Sheriff Finch Interview: I vow to Uphold the Constitution!

So now some of us think that local sheriffs are the arbitors of the Constitution?



Honest to God you people get sillier and sillier all the time.


by Alan Stang
March 20, 2009

For many years, the people’s attention in the Battle for America has been directed toward the federal government and its offices. Candidates stand for the House and the Senate. Patriotic groups publish voting records of incumbents. Considerable time, effort and money are expended in support of candidates for President. After decades of such commendable activity, the record shows it is an utter failure. The danger to the nation is worse than it ever was.

For many of those years, Republicrud bosses whined that if the people would only give them control of the federal government, they would undo Democrud damage and restore Free Enterprise. Finally, the people gave it to them. Remember? The Republicruds controlled the House, the Senate and the Oval Office long enough to turn the country around. What happened? The Republicruds made our problems much worse. Their spending made the profligate drunken sailor look like Scrooge. They deserved it when the people kicked them out. They lost all credibility.

Edited for Fair Use provided link for posters who have less than 15 posts Alan Stang -- The Sheriff - More Power Than the President
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well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

for those who don't seem to understand the meaning of the constitution ... it says regulated meaning that the government can regulate what guns you are entitled to have... if you righties don't seem to understand the meaning of those words I's not our fault that you righties live in the world of stupid

regulated MILITIA, not guns, dumbo.

plus regulated means trained not controlled by federal or local government
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well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

for those who don't seem to understand the meaning of the constitution ... it says regulated meaning that the government can regulate what guns you are entitled to have... if you righties don't seem to understand the meaning of those words I's not our fault that you righties live in the world of stupid

from your own quote.....notice the well regulated is the why it is necessary, but the rest IS the law...shall NOT be infringed......I hope you know what that means.

well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

for those who don't seem to understand the meaning of the constitution ... it says regulated meaning that the government can regulate what guns you are entitled to have... if you righties don't seem to understand the meaning of those words I's not our fault that you righties live in the world of stupid

from your own quote.....notice the well regulated is the why it is necessary, but the rest IS the law...shall NOT be infringed......I hope you know what that means.

in those times the word regulated meant trained. well regulated militia means well trained militia.
He's a good man and I will come to his aid when needed


I hope it doesn't come to that but it has been discussed and it may. First court date is this Wednesday, July 10th.

I expect charges dropped soon or at least for the attorney to request it. The state has no case, however Governor Scott pushed forward with appointing Liberty County a new Sheriff yesterday (after giving one of his FDLE goons a month as Sheriff) without Sheriff Finch, the Constitutionally elected representative of the peolple having been given one ounce of due process. Not one day in court yet.

He has only been Sheriff since January after narrowly defeating Democratic incumbant Donnie Conyers in November while running NPA. He is a Desert Storm Veteran and an Oathkeeper. Upon taking office he signed an oath with many other Florida Sheriff's to not uphold unconstitutional gun laws, he then did what he promised the people, he was then arrested and suspended WITHOUT PAY for it.......meanwhile the Fort Hood shooter sits in jail collecting......what is it now? $300,000 in military pay since the shooting.

He is a family man in a small rural community, he has 2 children, both ill, one with brain tumors the other with Cerebral Palsy, and many bills. He is no different than many of us. Like his Facebook page and share it to raise awareness. He is afterall fighting the government with NO is sure to be an expensive battle so they are trying to raise funds.

I can't link it as I don't have 15 posts yet but look for "SupportForLibertyCountySheriffNickFinch" on Facebook. That is his support page, (in just 3 weeks it has gathered over 6,000 likes......barely over 3,000 people voted in the November election, like I said, small rural county) it includes lots of info including several national attorneys tearing the one charge they have charged him with to pieces, it has been on their radio shows, and Sheriff Mack is helping and has taken it to his website and the airwaves and is helping raise money. There has been a rally at the Capital in Tallahassee with numerous nationally known speakers including Mrs. KrisAnne Hall's husband, a candidate for Governor, and many organizations represented such as the Oathkeepers, NRA, etc.......yet nothing seems to be stopping Rick Scott.

Exactly how much of this kind of stuff are we willing to take?
...his personal views on the 2nd amendment notwithstanding. __________________

His oath to uphold the Constitution takes priority. A "law" that violates the Constitution is not legal.About as basic as it gets.
...his personal views on the 2nd amendment notwithstanding. __________________

His oath to uphold the Constitution takes priority. A "law" that violates the Constitution is not legal.About as basic as it gets.


I have personally heard him recently speak and state that he has taken the oath twice, once upon entering the military, the other when sworn in as Sheriff. He has stated that no matter what the state or DC does he WILL uphold the oaths he took.
He's a good man and I will come to his aid when needed


I hope it doesn't come to that but it has been discussed and it may. First court date is this Wednesday, July 10th.

I expect charges dropped soon or at least for the attorney to request it. The state has no case, however Governor Scott pushed forward with appointing Liberty County a new Sheriff yesterday (after giving one of his FDLE goons a month as Sheriff) without Sheriff Finch, the Constitutionally elected representative of the peolple having been given one ounce of due process. Not one day in court yet.

He has only been Sheriff since January after narrowly defeating Democratic incumbant Donnie Conyers in November while running NPA. He is a Desert Storm Veteran and an Oathkeeper. Upon taking office he signed an oath with many other Florida Sheriff's to not uphold unconstitutional gun laws, he then did what he promised the people, he was then arrested and suspended WITHOUT PAY for it.......meanwhile the Fort Hood shooter sits in jail collecting......what is it now? $300,000 in military pay since the shooting.

He is a family man in a small rural community, he has 2 children, both ill, one with brain tumors the other with Cerebral Palsy, and many bills. He is no different than many of us. Like his Facebook page and share it to raise awareness. He is afterall fighting the government with NO is sure to be an expensive battle so they are trying to raise funds.

I can't link it as I don't have 15 posts yet but look for "SupportForLibertyCountySheriffNickFinch" on Facebook. That is his support page, (in just 3 weeks it has gathered over 6,000 likes......barely over 3,000 people voted in the November election, like I said, small rural county) it includes lots of info including several national attorneys tearing the one charge they have charged him with to pieces, it has been on their radio shows, and Sheriff Mack is helping and has taken it to his website and the airwaves and is helping raise money. There has been a rally at the Capital in Tallahassee with numerous nationally known speakers including Mrs. KrisAnne Hall's husband, a candidate for Governor, and many organizations represented such as the Oathkeepers, NRA, etc.......yet nothing seems to be stopping Rick Scott.

Exactly how much of this kind of stuff are we willing to take?

I'm pretty fed up at the moment. This country was made the pillar of liberty by men Obama couldn't shine the shoes of. When I think about the sacrifices that were made to allow the 51% to destroy my America makes my blood boil.

I'm 53 years old, veteran, and will defend the Constitution from the DOMESTIC enemy that is destroying the country God blessed. I have paid my dues and provided for my family. When the time comes, I will provide for my country out of respect for those that went before me.

Time for action, not words

Latest update from the Sheriff Finch case:

HUGE CASE UPDATE: Sheriff Finch's first court date was yesterday, neither he or his attorney had to be present as his attorney had already sent in pleading paperwork.....pleading NOT GUILTY. Today the state offered to "defer" all charges on Sheriff Nick Finch....... If he will RESIGN. If you don't know what this means for the State of Florida's case it basically means they have nothing! Despite that they still asked an official elected BY THE PEOPLE to resign from office for something even they know they have no case for.

Sheriff Finch of course told them no way and asked for a jury trial. Trial date is set for October 1st IF it makes it that far. His attorney has filed motions for dismissal and the state can still decide to drop this ridiculous case.

It is important to KEEP CONTACTING the officials in Tallahassee and let them know that enough is ENOUGH!

This man fought for us in Desert Storm and is fighting for us him fight back!
Latest update from the Sheriff Finch case:

HUGE CASE UPDATE: Sheriff Finch's first court date was yesterday, neither he or his attorney had to be present as his attorney had already sent in pleading paperwork.....pleading NOT GUILTY. Today the state offered to "defer" all charges on Sheriff Nick Finch....... If he will RESIGN. If you don't know what this means for the State of Florida's case it basically means they have nothing! Despite that they still asked an official elected BY THE PEOPLE to resign from office for something even they know they have no case for.

Sheriff Finch of course told them no way and asked for a jury trial. Trial date is set for October 1st IF it makes it that far. His attorney has filed motions for dismissal and the state can still decide to drop this ridiculous case.

It is important to KEEP CONTACTING the officials in Tallahassee and let them know that enough is ENOUGH!

This man fought for us in Desert Storm and is fighting for us him fight back!

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