She knew all along....

Or was it a clandestine CIA operation. I'll say, at least the democrats know how to run an investigation and expose truths, you republicans whine like fucking babies.

I had this bookmarked. it hits on to what we were talking about earlier about the Republicans. thought maybe you'd like to take a look at it. it's very long and head shaking reading, but could be. I've been to the site so it's safe as far as I know. It still doesn't excuse Hillary and Obama from lying to us over this ordeal.

Why Hillary’s Upcoming Congressional Testimony is a Total Farce, a Charade To Shield Congress…
Why Hillary's Upcoming Congressional Testimony is a Total Farce, a Charade To Shield Congress...
There is no excuse for the lying, but nothing is going to come from this investigation as it is currently being conducted, except probably helping her get elected which I am dead set against.
Wrong. These investigations give the FBI PILES of evidence.
Evidence of what? Perjury? BFD

intentional malfeasance in office for political gain, and yes, perjury as well. Then we have the email issue which is treason.

HRC will never be POTUS, deal with it.
unfortunately we also have a criminal justice dept.
I had this bookmarked. it hits on to what we were talking about earlier about the Republicans. thought maybe you'd like to take a look at it. it's very long and head shaking reading, but could be. I've been to the site so it's safe as far as I know. It still doesn't excuse Hillary and Obama from lying to us over this ordeal.

Why Hillary’s Upcoming Congressional Testimony is a Total Farce, a Charade To Shield Congress…
Why Hillary's Upcoming Congressional Testimony is a Total Farce, a Charade To Shield Congress...
There is no excuse for the lying, but nothing is going to come from this investigation as it is currently being conducted, except probably helping her get elected which I am dead set against.
Wrong. These investigations give the FBI PILES of evidence.
Evidence of what? Perjury? BFD

intentional malfeasance in office for political gain, and yes, perjury as well. Then we have the email issue which is treason.

HRC will never be POTUS, deal with it.
unfortunately we also have a criminal justice dept.

criminally partisan to be accurate.
And how exactly is that taking responsibility for the death of four Americans?

You might be right about Clinton. I'm not convinced Bill'ary is good for the Democratic Party, especially after capitulating with Wall Street against Labor/Unions in the 90s.

But here is the problem. Your desire to stop the Clinton's at any cost makes it hard for people to accept your version of the facts. Your party has an overlapping set of institutions - think tanks, print and digital media, political action committees named "Stop Hillary", etc. These institutions provide incentives to anyone who produces information that harms Hillary. They and you are literally at war.

In your defense. It is very obvious to an outside observer that you deeply believe Hillary is evil, and that you are morally obligated and psychologically compelled to say whatever is necessary to keep her from winning the presidency and, thus, stop her from destroying your country. I have no doubt that you believe Hillary lies about everything. I'm inclined to agree with you here. I think that, like any politician, she puts a spin on nearly everything in order to make herself look better, and she could have easily made terrible mistakes, ethical and otherwise, while Secretary of State. So I wouldn't be surprised if some of your suspicions are true. But your party's willingness to distort and invent facts to stop her makes it impossible to take you seriously. Your desire to destroy Hillary at all costs is too transparent. And, like I said, I don't think you are destroying her because you are evil. I think you are acting out of fear over the fate of your country.

But there is a deeper complication that I can't square.

If you cared about American lives, you would have raised a concern when George Bush ignored a August 2001 memo warning of an impending attack using planes & skyscrapers. Your leading presidential candidate says that Bush acted with terrible negligence in his handling of the Iraq War. Do you know what happened because of that negligence which Trump asserts? 5,000+ dead Americans - yet your side asked for no investigation. Don't you at least want to find out what happened with our 9/11 preparedness? After being warned of an impending terrorist attack using planes and skyscrapers, why didn't we have scramble ready planes to meet the planes after they went off course? This is inexcusable and it makes Clinton's alleged errors look like nothing. And what about the intelligence surrounding the resulting Iraq War? And what about the execution of the war itself? Why didn't you - in your concern for American lives - ask for any investigations . . . so that we could learn from the experience and improve our methods for the next crisis?

Point is: you never - and I mean never - take action against a sitting Republican president or high ranking Republican official. So we know that you are just a partisan who is doing everything possible to help your party win. You are a political actor and not a truth teller. You are a deeply partisan hack who is doing all he can to stop Hillary.
Last edited:
And how exactly is that taking responsibility for the death of four Americans?

You might be right about Clinton. I'm not convinced Bill'ary is good for the Democratic Party, especially after capitulating with Wall Street against Labor/Unions in the 90s.

But here is the problem. Your desire to stop the Clinton's at any cost makes it hard for people to accept your version of the facts. Your party has an overlapping set of institutions - think tanks, print and digital media, political action committees named "Stop Hillary", etc. These institutions provide incentives to anyone who produces information that harms Hillary. They and you are literally at war.

In your defense. It is very obvious to an outside observer that you deeply believe Hillary is evil, and that you are morally obligated and psychologically compelled to say whatever is necessary to keep her from winning the presidency and, thus, stop her from destroying your country. I have no doubt that you believe Hillary lies about everything. I'm inclined to agree with you here. I think that, like any politician, she puts a spin on nearly everything in order to make herself look better. This happens on both sides of the aisle. So I wouldn't be surprised if some of your suspicions are true. But your party's willingness to distort and invent facts to stop her makes it impossible to take anything you say with the level of seriousness you want us to have.

if you cared about American lives, you would have raised a concern when George Bush ignored a August 2001 memo warning of an impending attack using planes & skyscrapers. Your leading presidential candidate says that Bush acted with terrible negligence in his handling of the Iraq War. The combined deaths from 9/11 and Iras are over 5,000 - yet your side asked for no investigation. Don't you at least want to find out what happened so that we can learn from the experience and improve our methods for the next crisis? Point is: you never - and I mean never - take action against a sitting Republican president or high ranking official. So we know that you are just a partisan who is doing everything possible to help your party win. You are a political actor and not a truth teller. You are a deeply partisan hack.

Bush (george 43) is not running for president, HRC is. therein lies the difference.
There is no excuse for the lying, but nothing is going to come from this investigation as it is currently being conducted, except probably helping her get elected which I am dead set against.
Wrong. These investigations give the FBI PILES of evidence.
Evidence of what? Perjury? BFD

intentional malfeasance in office for political gain, and yes, perjury as well. Then we have the email issue which is treason.

HRC will never be POTUS, deal with it.
unfortunately we also have a criminal justice dept.

criminally partisan to be accurate.
Reality is a bitch. Don't strain yourself with that critical thinking, start slow, you will eventually get the hang of it.
Wrong. These investigations give the FBI PILES of evidence.
Evidence of what? Perjury? BFD

intentional malfeasance in office for political gain, and yes, perjury as well. Then we have the email issue which is treason.

HRC will never be POTUS, deal with it.
unfortunately we also have a criminal justice dept.

criminally partisan to be accurate.
Reality is a bitch. Don't strain yourself with that critical thinking, start slow, you will eventually get the hang of it.

I think its you who needs a dose of reality. your heroine is a proven liar and fraud. you are going to have to deal with that.


Well the families are now getting angry:
The anti-Hillary Clinton ad that’s angering some family members of Benghazi victims
and the hearing was invaluable for the clarity it provided.

"Here’s what the Benghazi committee found in Thursday’s hearing. Two hours into Mrs. Clinton’s testimony, Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan referred to an email Mrs. Clinton sent to her daughter, Chelsea, at 11:12 the night of the attack, or 45 minutes after the secretary of state had issued a statement blaming YouTube-inflamed mobs."

"That same evening, Mrs. Clinton spoke on the phone with Libyan President Mohamed Magariaf, around 8 p.m. The notes from that conversation, in a State Department email, describe her as saying: “We have asked for the Libyan government to provide additional security to the compound immediately as there is a gun battle ongoing, which I understand Ansar as Sharia [sic] is claiming responsibility for.” Ansar al Sharia is al Qaeda’s affiliate on the Arabian Peninsula. So several hours into the attack, Mrs. Clinton already believed that al Qaeda was attacking U.S. facilities."

"The next afternoon, Mrs. Clinton had a call with the Egyptian Prime Minister Hesham Kandil. The notes from it are absolutely damning. The secretary of state tells him: “We know that the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film. It was a planned attack—not a protest.” And yet Mrs. Clinton, and Ms. Rice and Mr. Obama for days and days continued to spin the video lie."

She Knew All Along

so what? She told the committee she took responsibility for Benghazi. Whats so damn difficult to understand?

how damn dumb are RW's ?

She did huh...?
And what were the consequences of accepting that responsibility ?

Gowdy and the group played like she never said a word and kept asking the same stupid ass questions they've been asking in THE OTHER 8 INVESTIGATIONS ..

just like the stupid ass RW's on this board.

And she keeps lying, just like she did in the other investigations. Despite the fact that she's been caught out. Over and over.

Yet she hasn't been charged with a damn thing. I am no Hillary fan- but holy cow--- the nutters probably are lining up for investigation #10- Shirley it can't be far off...:eusa_wall:

Who the hell is Shirley?
She did huh...?
And what were the consequences of accepting that responsibility ?

With close to 10 investigations, apparently nothing, since she was found she did nothing wrong in all of them.


And how exactly is that taking responsibility for the death of four Americans?

There was nothing that she did that caused that tragedy. It's something that you & the nutters will have to come to grips with. Not to mention it was outed by one of your own that it was all a dog & pony show anyways.


Than why did she blame a video knowing full well it was terrorism?
You didn't watch the hearing did you? Because if you did, you would know that....

CLINTON: Well, Congressman, there was a lot of conflicting information that we were trying to make sense of. The situation was very fluid. It was fast-moving. There was also a claim of responsibility by Ansar al-Sharia. And when I talked to the Egyptian prime minister, I said that this was a claim of responsibility by Ansar al-Sharia, by a group that was affiliated -- or at least wanted to be affiliated -- with Al Qaida.

Sometime after that, the next -- next day, early the next morning after that, on the 12th or 13th, they retracted their claim of responsibility.

Rep. Jim Jordan vs. Hillary Clinton: Why Did You Tell Egyptians Benghazi Was a Terrorist Attack But Not The American People?

Yeah okay ...:haha:
Well that's rather the problem. Republican voters maintain corruption, dishonesty, obstruction of justice and treason ARE the issues and should be prosecuted. Our admin feels differently.
Don't kid yourself, republican voters only care about those issue as it relates to democrat infractions. The Benghazi investigation charade is being conducted for your benefit and i haven't seen any one of you on the right calling for the focus of the investigation to change.

what exactly was the purpose of the watergate investigation? was it a partisan witch hunt over a minor break in where no one was killed? A president resigned over that very insignificant issue because he lied about it to the american people. the benghazi lies directly caused the deaths of 4 americans and you libs don't give a shit. pathetic.

and for the record, republicans did not support nixon, they had principles.
That is certainly a testament to the evolution of our society and what is accepted. You deified Reagan who went through the Iran Contra scandal.

The lies didn't cause anyone's death. They are an attempt to cover up something. It's time to ask what and stop focusing on the lie, it's going to get you nowhere and probably will have the opposite affect that you are hoping for.

you are correct. the lies and cover up did not cause any deaths. What caused the deaths was HRC's incompetence and her incompetent staff who ignored the 600 requests from the ambassador for additional security.
The lies came later to cover up the incompetence (or was it political expedience?)
There were not 600 requests for additional security. This was one of hundred if not thousands of U.S. Compounds around the world. They cannot all be made impregnable. You assholes are helping Hillary with your nonsense. The American people saw a strong, confident and well informed leader and seven small minded political hacks at that hearing. She destroyed them and assured herself of a clear path to the nomination. She will destroy any Republican they put up and she will be your president in14 short months.

The Republicans certainly didn't do Bernie Sanders any favors.
Don't kid yourself, republican voters only care about those issue as it relates to democrat infractions. The Benghazi investigation charade is being conducted for your benefit and i haven't seen any one of you on the right calling for the focus of the investigation to change.

what exactly was the purpose of the watergate investigation? was it a partisan witch hunt over a minor break in where no one was killed? A president resigned over that very insignificant issue because he lied about it to the american people. the benghazi lies directly caused the deaths of 4 americans and you libs don't give a shit. pathetic.

and for the record, republicans did not support nixon, they had principles.
That is certainly a testament to the evolution of our society and what is accepted. You deified Reagan who went through the Iran Contra scandal.

The lies didn't cause anyone's death. They are an attempt to cover up something. It's time to ask what and stop focusing on the lie, it's going to get you nowhere and probably will have the opposite affect that you are hoping for.

you are correct. the lies and cover up did not cause any deaths. What caused the deaths was HRC's incompetence and her incompetent staff who ignored the 600 requests from the ambassador for additional security.
The lies came later to cover up the incompetence (or was it political expedience?)
There were not 600 requests for additional security. This was one of hundred if not thousands of U.S. Compounds around the world. They cannot all be made impregnable. You assholes are helping Hillary with your nonsense. The American people saw a strong, confident and well informed leader and seven small minded political hacks at that hearing. She destroyed them and assured herself of a clear path to the nomination. She will destroy any Republican they put up and she will be your president in14 short months.

The Republicans certainly didn't do Bernie Sanders any favors.

old bernie was never a serious candidate. grow up
Well that's rather the problem. Republican voters maintain corruption, dishonesty, obstruction of justice and treason ARE the issues and should be prosecuted. Our admin feels differently.
Don't kid yourself, republican voters only care about those issue as it relates to democrat infractions. The Benghazi investigation charade is being conducted for your benefit and i haven't seen any one of you on the right calling for the focus of the investigation to change.

what exactly was the purpose of the watergate investigation? was it a partisan witch hunt over a minor break in where no one was killed? A president resigned over that very insignificant issue because he lied about it to the american people. the benghazi lies directly caused the deaths of 4 americans and you libs don't give a shit. pathetic.

and for the record, republicans did not support nixon, they had principles.
Name one alleged lie that happened before the attack that contributed in any way to the deaths.
So like all lefties, you're okay with lying unless it gets someone killed...and even then it's okay if they say they did it for the good of all.
You realize that all murderous regimes, and the crafters of Obama are, depend heavily on your stupidity, right?

is that a sentence?
And how exactly is that taking responsibility for the death of four Americans?

You might be right about Clinton. I'm not convinced Bill'ary is good for the Democratic Party, especially after capitulating with Wall Street against Labor/Unions in the 90s.

But here is the problem. Your desire to stop the Clinton's at any cost makes it hard for people to accept your version of the facts. Your party has an overlapping set of institutions - think tanks, print and digital media, political action committees named "Stop Hillary", etc. These institutions provide incentives to anyone who produces information that harms Hillary. They and you are literally at war.

In your defense. It is very obvious to an outside observer that you deeply believe Hillary is evil, and that you are morally obligated and psychologically compelled to say whatever is necessary to keep her from winning the presidency and, thus, stop her from destroying your country. I have no doubt that you believe Hillary lies about everything. I'm inclined to agree with you here. I think that, like any politician, she puts a spin on nearly everything in order to make herself look better, and she could have easily made terrible mistakes, ethical and otherwise, while Secretary of State. So I wouldn't be surprised if some of your suspicions are true. But your party's willingness to distort and invent facts to stop her makes it impossible to take you seriously. Your desire to destroy Hillary at all costs is too transparent. And, like I said, I don't think you are destroying her because you are evil. I think you are acting out of fear over the fate of your country.

But there is a deeper complication that I can't square.

If you cared about American lives, you would have raised a concern when George Bush ignored a August 2001 memo warning of an impending attack using planes & skyscrapers. Your leading presidential candidate says that Bush acted with terrible negligence in his handling of the Iraq War. Do you know what happened because of that negligence which Trump asserts? 5,000+ dead Americans - yet your side asked for no investigation. Don't you at least want to find out what happened with our 9/11 preparedness and the resulting Iraq War so that we can learn from the experience and improve our methods for the next crisis? Point is: you never - and I mean never - take action against a sitting Republican president or high ranking Republican official. So we know that you are just a partisan who is doing everything possible to help your party win. You are a political actor and not a truth teller. You are a deeply partisan hack who is doing all he can to stop Hillary.

The Sudanese offered to hand over Bin Laden but Clinton declined so dont even go there.
And maybe you should be worrying about your own problems with your muslim "immigrants".....a problem that hilary and the messiah are intent on bringing to America.
So excuse me if I dont follow in the footsteps of your failures.
what exactly was the purpose of the watergate investigation? was it a partisan witch hunt over a minor break in where no one was killed? A president resigned over that very insignificant issue because he lied about it to the american people. the benghazi lies directly caused the deaths of 4 americans and you libs don't give a shit. pathetic.

and for the record, republicans did not support nixon, they had principles.
That is certainly a testament to the evolution of our society and what is accepted. You deified Reagan who went through the Iran Contra scandal.

The lies didn't cause anyone's death. They are an attempt to cover up something. It's time to ask what and stop focusing on the lie, it's going to get you nowhere and probably will have the opposite affect that you are hoping for.

you are correct. the lies and cover up did not cause any deaths. What caused the deaths was HRC's incompetence and her incompetent staff who ignored the 600 requests from the ambassador for additional security.
The lies came later to cover up the incompetence (or was it political expedience?)
There were not 600 requests for additional security. This was one of hundred if not thousands of U.S. Compounds around the world. They cannot all be made impregnable. You assholes are helping Hillary with your nonsense. The American people saw a strong, confident and well informed leader and seven small minded political hacks at that hearing. She destroyed them and assured herself of a clear path to the nomination. She will destroy any Republican they put up and she will be your president in14 short months.

The Republicans certainly didn't do Bernie Sanders any favors.

old bernie was never a serious candidate. grow up

That's not what I said. Though if Hillary tanks, he'd be taken very seriously but the GOP can't help themselves, they go out of their way to state this is a political circus and Clinton cleaned their clocks. Of course you'll disagree but that doesn't matter. The GOP in the eyes of most voters lost and the Republicans gave 11 hours for Clinton to rip Trey Gowdy's sweaty ass and take his buddies with him. I'd imagine it's near impossible to come off Presidential in this situation, she did it. Again, you and the wingnuts won't agree but that doesn't matter.

The Sudanese offered to hand over Bin Laden but Clinton declined so dont even go there.
And maybe you should be worrying about your own problems with your muslim "immigrants".....a problem that hilary and the messiah are intent on bringing to America.
So excuse me if I dont follow in the footsteps of your failures.

I didn't vote for any of the Clintons, and I'm not convinced they are good for the Democratic Party. I don't like their allegiance to Wall Street. Pay attention.

Your factoid about Bin Laden and the Sudanese has some awfully large qualifications and complications that you failed to report.

Click me for the full story on the Sudanese and Bin Laden > Clinton Passed on Killing bin Laden?

Stop distorting the truth.

Again: if you want us to take you seriously when you try to frame your enemies for crimes, you need to prove you're not merely a partisan hack. You need to prove that you hold both sides accountable for the mistakes regarding American lives, Bin Laden, etc.

The Sudanese offered to hand over Bin Laden but Clinton declined so dont even go there.
And maybe you should be worrying about your own problems with your muslim "immigrants".....a problem that hilary and the messiah are intent on bringing to America.
So excuse me if I dont follow in the footsteps of your failures.

I didn't vote for any of the Clintons, and I'm not convinced they are good for the Democratic Party. I don't like their allegiance to Wall Street. Pay attention.

Your factoid about Bin Laden and the Sudanese has some awfully large qualifications and complications that you failed to report.

Click me for the full story on the Sudanese and Bin Laden > Clinton Passed on Killing bin Laden?

Stop distorting the truth.

Again: if you want us to take you seriously when you try to frame your enemies for crimes, you need to prove you're not merely a partisan hack. You need to prove that you hold both sides accountable for the mistakes regarding American lives, Bin Laden, etc.

Hold both sides responsible? Like you did in blaming Bush?
Why didnt Clinton take a stronger stance against terrorism after the world trade center bombings and the myriad of other attacks leading up to 9/11?

You're nothing but a hack.
The saddest thing about this entire thing is that the Republicans have spent all this time using 4 dead Americans as tools.

What's sadder is you idiot loons could care less about four dead Americans, just keep protecting the one that got them killed. That's pathetic

Considering 72% of the American people think this Benghazi 17 month investigation is a political witch hunt, it's not just the left that sees the GOP is using those who were killed at Benghazi as political tools.
2016 is going to be real interesting.

The Sudanese offered to hand over Bin Laden but Clinton declined so dont even go there.
And maybe you should be worrying about your own problems with your muslim "immigrants".....a problem that hilary and the messiah are intent on bringing to America.
So excuse me if I dont follow in the footsteps of your failures.

I didn't vote for any of the Clintons, and I'm not convinced they are good for the Democratic Party. I don't like their allegiance to Wall Street. Pay attention.

Your factoid about Bin Laden and the Sudanese has some awfully large qualifications and complications that you failed to report.

Click me for the full story on the Sudanese and Bin Laden > Clinton Passed on Killing bin Laden?

Stop distorting the truth.

Again: if you want us to take you seriously when you try to frame your enemies for crimes, you need to prove you're not merely a partisan hack. You need to prove that you hold both sides accountable for the mistakes regarding American lives, Bin Laden, etc.

Hold both sides responsible? Like you did in blaming Bush?
Why didnt Clinton take a stronger stance against terrorism after the world trade center bombings and the myriad of other attacks leading up to 9/11?

You're nothing but a hack.

And we move the goal posts. Why don't you respond to the link provided?
The saddest thing about this entire thing is that the Republicans have spent all this time using 4 dead Americans as tools.

What's sadder is you idiot loons could care less about four dead Americans, just keep protecting the one that got them killed. That's pathetic

Considering 72% of the American people think this Benghazi 17 month investigation is a political witch hunt, it's not just the left that sees the GOP is using those who were killed at Benghazi as political tools.
2016 is going to be real interesting.

Bleh, stop kissing the old fat hag's ass

The Sudanese offered to hand over Bin Laden but Clinton declined so dont even go there.
And maybe you should be worrying about your own problems with your muslim "immigrants".....a problem that hilary and the messiah are intent on bringing to America.
So excuse me if I dont follow in the footsteps of your failures.

I didn't vote for any of the Clintons, and I'm not convinced they are good for the Democratic Party. I don't like their allegiance to Wall Street. Pay attention.

Your factoid about Bin Laden and the Sudanese has some awfully large qualifications and complications that you failed to report.

Click me for the full story on the Sudanese and Bin Laden > Clinton Passed on Killing bin Laden?

Stop distorting the truth.

Again: if you want us to take you seriously when you try to frame your enemies for crimes, you need to prove you're not merely a partisan hack. You need to prove that you hold both sides accountable for the mistakes regarding American lives, Bin Laden, etc.

Hold both sides responsible? Like you did in blaming Bush?
Why didnt Clinton take a stronger stance against terrorism after the world trade center bombings and the myriad of other attacks leading up to 9/11?

You're nothing but a hack.

And we move the goal posts. Why don't you respond to the link provided?

He/she is the one who took us down this path not me.
How about he/she stays on topic instead of bringing up Booooooosh!!!

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