Sheriff: Father kills man sexually abusing his daughter

so you dont think it will make it to the grand jury....i understand the legal system and i think the prosecutor will take it the grand jury simply to run it thru the system....i think it will stop at the grand jury....merely a formality at best....i could be wrong
why is it pc to want him to go trial? is that pc or the legal system we have?

He broke no laws, why would he need a trial? The proper process is being followed, The system is being followed, A Grand Jury will receive the Information and make a ruling, if they charge him he will be arrested. I can promise you he probably won't ever be convicted even if eventually charged.

This is a point we tried to make to you about Zimmerman. He broke no law if he acted in self defense, there was no need to arrest him. And so far the facts as presented continue to point to him acting in self defense.

Oh now you've done it!!!

But your right... its the same thing.
so you dont think it will make it to the grand jury....i understand the legal system and i think the prosecutor will take it the grand jury simply to run it thru the system....i think it will stop at the grand jury....merely a formality at best....i could be wrong

It will stop at Texans.
so you dont think it will make it to the grand jury....i understand the legal system and i think the prosecutor will take it the grand jury simply to run it thru the system....i think it will stop at the grand jury....merely a formality at best....i could be wrong

If the rapist was black and the father, a white Hispanic, the DA probably would crumble under pressure from Al Sharpton to convene a Grand Jury. In this case, I doubt it. Why waste the time and money on a lost cause just because someone died?
There are several types of rape, generally categorized by reference to the situation in which it occurs, the sex or characteristics of the victim, and/or the sex or characteristics of the perpetrator. Different types of rape include but are not limited to: date rape, gang rape, marital rape, incestual rape, child sexual abuse, prison rape, acquaintance rape, war rape and statutory rape.[29]

Rape - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

i have been corrected...thanks bob

It surprised me too. Never knew that until I looked it up.
And the last time I looked, our criminal justice system doesn't impose the death penalty for rape.
Such a shame.

no ernie its not a shame......then rapist would kill their reason not too....

do you not get that?

Well if a rapist would stop and not murder someone because there is a death penality for murder, maybe they wouldn't be raping someone in the first place if there was a death penality for that too?

so you dont think it will make it to the grand jury....i understand the legal system and i think the prosecutor will take it the grand jury simply to run it thru the system....i think it will stop at the grand jury....merely a formality at best....i could be wrong

I dont have much faith in the Texas legal system. They will give you 20 years for a joint, 30 days for your sixth DUI, and pat your fannie for molesting children. Had the man been arrested he would have bonded out and it would have taken years for him to be sent to prison. He would have had the opportunity to molest again. That this creature was killed is a good thing. My own feelings aside, I think the Father killed him on accident.
i wonder what was more traumatic to the child...the abuse or watching her father kill a man?
I guess the question is... "If you were in the girls situation, which would be traumatic for you to experience: Serial rape or the death of a rapist at your father's hands?"

Secondly, consider that if dad had not killed the man, he probably never would have been properly punished let alone had a chance at recitivism. Man saves his daughter from serial rape by killing the assailant. Girl saved, criminal punished daughter knows father loves her, community spared waste of spending on care and feeding of dangerous scum. What's not to like?
so now we can kill people for being in the process of a crime?

Umm, yes that's how it works. Really, where do you get this crap. There are WAY more criminals killed in the act of committing crimes than will ever be killed after the fact. There is a lot less of a reason to kill them after the fact to be honest.
so now we can kill people for being in the process of a crime?
If I'm being assaulted, and I am speaking from first hand experience, and I know I have a chance to kill them before they kill me, I damn well am going to take it if I can.

That said my own experience of being face down with a knife to my throat and a man twice my size shouting 'give me the money or I'll slit your throat', I also know that you don't always get that option, and the one chance I got for that was so narrow any chance of missing it would have cost me my life. So I took another route, saved my life and I STILL got to hear how he died by his own hand in jail.

I was goddamn satisfied about it.

And consider now, if I had taken my shot and succeeded, I would have saved 2 other establishments from robbery that night, two women from sexual assault, one from a kidnapping and attempted murder and being left for dead. I got a real good lesson in consequences. Because if I'd have missed he'd just have added my murder to his list of crimes that night.

Killing criminals in the process of commission of the crime stops the crime instantly.
Why do libs love criminals so much? They are actually disappointed that the four year old didn't get raped.
Based on the report, I certainly sympathise with the father.
so now we can kill people for being in the process of a crime?

Sometimes, and this of course being one of those times.

You wouldn't be throwing out retarded absolutes like this bones if your argument held any merit.

If someone is in the process of raping your daughter on your own property hell yes you have a right to kill them.

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