Shattering Another Liberal Myth

According to the New York Times, 18% of all federal prison inmates are illegal immigrants.

Do they make up 18% of the general Population of the Nation?

Yes they do - next question? :)

The Hispanic population has reached a new high, but growth has slowed. In 2016, Hispanics accounted for 18% of the nation’s population and were the second-largest racial or ethnic group behind whites. (All racial groups are single race non-Hispanic.)

How the U.S. Hispanic population is changing

Illegal immigrants, not Hispanics.

Good Lord

I mean...
Let’s get back to facts...

Illegal immigration to the United States - Wikipedia

Estimates in 2015 put the number of unauthorized immigrants at 11 million, representing 3.4% of the total U.S. population

3.4% of the population, yet 18% of federal prison population.

Seems disproportionate by any measure.

But.....but......"All immigrants are hard working and law abiding; they do jobs you wouldn't consider doing, and they do them cheerfully…" we've been told for decades, by the Democrats.....they are far more law-abiding than the rest of us!!!!!!

Aren't they?
I'd love be able to claim that this is one of those tales that Liberals live and die by....but....there are so many fables in the Leftist constellations....well....they'll simply pivot to another of 'em

But....this thread will provide a significant revelation.

1. When the topic of illegal immigration is brought up, there are several boilerplate positions parroted by the Left's drones:

a. There are a mere 11 million illegal aliens living in our country

b. Obama didn't tell them to vote, and, anyway….they didn't

c. They pay taxes and are a benefit to our economy

d. They commit far fewer crimes than our own citizens

Every one of the above is a bald-faced lie.

Democrats/Liberals encourage illegal immigration, resist strengthening our borders, and pay out huge amounts from the public fisc to support illegals…..and all for one reason alone: illegals do what so very many Americans won't do:

They Vote Democrat.

2. The single most dangerous of the lies Liberals tell is this one:

d. They commit far fewer crimes than our own citizens

Until now, it was hard to pin the tail on that donkey, because the government has assiduously hidden the data.

Not anymore!

3. The government collects any and all data related to the needs of authorized 'victims' of general nastiness by white America, but somehow it neglects to collect data about criminality of illegal aliens...who, by definition....are criminals!
Seems all Democrats rely on illegal aliens do to is what they were allowed to come here to do: vote Democrat.
And they do.

If you'd like to see how scrupulous the data-miners have been, to actually hide the crime statistics on illegal aliens, pick any infinitesimal bit of information you'd like to know about inhabitants of America ....oh, how many occupants of American Samoa have battery powered radios in their homes.....
Wanna know? It's actually here: American FactFinder - Using FactFinder
(2,651 in 2010)

4. Now try to find data on how many legal and illegal aliens are arrested and convicted for crimes...and what those crimes are.

And, based on this obfuscation and/or outright refusal to collect this data, Liberals can simply sneer at the logic and experience of the other side's attempts to estimate the numbers of illegal aliens, how many vote, the financial burden they place on the public services they require, the costs to the judicial system, increases in police forces, prison guards.....and rape counselors.

Until now.

I'll reveal the actual data.

They may have a few more brains than you, the last place I would go would be to vote.
How do you take someone seriously who doesn't know even the def of liberal?
No Latin in college?
No college I bet.
I'd love be able to claim that this is one of those tales that Liberals live and die by....but....there are so many fables in the Leftist constellations....well....they'll simply pivot to another of 'em

But....this thread will provide a significant revelation.

1. When the topic of illegal immigration is brought up, there are several boilerplate positions parroted by the Left's drones:

a. There are a mere 11 million illegal aliens living in our country

b. Obama didn't tell them to vote, and, anyway….they didn't

c. They pay taxes and are a benefit to our economy

d. They commit far fewer crimes than our own citizens

Every one of the above is a bald-faced lie.

Democrats/Liberals encourage illegal immigration, resist strengthening our borders, and pay out huge amounts from the public fisc to support illegals…..and all for one reason alone: illegals do what so very many Americans won't do:

They Vote Democrat.

2. The single most dangerous of the lies Liberals tell is this one:

d. They commit far fewer crimes than our own citizens

Until now, it was hard to pin the tail on that donkey, because the government has assiduously hidden the data.

Not anymore!

3. The government collects any and all data related to the needs of authorized 'victims' of general nastiness by white America, but somehow it neglects to collect data about criminality of illegal aliens...who, by definition....are criminals!
Seems all Democrats rely on illegal aliens do to is what they were allowed to come here to do: vote Democrat.
And they do.

If you'd like to see how scrupulous the data-miners have been, to actually hide the crime statistics on illegal aliens, pick any infinitesimal bit of information you'd like to know about inhabitants of America ....oh, how many occupants of American Samoa have battery powered radios in their homes.....
Wanna know? It's actually here: American FactFinder - Using FactFinder
(2,651 in 2010)

4. Now try to find data on how many legal and illegal aliens are arrested and convicted for crimes...and what those crimes are.

And, based on this obfuscation and/or outright refusal to collect this data, Liberals can simply sneer at the logic and experience of the other side's attempts to estimate the numbers of illegal aliens, how many vote, the financial burden they place on the public services they require, the costs to the judicial system, increases in police forces, prison guards.....and rape counselors.

Until now.

I'll reveal the actual data.

They may have a few more brains than you, the last place I would go would be to vote.
How do you take someone seriously who doesn't know even the def of liberal?
No Latin in college?
No college I bet.

1. "They may have a few more brains than you"
No one has more brains than I.....and, based on your post, certainly not you.

2."...the last place I would go would be to vote."
The last place you would go would be a library....
.....criminals...illegal aliens, certainly would have no compunctions about breaking another

3. "How do you take someone seriously who doesn't know even the def of liberal?"
I never took you seriously, and it is clear that you are unaware of communist John Dewey prevailing upon the Socialist Party to change their name to 'Liberal.'
You might know that had you ever read a book that didn't require Crayons.

4. "No college I bet."
Another bet you'd lose.
Mine has the best fight song in the nation.

Yours, Barnum & Bailey Clown College, gives out big red noses in place of diplomas.

5. To review:
1. When the topic of illegal immigration is brought up, there are several boilerplate positions parroted by the Left's drones:

a. There are a mere 11 million illegal aliens living in our country

b. Obama didn't tell them to vote, and, anyway….they didn't

c. They pay taxes and are a benefit to our economy

d. They commit far fewer crimes than our own citizens

Every one of the above is a bald-faced lie.
What liberal pigs don't get is that ALL countries enforce their borders and most countries have stricter immigration laws than we do. But according to liberal traitors it's somehow WAAAAAYCIST to enforce ours because they are such self-loathing Americans, they want America to be a doormat for the third world they feel so sorry for. They don't give a fuck about fellow Americans in the slightest. Like the male cvnt Obama, they want to punish white Americans.
Let’s get back to facts...

Illegal immigration to the United States - Wikipedia

Estimates in 2015 put the number of unauthorized immigrants at 11 million, representing 3.4% of the total U.S. population

3.4% of the population, yet 18% of federal prison population.

Seems disproportionate by any measure.
Conservative CATO does a great job explaining why those figures dont present the correct story.
But go ahead and keep going with your Der Stürmer.

Why don’t you explain why 3% of the US population represents 18% of the prison population.

Just explain it to us in your own words.
8. The truth is, in fact, that non-citizens commit a massively greater proportion of crime than American citizens.

Certainly, that would prompt a thinking individual to question why the Democrats/Liberal have hidden the data, and actually advance an out-and-out fabrication for so long.

The answer doesn't require the abilities of a rocket scientist. Illegal aliens are the Democrats' constituents.

If one has no fear of drawing conclusions from these statistics…..meaning no fear of

a. having a considered opinion that runs counter to that of the elites

b. no fear of being called names…'bigot, nativist, racist, anti-immigrant, whatever….

c. no fear of fitting this Coulter description: "The mob mentality is irresistible to people with a desperate need to be popular, and are perennially afraid of getting a bloody nose on the playground of life. A tell-tale sign is the use of terms like “us” and “we” when they write, or speak…as these pronouns speak of popularity, of membership in the larger group…i.e. the mob."

d. no fear of admitting that the Democrat Party has only their own power as a priority, not America's safety nor benefit….

...then, admit the truth about illegal immigrants: they, and the Democrats, are a detriment to America.
What liberal pigs don't get is that ALL countries enforce their borders and most countries have stricter immigration laws than we do. But according to liberal traitors it's somehow WAAAAAYCIST to enforce ours because they are such self-loathing Americans, they want America to be a doormat for the third world they feel so sorry for. They don't give a fuck about fellow Americans in the slightest. Like the male cvnt Obama, they want to punish white Americans.

It’s all about votes. Nothing else.
Let’s get back to facts...

Illegal immigration to the United States - Wikipedia

Estimates in 2015 put the number of unauthorized immigrants at 11 million, representing 3.4% of the total U.S. population

3.4% of the population, yet 18% of federal prison population.

Seems disproportionate by any measure.
Conservative CATO does a great job explaining why those figures dont present the correct story.
But go ahead and keep going with your Der Stürmer.

Why don’t you explain why 3% of the US population represents 18% of the prison population.

Just explain it to us in your own words.

Let me respond in my Liberal voice:

" xenophope!!!

You hate women....gays......fuzzy brown teddy bears!!!!!!!"

Never mind.
I'd love be able to claim that this is one of those tales that Liberals live and die by....but....there are so many fables in the Leftist constellations....well....they'll simply pivot to another of 'em

But....this thread will provide a significant revelation.

1. When the topic of illegal immigration is brought up, there are several boilerplate positions parroted by the Left's drones:

a. There are a mere 11 million illegal aliens living in our country

b. Obama didn't tell them to vote, and, anyway….they didn't

c. They pay taxes and are a benefit to our economy

d. They commit far fewer crimes than our own citizens

Every one of the above is a bald-faced lie.

Democrats/Liberals encourage illegal immigration, resist strengthening our borders, and pay out huge amounts from the public fisc to support illegals…..and all for one reason alone: illegals do what so very many Americans won't do:

They Vote Democrat.

2. The single most dangerous of the lies Liberals tell is this one:

d. They commit far fewer crimes than our own citizens

Until now, it was hard to pin the tail on that donkey, because the government has assiduously hidden the data.

Not anymore!

3. The government collects any and all data related to the needs of authorized 'victims' of general nastiness by white America, but somehow it neglects to collect data about criminality of illegal aliens...who, by definition....are criminals!
Seems all Democrats rely on illegal aliens do to is what they were allowed to come here to do: vote Democrat.
And they do.

If you'd like to see how scrupulous the data-miners have been, to actually hide the crime statistics on illegal aliens, pick any infinitesimal bit of information you'd like to know about inhabitants of America ....oh, how many occupants of American Samoa have battery powered radios in their homes.....
Wanna know? It's actually here: American FactFinder - Using FactFinder
(2,651 in 2010)

4. Now try to find data on how many legal and illegal aliens are arrested and convicted for crimes...and what those crimes are.

And, based on this obfuscation and/or outright refusal to collect this data, Liberals can simply sneer at the logic and experience of the other side's attempts to estimate the numbers of illegal aliens, how many vote, the financial burden they place on the public services they require, the costs to the judicial system, increases in police forces, prison guards.....and rape counselors.

Until now.

I'll reveal the actual data.


a. How many are there PC, and please post their names.
b. How many of them voted, and please, name them.
c. Do they pay real estate taxes, if they rent, sales taxes, surtaxes on fuel, taxes on smokes and booze?
d. Really? Post the number of all persons convicted of crimes, and the citizenship of each one of them. [it's true, citizenship is not recorded on a police report - so how do you know]
I'd love be able to claim that this is one of those tales that Liberals live and die by....but....there are so many fables in the Leftist constellations....well....they'll simply pivot to another of 'em

But....this thread will provide a significant revelation.

1. When the topic of illegal immigration is brought up, there are several boilerplate positions parroted by the Left's drones:

a. There are a mere 11 million illegal aliens living in our country

b. Obama didn't tell them to vote, and, anyway….they didn't

c. They pay taxes and are a benefit to our economy

d. They commit far fewer crimes than our own citizens

Every one of the above is a bald-faced lie.

Democrats/Liberals encourage illegal immigration, resist strengthening our borders, and pay out huge amounts from the public fisc to support illegals…..and all for one reason alone: illegals do what so very many Americans won't do:

They Vote Democrat.

2. The single most dangerous of the lies Liberals tell is this one:

d. They commit far fewer crimes than our own citizens

Until now, it was hard to pin the tail on that donkey, because the government has assiduously hidden the data.

Not anymore!

3. The government collects any and all data related to the needs of authorized 'victims' of general nastiness by white America, but somehow it neglects to collect data about criminality of illegal aliens...who, by definition....are criminals!
Seems all Democrats rely on illegal aliens do to is what they were allowed to come here to do: vote Democrat.
And they do.

If you'd like to see how scrupulous the data-miners have been, to actually hide the crime statistics on illegal aliens, pick any infinitesimal bit of information you'd like to know about inhabitants of America ....oh, how many occupants of American Samoa have battery powered radios in their homes.....
Wanna know? It's actually here: American FactFinder - Using FactFinder
(2,651 in 2010)

4. Now try to find data on how many legal and illegal aliens are arrested and convicted for crimes...and what those crimes are.

And, based on this obfuscation and/or outright refusal to collect this data, Liberals can simply sneer at the logic and experience of the other side's attempts to estimate the numbers of illegal aliens, how many vote, the financial burden they place on the public services they require, the costs to the judicial system, increases in police forces, prison guards.....and rape counselors.

Until now.

I'll reveal the actual data.


a. How many are there PC, and please post their names.
b. How many of them voted, and please, name them.
c. Do they pay real estate taxes, if they rent, sales taxes, surtaxes on fuel, taxes on smokes and booze?
d. Really? Post the number of all persons convicted of crimes, and the citizenship of each one of them. [it's true, citizenship is not recorded on a police report - so how do you know]

Our resident dunce and Democrat 'camp follower' rushes out of the underbrush to attempt to save his patrons.

Based on the Yeats line...

"Think where man's glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends."

....having you as their supporter certainly sinks the Democrats, doesn't it.
What liberal pigs don't get is that ALL countries enforce their borders and most countries have stricter immigration laws than we do. But according to liberal traitors it's somehow WAAAAAYCIST to enforce ours because they are such self-loathing Americans, they want America to be a doormat for the third world they feel so sorry for. They don't give a fuck about fellow Americans in the slightest. Like the male cvnt Obama, they want to punish white Americans.

It’s all about votes. Nothing else.

I know. Because even if the illegals aren't American, their children will be by virtue of our birthright citizenship (which I want revoked because it's too abused by other countries), their American-born children will be Democrat voters. Pure, 100% treason.
OK…..we've proven that illegal immigrants are not…law-abiding and safe to be around.
Yet….we find Democrat doxys slithering in to support what has been revealed as a total lie.


Votes, of course.

But it runs deeper than that.

9. At its root, the Left's embrace of illegal immigration is founded on their hatred of borders and of sovereignty…..and of America.
Now…..where-ever did that desire find it's origin?

These definitions might serve as the hermeneutic key:

Nazi...national socialism....based on nationalism and/or race... socialism.

Communism is based on ending of all national borders….i.e., unlimited immigration.

10. Few recognize that the United Nations was a Stalin creation….with that very view:
"The U.N. charter was authored by a communist, the first U.N. Secretary-general was a communist, and the U.N., from the beginning, was designed to be a Union of World Socialist Republics.
Stalin's spy, Alger Hiss was the leading force in the designing of the United Nations. … At Yalta it was agreed that the Soviet Union would have three votes (one each for Russia, Ukraine, and Byelorussia) in the U.N. General Assembly, even though the United States had only one.

.... three years later. Alger Hiss was exposed as a communist spy and sent to prison. Only then did people understand why the emblem of the United Nations looked so much like the emblem of the Soviet Union."

The Dem mantra that Illegal immigrants are more law abiding than native residents is 100% bullshit.

What other lies do Dems have for us?
The Dem mantra that Illegal immigrants are more law abiding than native residents is 100% bullshit.

What other lies do Dems have for us?

I could list dozens of their lies.

Not figuratively......actually!

And the reason they get away with it, and have fools still swearing to the've seen a few in this thread..... a school system that uses the Mushroom Management Method:
1. Keep them in the dark.
2. Feed them full of s**t.

Trained never to either question, nor apply their own logic.....and the cowards acquiesce.
Isn't it supposed to be "bold-faced" lie?

"Most sources agree that the original expression, coined in the late 1600s, was actually barefaced lie. At that time, bare meant brazen or bold. At that time in history, almost all men sported a full set of whiskers, and it was considered quite daring or even audacious for a male to be clean-shaven, or barefaced. Eventually, the word for “hairless” went from bare to bald, and so did the description of a blatant fib."
Is it a Bald-Faced or Bold-Faced Lie?

Soooo.....if you suggest that I was incorrect, you'd be guilty of a bald-faced lie!!!!!!!!

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