Sheriff encourages homeowners to shoot burglars to ‘save taxpayers money’

These "stand your ground" and "make my day" laws have been in use for many years now. They are not new. People who would resort to the scenario that you describe are base criminals and while some may be around, the vast majority of people who benefit from these laws far outweigh the very few who would abuse them.

Same in the UK, but the difference being, it has to be deemed 'reasonable force'. If you confront a burglar in the UK and they start climbing back out of the window and you shoot them, then off to jail you will go. If you start fighting with the burglar as they attack you with a knife and the knife stabs and kills the burglar, that is reasonable force.

So the severity of self defence can't be deemed disproportionate to the situation. With Americans, it's just a case of simply shooting, irrelevant of the assailant's direction and his/her accomplices.

So if you breed a culture of law enforcement advising the public to just kill an intruder, then simply shoot someone you dislike.
I must be fly paper for retards.

There's something called past, present, and future tense. So the sheriff in the present is now saying something where someone in the future could invite someone into their home, shoot them, and put it down to killing a burglar. Try to get to grips with the thread and basic English.

No, he did not say that. Again read it and show me where he did. You're putting words in his mouth and putting in context that isn't there.

Doesn't matter. Your lame attempt at insulting makes me have no desire to have a discussion with you so I'll just consider this closed and put you on ignore.
Do you believe in god? Only atheist republicans can agree with the sheriff
Spoken by someone who is most likely a Democrat and thus "apparently" sides with the criminal element breaking into homes and stealing peoples property or worse, harming or killing its occupants.
BLM and ANTIFA riots, attacking people, burning businesses, looting. DNC response: Fund their bail to get them back on the street as quickly as possible to resume the carnage.
Same in the UK, but the difference being, it has to be deemed 'reasonable force'. If you confront a burglar in the UK and they start climbing back out of the window and you shoot them, then off to jail you will go. If you start fighting with the burglar as they attack you with a knife and the knife stabs and kills the burglar, that is reasonable force.

So the severity of self defence can't be deemed disproportionate to the situation. With Americans, it's just a case of simply shooting, irrelevant of the assailant's direction and his/her accomplices.

So if you breed a culture of law enforcement advising the public to just kill an intruder, then simply shoot someone you dislike.
Except the vast majority of the public are law abiding and don't resort to those tactics. As for reasonable force--screw that. Reasonable force went out the window when the intruder entered uninvited. I would send him back out the door faster than he came through it. The fact that he entered a dwelling that was not his is a clear indicator that he has no good in mind. Many burglars already know that and avoid homes where these laws are in effect.
Spoken by someone who is most likely a Democrat and thus "apparently" sides with the criminal element breaking into homes and stealing peoples property or worse, harming or killing its occupants.
BLM and ANTIFA riots, attacking people, burning businesses, looting. DNC response: Fund their bail to get them back on the street as quickly as possible to resume the carnage.
Hey I'd shoot him dead too. But I don't believe in God. Do you? Then tell me you would not call 911 immediately because you wouldn't want him to survive. Tell me you'd shoot him a 3rd time even though you knew 2 was enough.

You will have to break another commandment. Thou shall not lie.
Dislike someone, verbally invite them round at a certain time, they ring the bell, shout it's ok to come in, shoot them dead and then ring 911 to say you've defended yourself against a burglar to save the tax payer money. What a screwed up idea your cops have.
Why do you want to kill them?
Why do you want to kill them?
Better question is why did they want to break into MY home. They made the decision to enter a private residence uninvited. Someone who does that isn't there to bring you a six pack and a box of girls scout cookies. Anymore moronic questions?
I asked you first

and the question was why do you want to commit premeditated murder?
You're a moron. I don't care who asked what first. My question dealt with the cause of your question, idiot. Maybe you should avail yourself to a dictionary and look up the definition of "premeditated"
You're a moron. I don't care who asked what first. My question dealt with the cause of your question, idiot. Maybe you should avail yourself to a dictionary and look up the definition of "premeditated"
Read what you wrote in post #4 and deny that you are not describing premeditated murder

then call yourself an idiot
Read what you wrote in post #4 and deny that you are not describing premeditated murder

then call yourself an idiot
Maybe you should go back and read post #4. I am not Captain Caveman. I won't hold my breath waiting for your apology--idiot.
Read what you wrote in post #4 and deny that you are not describing premeditated murder

then call yourself an idiot
Are you a burglar who enters other people's homes uninvited? If not, what are you worried about. BTW, premeditation deals with "malice aforethought" The fact that I have a plan for dealing with a criminal is no different than SOP for law enforcement officers. Maybe your problem is critical thinking.
Dislike someone, verbally invite them round at a certain time, they ring the bell, shout it's ok to come in, shoot them dead and then ring 911 to say you've defended yourself against a burglar to save the tax payer money. What a screwed up idea your cops have.
Why would you want to invite a random stranger into your home just to kill them? Why would the stranger go alone with it?
Maybe the victim is not a stranger

the shooter might be in the dead guys will

or the dead guy could be boning the shooters wife

in either case Captain Caveman wont get away with claiming self defense
Which was my point. There's going to be a tie between the murderer and the victim. Self-defense would be a very hard sell in that situation. Captain caveman got too cute for his own good on that one and ended up making the case better for us.
No, he did not say that. Again read it and show me where he did. You're putting words in his mouth and putting in context that isn't there.

Doesn't matter. Your lame attempt at insulting makes me have no desire to have a discussion with you so I'll just consider this closed and put you on ignore.
He said, "If somebody’s breaking into your house, you’re more than welcome to shoot them in Santa Rosa County, and we prefer that you do actually"

So basically, invite someone you dislike into your house and shoot them. Just say they were a burglar and the sheriff will pat you on you back.

Not rocket science.

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