Sheriff Joe to Serve Bread & Water to Inmates Who Defaced American Flags

In the Navy - back in the 70s, and into the 80s, we used to give asswipes in the brig bread and water. The Marines ran all brigs and actually used to pound the fuck out of those who didn't comply. The brig was someplace you didn't want to go. Under Obama's regime, I would imagine today it's a fucking country club.
Fall on hard times thru illness, be poor, can't get food stamps, steal some food to feed the family, it'll be off to prison for you.
Nobody in America goes to prison for stealing food to feed their family you nitwit.

They just make up some fake names and get several EBT cards. ... :cool:
The post title is false, misleading, and inaccurate! :evil:

A typical hate attack on Sheriff Joe.

He is feeding them THE SAME food as is provided in other prisons for inmates who have broken the rules. It is called Nutraloaf and contains everything needed for a balanced meal.

The post title is false, misleading, and inaccurate! :evil:

A typical hate attack on Sheriff Joe.

He is feeding them THE SAME food as is provided in other prisons for inmates who have broken the rules. It is called Nutraloaf and contains everything needed for a balanced meal.


sort of looks like pinchaloaf also
In the Navy - back in the 70s, and into the 80s, we used to give asswipes in the brig bread and water. The Marines ran all brigs and actually used to pound the fuck out of those who didn't comply. The brig was someplace you didn't want to go. Under Obama's regime, I would imagine today it's a fucking country club.


Today the abuse has probably been stopped.
If so, all praise to the Obama regime.

Hopefully the Obama regime has also stopped the abuse of Marines who happen to fall back on runs, and are not as physically strong as others etc but have signed up to fight for the country...and are given 'code reds'....assaulted by other Marines on the orders of officers, having rags stuffed in their mouths and taped up...causing their deaths, ...and other tortures.
All shown in the movie "A Few Good Men".
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The Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution states that "cruel and unusual punishments shall not be inflicted". The general principles the United States Supreme Court relied on to decide whether or not a particular punishment was cruel and unusual were determined by Justice William Brennan. In Furman v. Georgia, 408 U.S. 238 (1972), Justice Brennan wrote, "There are, then, four principles by which we may determine whether a particular punishment is 'cruel and unusual'."

The "essential predicate" is "that a punishment must not by its severity be degrading to human dignity," especially torture.

"A severe punishment that is obviously inflicted in wholly arbitrary fashion." (Furman v. Georgia temporarily suspended capital punishment for this reason.)

"A severe punishment that is clearly and totally rejected throughout society."

"A severe punishment that is patently unnecessary."

It seems that the constitution does apply to prisoners.

Some years ago military prisoners that screwed up in prison were put on bread and water for 7 days. They called it piss and punk!
When convicted of a crime and thrown in prison you lose your First Amendment freedom of speech.

For instance, if you cuss out a guard you will be thrown in solitary.

That's just the way it works. ... :cool:

What a stupid thing to say.

Our First Amendment is sacred, or should be. But, obviously some rw's are happy to suspend the Constitution at the drop of a hat.
When a person is convicted of a crime and sent to prison they lose their civil rights and voting privileges.

True story........ :cool:

Actually no.

And the US Constitution doesn't advocate for the loss of voting rights to prisoners.

However it does provide many protections for those held in prison.

True story.
What a stupid thing to say.

Our First Amendment is sacred, or should be. But, obviously some rw's are happy to suspend the Constitution at the drop of a hat.
When a person is convicted of a crime and sent to prison they lose their civil rights and voting privileges.

True story........ :cool:

Actually no.

And the US Constitution doesn't advocate for the loss of voting rights to prisoners.

However it does provide many protections for those held in prison.

True story.

Two states, Vermont and Maine allow felons in prison to vote with an absentee ballot. The other 48 do not.
10 states restrict some people from voting with a misdemeanor conviction.
Not everyone in prison is a bad person...many are in for possessing illegal drugs, prostitution, things they would not have been incarcerated for in other Western nations.

On COPS there was this little, older, White guy, with a bandana. He was just standing on the corner in some semi-rural type street. He looked a bit spaced out. The cops stopped him and searched him. in his pockets was some marijuana.
Yes, cops handcuffed him and took him off to jail, maybe prison.

Also on COPS have been shown some prostitutes, ...poor, on drugs [you'd have to be on drugs to do the job IMO], dishevelled, likely wouldn't be able to get any other job, cops handcuffed them and took them off to jail, maybe prison.

A book I think you'll enjoy: Ain't Nobody's Business If You Do– The Absurdity of Consensual Crimes in a Free Society, by Peter McWilliams. It was published in 1993 but in my humble opinion it is still very relevant today.
Fall on hard times thru illness, be poor, can't get food stamps, steal some food to feed the family, it'll be off to prison for you.
Nobody in America goes to prison for stealing food to feed their family you nitwit.

They just make up some fake names and get several EBT cards. ... :cool:

Oh yes they do!

Gregory Taylor, Homeless Man Sentenced To 25 Years For Stealing Food, Ordered Released From Prison

LOS ANGELES — After 13 years behind bars for trying to break in to a church kitchen to find something to eat, a man who became an example of the harsh sentences allowed by California's three-strikes law has been ordered released from prison.

A Superior Court judge amended Gregory Taylor's sentence to eight years already served and the 47-year-old, who was sentenced in 1997 to 25 years to life, will be a free man in a few days.

Tears streamed down Taylor's face and Judge Peter Espinoza asked a bailiff to get him a tissue.

"I thought I was going to cry too," said law student Reiko Rogozen, who started working on the case in January as part of Stanford Law School's Three-Strikes Project, which filed a writ of habeas corpus seeking freedom for Taylor. "He was scared up until the last minute that it wasn't actually going to happen."

bianco sings 'The Fields of Athenry' at the govt man in protest.
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Fall on hard times thru illness, be poor, can't get food stamps, steal some food to feed the family, it'll be off to prison for you.
Nobody in America goes to prison for stealing food to feed their family you nitwit.

Yes they do...hungry Americans, and hungry foreigners...into the prison cells they go.

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Destitute single mum Louise Early's Adelaide family appeal to Barack Obama for her release from US prison over food stamp theft

CRUELLY SEPARATED: Jenae and Kaylea Smith in Hackham with a photo of them together with their mother Louise Early. Photo: Sam Wundke.. Source: News Limited

AN Adelaide [Australia] family has made a personal appeal to US President Barack Obama to release their daughter from a prison where she is serving time for stealing food stamps from the US Government.

The single mother of two young has spent the past year in jail after the FBI arrested her for using a false social security number to try and obtain food stamps so she could feed her two young daughters.

Louise Early's family, in Adelaide's south, say she was homeless and driven to desperation after her seven-year marriage to Eugene Early, a US marine, broke down and he failed to apply for her to become a citizen.

Louise with her former husband and father of her 2 children, Eugene Early. Source: News Limited

The Australian Foreign Affairs Department then botched her passport application for more than six months so she could not bring the girls home, during which time she was arrested.

Ms Early's visually impaired mother Jenny Smith, 62, of Hackham said she had brought her two grandchildren home from Baltimore last February but now feared Louise's multiple medical problems meant she would not make it home.

The girls, Jenae 8 and Kaylea 7, are living with Jenny and their grandfather John, are attending an Adelaide school and have pleaded for the safe return of their mother.


Two little Black girls begging Obama for the safe return of their mother to Australia from the US prison.
Surely "the Black President" is all about civil rights and happiness for Black kids.

"The first thing I will do when I get mum back is give her lots of hugs and cuddles and never let her out of my sight again,'' Jenae told the Sunday Mail.

"The last time I saw her (December 2012) was in jail and there was a glass window so I couldn't hug her and we could only talk to her on a phone.''

Kaylea said: "I just want to play Barbie dolls with her and show her my (play doll) castle I got for Christmas''.

Letters shown to the Sunday Mail by Ms Early's family reveal how the 37-year-old has struggled with the overcrowded conditions and lack of medication, but hopes to return to Adelaide soon.

Lack of medication?

Multiple health problems, and lack of medication?
WTF is going on, Mr President?

You are the self proclaimed "Pacific President"...and as such she is one of your Pacific children.
She's served twelve months, time to release her and send her home.
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Now, now. Remember, The New Messiah quickly liberated all those poor unfortunates from Guantanamo and sent them home, flying first class. Remember how much they appreciated Him and expressed their admiration?

You DON'T????


Yes, shame on you for having believed Him in the first place.
When convicted of a crime and thrown in prison you lose your First Amendment freedom of speech.

For instance, if you cuss out a guard you will be thrown in solitary.

That's just the way it works. ... :cool:

What a stupid thing to say.

Our First Amendment is sacred, or should be. But, obviously some rw's are happy to suspend the Constitution at the drop of a hat.

Arpaio is a KKK/Westboro thug and he's a criminal. That's why some on the right love him.

it is well settled law that you give up certain rights when you are an inmate. for example pornography can be outlawed in prison. certain movies also can be outlawed.

that said, i believe this is a violation of their constitutional right in terms of the 8th amendment. bread and water for a week cannot in any sense be considered nutritious. if they violated rules by destroying the flags, eg, property, then punish them in a manner that does not violate their rights.
The post title is false, misleading, and inaccurate! :evil:

A typical hate attack on Sheriff Joe.

He is feeding them THE SAME food as is provided in other prisons for inmates who have broken the rules. It is called Nutraloaf and contains everything needed for a balanced meal.


do you have a cite for this? that would change my opinion of this.
Now, now. Remember, The New Messiah quickly liberated all those poor unfortunates from Guantanamo and sent them home, flying first class. Remember how much they appreciated Him and expressed their admiration?

You DON'T????


Yes, shame on you for having believed Him in the first place.

When he addressed my parliament, his last words were:

"So God Bless Australia. God Bless America, and God Bless the friendship between oiur two peoples."

Lovely. The least he can do is get all the necessary medication to Louise Early immediately so she doesn't die before her sentence finishes and she can return alive to her little girls.

[ame=]President Obama Speaks to the Australian Parliament - YouTube[/ame]

Fall on hard times thru illness, be poor, can't get food stamps, steal some food to feed the family, it'll be off to prison for you.
Nobody in America goes to prison for stealing food to feed their family you nitwit.

They just make up some fake names and get several EBT cards. ... :cool:

Oh yes they do!

Gregory Taylor, Homeless Man Sentenced To 25 Years For Stealing Food, Ordered Released From Prison

LOS ANGELES — After 13 years behind bars for trying to break in to a church kitchen to find something to eat, a man who became an example of the harsh sentences allowed by California's three-strikes law has been ordered released from prison.

A Superior Court judge amended Gregory Taylor's sentence to eight years already served and the 47-year-old, who was sentenced in 1997 to 25 years to life, will be a free man in a few days.

Tears streamed down Taylor's face and Judge Peter Espinoza asked a bailiff to get him a tissue.

"I thought I was going to cry too," said law student Reiko Rogozen, who started working on the case in January as part of Stanford Law School's Three-Strikes Project, which filed a writ of habeas corpus seeking freedom for Taylor. "He was scared up until the last minute that it wasn't actually going to happen."

bianco sings 'The Fields of Athenry' at the govt man in protest.

you should be a little more fourth right with this guy

he had two priors for armed robbery

and fell into the states 3 strikes rule
Nobody in America goes to prison for stealing food to feed their family you nitwit.

They just make up some fake names and get several EBT cards. ... :cool:

Oh yes they do!

Gregory Taylor, Homeless Man Sentenced To 25 Years For Stealing Food, Ordered Released From Prison

LOS ANGELES — After 13 years behind bars for trying to break in to a church kitchen to find something to eat, a man who became an example of the harsh sentences allowed by California's three-strikes law has been ordered released from prison.

A Superior Court judge amended Gregory Taylor's sentence to eight years already served and the 47-year-old, who was sentenced in 1997 to 25 years to life, will be a free man in a few days.

Tears streamed down Taylor's face and Judge Peter Espinoza asked a bailiff to get him a tissue.

"I thought I was going to cry too," said law student Reiko Rogozen, who started working on the case in January as part of Stanford Law School's Three-Strikes Project, which filed a writ of habeas corpus seeking freedom for Taylor. "He was scared up until the last minute that it wasn't actually going to happen."

bianco sings 'The Fields of Athenry' at the govt man in protest.

you should be a little more fourth right with this guy

he had two priors for armed robbery

and fell into the states 3 strikes rule

Armed robbery?

Gregory Taylor, Homeless Man Sentenced To 25 Years For Stealing Food, Ordered Released From Prison

Taylor was convicted of third-strike burglary due to two robbery convictions in the 1980s, once for stealing a purse containing $10 and another time for trying to rob a man on the street. He didn't use a weapon in either case, and no one was injured.

Mandatory sentences...baaah!
25 years to life for trying to steal some food...baaah!
California should be locked up.
Oh yes they do!

Gregory Taylor, Homeless Man Sentenced To 25 Years For Stealing Food, Ordered Released From Prison

LOS ANGELES — After 13 years behind bars for trying to break in to a church kitchen to find something to eat, a man who became an example of the harsh sentences allowed by California's three-strikes law has been ordered released from prison.

A Superior Court judge amended Gregory Taylor's sentence to eight years already served and the 47-year-old, who was sentenced in 1997 to 25 years to life, will be a free man in a few days.

Tears streamed down Taylor's face and Judge Peter Espinoza asked a bailiff to get him a tissue.

"I thought I was going to cry too," said law student Reiko Rogozen, who started working on the case in January as part of Stanford Law School's Three-Strikes Project, which filed a writ of habeas corpus seeking freedom for Taylor. "He was scared up until the last minute that it wasn't actually going to happen."

bianco sings 'The Fields of Athenry' at the govt man in protest.

you should be a little more fourth right with this guy

he had two priors for armed robbery

and fell into the states 3 strikes rule

Armed robbery?

Gregory Taylor, Homeless Man Sentenced To 25 Years For Stealing Food, Ordered Released From Prison

Taylor was convicted of third-strike burglary due to two robbery convictions in the 1980s, once for stealing a purse containing $10 and another time for trying to rob a man on the street. He didn't use a weapon in either case, and no one was injured.

Mandatory sentences...baaah!
25 years to life for trying to steal some food...baaah!
California should be locked up.

yeah it was robbery

still felonies both of them

he said he was hungry he didnt say he was stealing food

hopefully he learned a lesson this time

and stays away from the dope

or before ya know it

he will be back before that superior judge
Oh yes they do!

Gregory Taylor, Homeless Man Sentenced To 25 Years For Stealing Food, Ordered Released From Prison

LOS ANGELES — After 13 years behind bars for trying to break in to a church kitchen to find something to eat, a man who became an example of the harsh sentences allowed by California's three-strikes law has been ordered released from prison.

A Superior Court judge amended Gregory Taylor's sentence to eight years already served and the 47-year-old, who was sentenced in 1997 to 25 years to life, will be a free man in a few days.

Tears streamed down Taylor's face and Judge Peter Espinoza asked a bailiff to get him a tissue.

"I thought I was going to cry too," said law student Reiko Rogozen, who started working on the case in January as part of Stanford Law School's Three-Strikes Project, which filed a writ of habeas corpus seeking freedom for Taylor. "He was scared up until the last minute that it wasn't actually going to happen."

bianco sings 'The Fields of Athenry' at the govt man in protest.

you should be a little more fourth right with this guy

he had two priors for armed robbery

and fell into the states 3 strikes rule

Armed robbery?

Gregory Taylor, Homeless Man Sentenced To 25 Years For Stealing Food, Ordered Released From Prison

Taylor was convicted of third-strike burglary due to two robbery convictions in the 1980s, once for stealing a purse containing $10 and another time for trying to rob a man on the street. He didn't use a weapon in either case, and no one was injured.

Mandatory sentences...baaah!
25 years to life for trying to steal some food...baaah!
California should be locked up.

yeah it was robbery

still felonies both of them

he said he was hungry he didnt say he was stealing food

hopefully he learned a lesson this time

and stays away from the dope

or before ya know it

he will be back before that superior judge

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