Sheriff encourages homeowners to shoot burglars to ‘save taxpayers money’

You do have th

No we aren’t religious hypocrites. Didn’t say we were.

If it’s murder why doesn’t the court make it illegal? They must support it too.

Yes I support late term abortions for the reasons women get them. I wouldn’t tell them no you have to have the mongaloid.

You do have legal right. Legal. But if you have the guy down and out and you put an extra one in him to make sure he dies, or you don’t quickly call 911, you’re going to hell. If you believe in hell. I don’t. Do you?
So a person is supposed to take a " chance" wait for the Cops to come and hope the SCUMBAG doesn't rush you. What if you're alone? Should you call 911 with one hand and hold the gun with the other??
If a woman is going to have a Mongoloid Child they know way before the 9th month dimWit
How the hell is that giving someone a justifiable reason to kill someone?
If you shoot a home intruder there's going to be a full investigation.
The Desire for Revenge Protects Society

Doesn't anyone get the fact that we have a duty to prevent these public enemies from robbing or killing other people later? So it's not about revenge or over-protecting oneself. It's about "the security of a free state."
Unfortunately with NO CASH BAIL you might be better off shooting the intruder claiming self defense then calling the cops where they take him in, do the paperwork and let him go

I'd put 16 rounds of .45 in em and tell the cops I saw him reach for his gun.
Whoops....turns out he was twitching from the continuous stream of lead I was pumping into em.
A sheriff in Florida is encouraging residents to take gun safety courses after a homeowner fired multiple shots at an intruder on Wednesday, stopping the individual who allegedly broke into several homes

"I guess they think they did something wrong, which they did not. If someone's breaking into your house, you're more than welcome to shoot them in Santa Rosa County. We prefer that you do, actually. So, whoever that was, you're not in trouble, come see us. We have a gun safety class we put on every other Saturday," Johnson said.

The sheriff added that residents who take the course will shoot a gun "a lot better," and maybe save taxpayers some money.

I love this guy 👦
There have been many instances were a person absorbs multiple rounds as in a dozen and they dont go down.
This woman in Georgia shot a man five times in the head and neck with a .38 and he managed to get in his car and drive away.
There's no such thing as having to many rounds.

And you want a round with some steam on it. 12 gauge buckshot, or a hot .44 Magnum on the LOW end of the power curve.
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Amy you want a round with some steam on it. 12 gauge buckshot, or a hot .44 Magnum on the LOW end of the power curve.

I have a 10mm magnum and a 12 gauge but I'd be comfortable putting 16 rounds of .45 in em.
Hell a 5.56 can really fuck your day up with the hydrostatic shock that it delivers.
That dumbshit who attacked Kyle learned that lesson real quick. He damn near lost his arm with one shot.
^^^ Or you can shoot them in an area that makes them wish that they were dead. The Lord was placed in the middle and so why not go for the middle on a person? We all know how much that area means to most males. :D :D :D

God bless you always!!!


P.S. The sad thing is that if we fire in that direction at a female, we might only be doing her a favor should a baby be in there somewhere. :( :( :(
I have a 10mm magnum and a 12 gauge but I'd be comfortable putting 16 rounds of .45 in em.
Hell a 5.56 can really fuck your day up with the hydrostatic shock that it delivers.
That dumbshit who attacked Kyle learned that lesson real quick. He damn near lost his arm with one shot.
They Kept on Coming

The 45 was adopted after drug-numb Filipino Moslems couldn't be stopped by the pistol bullets our troops were using before 1898.

It makes sense. Criminals now days have rap sheets a mile long with the law doing next to nothing to stop them.

It is a system with jails that are too full, and one now that refuses to deal harshly with anyone who has darkish skin as they get accused of racism if they do.

So shooting dead intruders will save taxpayers a great deal of revenue, make society a safer place, and ensure that you have a better chance at survival verses calling an already over burdened and defunded police force that might arrive the same day.

And lastly, there is one less democrat voter walking around.
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