"Sexual assault" the new left wing political strategy

It’s not that big a mystery how this stuff happens. Usually there’s rumors or whispers of the past that follow people around and it takes some aggressive journalism to vet it out. Supposedly the reporters spent a long time interviewing many people and following the chain. They talked the girls into bringing the story to the light and going on record which I imagine must have been a very difficult thing to do. Moore may have been a public figure but he is just now entering the national spotlight.

Are you implying that all 4 girls and other sources are straight making it up?

I haven't drawn any firm conclusions yet, given the history of these political hit jobs, a healthy dose of skepticism is warranted. If you were a parent would you have remained silent for almost 30 years, even when the accused perpetrator was running for the State Supreme Court? The timing is makes this totally suspicious, they waited till he couldn't be replaced on the ballot.

As a parent would I want my daughters name dragged through the media and the mud. Called a liar by millions of people? Yeah I’d probably have to think about how I approached it. The dude was a Judge for crying out loud. I can’t get in the parents head and I cant get in the girls head. All I know that it’s hard to believe all these details are straight fabrications and if he did those things then he is a piece of garbage.

I don’t remember y’all being this skeptical when slick willie was in the spotlight

He wasn't a judge till 92, 13 years after the alleged incident. And slick willie occurred before all these false allegations were front page news, I and others are much more skeptical now that allegations like this seem to be the regressives attack de jour. I guess since their racist accusations were becoming ineffective and they decided to up their game. I'll be the first to call for his resignation if any of this is proven, but I think that would be pretty difficult after near 40 years.

Wow, so you really do think these are fabricated for political reasons. Even though lefty perverts are getting called out? Explain how that fits in your theory
We know they are fabricated for political reasons. The so-called "victim" works for the political campaign of Moore's Democrat opponent.
The 14 year old works for the opponents campaign? You sure about that? And you think the other girls were just talked into making up lies?
It will become the norm for nearly every male politician to have to fight off sexual assault allegations.

...especially Republicans.

I think most men have an ex-girlfriend that hates his guts.

The Democrats want to remove statute of limitation rules, so they can keep the pervert accusations going for 2 years until they are found not guilty in court.

It will be another problem created by the Democrats that will be impossible to solve

Yep, and they think they can skate because republicans are too civilized to fight using their weapons. Republicans probably are, I don't think Steve Bannon is. 2018 is going to be a real hoot.

You think it is a good weapon to defend a guy that assaulted a 14 year old? If he did what he is accused of, and it was very carefully vetted by the reporters, what are you going to think of Bannon? Will you make excuses for him or damn him as a piece of shit?
It never happened.
How can you possibly know that? #fantasyland
Because I happen to believe that without evidence and proof, the person who is accused is innocent.

You have some proof that this occured? Because no one else does.

Are you honestly going to say that is is perfectly okay to just accuse someone of something and the whole world must jump on the bandwagon and destroy someone on just that? A baseless and unsubstantiated accusation?

How morally bankrupt is the person who destroys someone on that basis?
That’s a fair point. So your cool with Bill Clinton right? All those ladies were lying as well. Is that how you see it?
There were multiple women. Are you saying you think they are all just making it up? Are you going to look into their story’s or be a puppet and ignorantly dismiss it as fake news?

Just know that if it is true and he did assault a 14 year old then you gotta live with ignoring and excusing those actions

I'm surprised the WAcompost stopped at 4, they went a full monty of 16 with Trump, where are they now? I'm not ignoring or excusing anything, after all the misfires I've seen coming form the commiecrats, I'll reserve judgment till I see real evidence. This she said, he said doesn't get a rush to judgment out of me anymore. There's a pattern emerging, you might want to pay attention to it. Are you really buying this "a reporter overheard a conversation at dinner" story, that supposedly kicked off the search for these long suffering women. Personally I find it a bit fishy.

I agree we shouldn’t jump to conclusions either way. And no I don’t think a reporter overhead anything, I think it was given to him. Probably for political purposes. Just like the access Hollywood tape against trump. Just cause they are being used for political purposes doesn’t mean the events didn’t happen. And if they did happen then the offenders should be shamed by all

These incidents supposedly happened 30-40 year ago, like I said, Moore was a very prominent and very public figure all that time. From what I get from his bio he ran in at least 10 elections, so why did these "victims" not surface earlier, like during the primary? It doesn't make any sense that they waited till he was the nominee for the senate and a month away from the special election. Like I said in another post, I smell a regressive rat. It's a shame a political party has proven themselves so dishonest that the public is very cynical on a topic like this one, but that's the world we live in.

It’s not that big a mystery how this stuff happens. Usually there’s rumors or whispers of the past that follow people around and it takes some aggressive journalism to vet it out. Supposedly the reporters spent a long time interviewing many people and following the chain. They talked the girls into bringing the story to the light and going on record which I imagine must have been a very difficult thing to do. Moore may have been a public figure but he is just now entering the national spotlight.

Are you implying that all 4 girls and other sources are straight making it up?

Or the so-called "journalists" offer anyone who will accuse Moore $1000.
Why are you trying so hard to defend Moore? Do you feel the same way about Bill Clinton?
I haven't drawn any firm conclusions yet, given the history of these political hit jobs, a healthy dose of skepticism is warranted. If you were a parent would you have remained silent for almost 30 years, even when the accused perpetrator was running for the State Supreme Court? The timing is makes this totally suspicious, they waited till he couldn't be replaced on the ballot.

As a parent would I want my daughters name dragged through the media and the mud. Called a liar by millions of people? Yeah I’d probably have to think about how I approached it. The dude was a Judge for crying out loud. I can’t get in the parents head and I cant get in the girls head. All I know that it’s hard to believe all these details are straight fabrications and if he did those things then he is a piece of garbage.

I don’t remember y’all being this skeptical when slick willie was in the spotlight

He wasn't a judge till 92, 13 years after the alleged incident. And slick willie occurred before all these false allegations were front page news, I and others are much more skeptical now that allegations like this seem to be the regressives attack de jour. I guess since their racist accusations were becoming ineffective and they decided to up their game. I'll be the first to call for his resignation if any of this is proven, but I think that would be pretty difficult after near 40 years.

Wow, so you really do think these are fabricated for political reasons. Even though lefty perverts are getting called out? Explain how that fits in your theory
We know they are fabricated for political reasons. The so-called "victim" works for the political campaign of Moore's Democrat opponent.
The 14 year old works for the opponents campaign? You sure about that? And you think the other girls were just talked into making up lies?
No. She's the one who has a history of making false allegations of sexual abuse. She is simply not credible.
I'm surprised the WAcompost stopped at 4, they went a full monty of 16 with Trump, where are they now? I'm not ignoring or excusing anything, after all the misfires I've seen coming form the commiecrats, I'll reserve judgment till I see real evidence. This she said, he said doesn't get a rush to judgment out of me anymore. There's a pattern emerging, you might want to pay attention to it. Are you really buying this "a reporter overheard a conversation at dinner" story, that supposedly kicked off the search for these long suffering women. Personally I find it a bit fishy.

I agree we shouldn’t jump to conclusions either way. And no I don’t think a reporter overhead anything, I think it was given to him. Probably for political purposes. Just like the access Hollywood tape against trump. Just cause they are being used for political purposes doesn’t mean the events didn’t happen. And if they did happen then the offenders should be shamed by all

These incidents supposedly happened 30-40 year ago, like I said, Moore was a very prominent and very public figure all that time. From what I get from his bio he ran in at least 10 elections, so why did these "victims" not surface earlier, like during the primary? It doesn't make any sense that they waited till he was the nominee for the senate and a month away from the special election. Like I said in another post, I smell a regressive rat. It's a shame a political party has proven themselves so dishonest that the public is very cynical on a topic like this one, but that's the world we live in.

It’s not that big a mystery how this stuff happens. Usually there’s rumors or whispers of the past that follow people around and it takes some aggressive journalism to vet it out. Supposedly the reporters spent a long time interviewing many people and following the chain. They talked the girls into bringing the story to the light and going on record which I imagine must have been a very difficult thing to do. Moore may have been a public figure but he is just now entering the national spotlight.

Are you implying that all 4 girls and other sources are straight making it up?

Or the so-called "journalists" offer anyone who will accuse Moore $1000.
Why are you trying so hard to defend Moore? Do you feel the same way about Bill Clinton?
I defend Moore because I despise these vicious despicable tactics and the people who resort to them. It appears the only Democrats can win is by wallowing in sleaze, slander and character assasination. Why do you defend that?
The left always makes up false rape accusations, while of course living in a rape-culture themselves.

Good old projection as always.
I wish some TV news show would just put together a televised round-table discussion with Moore and his accusers. It just might clear up a lot.
I'd prefer he had his day in a court of law.

Not in the court of public opinion.
This supposed victim is now in her 50s, Moore has been a very public figure, running for office many times, why now? I think I'll stick to the bedrock of our justice system, you know, that old outdated notion of innocent until proven guilty. You'd be wise to do the same.

There were multiple women. Are you saying you think they are all just making it up? Are you going to look into their story’s or be a puppet and ignorantly dismiss it as fake news?

Just know that if it is true and he did assault a 14 year old then you gotta live with ignoring and excusing those actions

I'm surprised the WAcompost stopped at 4, they went a full monty of 16 with Trump, where are they now? I'm not ignoring or excusing anything, after all the misfires I've seen coming form the commiecrats, I'll reserve judgment till I see real evidence. This she said, he said doesn't get a rush to judgment out of me anymore. There's a pattern emerging, you might want to pay attention to it. Are you really buying this "a reporter overheard a conversation at dinner" story, that supposedly kicked off the search for these long suffering women. Personally I find it a bit fishy.

I agree we shouldn’t jump to conclusions either way. And no I don’t think a reporter overhead anything, I think it was given to him. Probably for political purposes. Just like the access Hollywood tape against trump. Just cause they are being used for political purposes doesn’t mean the events didn’t happen. And if they did happen then the offenders should be shamed by all

These incidents supposedly happened 30-40 year ago, like I said, Moore was a very prominent and very public figure all that time. From what I get from his bio he ran in at least 10 elections, so why did these "victims" not surface earlier, like during the primary? It doesn't make any sense that they waited till he was the nominee for the senate and a month away from the special election. Like I said in another post, I smell a regressive rat. It's a shame a political party has proven themselves so dishonest that the public is very cynical on a topic like this one, but that's the world we live in.

It’s not that big a mystery how this stuff happens. Usually there’s rumors or whispers of the past that follow people around and it takes some aggressive journalism to vet it out. Supposedly the reporters spent a long time interviewing many people and following the chain. They talked the girls into bringing the story to the light and going on record which I imagine must have been a very difficult thing to do. Moore may have been a public figure but he is just now entering the national spotlight.

Are you implying that all 4 girls and other sources are straight making it up?

are you implying that they were not paid for their "testimony"? Why else would they be silent for 40 years? Moore ran for several state positions, he was on the state supreme court. If they wanted to bring him down, why not do it then?

The 40 year delay is what makes this stink. But, if PROVEN true, he should step down. Note the word PROVEN
Yep, and they think they can skate because republicans are too civilized to fight using their weapons. Republicans probably are, I don't think Steve Bannon is. 2018 is going to be a real hoot.

You think it is a good weapon to defend a guy that assaulted a 14 year old? If he did what he is accused of, and it was very carefully vetted by the reporters, what are you going to think of Bannon? Will you make excuses for him or damn him as a piece of shit?
It never happened.
How can you possibly know that? #fantasyland
Because I happen to believe that without evidence and proof, the person who is accused is innocent.

You have some proof that this occured? Because no one else does.

Are you honestly going to say that is is perfectly okay to just accuse someone of something and the whole world must jump on the bandwagon and destroy someone on just that? A baseless and unsubstantiated accusation?

How morally bankrupt is the person who destroys someone on that basis?
That’s a fair point. So your cool with Bill Clinton right? All those ladies were lying as well. Is that how you see it?

did you forget the semen stains on Monica's dress? Clinton's sexual predation was proven.
I haven't drawn any firm conclusions yet, given the history of these political hit jobs, a healthy dose of skepticism is warranted. If you were a parent would you have remained silent for almost 30 years, even when the accused perpetrator was running for the State Supreme Court? The timing is makes this totally suspicious, they waited till he couldn't be replaced on the ballot.

As a parent would I want my daughters name dragged through the media and the mud. Called a liar by millions of people? Yeah I’d probably have to think about how I approached it. The dude was a Judge for crying out loud. I can’t get in the parents head and I cant get in the girls head. All I know that it’s hard to believe all these details are straight fabrications and if he did those things then he is a piece of garbage.

I don’t remember y’all being this skeptical when slick willie was in the spotlight

He wasn't a judge till 92, 13 years after the alleged incident. And slick willie occurred before all these false allegations were front page news, I and others are much more skeptical now that allegations like this seem to be the regressives attack de jour. I guess since their racist accusations were becoming ineffective and they decided to up their game. I'll be the first to call for his resignation if any of this is proven, but I think that would be pretty difficult after near 40 years.

Wow, so you really do think these are fabricated for political reasons. Even though lefty perverts are getting called out? Explain how that fits in your theory
We know they are fabricated for political reasons. The so-called "victim" works for the political campaign of Moore's Democrat opponent.
The 14 year old works for the opponents campaign? You sure about that? And you think the other girls were just talked into making up lies?

One thing you need to get straight these are not girls, they are women in their mid to late 50s to early 60s.

I agree we shouldn’t jump to conclusions either way. And no I don’t think a reporter overhead anything, I think it was given to him. Probably for political purposes. Just like the access Hollywood tape against trump. Just cause they are being used for political purposes doesn’t mean the events didn’t happen. And if they did happen then the offenders should be shamed by all

These incidents supposedly happened 30-40 year ago, like I said, Moore was a very prominent and very public figure all that time. From what I get from his bio he ran in at least 10 elections, so why did these "victims" not surface earlier, like during the primary? It doesn't make any sense that they waited till he was the nominee for the senate and a month away from the special election. Like I said in another post, I smell a regressive rat. It's a shame a political party has proven themselves so dishonest that the public is very cynical on a topic like this one, but that's the world we live in.

It’s not that big a mystery how this stuff happens. Usually there’s rumors or whispers of the past that follow people around and it takes some aggressive journalism to vet it out. Supposedly the reporters spent a long time interviewing many people and following the chain. They talked the girls into bringing the story to the light and going on record which I imagine must have been a very difficult thing to do. Moore may have been a public figure but he is just now entering the national spotlight.

Are you implying that all 4 girls and other sources are straight making it up?

Or the so-called "journalists" offer anyone who will accuse Moore $1000.
Why are you trying so hard to defend Moore? Do you feel the same way about Bill Clinton?
I defend Moore because I despise these vicious despicable tactics and the people who resort to them. It appears the only Democrats can win is by wallowing in sleaze, slander and character assasination. Why do you defend that?
I don’t defend that, I speak out against it all the time. Btw. Trump is one of the biggest propagators of that garbage. But you seem to love it when he does it.

In this case you can accuse the reporters of whatever you want with their agenda to go after Moore or trump or republicans, but if you read the story and listen to the women and the 30 other sources then you can’t realistically claim that they are all part of a political conspiracy smear job. And if he really did that stuff to a 14 year old then he is scum and should be condemned by everybody.
As a parent would I want my daughters name dragged through the media and the mud. Called a liar by millions of people? Yeah I’d probably have to think about how I approached it. The dude was a Judge for crying out loud. I can’t get in the parents head and I cant get in the girls head. All I know that it’s hard to believe all these details are straight fabrications and if he did those things then he is a piece of garbage.

I don’t remember y’all being this skeptical when slick willie was in the spotlight

He wasn't a judge till 92, 13 years after the alleged incident. And slick willie occurred before all these false allegations were front page news, I and others are much more skeptical now that allegations like this seem to be the regressives attack de jour. I guess since their racist accusations were becoming ineffective and they decided to up their game. I'll be the first to call for his resignation if any of this is proven, but I think that would be pretty difficult after near 40 years.

Wow, so you really do think these are fabricated for political reasons. Even though lefty perverts are getting called out? Explain how that fits in your theory
We know they are fabricated for political reasons. The so-called "victim" works for the political campaign of Moore's Democrat opponent.
The 14 year old works for the opponents campaign? You sure about that? And you think the other girls were just talked into making up lies?

One thing you need to get straight these are not girls, they are women in their mid to late 50s to early 60s.

Yeah no doubt, it happened 30-40 years ago. He isn’t going to jail for any of these accusations. You have every right to say that the past is the past and your fine with a guy who did these things being a US senator. Or you can say Fuck that!
There were multiple women. Are you saying you think they are all just making it up? Are you going to look into their story’s or be a puppet and ignorantly dismiss it as fake news?

Just know that if it is true and he did assault a 14 year old then you gotta live with ignoring and excusing those actions

I'm surprised the WAcompost stopped at 4, they went a full monty of 16 with Trump, where are they now? I'm not ignoring or excusing anything, after all the misfires I've seen coming form the commiecrats, I'll reserve judgment till I see real evidence. This she said, he said doesn't get a rush to judgment out of me anymore. There's a pattern emerging, you might want to pay attention to it. Are you really buying this "a reporter overheard a conversation at dinner" story, that supposedly kicked off the search for these long suffering women. Personally I find it a bit fishy.

I agree we shouldn’t jump to conclusions either way. And no I don’t think a reporter overhead anything, I think it was given to him. Probably for political purposes. Just like the access Hollywood tape against trump. Just cause they are being used for political purposes doesn’t mean the events didn’t happen. And if they did happen then the offenders should be shamed by all

These incidents supposedly happened 30-40 year ago, like I said, Moore was a very prominent and very public figure all that time. From what I get from his bio he ran in at least 10 elections, so why did these "victims" not surface earlier, like during the primary? It doesn't make any sense that they waited till he was the nominee for the senate and a month away from the special election. Like I said in another post, I smell a regressive rat. It's a shame a political party has proven themselves so dishonest that the public is very cynical on a topic like this one, but that's the world we live in.

It’s not that big a mystery how this stuff happens. Usually there’s rumors or whispers of the past that follow people around and it takes some aggressive journalism to vet it out. Supposedly the reporters spent a long time interviewing many people and following the chain. They talked the girls into bringing the story to the light and going on record which I imagine must have been a very difficult thing to do. Moore may have been a public figure but he is just now entering the national spotlight.

Are you implying that all 4 girls and other sources are straight making it up?

are you implying that they were not paid for their "testimony"? Why else would they be silent for 40 years? Moore ran for several state positions, he was on the state supreme court. If they wanted to bring him down, why not do it then?

The 40 year delay is what makes this stink. But, if PROVEN true, he should step down. Note the word PROVEN
The 40 year delay came from these women keeping it to themselves and carrying on with life. The reporters following the story dug it up and talked these women into coming out. This story wasn’t gift wrapped, it was dug out after months of reporting
He wasn't a judge till 92, 13 years after the alleged incident. And slick willie occurred before all these false allegations were front page news, I and others are much more skeptical now that allegations like this seem to be the regressives attack de jour. I guess since their racist accusations were becoming ineffective and they decided to up their game. I'll be the first to call for his resignation if any of this is proven, but I think that would be pretty difficult after near 40 years.

Wow, so you really do think these are fabricated for political reasons. Even though lefty perverts are getting called out? Explain how that fits in your theory
We know they are fabricated for political reasons. The so-called "victim" works for the political campaign of Moore's Democrat opponent.
The 14 year old works for the opponents campaign? You sure about that? And you think the other girls were just talked into making up lies?

One thing you need to get straight these are not girls, they are women in their mid to late 50s to early 60s.

Yeah no doubt, it happened 30-40 years ago. He isn’t going to jail for any of these accusations. You have every right to say that the past is the past and your fine with a guy who did these things being a US senator. Or you can say Fuck that!

you say that, but then you say that you believe the accusers. Can you spell hypocrisy?
I'm surprised the WAcompost stopped at 4, they went a full monty of 16 with Trump, where are they now? I'm not ignoring or excusing anything, after all the misfires I've seen coming form the commiecrats, I'll reserve judgment till I see real evidence. This she said, he said doesn't get a rush to judgment out of me anymore. There's a pattern emerging, you might want to pay attention to it. Are you really buying this "a reporter overheard a conversation at dinner" story, that supposedly kicked off the search for these long suffering women. Personally I find it a bit fishy.

I agree we shouldn’t jump to conclusions either way. And no I don’t think a reporter overhead anything, I think it was given to him. Probably for political purposes. Just like the access Hollywood tape against trump. Just cause they are being used for political purposes doesn’t mean the events didn’t happen. And if they did happen then the offenders should be shamed by all

These incidents supposedly happened 30-40 year ago, like I said, Moore was a very prominent and very public figure all that time. From what I get from his bio he ran in at least 10 elections, so why did these "victims" not surface earlier, like during the primary? It doesn't make any sense that they waited till he was the nominee for the senate and a month away from the special election. Like I said in another post, I smell a regressive rat. It's a shame a political party has proven themselves so dishonest that the public is very cynical on a topic like this one, but that's the world we live in.

It’s not that big a mystery how this stuff happens. Usually there’s rumors or whispers of the past that follow people around and it takes some aggressive journalism to vet it out. Supposedly the reporters spent a long time interviewing many people and following the chain. They talked the girls into bringing the story to the light and going on record which I imagine must have been a very difficult thing to do. Moore may have been a public figure but he is just now entering the national spotlight.

Are you implying that all 4 girls and other sources are straight making it up?

are you implying that they were not paid for their "testimony"? Why else would they be silent for 40 years? Moore ran for several state positions, he was on the state supreme court. If they wanted to bring him down, why not do it then?

The 40 year delay is what makes this stink. But, if PROVEN true, he should step down. Note the word PROVEN
The 40 year delay came from these women keeping it to themselves and carrying on with life. The reporters following the story dug it up and talked these women into coming out. This story wasn’t gift wrapped, it was dug out after months of reporting

are you absolutely 100% sure that they were not paid to make these claims?
Wow, so you really do think these are fabricated for political reasons. Even though lefty perverts are getting called out? Explain how that fits in your theory
We know they are fabricated for political reasons. The so-called "victim" works for the political campaign of Moore's Democrat opponent.
The 14 year old works for the opponents campaign? You sure about that? And you think the other girls were just talked into making up lies?

One thing you need to get straight these are not girls, they are women in their mid to late 50s to early 60s.

Yeah no doubt, it happened 30-40 years ago. He isn’t going to jail for any of these accusations. You have every right to say that the past is the past and your fine with a guy who did these things being a US senator. Or you can say Fuck that!

you say that, but then you say that you believe the accusers. Can you spell hypocrisy?
Thats not hypocrisy... I've read the story, looked at the sources, heard the details of the multiple accusers and then listened to how Moore is responding and I am making my decisions about who I believe. It is pretty obvious to me but I in no way am saying that it is undeniable truth. I've sensed something off with Moore since I first saw him and would never vote for him if I lived in Alabama. Thats me.

What I was trying to say in my last statement is that if you want to say the past is the past then thats your choice. If you want to say that you don't believe the accusers and you think it was all made up to hurt Moore politically then you can say that. Just make sure you've made an educated decision not a reactionary partisan one.
He wasn't a judge till 92, 13 years after the alleged incident. And slick willie occurred before all these false allegations were front page news, I and others are much more skeptical now that allegations like this seem to be the regressives attack de jour. I guess since their racist accusations were becoming ineffective and they decided to up their game. I'll be the first to call for his resignation if any of this is proven, but I think that would be pretty difficult after near 40 years.

Wow, so you really do think these are fabricated for political reasons. Even though lefty perverts are getting called out? Explain how that fits in your theory
We know they are fabricated for political reasons. The so-called "victim" works for the political campaign of Moore's Democrat opponent.
The 14 year old works for the opponents campaign? You sure about that? And you think the other girls were just talked into making up lies?

One thing you need to get straight these are not girls, they are women in their mid to late 50s to early 60s.

Yeah no doubt, it happened 30-40 years ago. He isn’t going to jail for any of these accusations. You have every right to say that the past is the past and your fine with a guy who did these things being a US senator. Or you can say Fuck that!

I want him to win and then the senate refuse to seat him, then the governor can appoint another republican, the new evidence today has convinced me that he should not be allowed to serve. But the commiecrat shouldn't get it by default because AL would never willingly elect one.

Wow, so you really do think these are fabricated for political reasons. Even though lefty perverts are getting called out? Explain how that fits in your theory
We know they are fabricated for political reasons. The so-called "victim" works for the political campaign of Moore's Democrat opponent.
The 14 year old works for the opponents campaign? You sure about that? And you think the other girls were just talked into making up lies?

One thing you need to get straight these are not girls, they are women in their mid to late 50s to early 60s.

Yeah no doubt, it happened 30-40 years ago. He isn’t going to jail for any of these accusations. You have every right to say that the past is the past and your fine with a guy who did these things being a US senator. Or you can say Fuck that!

I want him to win and then the senate refuse to seat him, then the governor can appoint another republican, the new evidence today has convinced me that he should not be allowed to serve. But the commiecrat shouldn't get it by default because AL would never willingly elect one.

The Dem running is pretty moderate plus it’s a short term. They can always run a write in candidate as well. Tricky situation

I just do t think this guy should get a win. Even if he gets booted by congress... the bannon crew will just politicize it. The people should speak
We know they are fabricated for political reasons. The so-called "victim" works for the political campaign of Moore's Democrat opponent.
The 14 year old works for the opponents campaign? You sure about that? And you think the other girls were just talked into making up lies?

One thing you need to get straight these are not girls, they are women in their mid to late 50s to early 60s.

Yeah no doubt, it happened 30-40 years ago. He isn’t going to jail for any of these accusations. You have every right to say that the past is the past and your fine with a guy who did these things being a US senator. Or you can say Fuck that!

I want him to win and then the senate refuse to seat him, then the governor can appoint another republican, the new evidence today has convinced me that he should not be allowed to serve. But the commiecrat shouldn't get it by default because AL would never willingly elect one.

The Dem running is pretty moderate plus it’s a short term. They can always run a write in candidate as well. Tricky situation

I just do t think this guy should get a win. Even if he gets booted by congress... the bannon crew will just politicize it. The people should speak

Hypocrisy thy name is regressive. Robert Mendez was accused of hiring underage prostitutes is the Dominican Republic, is on trial for bribery, how many regressives do you see demanding he step down?

The 14 year old works for the opponents campaign? You sure about that? And you think the other girls were just talked into making up lies?

One thing you need to get straight these are not girls, they are women in their mid to late 50s to early 60s.

Yeah no doubt, it happened 30-40 years ago. He isn’t going to jail for any of these accusations. You have every right to say that the past is the past and your fine with a guy who did these things being a US senator. Or you can say Fuck that!

I want him to win and then the senate refuse to seat him, then the governor can appoint another republican, the new evidence today has convinced me that he should not be allowed to serve. But the commiecrat shouldn't get it by default because AL would never willingly elect one.

The Dem running is pretty moderate plus it’s a short term. They can always run a write in candidate as well. Tricky situation

I just do t think this guy should get a win. Even if he gets booted by congress... the bannon crew will just politicize it. The people should speak

Hypocrisy thy name is regressive. Robert Mendez was accused of hiring underage prostitutes is the Dominican Republic, is on trial for bribery, how many regressives do you see demanding he step down?

don’t know the details of that one

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