Shocking Court Disclosure Shows Undercover Cops Urging Jan. 6 Protesters — Including Ashli Babbitt — To Enter Capitol Building

Thank you and we know this and have said this and watch liberals jump to denial madness
Go back and carefully read what I said. Those people came there pumped to the breaking point with blind impotent rage over an election Trump said was stolen. Did democrats put all that anger there? Trump friendly media pushed the Big Lie for all they were worth. There's your instigators. Why don't you feel used?

there is bo proof of any of that.
Actually more and more proof of that is being published every day.
It's already proved that Fox News purposefully pushed "the big lie" knowing it was a lie.

So you have all those angry fox news viewers, who were told lies about a stolen election, because Fox knew they wouldn't watch Fox if they told the truth.
You do not believe your own eyes? Please stop commenting,
It’s not commenting
It’s trolling
The doors get pulled open from the inside and people enter.
Just like we read Muellers words wrong; heard Trumps peaceful protest words wrong, we also See the opening of doors wrong.
This is where the abandonment of reality for wishes and feelings has taken us
Why is the main instigator Ray Epps not in jail and not charged?
Unbelievable. The undercover cops walk right up behind Ashli Babbitt outside on the capitol steps and say "someone is going to get shot" then look at each other and wink. It's all on video.

Fake News!
How do we ID these individuals as undercover cops?
Oh wait, I KNOW!
Some other whacky conspiracy theorist says so....and it is JUST the kind of batshit crazy bullshit we like to believe to explain away the fact that our lunatic sideshow freak candidates CAN'T win elections anymore......
It's all a giant conspiracy!

Fake News!
How do we ID these individuals as undercover cops?
Oh wait, I KNOW!
Some other whacky conspiracy theorist says so....
As long as those individuals aren't identified, they can assign whatever identity they wish upon them.

The unidentified man in the trenchcoat could have been Joe Biden himself, knowing the Secret Service wouldn't reveal details about who was there to protect him.
You seem to be saying that being "let in" somehow excuses what followed. It does not. Why use that argument otherwise?

Where the government charges the alleged offenders with “trespass,” it is an obvious defense to note that you were given official permission to enter.

I never suggested or even implied that any of the vandalism was ok and obviously none of the violence was ok. I haven’t sought to “excuse” any of that.

So, your interpretation of what I said (or your spin on it) is baseless and wrong.
Fake News!
How do we ID these individuals as undercover cops?
Oh wait, I KNOW!
Some other whacky conspiracy theorist says so....and it is JUST the kind of batshit crazy bullshit we like to believe to explain away the fact that our lunatic sideshow freak candidates CAN'T win elections anymore......
It's all a giant conspiracy!

Get off my thread, you little beta peon!
I don't know the details but if true this would be very Canadian of your police. In Canada they take it many steps further and undercover police themselves commit crimes and try to blame/attribute their acts to others knowing that their own police and Crowns won't charge the undercover anyways! I've warned you, if you become like Canada all of Europe will turn ther backs on you, read their views today already. Do not undermine your global influence and reputation.

We are far more corrupt than Canada.
The CIA, FBI, Career Unelected State, answer to no one and have the power of being the lone remaining Superpower .

Where the government charges the alleged offenders with “trespass,” it is an obvious defense to note that you were given official permission to enter.
Which is why they were charged with trespass into RESTRICTED areas.

Akin to being let into the White House for the public tour, and you wander off into the west wing.
Fake News!
How do we ID these individuals as undercover cops?
Oh wait, I KNOW!
Some other whacky conspiracy theorist says so....and it is JUST the kind of batshit crazy bullshit we like to believe to explain away the fact that our lunatic sideshow freak candidates CAN'T win elections anymore......
It's all a giant conspiracy!

That is why I prefaced my comments as "if true"... I have respect for honest men and women who just do ther jobs properly. People who understand that all citizens have rights or none do. When I informed the F.B.I of the dishonest, abusive even anti-American tactics covert Canadian police had tried to apply against me for years I went so far as to plead wth them to NOT lose their reputation, be lazy and cruel like Canadian authorities. Your nations success literaly depends on principled men. I'd say the same of ANY U.S police agency. Get rid of bad apples, provocateurs, and dishonest covert agents. If you don't, Americas enemies path to global dominance is all but assured. I know many on here have judged me, I will tell them "don't presume to know and understand what you don't"...
They brought staff weapons, guns (loaded), bear spray, cable tie handcuffs, even a million vote zap stick.

They were armed, and loaded for bear, in more ways than one.
No guns were seen in the capitol. There was no violence inside the capitol only outside where instigators did most of it. Video inside the capitol shows no violence except for the law enforcement officer (Officer Byrd) who shot and killed an unarmed woman.

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