...Shall Not Be Infringed. (We get machine guns)

Bootney Lee Farnsworth

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2017
That means, no restrictions!!!!

In light of the most recent communist left gun grab in the Virgin Islands, we need to push this issue back 100% the other direction. NO RESTRICTIONS WHATSOEVER!!!

No felony or age restrictions.

No mental health restrictions.

No registration.

State-of-the-art, full-auto weapons and explosives. FUCKING NUKES!

...Shall not be infringed, period.
Here, have a link.
NRA threatens legal action over Virgin Islands firearm confiscation order

Governor is giving authorities the right to take firearms, incendiary devices, etc. to
"restore public order, and to guarantee the safety of life and property"
Do you think that would include grabbing guns from law abiding citizens? The article is real fuzzy on what that means. What did they do in Katrina? Are they going door to door and taking everyone's guns and bombs?

And what does "restoring order" mean? Have people already gone bezerk down there?
We Texans are friendly and courteous to all with whom we interact. We are not friendly solely by nature or upbringing, although those are large factors. We are not friendly solely because the Caddo Tribe's word "Tejas" (from which the Spanish variation of "Texas" [pronounced TAY-has] was derived) means "friendship." We are certainly not friendly because we like all people or even each other, for that matter (good lord, no. Houston v. Dallas v. Fort Worth, etc. Aggies, Longhorns, Bears, Red Raiders, to name a few. We all hate each other). Rather, it's the general understanding that we are an armed society, and by necessity, a polite society.

Hopefully, this needs on further explanation.
Here, have a link.
NRA threatens legal action over Virgin Islands firearm confiscation order

Governor is giving authorities the right to take firearms, incendiary devices, etc. to
"restore public order, and to guarantee the safety of life and property"
Do you think that would include grabbing guns from law abiding citizens? The article is real fuzzy on what that means. What did they do in Katrina? Are they going door to door and taking everyone's guns and bombs?

And what does "restoring order" mean? Have people already gone bezerk down there?
The order authorizes and instructs the islands' adjutant general to seize "arms, ammunition, explosives, incendiary material, and any other property that may be required by the military forces for the performance of this emergency mission," as approved by the territory's Department of Justice.
...makes it sound like they are taking them from citizens for the military to use, rather than taking them from citizens to prevent citizens from using them. Why the fuck does the military NOT have enough weapons and ammunition? Sounds like either a complete failure by the military or a bullshit excuse to grab guns and keep them.
Here, have a link.
NRA threatens legal action over Virgin Islands firearm confiscation order

Governor is giving authorities the right to take firearms, incendiary devices, etc. to
"restore public order, and to guarantee the safety of life and property"
Do you think that would include grabbing guns from law abiding citizens? The article is real fuzzy on what that means. What did they do in Katrina? Are they going door to door and taking everyone's guns and bombs?

And what does "restoring order" mean? Have people already gone bezerk down there?
The order authorizes and instructs the islands' adjutant general to seize "arms, ammunition, explosives, incendiary material, and any other property that may be required by the military forces for the performance of this emergency mission," as approved by the territory's Department of Justice.
...makes it sound like they are taking them from citizens for the military to use, rather than taking them from citizens to prevent citizens from using them. Why the fuck does the military NOT have enough weapons and ammunition? Sounds like either a complete failure by the military or a bullshit excuse to grab guns and keep them.
Yeah, I READ that already. Confiscating guns for military use? That's pretty pathetic if true, but it's also pretty pathetic that they are predicting some parts of Puerto Rico could be out of electricity for 4-6 months after Irma hits. Those islands got some problems.
Governors have broad powers in an emergency situation. When the Guard has been called up to keep order it is basically martial law in all but name and certain rights are suspended.

"The order authorizes and instructs the islands' adjutant general to seize "arms, ammunition, explosives, incendiary material, and any other property that may be required by the military forces for the performance of this emergency mission," as approved by the territory's Department of Justice."

This seems to be a direct quote, if so it explicitly spells out that the Guard in an emergency may commandeer private property. Pretty standard stuff.
Here, have a link.
NRA threatens legal action over Virgin Islands firearm confiscation order

Governor is giving authorities the right to take firearms, incendiary devices, etc. to
"restore public order, and to guarantee the safety of life and property"
Do you think that would include grabbing guns from law abiding citizens? The article is real fuzzy on what that means. What did they do in Katrina? Are they going door to door and taking everyone's guns and bombs?

And what does "restoring order" mean? Have people already gone bezerk down there?

yes. After hurricane Hugo, the people went bezerk.
That means, no restrictions!!!!

In light of the most recent communist left gun grab in the Virgin Islands, we need to push this issue back 100% the other direction. NO RESTRICTIONS WHATSOEVER!!!

No felony or age restrictions.

No mental health restrictions.

No registration.

State-of-the-art, full-auto weapons and explosives. FUCKING NUKES!

...Shall not be infringed, period.

A well regulated militia is no longer necessary for a free state.

That being said, I'm still not giving my weapons up.
Wrong, kid
Regarding the "kid" part, I'm over 40, but whatever.

Regarding the "wrong" part:

Argument 1:
We give no authority to government that we don't ourselves possess. If government has the authority to have and use full-auto weapons, we had that authority BEFORE government was even created.

Argument 2:
If our job as citizens (the people) is to defend against and overthrow tyranny, and the inherent nature of government is to trend toward tyranny, we must have at least somewhat comparable arms.
That means, no restrictions!!!!

In light of the most recent communist left gun grab in the Virgin Islands, we need to push this issue back 100% the other direction. NO RESTRICTIONS WHATSOEVER!!!

No felony or age restrictions.

No mental health restrictions.

No registration.

State-of-the-art, full-auto weapons and explosives. FUCKING NUKES!

...Shall not be infringed, period.
stupid has reached a new level.
Governors have broad powers in an emergency situation. When the Guard has been called up to keep order it is basically martial law in all but name and certain rights are suspended.

"The order authorizes and instructs the islands' adjutant general to seize "arms, ammunition, explosives, incendiary material, and any other property that may be required by the military forces for the performance of this emergency mission," as approved by the territory's Department of Justice."

This seems to be a direct quote, if so it explicitly spells out that the Guard in an emergency may commandeer private property. Pretty standard stuff.
No one will take my guns unless I am dead.
That means, no restrictions!!!!

In light of the most recent communist left gun grab in the Virgin Islands, we need to push this issue back 100% the other direction. NO RESTRICTIONS WHATSOEVER!!!

No felony or age restrictions.

No mental health restrictions.

No registration.

State-of-the-art, full-auto weapons and explosives. FUCKING NUKES!

...Shall not be infringed, period.

All rights have exceptions -- how do you not know this? How can you be an american and not know "you can't yell fire in a crowded movie house"…

Here's what the Conservative Justice Scalia said (as to "shall not be..")

District of Columbia vs Heller:

"Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those “in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons. Pp. 54–56."

Your opinion or thoughts or brain farting on constitutional law doesn't mean jack shit -- SCOTUS gets to interpret the constitution, not jackass NRA Cluckflakes.
Here, have a link.
NRA threatens legal action over Virgin Islands firearm confiscation order

Governor is giving authorities the right to take firearms, incendiary devices, etc. to
"restore public order, and to guarantee the safety of life and property"
Do you think that would include grabbing guns from law abiding citizens? The article is real fuzzy on what that means. What did they do in Katrina? Are they going door to door and taking everyone's guns and bombs?

And what does "restoring order" mean? Have people already gone bezerk down there?
The order authorizes and instructs the islands' adjutant general to seize "arms, ammunition, explosives, incendiary material, and any other property that may be required by the military forces for the performance of this emergency mission," as approved by the territory's Department of Justice.
...makes it sound like they are taking them from citizens for the military to use, rather than taking them from citizens to prevent citizens from using them. Why the fuck does the military NOT have enough weapons and ammunition? Sounds like either a complete failure by the military or a bullshit excuse to grab guns and keep them.
Richard pointed out the history; I looked it up. THIS is why...

Hurricane Hugo Haunts Virgin Islands

By William Branigin
Washington Post Foreign Service
Tuesday, October 31, 1989; Page A1

CHRISTIANSTED, U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS—Six weeks after Hurricane Hugo lashed the Caribbean, damage in the Virgin Islands – particularly St. Croix – is extensive. Debris is being cleared, and full electricity and telephone service are not expected for months. But the psychological scars from what happened when Hugo's winds stopped howling may take longer to heal.

Combined with lack of leadership from a territorial government widely denounced here as inept, the massive destruction, likened by some St. Croix residents to a nuclear holocaust, produced a sort of "day after" effect marked by a major breakdown of law and order.

Three days of near-anarchy followed Hugo's terrible passage during the night of Sept. 17-18 and prompted President Bush to dispatch about 1,100 Army military police and 170 federal law-enforcement officers, including 75 FBI agents and a "special operations group" of the U.S. Marshals Service.

Their deployment Sept. 21 quickly quelled what the Federal Bureau of Investigation called in court documents here "pervasive looting" on St. Croix, the worst hit of the territory's three main islands.

Most of the marshals have been withdrawn, but military police from the 18th Airborne Corps patrol in camouflage fatigues and purple berets, and many nervous residents said they want them to stay.

Wrong, kid
Regarding the "kid" part, I'm over 40, but whatever.

Regarding the "wrong" part:

Argument 1:
We give no authority to government that we don't ourselves possess. If government has the authority to have and use full-auto weapons, we had that authority BEFORE government was even created.

Argument 2:
If our job as citizens (the people) is to defend against and overthrow tyranny, and the inherent nature of government is to trend toward tyranny, we must have at least somewhat comparable arms.
There is no such a thing as unlimited rights. Wrong, kid.
A well regulated militia is no longer necessary for a free state.
Armed citizens (a militia) are necessary. Regardless, the supreme court has already ruled that the "well regulated militia" part is not relevant to the individual right, which shall not be infringed.

The fact that the Court did not go farther is actually an admirable show of restraint.

But, my focus is on Congress. We are pushing to repeal ALL gun/weapons/arms/munitions regulations.

Every. Last. One.

It's the only way to stop the gun-grabbing communists that have infested the democrat party.
There is no such a thing as unlimited rights. Wrong, kid.
Correct, but as long as government has unlimited power, so should the people who created that government. Disarm the military that is, or could be, controlled by an elected jackass. Then we'll talk.

Otherwise, repeal all restrictions.

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