She knew all along....

and the hearing was invaluable for the clarity it provided.

"Here’s what the Benghazi committee found in Thursday’s hearing. Two hours into Mrs. Clinton’s testimony, Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan referred to an email Mrs. Clinton sent to her daughter, Chelsea, at 11:12 the night of the attack, or 45 minutes after the secretary of state had issued a statement blaming YouTube-inflamed mobs."

"That same evening, Mrs. Clinton spoke on the phone with Libyan President Mohamed Magariaf, around 8 p.m. The notes from that conversation, in a State Department email, describe her as saying: “We have asked for the Libyan government to provide additional security to the compound immediately as there is a gun battle ongoing, which I understand Ansar as Sharia [sic] is claiming responsibility for.” Ansar al Sharia is al Qaeda’s affiliate on the Arabian Peninsula. So several hours into the attack, Mrs. Clinton already believed that al Qaeda was attacking U.S. facilities."

"The next afternoon, Mrs. Clinton had a call with the Egyptian Prime Minister Hesham Kandil. The notes from it are absolutely damning. The secretary of state tells him: “We know that the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film. It was a planned attack—not a protest.” And yet Mrs. Clinton, and Ms. Rice and Mr. Obama for days and days continued to spin the video lie."

She Knew All Along

so what? She told the committee she took responsibility for Benghazi. Whats so damn difficult to understand?

how damn dumb are RW's ?

OK, what does that mean? What is she exactly taking responsibility for? The death of Stevens and 3 others? What is the penalty for taking such responsibility?
For not having procedures in place for these kind of emergencies, that could have been a quicker response perhaps? For trusting the whole inner circle of intelligence and the people handling the security she appointed? perhaps? For not foreseeing this event in her Crystal Ball?

They were trying to determine if Benghazi could or would stay opened. If it closed, then they would not hire the appropriate staff of security that was needed, if it was going to stay opened and become more important, then they would hire the appropriate security kind of thing...
Could you supply a link showing her saying that, in context, pretty please...

Woods explained, “I do appreciate her taking the time from her schedule to meet with the four families. While we were in the pod over there with our family she came over shook my hand and I reached out and hugged her shoulder. Her countenance was not good. And she made the statement to me that first of all she was sorry and then she said ‘We will make sure the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted.’ ” Clinton was referring to a controversial YouTube film that the Obama administration claimed inspired the “spontaneous protests” that led to the attacks.

Source: Father of Navy SEAL killed at Libyan embassy reveals the shocking details of his meeting with Obama, Biden, and Clinton in interview with Glenn Beck

this might clear this up for you...

Here is what the 7th Benghazi hearing concluded...

The House Intelligence Committee, a REPUBLICAN committee, who have the super duper top secret clearance to get down to the nitty gritty...

all of it at the link

In the aftermath of the attacks, Republicans criticized the Obama administration and its then-secretary of state, Hillary Rodham Clinton, who is expected to run for president in 2016. People in and out of government have alleged that a CIA response team was ordered to "stand down" after the State Department compound came under attack, that a military rescue was nixed, that officials intentionally downplayed the role of al-Qaida figures in the attack, and that Stevens and the CIA were involved in a secret operation to spirit weapons out of Libya and into the hands of Syrian rebels.

None of that is true, according to the House Intelligence Committee report...

"We spent thousands of hours asking questions, poring over documents, reviewing intelligence assessments, reading cables and emails, and held a total of 20 committee events and hearings," said Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., the committee's chairman, and Rep. C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger of Maryland, the ranking Democrat, in a joint statement.

"We conducted detailed interviews with senior intelligence officials from Benghazi and Tripoli as well as eight security personnel on the ground in Benghazi that night. Based on the testimony and the documents we reviewed, we concluded that all the CIA officers in Benghazi were heroes. Their actions saved lives," they said.

Rep. Adam Schiff, a California Democrat who serves on the intelligence panel and the Benghazi select committee, said, "It's my hope that this report will put to rest many of the questions that have been asked and answered yet again, and that the Benghazi Select Committee will accept these findings and instead focus its attention on the State Department's progress in securing our facilities around the world and standing up our fast response capabilities."

Some of the harshest charges have been leveled at Rice, now Obama's national security adviser, who represented the Obama administration on Sunday talk shows the weekend after the attack. Rice repeated talking points that wrongly described a protest over a video deemed offensive to Muslims.

But Rice's comments were based on faulty intelligence from multiple agencies, according to the report. Analysts received 21 reports that a protest occurred in Benghazi, the report said —14 from the Open Source Center, which reviews news reports; one from the CIA; two from the Defense Department; and four from the National Security Agency.

In the years since, some participants in the attack have said they were motivated by the video. The attackers were a mix of extremists and hangers on, the investigation found.

I provide the quote and you provide what........she said it........she knew it wasnt

I'm not certain we can take the father's statements, word for word as what was said and how it was said, he is distraught.

if you read the committees report, it CLEARLY STATES that 21 different intelligence reports came in from different intelligence sources STATING it was the VIDEO that instigated it.

The administration and intelligence agencies, did the right thing spinning it the way they did on the video....until all information was in and analyzed, and they could get the leads they needed to confirm the motivation for the attack and leads to catching the perps....and to not give the perps a recruiting tool for MORE attacks....we have lots and lots of American civil servants, stationed in the region.

I don't understand why that is so difficult for those on the aisle Right, to understand this...???

What difference does 1 week make to you or me?
They will defend this bitch until their dying days...

In their minds / world it's okay to ignore the written facts because Steven's knew it was a dangerous mission...

They claim it politics, yet they did far worst after 911...

The Democrats have proven once again they do not have what it takes to lead under the global terrorism that exist today, we will pay a deep cost for this...

The truth has come out as it usually does and she was not qualified to be SOS and far less qualified to be POTUS!

The enemy we face today has no face, no morals, no ethics and will continue to operate as cowards all because they hate what we have accomplished. Not one of these nations which have had civilizations far longer than ours will ever achieve the over all progress we have here in America and they hate us for it. Yet Hillary, Barack, Nancy, Harry and the scores of liberals will continue to tell us we let fear make our decisions, not logic.

So when we lose this great society our founders fought so hard for and this liberal peace loving group has failed, tell me it's not about fear. Tell me then that they are so intelligent and brave and it could very well be it's too late.

Fear is a natural human sense that we all have to deal with countless times a day, but don't let it get in the way of protecting your loved ones, because you will be labeled as a Neo Con War mongering profiteering Conservative...
Could you supply a link showing her saying that, in context, pretty please...

Woods explained, “I do appreciate her taking the time from her schedule to meet with the four families. While we were in the pod over there with our family she came over shook my hand and I reached out and hugged her shoulder. Her countenance was not good. And she made the statement to me that first of all she was sorry and then she said ‘We will make sure the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted.’ ” Clinton was referring to a controversial YouTube film that the Obama administration claimed inspired the “spontaneous protests” that led to the attacks.

Source: Father of Navy SEAL killed at Libyan embassy reveals the shocking details of his meeting with Obama, Biden, and Clinton in interview with Glenn Beck

this might clear this up for you...

Here is what the 7th Benghazi hearing concluded...

The House Intelligence Committee, a REPUBLICAN committee, who have the super duper top secret clearance to get down to the nitty gritty...

all of it at the link

In the aftermath of the attacks, Republicans criticized the Obama administration and its then-secretary of state, Hillary Rodham Clinton, who is expected to run for president in 2016. People in and out of government have alleged that a CIA response team was ordered to "stand down" after the State Department compound came under attack, that a military rescue was nixed, that officials intentionally downplayed the role of al-Qaida figures in the attack, and that Stevens and the CIA were involved in a secret operation to spirit weapons out of Libya and into the hands of Syrian rebels.

None of that is true, according to the House Intelligence Committee report...

"We spent thousands of hours asking questions, poring over documents, reviewing intelligence assessments, reading cables and emails, and held a total of 20 committee events and hearings," said Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., the committee's chairman, and Rep. C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger of Maryland, the ranking Democrat, in a joint statement.

"We conducted detailed interviews with senior intelligence officials from Benghazi and Tripoli as well as eight security personnel on the ground in Benghazi that night. Based on the testimony and the documents we reviewed, we concluded that all the CIA officers in Benghazi were heroes. Their actions saved lives," they said.

Rep. Adam Schiff, a California Democrat who serves on the intelligence panel and the Benghazi select committee, said, "It's my hope that this report will put to rest many of the questions that have been asked and answered yet again, and that the Benghazi Select Committee will accept these findings and instead focus its attention on the State Department's progress in securing our facilities around the world and standing up our fast response capabilities."

Some of the harshest charges have been leveled at Rice, now Obama's national security adviser, who represented the Obama administration on Sunday talk shows the weekend after the attack. Rice repeated talking points that wrongly described a protest over a video deemed offensive to Muslims.

But Rice's comments were based on faulty intelligence from multiple agencies, according to the report. Analysts received 21 reports that a protest occurred in Benghazi, the report said —14 from the Open Source Center, which reviews news reports; one from the CIA; two from the Defense Department; and four from the National Security Agency.

In the years since, some participants in the attack have said they were motivated by the video. The attackers were a mix of extremists and hangers on, the investigation found.

I provide the quote and you provide what........she said it........she knew it wasnt

I'm not certain we can take the father's statements, word for word as what was said and how it was said, he is distraught.

if you read the committees report, it CLEARLY STATES that 21 different intelligence reports came in from different intelligence sources STATING it was the VIDEO that instigated it.

The administration and intelligence agencies, did the right thing spinning it the way they did on the video....until all information was in and analyzed, and they could get the leads they needed to confirm the motivation for the attack and leads to catching the perps....and to not give the perps a recruiting tool for MORE attacks....we have lots and lots of American civil servants, stationed in the region.

I don't understand why that is so difficult for those on the aisle Right, to understand this...???

What difference does 1 week make to you or me?

OMG.......lets believe another candidate for liar of the yr.........They knew immediately it was a terrorist attack ...even Hilly has said this MY effing god wake up
They will defend this bitch until their dying days...

In their minds / world it's okay to ignore the written facts because Steven's knew it was a dangerous mission...

They claim it politics, yet they did far worst after 911...

The Democrats have proven once again they do not have what it takes to lead under the global terrorism that exist today, we will pay a deep cost for this...

The truth has come out as it usually does and she was not qualified to be SOS and far less qualified to be POTUS!

The enemy we face today has no face, no morals, no ethics and will continue to operate as cowards all because they hate what we have accomplished. Not one of these nations which have had civilizations far longer than ours will ever achieve the over all progress we have here in America and they hate us for it. Yet Hillary, Barack, Nancy, Harry and the scores of liberals will continue to tell us we let fear make our decisions, not logic.

So when we lose this great society our founders fought so hard for and this liberal peace loving group has failed, tell me it's not about fear. Tell me then that they are so intelligent and brave and it could very well be it's too late.

Fear is a natural human sense that we all have to deal with countless times a day, but don't let it get in the way of protecting your loved ones, because you will be labeled as a Neo Con War mongering profiteering Conservative...
Was it Republican held Committees on Benghazi Hearing/committee number 1 or Hearing/committee number 2 or Hearing/committee number 3 or number 4 or number 5 or number 6 or number 7 that was covering up for Obama and Hillary TOO?

Seriously, WAKE UP from this fantasy of yours that the right wing blogosphere convinced you of....

that's called Brainwashing, btw.
Could you supply a link showing her saying that, in context, pretty please...

Woods explained, “I do appreciate her taking the time from her schedule to meet with the four families. While we were in the pod over there with our family she came over shook my hand and I reached out and hugged her shoulder. Her countenance was not good. And she made the statement to me that first of all she was sorry and then she said ‘We will make sure the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted.’ ” Clinton was referring to a controversial YouTube film that the Obama administration claimed inspired the “spontaneous protests” that led to the attacks.

Source: Father of Navy SEAL killed at Libyan embassy reveals the shocking details of his meeting with Obama, Biden, and Clinton in interview with Glenn Beck

this might clear this up for you...

Here is what the 7th Benghazi hearing concluded...

The House Intelligence Committee, a REPUBLICAN committee, who have the super duper top secret clearance to get down to the nitty gritty...

all of it at the link

In the aftermath of the attacks, Republicans criticized the Obama administration and its then-secretary of state, Hillary Rodham Clinton, who is expected to run for president in 2016. People in and out of government have alleged that a CIA response team was ordered to "stand down" after the State Department compound came under attack, that a military rescue was nixed, that officials intentionally downplayed the role of al-Qaida figures in the attack, and that Stevens and the CIA were involved in a secret operation to spirit weapons out of Libya and into the hands of Syrian rebels.

None of that is true, according to the House Intelligence Committee report...

"We spent thousands of hours asking questions, poring over documents, reviewing intelligence assessments, reading cables and emails, and held a total of 20 committee events and hearings," said Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., the committee's chairman, and Rep. C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger of Maryland, the ranking Democrat, in a joint statement.

"We conducted detailed interviews with senior intelligence officials from Benghazi and Tripoli as well as eight security personnel on the ground in Benghazi that night. Based on the testimony and the documents we reviewed, we concluded that all the CIA officers in Benghazi were heroes. Their actions saved lives," they said.

Rep. Adam Schiff, a California Democrat who serves on the intelligence panel and the Benghazi select committee, said, "It's my hope that this report will put to rest many of the questions that have been asked and answered yet again, and that the Benghazi Select Committee will accept these findings and instead focus its attention on the State Department's progress in securing our facilities around the world and standing up our fast response capabilities."

Some of the harshest charges have been leveled at Rice, now Obama's national security adviser, who represented the Obama administration on Sunday talk shows the weekend after the attack. Rice repeated talking points that wrongly described a protest over a video deemed offensive to Muslims.

But Rice's comments were based on faulty intelligence from multiple agencies, according to the report. Analysts received 21 reports that a protest occurred in Benghazi, the report said —14 from the Open Source Center, which reviews news reports; one from the CIA; two from the Defense Department; and four from the National Security Agency.

In the years since, some participants in the attack have said they were motivated by the video. The attackers were a mix of extremists and hangers on, the investigation found.

oh, so they MISSPOKE is that it? and it was do the faulty intelligence. yeah it was, straight from the White house from Obama . so if was all that, then why didn't they come out say it a was mistake instead they let it go on until they put Hillary up to testify. seriously. and now SOME participants have SAID they were motived by the video. really how convenient is that? man oh man. you can excuse her lying to you, doesn't mean the rest in this country is going to.

Judicial Watch: New State Documents Show Quick White House Effort to Link Benghazi to Internet Video
OCTOBER 20, 2015


State Department documents detail delays and lack of support in hours after attack

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today released new State Department documents that raise more questions about the September 11, 2012, terrorist attack on the U.S. Special Mission at Benghazi, Libya. The documents show the White House contacted YouTube over an Internet video as one of its first moves after the initial attack.

The documents, from the agency’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security, were provided to Judicial Watch in response to a court order in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on October 16, 2014, (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:14-cv-01733)). The lawsuit seeks “any and all logs, reports, or other records” the Washington-based Diplomatic Security Command Center produced between September 10, 2012, and September 13, 2012, relating to the terrorist attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya.”

The documents detail that only three hours after the initial attack on U.S. personnel in Benghazi, the White House contacted YouTube in an apparent effort to initially blame the assault on an obscure “Pastor John video,” rather than filmmaker Nakoula “Mark” Basseley Nakoula. The administration falsely claimed that Nakoula’s video, “Innocence of Muslims,” provoked the attack. The email also references the involvement of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (Judicial Watch, through separate litigation, previously uncovered documents that show Obama White House officials set Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi response):


Sent: September 11, 2012 9:11 PM

To: DSCC_Managment_Team; DSCC_Watch Team

Subject: (S//NF) [REDACTED] Libya

Per Ambassador Mull [Stephen Mull, then Executive Secretary of the State Department] after SVTS [Secure Video Teleconference System] conference:

DOD is looking at various resources.


S [then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton] expected to make statements one of which may confirm KIA, notification of next of kin is pending confirmation. DCM The Hague was to call OPS when completed.

White House is reaching out to U-Tube to advise ramifications of posting of the Pastor Jon video.

(The “Pastor Jon” reference may have been to a rarely viewed video by Oregon-based Pastor Jon Courson entitled God vs. Allah, a low-key exposition of the Biblical book of Kings.)

The documents also include a previously Secret “Attack Timeline,” dated September 12, 2012, which raised additional questions about the Obama administration’s response to the attack. The State Department Bureau of Diplomatic Security makes no mention of any spontaneous demonstration or Internet video in describing the Benghazi assault:

At 1549 hrs, DSCC was notified that U.S. Mission Benghazi was under attack. At 1600 hrs, DSCC [Diplomatic Security Command Center] was notified by Regional Security Officer (RSO) Benghazi that armed individuals had entered the compound, and at 1614 hrs RSO Benghazi reported that an armed group had set fire to buildings inside the compound. The US Ambassador was visiting post from Tripoli, and as of 1614 hrs it was suspected that one of the buildings that had been set on fire was the building where the Ambassador was sheltering. [Redacted] Quick Reaction Force (QRF) responded from their off-compound Annex, but was turned back due to heavy hostile fire.

As of 1700 hrs, [REDACTED] QRF and host nation militia (17 February Brigade) have redeployed to the compound. One Assistant RSO (ARSO) suffered injuries from smoke inhalation. This agent was in the Principal Officer’s Residence with U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and Information Program Officer (IPO) Sean P. Smith. All three moved to the safe haven when the attack began, but had to relocate to the roof as the building caught on fire. The agent reached the rooftop but lost contact with the other two. The agent reentered the residence and found the IPO killed in action (KIA), and was unable to locate the Ambassador. The agent had given his cell phone to the Ambassador.

The new timeline also confirms prior Judicial Watch disclosures that the State Department received intelligence that Ambassador Stevens may have been alive after the attack:

The QRF and friendly militia forces were unable to locate the Ambassador, and pull back to the off-compound Annex. All classified material on the compound is secured by RSO [REDACTED] personnel. Embassy Tripoli receives a phone call from the injured ARSO’s cell phone (which had been left with the Ambassador) from a male caller saying he is at the hospital with an unresponsive male who matches a physical description of the Ambassador. [REDACTED MATERIAL]. Tripoli charters an airplane and sends it to Benghazi with six personnel onboard as a response team.

The document also raises questions about whether a delay of personnel sent to Benghazi led to additional deaths:

At 2215 hrs, Benghazi ARSO called DSCC to report that the [REDACTED] response team has been on the ground in Benghazi for approximately 60 minutes, but are waiting for the 17 February Brigade to escort them to [REDACTED]. DS Seniors ask ARSO about the identity of the reported white male in the hospital. [REDACTED MATERIAL] hospital for about two hours. Henderson will call him after this call.

The timeline later details that the team did not leave for the airport for another 45 minutes and did not arrive at the Annex until 2313 hrs, nearly two hours after the team first arrived. The timeline then details the second attack, which takes place only 17 minutes after the response team arrives:

  • At 2332 hrs, ARSO reports that they are under mortar attack, with 3 to 4 rounds hitting the Annex. There are [REDACTED] injured and [REDACTED] the need for medical evacuation. The response team is on site and either inside or deployed to the roof. The agents are sheltering in place with 45-minutes to sunrise.
  • At 2349 hrs, DS Special Agent [REDACTED] was reported hit during the mortar attack, which has since ceased. [REDACTED MATERIAL] All other DS agents are accounted for.
More than six hours after the initial terrorist assault, there remains only one plane available to evacuate injured and other personnel from Benghazi. The timeline details that the plane takes off, leaving some personnel behind, including those killed in action. Those remaining behind initially have to wait for the one plane to return from Tripoli, but are eventually rescued several hours later by a Libyan Air Force C-130 airplane.

The attack timeline also includes a section labeled “Causes and Responsibility,” which is redacted completely.

Other timelines are included in the State Department materials. These documents make no mention of Internet videos or demonstrations, for example one declassified timeline details:

1550 The Diplomatic Security Command Center (DSCC) receives word that US Mission Benghazi is under attack by 15-20 armed hostiles.

1615 RSO Benghazi advises hostile individuals setting fire to buildings on compound, including the one housing Ambassador Stevens, IPO Sean Smith, and ARSO [REDACTED] responds with a Quick Reaction Force (QRF) and takes fire from hostiles. QRF returns to Annex to regroup with host militia and redeploys.

The documents also reveal that at the time of the attack, the Department of Defense apparently had two government contractors in Benghazi working on weapons removal without the knowledge of the Department of State.

Judicial Watch has now filed 40 FOIA requests, a Mandatory Declassification Review, and at least 12 lawsuits against the Obama administration relating to the Benghazi terrorist attack. Currently, Judicial Watch is the only non-governmental organization in the nation litigating in federal court to uncover information withheld by the Obama administration about the events that transpired before, during, and following the Benghazi massacre.

“These documents show the Obama White House rushed to tie yet another video to the Benghazi attack, even before Ambassador Stevens was accounted for. The Obama White House, evidently, was confused as to which Internet video to falsely blame for the Benghazi terrorist attack,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “These documents show that the Obama White House should have been focused on rescuing our people under fire. These documents detail delays and lack of support that raise questions about whether American lives were needlessly lost and put at risk during the Benghazi attack.”

In April 2014, Judicial Watch forced the release of State Department documents it had obtained, including an internal email showing then-White House Deputy Strategic Communications Adviser Ben Rhodes and other Obama administration public relations officials attempting to orchestrate a campaign to “reinforce” President Obama and to portray the Benghazi consulate terrorist attack as being “rooted in an Internet video, and not a failure of policy.” Other documents showed that State Department officials initially described the incident as an “attack” and a possible kidnap attempt. The documents were obtained by Judicial Watch as a result of a June 21, 2013, FOIA lawsuit filed against the Department of State (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:13-cv-00951)). Judicial Watch’s release of the Rhodes email, which had been withheld by the Obama administration from Congress, caused the House of Representatives to approve the Select Committee on Benghazi, which is now led by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC).

In June 2013, Judicial Watch released the first seven photos depicting the devastating aftermath of the September 11 terrorist attacks on U.S. diplomatic and CIA facilities in Benghazi. The following November, it obtained 32 new documents from the Department of State, including 13 previously withheld photos depicting the carnage at the American diplomatic compound. The documents were obtained in response to a FOIA lawsuit filed against the State Department on February 25, 2013, (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1-13-cv-00242)).

ALL of it here:
Last edited:
Could you supply a link showing her saying that, in context, pretty please...

Woods explained, “I do appreciate her taking the time from her schedule to meet with the four families. While we were in the pod over there with our family she came over shook my hand and I reached out and hugged her shoulder. Her countenance was not good. And she made the statement to me that first of all she was sorry and then she said ‘We will make sure the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted.’ ” Clinton was referring to a controversial YouTube film that the Obama administration claimed inspired the “spontaneous protests” that led to the attacks.

Source: Father of Navy SEAL killed at Libyan embassy reveals the shocking details of his meeting with Obama, Biden, and Clinton in interview with Glenn Beck

this might clear this up for you...

Here is what the 7th Benghazi hearing concluded...

The House Intelligence Committee, a REPUBLICAN committee, who have the super duper top secret clearance to get down to the nitty gritty...

all of it at the link

In the aftermath of the attacks, Republicans criticized the Obama administration and its then-secretary of state, Hillary Rodham Clinton, who is expected to run for president in 2016. People in and out of government have alleged that a CIA response team was ordered to "stand down" after the State Department compound came under attack, that a military rescue was nixed, that officials intentionally downplayed the role of al-Qaida figures in the attack, and that Stevens and the CIA were involved in a secret operation to spirit weapons out of Libya and into the hands of Syrian rebels.

None of that is true, according to the House Intelligence Committee report...

"We spent thousands of hours asking questions, poring over documents, reviewing intelligence assessments, reading cables and emails, and held a total of 20 committee events and hearings," said Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., the committee's chairman, and Rep. C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger of Maryland, the ranking Democrat, in a joint statement.

"We conducted detailed interviews with senior intelligence officials from Benghazi and Tripoli as well as eight security personnel on the ground in Benghazi that night. Based on the testimony and the documents we reviewed, we concluded that all the CIA officers in Benghazi were heroes. Their actions saved lives," they said.

Rep. Adam Schiff, a California Democrat who serves on the intelligence panel and the Benghazi select committee, said, "It's my hope that this report will put to rest many of the questions that have been asked and answered yet again, and that the Benghazi Select Committee will accept these findings and instead focus its attention on the State Department's progress in securing our facilities around the world and standing up our fast response capabilities."

Some of the harshest charges have been leveled at Rice, now Obama's national security adviser, who represented the Obama administration on Sunday talk shows the weekend after the attack. Rice repeated talking points that wrongly described a protest over a video deemed offensive to Muslims.

But Rice's comments were based on faulty intelligence from multiple agencies, according to the report. Analysts received 21 reports that a protest occurred in Benghazi, the report said —14 from the Open Source Center, which reviews news reports; one from the CIA; two from the Defense Department; and four from the National Security Agency.

In the years since, some participants in the attack have said they were motivated by the video. The attackers were a mix of extremists and hangers on, the investigation found.

I provide the quote and you provide what........she said it........she knew it wasnt

I'm not certain we can take the father's statements, word for word as what was said and how it was said, he is distraught.

if you read the committees report, it CLEARLY STATES that 21 different intelligence reports came in from different intelligence sources STATING it was the VIDEO that instigated it.

The administration and intelligence agencies, did the right thing spinning it the way they did on the video....until all information was in and analyzed, and they could get the leads they needed to confirm the motivation for the attack and leads to catching the perps....and to not give the perps a recruiting tool for MORE attacks....we have lots and lots of American civil servants, stationed in the region.

I don't understand why that is so difficult for those on the aisle Right, to understand this...???

What difference does 1 week make to you or me?

OMG.......lets believe another candidate for liar of the yr.........They knew immediately it was a terrorist attack ...even Hilly has said this MY effing god wake up
yes, they knew something about it being a terrorist attack, AND the video....

but what does that have to do with the tea in China, or what I said in my post of why they posed it the way they did... for ONE WEEK or so.........

AGAIN, what difference does this one week make to you and me?

Are you surprised that our Nation's leaders and Intelligence spins things for the best benefit of the Nation on catastrophic events like this? Seriously?
Could you supply a link showing her saying that, in context, pretty please...

Woods explained, “I do appreciate her taking the time from her schedule to meet with the four families. While we were in the pod over there with our family she came over shook my hand and I reached out and hugged her shoulder. Her countenance was not good. And she made the statement to me that first of all she was sorry and then she said ‘We will make sure the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted.’ ” Clinton was referring to a controversial YouTube film that the Obama administration claimed inspired the “spontaneous protests” that led to the attacks.

Source: Father of Navy SEAL killed at Libyan embassy reveals the shocking details of his meeting with Obama, Biden, and Clinton in interview with Glenn Beck

this might clear this up for you...

Here is what the 7th Benghazi hearing concluded...

The House Intelligence Committee, a REPUBLICAN committee, who have the super duper top secret clearance to get down to the nitty gritty...

all of it at the link

In the aftermath of the attacks, Republicans criticized the Obama administration and its then-secretary of state, Hillary Rodham Clinton, who is expected to run for president in 2016. People in and out of government have alleged that a CIA response team was ordered to "stand down" after the State Department compound came under attack, that a military rescue was nixed, that officials intentionally downplayed the role of al-Qaida figures in the attack, and that Stevens and the CIA were involved in a secret operation to spirit weapons out of Libya and into the hands of Syrian rebels.

None of that is true, according to the House Intelligence Committee report...

"We spent thousands of hours asking questions, poring over documents, reviewing intelligence assessments, reading cables and emails, and held a total of 20 committee events and hearings," said Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., the committee's chairman, and Rep. C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger of Maryland, the ranking Democrat, in a joint statement.

"We conducted detailed interviews with senior intelligence officials from Benghazi and Tripoli as well as eight security personnel on the ground in Benghazi that night. Based on the testimony and the documents we reviewed, we concluded that all the CIA officers in Benghazi were heroes. Their actions saved lives," they said.

Rep. Adam Schiff, a California Democrat who serves on the intelligence panel and the Benghazi select committee, said, "It's my hope that this report will put to rest many of the questions that have been asked and answered yet again, and that the Benghazi Select Committee will accept these findings and instead focus its attention on the State Department's progress in securing our facilities around the world and standing up our fast response capabilities."

Some of the harshest charges have been leveled at Rice, now Obama's national security adviser, who represented the Obama administration on Sunday talk shows the weekend after the attack. Rice repeated talking points that wrongly described a protest over a video deemed offensive to Muslims.

But Rice's comments were based on faulty intelligence from multiple agencies, according to the report. Analysts received 21 reports that a protest occurred in Benghazi, the report said —14 from the Open Source Center, which reviews news reports; one from the CIA; two from the Defense Department; and four from the National Security Agency.

In the years since, some participants in the attack have said they were motivated by the video. The attackers were a mix of extremists and hangers on, the investigation found.

I provide the quote and you provide what........she said it........she knew it wasnt

I'm not certain we can take the father's statements, word for word as what was said and how it was said, he is distraught.

if you read the committees report, it CLEARLY STATES that 21 different intelligence reports came in from different intelligence sources STATING it was the VIDEO that instigated it.

The administration and intelligence agencies, did the right thing spinning it the way they did on the video....until all information was in and analyzed, and they could get the leads they needed to confirm the motivation for the attack and leads to catching the perps....and to not give the perps a recruiting tool for MORE attacks....we have lots and lots of American civil servants, stationed in the region.

I don't understand why that is so difficult for those on the aisle Right, to understand this...???

What difference does 1 week make to you or me?


Could you please use common sense for once...

1.Hillary called her daughter and said it was a terrorist attack

2. Hillary told Egypt it was a terrorist attack the next day

3.Hillary told the American people it was about a video

4. It was weeks right before an election, Obama wanted to boast the wars were over and he wanted to project to the American public he had Al-Qaeda on the run and we all know how callous Obama is when he latter called them JV

5. Susan rice went on Sunday news shows for weeks saying it was about a video

6. Do you know what an RPG is? How many people walk around with RPGs? according to reports, the terrorist had 40 of them when they attacked the embassy.

RPG Destroys Tank In Syria 18+:
They will defend this bitch until their dying days...

In their minds / world it's okay to ignore the written facts because Steven's knew it was a dangerous mission...

They claim it politics, yet they did far worst after 911...

The Democrats have proven once again they do not have what it takes to lead under the global terrorism that exist today, we will pay a deep cost for this...

The truth has come out as it usually does and she was not qualified to be SOS and far less qualified to be POTUS!

The enemy we face today has no face, no morals, no ethics and will continue to operate as cowards all because they hate what we have accomplished. Not one of these nations which have had civilizations far longer than ours will ever achieve the over all progress we have here in America and they hate us for it. Yet Hillary, Barack, Nancy, Harry and the scores of liberals will continue to tell us we let fear make our decisions, not logic.

So when we lose this great society our founders fought so hard for and this liberal peace loving group has failed, tell me it's not about fear. Tell me then that they are so intelligent and brave and it could very well be it's too late.

Fear is a natural human sense that we all have to deal with countless times a day, but don't let it get in the way of protecting your loved ones, because you will be labeled as a Neo Con War mongering profiteering Conservative...
Was it Republican held Committees on Benghazi Hearing/committee number 1 or Hearing/committee number 2 or Hearing/committee number 3 or number 4 or number 5 or number 6 or number 7 that was covering up for Obama and Hillary TOO?

Seriously, WAKE UP from this fantasy of yours that the right wing blogosphere convinced you of....

that's called Brainwashing, btw.
Says the woman who will justify any lie made that facilitates treason....and who maintains everybody but Hillary is lying, stupid or "distraught" if they provide evidence that convicts her.
Could you supply a link showing her saying that, in context, pretty please...

Woods explained, “I do appreciate her taking the time from her schedule to meet with the four families. While we were in the pod over there with our family she came over shook my hand and I reached out and hugged her shoulder. Her countenance was not good. And she made the statement to me that first of all she was sorry and then she said ‘We will make sure the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted.’ ” Clinton was referring to a controversial YouTube film that the Obama administration claimed inspired the “spontaneous protests” that led to the attacks.

Source: Father of Navy SEAL killed at Libyan embassy reveals the shocking details of his meeting with Obama, Biden, and Clinton in interview with Glenn Beck

this might clear this up for you...

Here is what the 7th Benghazi hearing concluded...

The House Intelligence Committee, a REPUBLICAN committee, who have the super duper top secret clearance to get down to the nitty gritty...

all of it at the link

In the aftermath of the attacks, Republicans criticized the Obama administration and its then-secretary of state, Hillary Rodham Clinton, who is expected to run for president in 2016. People in and out of government have alleged that a CIA response team was ordered to "stand down" after the State Department compound came under attack, that a military rescue was nixed, that officials intentionally downplayed the role of al-Qaida figures in the attack, and that Stevens and the CIA were involved in a secret operation to spirit weapons out of Libya and into the hands of Syrian rebels.

None of that is true, according to the House Intelligence Committee report...

"We spent thousands of hours asking questions, poring over documents, reviewing intelligence assessments, reading cables and emails, and held a total of 20 committee events and hearings," said Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., the committee's chairman, and Rep. C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger of Maryland, the ranking Democrat, in a joint statement.

"We conducted detailed interviews with senior intelligence officials from Benghazi and Tripoli as well as eight security personnel on the ground in Benghazi that night. Based on the testimony and the documents we reviewed, we concluded that all the CIA officers in Benghazi were heroes. Their actions saved lives," they said.

Rep. Adam Schiff, a California Democrat who serves on the intelligence panel and the Benghazi select committee, said, "It's my hope that this report will put to rest many of the questions that have been asked and answered yet again, and that the Benghazi Select Committee will accept these findings and instead focus its attention on the State Department's progress in securing our facilities around the world and standing up our fast response capabilities."

Some of the harshest charges have been leveled at Rice, now Obama's national security adviser, who represented the Obama administration on Sunday talk shows the weekend after the attack. Rice repeated talking points that wrongly described a protest over a video deemed offensive to Muslims.

But Rice's comments were based on faulty intelligence from multiple agencies, according to the report. Analysts received 21 reports that a protest occurred in Benghazi, the report said —14 from the Open Source Center, which reviews news reports; one from the CIA; two from the Defense Department; and four from the National Security Agency.

In the years since, some participants in the attack have said they were motivated by the video. The attackers were a mix of extremists and hangers on, the investigation found.

I provide the quote and you provide what........she said it........she knew it wasnt

I'm not certain we can take the father's statements, word for word as what was said and how it was said, he is distraught.

if you read the committees report, it CLEARLY STATES that 21 different intelligence reports came in from different intelligence sources STATING it was the VIDEO that instigated it.

The administration and intelligence agencies, did the right thing spinning it the way they did on the video....until all information was in and analyzed, and they could get the leads they needed to confirm the motivation for the attack and leads to catching the perps....and to not give the perps a recruiting tool for MORE attacks....we have lots and lots of American civil servants, stationed in the region.

I don't understand why that is so difficult for those on the aisle Right, to understand this...???

What difference does 1 week make to you or me?


Could you please use common sense for once...

1.Hillary called her daughter and said it was a terrorist attack

2. Hillary told Egypt it was a terrorist attack the next day

3.Hillary told the American people it was about a video

4. It was weeks right before an election, Obama wanted to boast the wars were over and he wanted to project to the American public he had Al-Qaeda on the run and we all know how callous Obama is when he latter called them JV

5. Susan rice went on Sunday news shows for weeks saying it was about a video

6. Do you know what an RPG is? How many people walk around with RPGs? according to reports, the terrorist had 40 of them when they attacked the embassy.

RPG Destroys Tank In Syria 18+:

Don't misunderstand care. She has admitted hills is a liar. Her stance is that hills knows best, and if she lied it is good for us and we shouldn't question her motives, because they are pure.
Woods explained, “I do appreciate her taking the time from her schedule to meet with the four families. While we were in the pod over there with our family she came over shook my hand and I reached out and hugged her shoulder. Her countenance was not good. And she made the statement to me that first of all she was sorry and then she said ‘We will make sure the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted.’ ” Clinton was referring to a controversial YouTube film that the Obama administration claimed inspired the “spontaneous protests” that led to the attacks.

Source: Father of Navy SEAL killed at Libyan embassy reveals the shocking details of his meeting with Obama, Biden, and Clinton in interview with Glenn Beck

this might clear this up for you...

Here is what the 7th Benghazi hearing concluded...

The House Intelligence Committee, a REPUBLICAN committee, who have the super duper top secret clearance to get down to the nitty gritty...

all of it at the link

In the aftermath of the attacks, Republicans criticized the Obama administration and its then-secretary of state, Hillary Rodham Clinton, who is expected to run for president in 2016. People in and out of government have alleged that a CIA response team was ordered to "stand down" after the State Department compound came under attack, that a military rescue was nixed, that officials intentionally downplayed the role of al-Qaida figures in the attack, and that Stevens and the CIA were involved in a secret operation to spirit weapons out of Libya and into the hands of Syrian rebels.

None of that is true, according to the House Intelligence Committee report...

"We spent thousands of hours asking questions, poring over documents, reviewing intelligence assessments, reading cables and emails, and held a total of 20 committee events and hearings," said Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., the committee's chairman, and Rep. C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger of Maryland, the ranking Democrat, in a joint statement.

"We conducted detailed interviews with senior intelligence officials from Benghazi and Tripoli as well as eight security personnel on the ground in Benghazi that night. Based on the testimony and the documents we reviewed, we concluded that all the CIA officers in Benghazi were heroes. Their actions saved lives," they said.

Rep. Adam Schiff, a California Democrat who serves on the intelligence panel and the Benghazi select committee, said, "It's my hope that this report will put to rest many of the questions that have been asked and answered yet again, and that the Benghazi Select Committee will accept these findings and instead focus its attention on the State Department's progress in securing our facilities around the world and standing up our fast response capabilities."

Some of the harshest charges have been leveled at Rice, now Obama's national security adviser, who represented the Obama administration on Sunday talk shows the weekend after the attack. Rice repeated talking points that wrongly described a protest over a video deemed offensive to Muslims.

But Rice's comments were based on faulty intelligence from multiple agencies, according to the report. Analysts received 21 reports that a protest occurred in Benghazi, the report said —14 from the Open Source Center, which reviews news reports; one from the CIA; two from the Defense Department; and four from the National Security Agency.

In the years since, some participants in the attack have said they were motivated by the video. The attackers were a mix of extremists and hangers on, the investigation found.

I provide the quote and you provide what........she said it........she knew it wasnt

I'm not certain we can take the father's statements, word for word as what was said and how it was said, he is distraught.

if you read the committees report, it CLEARLY STATES that 21 different intelligence reports came in from different intelligence sources STATING it was the VIDEO that instigated it.

The administration and intelligence agencies, did the right thing spinning it the way they did on the video....until all information was in and analyzed, and they could get the leads they needed to confirm the motivation for the attack and leads to catching the perps....and to not give the perps a recruiting tool for MORE attacks....we have lots and lots of American civil servants, stationed in the region.

I don't understand why that is so difficult for those on the aisle Right, to understand this...???

What difference does 1 week make to you or me?


Could you please use common sense for once...

1.Hillary called her daughter and said it was a terrorist attack

2. Hillary told Egypt it was a terrorist attack the next day

3.Hillary told the American people it was about a video

4. It was weeks right before an election, Obama wanted to boast the wars were over and he wanted to project to the American public he had Al-Qaeda on the run and we all know how callous Obama is when he latter called them JV

5. Susan rice went on Sunday news shows for weeks saying it was about a video

6. Do you know what an RPG is? How many people walk around with RPGs? according to reports, the terrorist had 40 of them when they attacked the embassy.

RPG Destroys Tank In Syria 18+:

Don't misunderstand care. She has admitted hills is a liar. Her stance is that hills knows best, and if she lied it is good for us and we shouldn't question her motives, because they are pure.

they DID NOT have all the FACTS early on, it was changing by the minute, 21 different reports from the intelligence community stated the it began as a video protest, and a terrorist group took credit at the same time, AND then the following morning this same terrorist group that took credit, then RETRACTED that they were responsible, etc etc etc etc........

IT IS evident, from ALL of the 7 PREVIOUS House and Senate COMMITTEES that investigated this, that the administration with the intelligence agencies and defense dept did not KNOW precisely what happened immediately, and according to the committees investigating, they still do not know with certainty on many aspects...

In this case of not knowing with certainty, it is the President's decision along with his agency's heads, to decide what they want the ENEMY to know, when they go on Television broadcasted world wide, that would be in the best interest of our Nation, and those stationed over there.

Nothing complicated to understand about that, it is simply reasonable to expect such from our leaders, and who am I, or who are any of you, with so little information compared to all that IS TOP SECRET that we don't know, to question them on that?

The House Intelligence committee, lead by Republican congressmen with top secret clearance KNOW more than they are telling us, but what they HAVE CONCLUDED in their Benghazi hearings is that the Administration DID NOT KNOW if it was simply a terrorist attack, or a video protest and Rice DID NOT LIE...

She did NOT say they KNEW FOR CERTAIN it was the video....she left that opened ended in her diatribe on the news circuit....
The saddest thing about this entire thing is that the Republicans have spent all this time using 4 dead Americans as tools.

What's sadder is you idiot loons could care less about four dead Americans, just keep protecting the one that got them killed. That's pathetic

Considering 72% of the American people think this Benghazi 17 month investigation is a political witch hunt, it's not just the left that sees the GOP is using those who were killed at Benghazi as political tools.
2016 is going to be real interesting.

Bleh, stop kissing the old fat hag's ass

I have stated on USMB, that I have no intention of voting for anyone who is running for president. They are either too far to the right or too far to the left.
I'm just calling a spade a spade in regards the usage of four dead Americans to satisfy any political gain and satisfy their hate.
It's quite despicable.

What is despicable is four dead Americans were left hung out to dry by their country....the fat ass hag is responsible. That's just a fact

The 241 servicemen were left out hung to dry in Beirut too by Reagan who was warned by the CIA three days ahead of the bombing. Not only that, the guards who were guarding the barracks were allowed to have any ammo even after the warning.
this might clear this up for you...

Here is what the 7th Benghazi hearing concluded...

The House Intelligence Committee, a REPUBLICAN committee, who have the super duper top secret clearance to get down to the nitty gritty...

all of it at the link

In the aftermath of the attacks, Republicans criticized the Obama administration and its then-secretary of state, Hillary Rodham Clinton, who is expected to run for president in 2016. People in and out of government have alleged that a CIA response team was ordered to "stand down" after the State Department compound came under attack, that a military rescue was nixed, that officials intentionally downplayed the role of al-Qaida figures in the attack, and that Stevens and the CIA were involved in a secret operation to spirit weapons out of Libya and into the hands of Syrian rebels.

None of that is true, according to the House Intelligence Committee report...

"We spent thousands of hours asking questions, poring over documents, reviewing intelligence assessments, reading cables and emails, and held a total of 20 committee events and hearings," said Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., the committee's chairman, and Rep. C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger of Maryland, the ranking Democrat, in a joint statement.

"We conducted detailed interviews with senior intelligence officials from Benghazi and Tripoli as well as eight security personnel on the ground in Benghazi that night. Based on the testimony and the documents we reviewed, we concluded that all the CIA officers in Benghazi were heroes. Their actions saved lives," they said.

Rep. Adam Schiff, a California Democrat who serves on the intelligence panel and the Benghazi select committee, said, "It's my hope that this report will put to rest many of the questions that have been asked and answered yet again, and that the Benghazi Select Committee will accept these findings and instead focus its attention on the State Department's progress in securing our facilities around the world and standing up our fast response capabilities."

Some of the harshest charges have been leveled at Rice, now Obama's national security adviser, who represented the Obama administration on Sunday talk shows the weekend after the attack. Rice repeated talking points that wrongly described a protest over a video deemed offensive to Muslims.

But Rice's comments were based on faulty intelligence from multiple agencies, according to the report. Analysts received 21 reports that a protest occurred in Benghazi, the report said —14 from the Open Source Center, which reviews news reports; one from the CIA; two from the Defense Department; and four from the National Security Agency.

In the years since, some participants in the attack have said they were motivated by the video. The attackers were a mix of extremists and hangers on, the investigation found.

I provide the quote and you provide what........she said it........she knew it wasnt

I'm not certain we can take the father's statements, word for word as what was said and how it was said, he is distraught.

if you read the committees report, it CLEARLY STATES that 21 different intelligence reports came in from different intelligence sources STATING it was the VIDEO that instigated it.

The administration and intelligence agencies, did the right thing spinning it the way they did on the video....until all information was in and analyzed, and they could get the leads they needed to confirm the motivation for the attack and leads to catching the perps....and to not give the perps a recruiting tool for MORE attacks....we have lots and lots of American civil servants, stationed in the region.

I don't understand why that is so difficult for those on the aisle Right, to understand this...???

What difference does 1 week make to you or me?


Could you please use common sense for once...

1.Hillary called her daughter and said it was a terrorist attack

2. Hillary told Egypt it was a terrorist attack the next day

3.Hillary told the American people it was about a video

4. It was weeks right before an election, Obama wanted to boast the wars were over and he wanted to project to the American public he had Al-Qaeda on the run and we all know how callous Obama is when he latter called them JV

5. Susan rice went on Sunday news shows for weeks saying it was about a video

6. Do you know what an RPG is? How many people walk around with RPGs? according to reports, the terrorist had 40 of them when they attacked the embassy.

RPG Destroys Tank In Syria 18+:

Don't misunderstand care. She has admitted hills is a liar. Her stance is that hills knows best, and if she lied it is good for us and we shouldn't question her motives, because they are pure.

they DID NOT have all the FACTS early on, it was changing by the minute, 21 different reports from the intelligence community stated the it began as a video protest, and a terrorist group took credit at the same time, AND then the following morning this same terrorist group that took credit, then RETRACTED that they were responsible, etc etc etc etc........

IT IS evident, from ALL of the 7 PREVIOUS House and Senate COMMITTEES that investigated this, that the administration with the intelligence agencies and defense dept did not KNOW precisely what happened immediately, and according to the committees investigating, they still do not know with certainty on many aspects...

In this case of not knowing with certainty, it is the President's decision along with his agency's heads, to decide what they want the ENEMY to know, when they go on Television broadcasted world wide, that would be in the best interest of our Nation, and those stationed over there.

Nothing complicated to understand about that, it is simply reasonable to expect such from our leaders, and who am I, or who are any of you, with so little information compared to all that IS TOP SECRET that we don't know, to question them on that?

The House Intelligence committee, lead by Republican congressmen with top secret clearance KNOW more than they are telling us, but what they HAVE CONCLUDED in their Benghazi hearings is that the Administration DID NOT KNOW if it was simply a terrorist attack, or a video protest and Rice DID NOT LIE...

She did NOT say they KNEW FOR CERTAIN it was the video....she left that opened ended in her diatribe on the news circuit....

BS Hilly knew and said so ...Panetta knew and said did others....there was no confusion except for the confusion they try to sell
What's sadder is you idiot loons could care less about four dead Americans, just keep protecting the one that got them killed. That's pathetic

Considering 72% of the American people think this Benghazi 17 month investigation is a political witch hunt, it's not just the left that sees the GOP is using those who were killed at Benghazi as political tools.
2016 is going to be real interesting.

Bleh, stop kissing the old fat hag's ass

I have stated on USMB, that I have no intention of voting for anyone who is running for president. They are either too far to the right or too far to the left.
I'm just calling a spade a spade in regards the usage of four dead Americans to satisfy any political gain and satisfy their hate.
It's quite despicable.

What is despicable is four dead Americans were left hung out to dry by their country....the fat ass hag is responsible. That's just a fact

The 241 servicemen were left out hung to dry in Beirut too by Reagan who was warned by the CIA three days ahead of the bombing. Not only that, the guards who were guarding the barracks were allowed to have any ammo even after the warning.
Did they blame a video...... Beirut to Benghazi: We Didn’t Learn a Lesson
What's sadder is you idiot loons could care less about four dead Americans, just keep protecting the one that got them killed. That's pathetic

Considering 72% of the American people think this Benghazi 17 month investigation is a political witch hunt, it's not just the left that sees the GOP is using those who were killed at Benghazi as political tools.
2016 is going to be real interesting.

Bleh, stop kissing the old fat hag's ass

I have stated on USMB, that I have no intention of voting for anyone who is running for president. They are either too far to the right or too far to the left.
I'm just calling a spade a spade in regards the usage of four dead Americans to satisfy any political gain and satisfy their hate.
It's quite despicable.

What is despicable is four dead Americans were left hung out to dry by their country....the fat ass hag is responsible. That's just a fact

The 241 servicemen were left out hung to dry in Beirut too by Reagan who was warned by the CIA three days ahead of the bombing. Not only that, the guards who were guarding the barracks were allowed to have any ammo even after the warning.

BBBbuuuuttttt Reagan!!!!!!!!!

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