She Doesn't Hold Back: Sarah Palin Calls Barack And Michelle 'Unpatriotic' & 'Racist'

Talk about speaking the truth, this woman is full of the truth when she says this. Sarah Palin is showing she has a set and she is not letting the political correctness stop her either. She is letting us know what kind of campaign she is going to give Obama if she runs. You gotta love this really. I mean, this is what you call being bold and it shows she stands by her convictions. The fact is, she is right, Barack and his wife Michelle are indeed very much unpatriotic and racist. They showed it in their statements on the campaign trail in 08 and they have showed it through their actions in the White House. Palin is showing she has a backbone and she intends to use it and this is a example. Obama doesn't realize that this woman doesn't give a crap about being politicaly correct when it pertains to calling him and his wife out. As President Clinton has said and Biden said it yesterday morning........'Don't underestimate this woman'. If she runs , which we all know she will, Obama will be faced with something he has never delt with before and that is a woman who will call it like she sees ignoring the political correctness that has swept America.

Sarah Palin brands Barack and Michelle Obama ?unpatriotic? | TopNews

I cant understand a person who would think this woman would be presidential material with statements like these.

this is a recanted opinion from u.k. on an indian or indiana website, either way i think it's right on, and i think palin is accurate. this is why liberals are so at odds with us conservatives
Talk about speaking the truth, this woman is full of the truth when she says this. Sarah Palin is showing she has a set and she is not letting the political correctness stop her either. She is letting us know what kind of campaign she is going to give Obama if she runs. You gotta love this really. I mean, this is what you call being bold and it shows she stands by her convictions. The fact is, she is right, Barack and his wife Michelle are indeed very much unpatriotic and racist. They showed it in their statements on the campaign trail in 08 and they have showed it through their actions in the White House. Palin is showing she has a backbone and she intends to use it and this is a example. Obama doesn't realize that this woman doesn't give a crap about being politicaly correct when it pertains to calling him and his wife out. As President Clinton has said and Biden said it yesterday morning........'Don't underestimate this woman'. If she runs , which we all know she will, Obama will be faced with something he has never delt with before and that is a woman who will call it like she sees ignoring the political correctness that has swept America.

Sarah Palin brands Barack and Michelle Obama ?unpatriotic? | TopNews

Do you get paid for pimping Palin all the time? Your obsession is unhealthy.

Also unpatriotic is a common card played by the desperate (as is racist).

Talk about speaking the truth, this woman is full of the truth when she says this. Sarah Palin is showing she has a set and she is not letting the political correctness stop her either. She is letting us know what kind of campaign she is going to give Obama if she runs. You gotta love this really. I mean, this is what you call being bold and it shows she stands by her convictions. The fact is, she is right, Barack and his wife Michelle are indeed very much unpatriotic and racist. They showed it in their statements on the campaign trail in 08 and they have showed it through their actions in the White House. Palin is showing she has a backbone and she intends to use it and this is a example. Obama doesn't realize that this woman doesn't give a crap about being politicaly correct when it pertains to calling him and his wife out. As President Clinton has said and Biden said it yesterday morning........'Don't underestimate this woman'. If she runs , which we all know she will, Obama will be faced with something he has never delt with before and that is a woman who will call it like she sees ignoring the political correctness that has swept America.

Sarah Palin brands Barack and Michelle Obama ?unpatriotic? | TopNews

I cant understand a person who would think this woman would be presidential material with statements like these.
She is presidential because finally, we have a contender that speaks the truth and isn't afraid of political correctness standing in the way.
Talk about speaking the truth, this woman is full of the truth when she says this. Sarah Palin is showing she has a set and she is not letting the political correctness stop her either. She is letting us know what kind of campaign she is going to give Obama if she runs. You gotta love this really. I mean, this is what you call being bold and it shows she stands by her convictions. The fact is, she is right, Barack and his wife Michelle are indeed very much unpatriotic and racist. They showed it in their statements on the campaign trail in 08 and they have showed it through their actions in the White House. Palin is showing she has a backbone and she intends to use it and this is a example. Obama doesn't realize that this woman doesn't give a crap about being politicaly correct when it pertains to calling him and his wife out. As President Clinton has said and Biden said it yesterday morning........'Don't underestimate this woman'. If she runs , which we all know she will, Obama will be faced with something he has never delt with before and that is a woman who will call it like she sees ignoring the political correctness that has swept America.

Sarah Palin brands Barack and Michelle Obama ?unpatriotic? | TopNews

I cant understand a person who would think this woman would be presidential material with statements like these.

this is a recanted opinion from u.k. on an indian or indiana website, either way i think it's right on, and i think palin is accurate. this is why liberals are so at odds with us conservatives

Actually, the reason liberals are so at odds with Republicans is only a few, but they are major.

Republicans ruined the economy. They want vast government intrusion into our lives denying civil rights and placing women's bodies under government control and regulation. They are so for corporations over the middle class, they apologize to corporations who devastate our landscape. They push their awful mystical beliefs onto the public targeting our public schools and children especially. They target many minorities. They threaten this country constantly with violence and they insist this country belongs to them and they want it back. They call the president of the United States the worst names possible and endlessly accuse him of every nonsensical thing they can imagine, the most recent being a trip that cost 200 million dollars a DAY! Their leadership helps send millions of jobs overseas and the base approves. And the rest of the world sees our Republican party as a terrible danger. And finally, they have zero interest in any type of negotiation and can only see the world through their limited understanding and perspective.

I think that pretty much sums up the Republican Party. Now, somewhere, there might be a Republicans who disagrees, but ask them to point out which point was mistaken and they can't. It's not that they won't, they can't. But they will call names. They are very good at calling dirty names.
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I cant understand a person who would think this woman would be presidential material with statements like these.

this is a recanted opinion from u.k. on an indian or indiana website, either way i think it's right on, and i think palin is accurate. this is why liberals are so at odds with us conservatives

Actually, the reason liberals are so at odds with Republicans is only a few, but they are major.

Republicans ruined the economy. They want vast government intrusion into our lives denying civil rights and placing women's bodies under government control and regulation. They are so for corporations over the middle class, they apologize to corporations who devastate our landscape. They push their awful mystical beliefs onto the public targeting our public schools and children especially. They target many minorities. They threaten this country constantly with violence and they insist this country belongs to them and they want it back. They call the president of the United States the worst names possible and endlessly accuse him of every nonsensical thing they can imagine, the most recent being a trip that cost 200 million dollars a DAY! Their leadership helps send millions of jobs overseas and the base approves. And the rest of the world sees our Republican party as a terrible danger. And finally, they have zero interest in any type of negotiation and can only see the world through their limited understanding and perspective.

I think that pretty much sums up the Republican Party. Now, somewhere, there might be a Republicans who disagrees, but ask them to point out which point was mistaken and they can't. It's not that they won't, they can't. But they will call names. They are very good at calling dirty names.

there a so many wild claims in this paragraph let's look at these two...
how did the republicans ruin the economy ?
the world sees republicans as... ? seems like a sweeping statement, care to back it up?
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Talk about speaking the truth, this woman is full of the truth when she says this. Sarah Palin is showing she has a set and she is not letting the political correctness stop her either. She is letting us know what kind of campaign she is going to give Obama if she runs. You gotta love this really. I mean, this is what you call being bold and it shows she stands by her convictions. The fact is, she is right, Barack and his wife Michelle are indeed very much unpatriotic and racist. They showed it in their statements on the campaign trail in 08 and they have showed it through their actions in the White House. Palin is showing she has a backbone and she intends to use it and this is a example. Obama doesn't realize that this woman doesn't give a crap about being politicaly correct when it pertains to calling him and his wife out. As President Clinton has said and Biden said it yesterday morning........'Don't underestimate this woman'. If she runs , which we all know she will, Obama will be faced with something he has never delt with before and that is a woman who will call it like she sees ignoring the political correctness that has swept America.

Sarah Palin brands Barack and Michelle Obama ?unpatriotic? | TopNews

I cant understand a person who would think this woman would be presidential material with statements like these.
She is presidential because finally, we have a contender that speaks the truth and isn't afraid of political correctness standing in the way.


Remember the glee and all the talk of Amending our Constitution so that he might one day be POTUS?
That was way beck in 2003. How'd that hopey changey from the right work out for ya?
Now, Sarah Palin is the darling of the right. Same glee, and no need to change our Constitution.
That's good, correct?
But one thing bothers me. I know the Birther's will agree, I'm sure they didn't want Arnie, given he's from somewhere else. Well, some in Alaska are from somewhere else, not in space but in mind. The are the members and support the Alaskan Independence Party.
Sarah Palin, former Alaska Governor and 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee, attended the 2006 party convention as a Republican candidate for Governor of Alaska. In 2007, after winning her election, Sarah Palin delivered a taped welcome message for the party's convention.
In 1994, both Todd and Sarah Palin attended the party convention, which was held in their hometown of Wasilla. At the time, Sarah Palin was a sitting city councilmember of Wasilla.
You mean the liberal that started this thread?

i mean the democraticrats and the press, the democratic party.

They started this thread?

no, they who can't stop elevating her power and presence, which is what she wants, whereby if the democrats and press ignored her as "so called unimportant and stupid" she will simply go away and that would help their obama" well, she might not just disappear, but you see my point ? the democrats and press are helping her to become president... why ?
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I cant understand a person who would think this woman would be presidential material with statements like these.
She is presidential because finally, we have a contender that speaks the truth and isn't afraid of political correctness standing in the way.


Remember the glee and all the talk of Amending our Constitution so that he might one day be POTUS?
That was way beck in 2003. How'd that hopey changey from the right work out for ya?
Now, Sarah Palin is the darling of the right. Same glee, and no need to change our Constitution.
That's good, correct?
But one thing bothers me. I know the Birther's will agree, I'm sure they didn't want Arnie, given he's from somewhere else. Well, some in Alaska are from somewhere else, not in space but in mind. The are the members and support the Alaskan Independence Party.
Sarah Palin, former Alaska Governor and 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee, attended the 2006 party convention as a Republican candidate for Governor of Alaska. In 2007, after winning her election, Sarah Palin delivered a taped welcome message for the party's convention.
In 1994, both Todd and Sarah Palin attended the party convention, which was held in their hometown of Wasilla. At the time, Sarah Palin was a sitting city councilmember of Wasilla.

did you get cross threaded, what the hell are you talking about ?
i mean the democraticrats and the press, the democratic party.

They started this thread?

no, they who can't stop elevating her power and presence, which is what she wants, whereby if the democrats and press ignored her as "so called unimportant and stupid" she will simply go away and that would help their obama" well, she might not just disappear, but you see my point ? the democrats and press are helping her to become president... why ?

She attracts audience in the media so of course the commercial media is going to over-cover her. But there's a big difference between being a media draw and a viable presidential candidate.
They started this thread?

no, they who can't stop elevating her power and presence, which is what she wants, whereby if the democrats and press ignored her as "so called unimportant and stupid" she will simply go away and that would help their obama" well, she might not just disappear, but you see my point ? the democrats and press are helping her to become president... why ?

She attracts audience in the media so of course the commercial media is going to over-cover her. But there's a big difference between being a media draw and a viable presidential candidate.

Her real media competition seems to be Lyndsey Lohan.
They started this thread?

no, they who can't stop elevating her power and presence, which is what she wants, whereby if the democrats and press ignored her as "so called unimportant and stupid" she will simply go away and that would help their obama" well, she might not just disappear, but you see my point ? the democrats and press are helping her to become president... why ?

She attracts audience in the media so of course the commercial media is going to over-cover her. But there's a big difference between being a media draw and a viable presidential candidate.

is there?
She may be "speaking the truth" - but the very last sentence in the article.."The attack is likely to deepen the impression that the former Alaska governor is too divisive a figure to win the presidency" the truest statement made in the entire piece.

She'll be a great candidate. We hope you guys nominate her for 2012. She's a very mean spirited lady only in it for the money. She'll probably just quit halfway through anyway, if something better comes along.

Given that her own husband wants Alaska to secede from the US....Palin needs to be careful who she calls patriotic

Alaskan Independence Party

The Alaskan Independence Party is a political party in the U.S. state of Alaska that advocates an in-state referendum which includes the option of Alaska becoming an independent country. The party also advocates positions similar to those of the Constitution Party and Libertarian Party, supporting gun rights, privatization, home schooling, and limited government.

It has been alleged that some of its members in the past have also proposed that the state explore the possibility of joining Canada. Some other members have expressed opposition to joining Canada in its present form but are open to the possibility of joining an independent Western Canadian province or territory including the Yukon and Northwest Territories.[citation needed] Neither of these scenarios have ever formed any part of the party's platform.
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holyshitwadimiss? why can't the liberals stop talking about the magnificent sarah palin? don't they know that they are elevating her with every digg & kush

Exposure isn't helping her. She has the highest unfavorable rating of any potential GOP 2012 candidate.
no, they who can't stop elevating her power and presence, which is what she wants, whereby if the democrats and press ignored her as "so called unimportant and stupid" she will simply go away and that would help their obama" well, she might not just disappear, but you see my point ? the democrats and press are helping her to become president... why ?

She attracts audience in the media so of course the commercial media is going to over-cover her. But there's a big difference between being a media draw and a viable presidential candidate.

is there?

Ask President Hillary Clinton.
She may be "speaking the truth" - but the very last sentence in the article.."The attack is likely to deepen the impression that the former Alaska governor is too divisive a figure to win the presidency" the truest statement made in the entire piece.

She'll be a great candidate. We hope you guys nominate her for 2012. She's a very mean spirited lady only in it for the money. She'll probably just quit halfway through anyway, if something better comes along.


that's silly, she's no meaner than ted kennedy was. she just believes in herself, and her own values. obama quit the senate.
Talk about speaking the truth, this woman is full of the truth when she says this. Sarah Palin is showing she has a set and she is not letting the political correctness stop her either. She is letting us know what kind of campaign she is going to give Obama if she runs. You gotta love this really. I mean, this is what you call being bold and it shows she stands by her convictions. The fact is, she is right, Barack and his wife Michelle are indeed very much unpatriotic and racist. They showed it in their statements on the campaign trail in 08 and they have showed it through their actions in the White House. Palin is showing she has a backbone and she intends to use it and this is a example. Obama doesn't realize that this woman doesn't give a crap about being politicaly correct when it pertains to calling him and his wife out. As President Clinton has said and Biden said it yesterday morning........'Don't underestimate this woman'. If she runs , which we all know she will, Obama will be faced with something he has never delt with before and that is a woman who will call it like she sees ignoring the political correctness that has swept America.

Sarah Palin brands Barack and Michelle Obama ?unpatriotic? | TopNews


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