Sheriff rejects popcorn killer’s ‘stand your ground’ defense: ‘Why didn’t he move sea

To come up with the applicable law ?

let's see if that's applicable.
it is definitely NOT a stand your ground situation.

even if you are being attacked by popcorn at 71 that is NOT going to fly as the reason for stand your ground.

This will go as a manslaughter conviction.

The focus is not the popcorn itself.

The focus is the deceased battered an elderly patron and did that elderly person believe he was facing great bodily injury.

If someone is going to start throwing things and verbally haranguing the elderly for such trivialness there may be a reasonable demonstrated fear of great bodily injury.

If you ask 100 seniors in the situation I would bet you get an overwhelming fear of great bodily injury. And it would be reasonable.

i wonder about the wife that got shot through the hand

the news says she was shielding her husband

or was she holding him back

it sounds like it got heated
But Romine, who is not representing Reeves but has tried many high-profile cases, said the state’s law focuses on one thing: Did the retired officer believe that he was in danger?

If so, Romine said, he had the right to use deadly force to defend himself – even if the weapon was popcorn.

Sheriff rejects popcorn killer?s ?stand your ground? defense: ?Why didn?t he move seats?? | The Raw Story

What a bullshit law. No intelligent person is going to think their life was in danger from freaking popcorn.

Only a crazy person would. Insanity defense is better.

He is insane, but I don't want him using that as an excuse to murder.
The take away from this and Zimmerman is.

Don't put your hands on people unless you are defending yourself.

You may get ventilated.

Right or wrong. Free or imprisoned.

You are still dead.

Actually, what I take from this is that gun nuts are willing to go so far into left field to defend guns at all costs that you guys are actually able to convince yourselves that a man truly deserved to be killed because he threw popcorn at another man.

Just like how Conservatism can't fail, but only be failed, legal guns can't be used to break laws - anyone shot must have deserved it.

that is not what he is actually saying. he is describing how a good lawyer might use the existing law to defend his client and it might happen that he will walk.
But Romine, who is not representing Reeves but has tried many high-profile cases, said the state’s law focuses on one thing: Did the retired officer believe that he was in danger?

If so, Romine said, he had the right to use deadly force to defend himself – even if the weapon was popcorn.

Sheriff rejects popcorn killer?s ?stand your ground? defense: ?Why didn?t he move seats?? | The Raw Story

If the man believed he was in danger from popcorn, then he probably has a better chance with an insanity defense.

he said he didnt know what it was

and the guy that got shot according to witnesses

said he was yelling at the old guy for narking on him to the management

about texting
Lost in all of this is the fact that you cannot throw anything at someone during an argument - its called assault. As a citizen, you should always avoid letting arguments get the best of you - It often escalates into violence. As a dad, the man with the popcorn failed by putting himself square in the middle of a heated exchange.

As a gun owner - the old guy should have never even considered getting into a shouting match with someone while he was packing heat.

There is a lot of blame to go around here, I think in the end, though, gramps is going to the slammer for this one - he is the one with the weapon. He needed to insure that this did not escalate.
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I actually appreciate and respect your concern for the elderly. They are victims of abuse and bullying to a shameful degree. Respect for our elders was bred into my generation and sadly today I don't see that much. I just think your wrong to give this fellow a pass because of his age I don't believe the situation warrants that.

Florida law makes it about age.
This was not a Stand Your Ground action. It was cold blooded murder, plain and simple.

Uh... yeah. But some people got the idea that "Stand your Ground" means "Shoot people in the street without consequence".

I'm wondering where they got that idea from...


If this asshole was like this as a retired cop?

Imagine what the guy was like when he was hiding behind his badge.

I do not believe that this guy's BULLY BEHAVIOR in that theater was a one time deal.

I suspect that this prick was so used to bullying people that he freaked when he no longer had the power of his badge backing him up.

He FORGOT he no longer has a license to kill then lie about why he killed.

I want this guy to live forever prison.
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The prosecutor is eager to go to trial on this one. Slam dunk.

More is coming out, just like the Martin case.

Oulsen was the aggressor.

Maybe he was...

Didn't justify shooting the guy in a crowded theatre, though.

It will if the elderly man felt in fear of great bodily harm while the was under the felony aggravated battery assault.

I think we will find a man throwing something at you and his wife having to hold him back rises to significant fear.

The age demographics of Pasco County are in his favor.
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If this asshole was like this as a retired cop?

Imagine what the guy was like when he was hiding behind his badge.

I do not believe that this guy's BULLY BEHAVIOR in that theater was a one time deal.

I suspect that this prick was so used to bullying people that he freaked when he no longer had the power of his badge backing him up.

He FORGOT he no longer has a license to kill then lie about why he killed.

I want this guy to live forever prison.

No due process ?
let's see if that's applicable.
it is definitely NOT a stand your ground situation.

even if you are being attacked by popcorn at 71 that is NOT going to fly as the reason for stand your ground.

This will go as a manslaughter conviction.

The focus is not the popcorn itself.

The focus is the deceased battered an elderly patron and did that elderly person believe he was facing great bodily injury.

If someone is going to start throwing things and verbally haranguing the elderly for such trivialness there may be a reasonable demonstrated fear of great bodily injury.

If you ask 100 seniors in the situation I would bet you get an overwhelming fear of great bodily injury. And it would be reasonable.

i wonder about the wife that got shot through the hand

the news says she was shielding her husband

or was she holding him back

it sounds like it got heated

That is exactly the point OODA is making and that is what shows that there was much more than throwing popcorn.

If the killed guy was yelling ( and it is already confirmed he was) and if there was even a hint of a real threat to the old guy - he might be acquitted no matter how ridiculous it sounds.

people tend to react emotionally and that is understandable - the guy was killed and there is an orphan left behind. The reason for the killing also seems unimaginable.

However, if one wants to get into the details of the ugly cases which end up in the lost life in home disputes, it is usually over something minor, not an estate or diamonds.

Just remember your last big fight with hubby/wife/kids/parents/siblings and what started it.

I am not defending the guy who killed the texter.

I am just reminding people that politeness and good manners developed in the human society exactly to avoid such situations.

texting in the movie theater, especially when somebody objects it, is the lack of good manners and straightforward rude.

Should the mom of a 40+ something be blamed for not teaching him respect for elders?

I don't know. But the situation was totally avoidable.
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If this asshole was like this as a retired cop?

Imagine what the guy was like when he was hiding behind his badge.

I do not believe that this guy's BULLY BEHAVIOR in that theater was a one time deal.

I suspect that this prick was so used to bullying people that he freaked when he no longer had the power of his badge backing him up.

He FORGOT he no longer has a license to kill then lie about why he killed.

I want this guy to live forever prison.

Bully behavior?

are you nuts?

the guy asked the other to stop texting which is already banned by the theater rules.

THAT was bullying?

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