Sheriff encourages homeowners to shoot burglars to ‘save taxpayers money’

Police officers in the past have I formed citizens that by the time they respond to a break-in scene it is too late, that their defense is best place in their hands 1st and foremost.

Americans have the legal right to use lethal force to protect their lived- use that right.

Additionally, the US Justice System has been infiltrated by liberal radical DAs who are more interested in protecting and keeping murderers, thieves, rapists, etc...out of jail than protecting citizens and keeping criminals in jail.

Just recently a man in SC shot 14 was charged with illegal possession of a firearm, had an ankle monitor put on, released from jail, ordered house arrest, but could still go to and from work.
-- Who the hell would want this guy to work with them, and what employee/ co-worker would want to work with the guy who randomly shot 14 people.

It seems while opposing your Constitutional right to own weapons and pushing gun confiscation, liberal radicals are simultaneously making the case against their agenda and for your protected continued right to bear arms.

Thank you Democrats.
Why would you shoot a dead intruder? How do the dead intrude? As for the Sheriff's advice--sure go ahead an shoot them, the sheriff doesn't have to deal with the consequences. Personally, I don't need anyone to tell me when or where I should use a firearm.
I'll shoot all The Intruders
Just to make sure their dead...
You know,
because I "follow the science"
Florida Law:

“A person who is in a dwelling or residence in which the person has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and use or threaten to use.”

Makes sense to me. :dunno: absolute sense.:thup:
Keep it simple, awesome.

Do you want to b the first secretary of the 2nd ammendment ?
A county Sheriff does not speak for the state.

It should just be understood nationwide that if you commit a home invasion you can expect to be killed in the attempt. We'd have a lot fewer problems if that were again the case.
Sheriffs have widespread and unusual power as defined by...

Even more latitudes and game wardens if memory serves correctly.

But nothing tops
A U S Marshal

I think Matt Dillon made that pretty clear..
That isn't necessarily true by any means. It matters a great deal who has the guns and who doesn't.

The problem today is too many criminals are armed and too few of the rest of us aren't.

Since most low-life thieving scum vote Democrat it's very important to the party that honest Americans be denied the firearms needed to even achieve parity.
Florida sheriff promotes gun safety, and also encouraged other residents to follow in the homeowner's footsteps and take gun safety classes, adding that they are "more than welcome" to shoot anyone who is breaking in to their house.

Dislike someone, verbally invite them round at a certain time, they ring the bell, shout it's ok to come in, shoot them dead and then ring 911 to say you've defended yourself against a burglar to save the tax payer money. What a screwed up idea your cops have.

Well, luckily in this case this did not happen, nor did anyone even mention something like that at all. You'd know that if you actually read before responding.
Well, luckily in this case this did not happen, nor did anyone even mention something like that at all. You'd know that if you actually read before responding.
I must be fly paper for retards.

There's something called past, present, and future tense. So the sheriff in the present is now saying something where someone in the future could invite someone into their home, shoot them, and put it down to killing a burglar. Try to get to grips with the thread and basic English.
So the sheriff in the present is now saying something where someone in the future could invite someone into their home, shoot them, and put it down to killing a burglar.
These "stand your ground" and "make my day" laws have been in use for many years now. They are not new. People who would resort to the scenario that you describe are base criminals and while some may be around, the vast majority of people who benefit from these laws far outweigh the very few who would abuse them.

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