"Sexual Assault"

:) ..it's good to be underestimated and thanks for proving my point... :wink_2:.
What point? You never had a point. You gave your opinion.. If your point was you have an opinion, Yeah, I'll agree. Age no longer means wisdom. Respect and deference must be EARNED, regardless of age.

Sorry, just not in the mood for your babbling and deflections this morning....
I am kind of old, meaning I grew up under some different mores than the ones which seem to apply now. Which is fine...times change...and the world belongs to the young; not the old.


When I first started hearing the term "sexual assault", about 15 or 20 years ago, I just assumed it was a way of describing RAPE that didn't rattle very young children. A mere refinement of discourse for the sake of the Snowflake Generation.

But, now I know that "Sexual Assault", while it can still include the awful crime of RAPE, also applies just as liberally to mere "Groping". And, I now know that "Groping" means almost anything---today...and it means different things to different lasses...sane and otherwise.

In the 60's, 70's and early 80's---if a girl did not want to risk getting "groped"--and most DID want to risk it---she and the boy sat in the swing on front porch and snuck a kiss when mama or papa weren't looking out the window.

And if she wanted to risk getting groped, which most did, even if they protested when it happened....then they sought out surreptitiously a private place...like a bedroom....and allowed the boy to kiss them passionately....which led...with metronometric regularity and with arithmetic certainty.....to "groping".

A butt got rubbed; a button got unbuttoned; a breast got felt; perhaps a bra got unsnapped----and then: then the lass had an opportunity to let the boy know if it had to stop there....which often happened....and the boy hoped for more progress NEXT time---and his patience was often rewarded.

If it is different today, so be it.

But, a wise man once noted that while the Present should never be judged by the Past; neither should the Past be judged by the Present...which means in part...that you cannot today make a crime that which was considered normal 4 decades ago...the lawyers call it NO EX POST FACTO....and this is why you Liberal Socialist Cocksuckers look so foolish troting out this Raving Loon Liberal to complain that she got groped by Kavanaugh......or ANY 17 year old boy 36 years ago. I don't believe it is true---her own witnesses refused to verify----is a calculated planned political hit job----but I don't give a shit if it is true!

This Hard Left Goofy Liberal BITCH ought to have said something 36 years ago, at least to her Best Friend....not now when it suited her to try to stop a CONSERVATIVE'S appointment to the Supreme Court.

And may she rot in Hell for such craven behavior today....even if it was at the handling of even more dedicated Marxists Slaves of Satan---like Diane Feinstein. Fuck them all.

Just my humble opinion, of course.
I agree that drunken fun & groping by immature frat boys that occurred 36 years ago should not keep a qualified judge from being promoted to the SCOTUS.
However, lying about one’s past immature behavior and resorting to political conspiracy claims w/out relevant evidence is NOT reflective of a SCOTUS member’s honesty & impartial judgements.
It's over. Plan B didn't work either. It was all transparently too sleazy.
It’s over because the majority senators are willing to accept a half-ass FBI investigation and care more about politics/power than integrity & reason on the SCOTUS.
BTW, i was responding to the OP’s concerns.
If the dems wanted a better investigation, they should have given the letter to the committee MONTHS AGO.
A better FBI investigation has NOTHING to do with Dr Ford’s request to delay the distribution of her letter.
Another week to investigate many other witnesses is nothing ... compared to totally ignoring the SCOTUS nomination of Garland.
SUCK on it, dimocrap scum

I am kind of old, meaning I grew up under some different mores than the ones which seem to apply now. Which is fine...times change...and the world belongs to the young; not the old.


When I first started hearing the term "sexual assault", about 15 or 20 years ago, I just assumed it was a way of describing RAPE that didn't rattle very young children. A mere refinement of discourse for the sake of the Snowflake Generation.

But, now I know that "Sexual Assault", while it can still include the awful crime of RAPE, also applies just as liberally to mere "Groping". And, I now know that "Groping" means almost anything---today...and it means different things to different lasses...sane and otherwise.

In the 60's, 70's and early 80's---if a girl did not want to risk getting "groped"--and most DID want to risk it---she and the boy sat in the swing on front porch and snuck a kiss when mama or papa weren't looking out the window.

And if she wanted to risk getting groped, which most did, even if they protested when it happened....then they sought out surreptitiously a private place...like a bedroom....and allowed the boy to kiss them passionately....which led...with metronometric regularity and with arithmetic certainty.....to "groping".

A butt got rubbed; a button got unbuttoned; a breast got felt; perhaps a bra got unsnapped----and then: then the lass had an opportunity to let the boy know if it had to stop there....which often happened....and the boy hoped for more progress NEXT time---and his patience was often rewarded.

If it is different today, so be it.

But, a wise man once noted that while the Present should never be judged by the Past; neither should the Past be judged by the Present...which means in part...that you cannot today make a crime that which was considered normal 4 decades ago...the lawyers call it NO EX POST FACTO....and this is why you Liberal Socialist Cocksuckers look so foolish troting out this Raving Loon Liberal to complain that she got groped by Kavanaugh......or ANY 17 year old boy 36 years ago. I don't believe it is true---her own witnesses refused to verify----is a calculated planned political hit job----but I don't give a shit if it is true!

This Hard Left Goofy Liberal BITCH ought to have said something 36 years ago, at least to her Best Friend....not now when it suited her to try to stop a CONSERVATIVE'S appointment to the Supreme Court.

And may she rot in Hell for such craven behavior today....even if it was at the handling of even more dedicated Marxists Slaves of Satan---like Diane Feinstein. Fuck them all.

Just my humble opinion, of course.
I agree that drunken fun & groping by immature frat boys that occurred 36 years ago should not keep a qualified judge from being promoted to the SCOTUS.
However, lying about one’s past immature behavior and resorting to political conspiracy claims w/out relevant evidence is NOT reflective of a SCOTUS member’s honesty & impartial judgements.
It's over. Plan B didn't work either. It was all transparently too sleazy.
It’s over because the majority senators are willing to accept a half-ass FBI investigation and care more about politics/power than integrity & reason on the SCOTUS.
BTW, i was responding to the OP’s concerns.
If the dems wanted a better investigation, they should have given the letter to the committee MONTHS AGO.
A better FBI investigation has NOTHING to do with Dr Ford’s request to delay the distribution of her letter.
Another week to investigate many other witnesses is nothing ... compared to totally ignoring the SCOTUS nomination of Garland.

Sure it does. THey waited to the last minute, not because they wanted to really investigate, but because they did NOT want to.

"I was out running errands one day and as I was walking down the street minding my own business, a guy walking the opposite direction, grabbed my breast as he passed me and then scurried off. I did not chase him down because I didnt' know what to do with him if I had caught him....Some guy walking down the street grabbed my breast, I dont' know who he is or where he went and then what are the cops supposed to do? I'm pretty sure I was not even aware that a crime had been comitted (it had), only that something repulsive had been done to me by a stranger.

Just because no one witnessed what happened, I didn't bother to file a police report, I wasn't interacting with anyone or dressed provocatively doesn't mean it didn't happen. But the way our criminal justice system is structured, and even the civil system with the enforcement of non-disclosure agreements in the case of sexual harassment, all of this favors the perpetrators.

I don't give a shit who doesn't believe what sexual assault victims have to say. This was not the only time in my life that I was violated yet none of the incidents got reported because NOTHING EVER HAPPENS TO THE PERPETRATORS so why even bother?


When I was a teen, I got the shit beat out of me by another teen about twice my size. He did it because he could. I didn't report him because the mores then were such that it would have made me a Crybaby and a Tattletale. I hope things have changed today...I suspect they have...but I am not going to go back and file a complaint today---4 decades later.

A few years later, I got burglarized in a rotting city (run by Democrats). The cops came and told me the chances were all but nil that the perpetrator would ever be caught---that they were overwhelmed. I got the impression no attempt to find the perpetrator would ever be made and I never heard from them again.

I'll stop there, but I have more sad stories, everybody does---yet if you cry to someone at random about the bad things that happen in your life, you are apt to just get that person crying back at you with his/her own sad stories.

Everybody has them----but none of them are Justice Kavanaugh's Fault--and nobody gets to project their unhappy experiences on him because they don't want him to be on the Supreme Court.
Really? This is what you understood from my comment that shit happens to everyone and we should just STFU and not ever do anything about it?

My point is that it's not always possible to file a police report and that the experience of trying to relay a sexual assault to law enforcement can be more traumatizing that the original act itself. It nothing can be done LEGALLY about it, there is little point in reporting the incident other than if for some reason or another 40 years in the future when people are screaming at you "Why didn't you file a police report" then at least there's that.

On the other hand, when our criminal/civil justice system fails don't ever assume that's the end of it.
I am kind of old, meaning I grew up under some different mores than the ones which seem to apply now. Which is fine...times change...and the world belongs to the young; not the old.


When I first started hearing the term "sexual assault", about 15 or 20 years ago, I just assumed it was a way of describing RAPE that didn't rattle very young children. A mere refinement of discourse for the sake of the Snowflake Generation.

But, now I know that "Sexual Assault", while it can still include the awful crime of RAPE, also applies just as liberally to mere "Groping". And, I now know that "Groping" means almost anything---today...and it means different things to different lasses...sane and otherwise.

In the 60's, 70's and early 80's---if a girl did not want to risk getting "groped"--and most DID want to risk it---she and the boy sat in the swing on front porch and snuck a kiss when mama or papa weren't looking out the window.

And if she wanted to risk getting groped, which most did, even if they protested when it happened....then they sought out surreptitiously a private place...like a bedroom....and allowed the boy to kiss them passionately....which led...with metronometric regularity and with arithmetic certainty.....to "groping".

A butt got rubbed; a button got unbuttoned; a breast got felt; perhaps a bra got unsnapped----and then: then the lass had an opportunity to let the boy know if it had to stop there....which often happened....and the boy hoped for more progress NEXT time---and his patience was often rewarded.

If it is different today, so be it.

But, a wise man once noted that while the Present should never be judged by the Past; neither should the Past be judged by the Present...which means in part...that you cannot today make a crime that which was considered normal 4 decades ago...the lawyers call it NO EX POST FACTO....and this is why you Liberal Socialist Cocksuckers look so foolish troting out this Raving Loon Liberal to complain that she got groped by Kavanaugh......or ANY 17 year old boy 36 years ago. I don't believe it is true---her own witnesses refused to verify----is a calculated planned political hit job----but I don't give a shit if it is true!

This Hard Left Goofy Liberal BITCH ought to have said something 36 years ago, at least to her Best Friend....not now when it suited her to try to stop a CONSERVATIVE'S appointment to the Supreme Court.

And may she rot in Hell for such craven behavior today....even if it was at the handling of even more dedicated Marxists Slaves of Satan---like Diane Feinstein. Fuck them all.

Just my humble opinion, of course.
I agree that drunken fun & groping by immature frat boys that occurred 36 years ago should not keep a qualified judge from being promoted to the SCOTUS.
However, lying about one’s past immature behavior and resorting to political conspiracy claims w/out relevant evidence is NOT reflective of a SCOTUS member’s honesty & impartial judgements.
It's over. Plan B didn't work either. It was all transparently too sleazy.
It’s over because the majority senators are willing to accept a half-ass FBI investigation and care more about politics/power than integrity & reason on the SCOTUS.
BTW, i was responding to the OP’s concerns.
If the dems wanted a better investigation, they should have given the letter to the committee MONTHS AGO.
A better FBI investigation has NOTHING to do with Dr Ford’s request to delay the distribution of her letter.
Another week to investigate many other witnesses is nothing ... compared to totally ignoring the SCOTUS nomination of Garland.
Should have started in June when they received the letter, not hold on to it for nearly 3 months, then 'pop goes the weasel'.
Democrats have nobody to blame but themselves. If they followed protocol, I'm sure everything would have fallen into place in a timely manner.
But, they wanted to play a game, well they lost. Elections have consequences and time to move on.
Rape can include sexual assault but in a legal sense sexual assault doesn't include rape. The legal system hasn't changed much but what has changed is the political implications of sexual assault and the mainstream media's hypocritical attitude. It was barely 30 years ago when democrats were in charge and the pathetic claims of victims of Bill Clinton's sexual urges were dismissed as "bimbos" as in Hillary's "bimbo eruption squad and the media was indifferent about Juanita Broaderic's sworn statement that included (you better put some ice on that lip Juanita) . The double standard was evident when democrat party activists used vicious hired guns like James Carville to humiliate Bill Clinton's victims with statements like "drag a $20 through a trailer park" and the elitist liberal media cheered.
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I am kind of old, meaning I grew up under some different mores than the ones which seem to apply now. Which is fine...times change...and the world belongs to the young; not the old.


When I first started hearing the term "sexual assault", about 15 or 20 years ago, I just assumed it was a way of describing RAPE that didn't rattle very young children. A mere refinement of discourse for the sake of the Snowflake Generation.

But, now I know that "Sexual Assault", while it can still include the awful crime of RAPE, also applies just as liberally to mere "Groping". And, I now know that "Groping" means almost anything---today...and it means different things to different lasses...sane and otherwise.

In the 60's, 70's and early 80's---if a girl did not want to risk getting "groped"--and most DID want to risk it---she and the boy sat in the swing on front porch and snuck a kiss when mama or papa weren't looking out the window.

And if she wanted to risk getting groped, which most did, even if they protested when it happened....then they sought out surreptitiously a private place...like a bedroom....and allowed the boy to kiss them passionately....which led...with metronometric regularity and with arithmetic certainty.....to "groping".

A butt got rubbed; a button got unbuttoned; a breast got felt; perhaps a bra got unsnapped----and then: then the lass had an opportunity to let the boy know if it had to stop there....which often happened....and the boy hoped for more progress NEXT time---and his patience was often rewarded.

If it is different today, so be it.

But, a wise man once noted that while the Present should never be judged by the Past; neither should the Past be judged by the Present...which means in part...that you cannot today make a crime that which was considered normal 4 decades ago...the lawyers call it NO EX POST FACTO....and this is why you Liberal Socialist Cocksuckers look so foolish troting out this Raving Loon Liberal to complain that she got groped by Kavanaugh......or ANY 17 year old boy 36 years ago. I don't believe it is true---her own witnesses refused to verify----is a calculated planned political hit job----but I don't give a shit if it is true!

This Hard Left Goofy Liberal BITCH ought to have said something 36 years ago, at least to her Best Friend....not now when it suited her to try to stop a CONSERVATIVE'S appointment to the Supreme Court.

And may she rot in Hell for such craven behavior today....even if it was at the handling of even more dedicated Marxists Slaves of Satan---like Diane Feinstein. Fuck them all.

Just my humble opinion, of course.
The difference seems to be consent
I agree that drunken fun & groping by immature frat boys that occurred 36 years ago should not keep a qualified judge from being promoted to the SCOTUS.
However, lying about one’s past immature behavior and resorting to political conspiracy claims w/out relevant evidence is NOT reflective of a SCOTUS member’s honesty & impartial judgements.
It's over. Plan B didn't work either. It was all transparently too sleazy.
It’s over because the majority senators are willing to accept a half-ass FBI investigation and care more about politics/power than integrity & reason on the SCOTUS.
BTW, i was responding to the OP’s concerns.
If the dems wanted a better investigation, they should have given the letter to the committee MONTHS AGO.
A better FBI investigation has NOTHING to do with Dr Ford’s request to delay the distribution of her letter.
Another week to investigate many other witnesses is nothing ... compared to totally ignoring the SCOTUS nomination of Garland.
Sure it does. THey waited to the last minute, not because they wanted to really investigate, but because they did NOT want to.
“they” did not want to investigate?
You are mixed up. The Demo senators wanted the FBI to investigate; not half-assed, but thoroughly. There were new witnesses that came forward that were never interviewed by the FBI, so the media had to do their job, but were ignored for Con political reasons.
I agree that drunken fun & groping by immature frat boys that occurred 36 years ago should not keep a qualified judge from being promoted to the SCOTUS.
However, lying about one’s past immature behavior and resorting to political conspiracy claims w/out relevant evidence is NOT reflective of a SCOTUS member’s honesty & impartial judgements.
It's over. Plan B didn't work either. It was all transparently too sleazy.
It’s over because the majority senators are willing to accept a half-ass FBI investigation and care more about politics/power than integrity & reason on the SCOTUS.
BTW, i was responding to the OP’s concerns.
If the dems wanted a better investigation, they should have given the letter to the committee MONTHS AGO.
A better FBI investigation has NOTHING to do with Dr Ford’s request to delay the distribution of her letter.
Another week to investigate many other witnesses is nothing ... compared to totally ignoring the SCOTUS nomination of Garland.
Should have started in June when they received the letter, not hold on to it for nearly 3 months, then 'pop goes the weasel'.
Democrats have nobody to blame but themselves. If they followed protocol, I'm sure everything would have fallen into place in a timely manner.
But, they wanted to play a game, well they lost. Elections have consequences and time to move on.
You did not hear DrFord’s testimony that SHE asked her gov reps NOT to distribute her letter until SHE consented?
It's over. Plan B didn't work either. It was all transparently too sleazy.
It’s over because the majority senators are willing to accept a half-ass FBI investigation and care more about politics/power than integrity & reason on the SCOTUS.
BTW, i was responding to the OP’s concerns.
If the dems wanted a better investigation, they should have given the letter to the committee MONTHS AGO.
A better FBI investigation has NOTHING to do with Dr Ford’s request to delay the distribution of her letter.
Another week to investigate many other witnesses is nothing ... compared to totally ignoring the SCOTUS nomination of Garland.
Sure it does. THey waited to the last minute, not because they wanted to really investigate, but because they did NOT want to.
“they” did not want to investigate?
You are mixed up. The Demo senators wanted the FBI to investigate; not half-assed, but thoroughly. There were new witnesses that came forward that were never interviewed by the FBI, so the media had to do their job, but were ignored for Con political reasons.

If that was true, they would not have sat on the letter for months.

They were playing bullshit delaying games. My first response, when I heard of new "allegations" made at the last minute,

was "That is obvious bullshit, FUCK THEM"

I am proud that the republicans had the balls to do so.

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