real slogan for Liberals when it comes to women coming foreword with rape or assault charges:

Believe All Women*

(*Women should only be heard when they are one of us. If a woman comes forward with a rape or accusation charge against one of our candidates, she is most likely trailer trash, a liar, a whore and we must silence and smear her while insuring our candidate gets due process. )
The real slogan for Liberals when it comes to women coming foreword with rape or assault charges:

Believe All Women*

(*Women should only be heard when they are one of us. If a woman comes forward with a rape or accusation charge against one of our candidates, she is most likely trailer trash, a liar, a whore and we must silence and smear her while insuring our candidate gets due process. )
So, you believe Tramp’s accusers.
The real slogan for Liberals when it comes to women coming foreword with rape or assault charges:

Believe All Women*

(*Women should only be heard when they are one of us. If a woman comes forward with a rape or accusation charge against one of our candidates, she is most likely trailer trash, a liar, a whore and we must silence and smear her while insuring our candidate gets due process. )
The real slogan for conservatives when it comes to women coming foreword with rape or assault charges:

Believe All Women*

(*Women should only be heard when they are one of us. If a woman comes forward with a rape or accusation charge against one of our candidates, she is most likely trailer trash, a liar, a whore and we must silence and smear her while insuring our candidate gets due process. )

As you did to Cristine Blasey Ford....???

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As someone said during the Kav hearings:

“Again, this was 35 years ago and no report, finding of fact, or investigation was made. Sorry but if it didn’t raise to the level of assault then; it doesn’t now.”

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