Shooter Identified

The hate filled left and media are 100% responsible for this asshole. Enough is enough. :banghead:
Not 100%. The nutcase shooter is mostly responsible for what he did.

But the various media, social media etc. with their constant bombardment of us with their hate-Trump rhetoric, fake stories of dreadful behavior that later prove to be fabrications, etc., is not entirely blameless.

When a million or more Democrat fanatics are whipped into a frenzy by the media's constant egging on of their immediate reactions, the media cannot pretend they had nothing to do with it.

The shooter was unquestionably a complete nutcase. But he's been around a long time, and has never shot anyone until now.

What do you suppose was the difference this time?
Although it doesn't make violence right ..but
Just want to point out the Love that the republicans spread for 8 years...DOING THE EXACT SAME THING THAT YOU ARE ACCUSING OTHERS OF DOING..




You should really READ the marginal excuses that you post for violence... The KKK guy is hysterical. . Did you read his sign??? Go back and REALLY read it....

The perp is reportedly part of group calling themselves "Terminate the Republican Party".. My question to you is -- Are you NOW or Have you ever been a Member of "Terminate the Republican Party"..??? The NEXT McCarthy hearings are now in Session....
It's frightening that he did this. It is obvious he was politically motivated. You'd think at his age, he would have gained some common sense.

It is definitely time to cool the rhetoric everywhere, including out of your mouths, too. The taunting and baiting and bullshit doesn't help calm things down. This is not a "one side" matter. We don't need people taking pot shots at each other over how they vote! This is not Nicaragua! Time to stop acting like unschooled nitwits who can't deal with problem solving except at the end of a gun barrel.
The fact remains second to Muslims, progressives are the most intolerant people on the planet… Fact
Okay, I can see you're not getting it. Not surprised, actually.
Left-Wing Twitter Celebrates Shooting of Rep. Scalise [UPDATED]
The hate filled left and media are 100% responsible for this asshole. Enough is enough. :banghead:

This is exactly what the far left wants. "Community organizing" is nothing more than stirring up resentment and hatred on perceived racial and class differences. The progressives want anarchy, they want this sort of shit to happen. They brainwash their followers into believing any election outcome were they don't win must be stolen and illegitimate. Since Trump won, the left has done nothing but try to delegitimize the election and our democracy. The Russia fantasy is just a part of that.
The hate filled left and media are 100% responsible for this asshole. Enough is enough. :banghead:
Not 100%. The nutcase shooter is mostly responsible for what he did.

But the various media, social media etc. with their constant bombardment of us with their hate-Trump rhetoric, fake stories of dreadful behavior that later prove to be fabrications, etc., is not entirely blameless.

When a million or more Democrat fanatics are whipped into a frenzy by the media's constant egging on of their immediate reactions, the media cannot pretend they had nothing to do with it.

The shooter was unquestionably a complete nutcase. But he's been around a long time, and has never shot anyone until now.

What do you suppose was the difference this time?

I mostly agree with this. As for the asshole shooter.....the impulse to do violence has probably been their for a while. Today...for whatever reason he decided to act on it. But I am confident the hate filled media played its part.
Today's SHOOTER IDENTIFIED: James T. Hodgkinson, 66, as a Bernie-Supporter and a Trump-Hater
Man, you are like a one-note-Nancy. How did we get so in your head?
Anyone, left, right, black, white, and all those in between, anyone who goes on a murderous shooting spree is not only crazy but deserves to be shot and killed.
Although it doesn't make violence right ..but
Just want to point out the Love that the republicans spread for 8 years...DOING THE EXACT SAME THING THAT YOU ARE ACCUSING OTHERS OF DOING..




Treating Obama like shit was in response to the way the left treated Bush II. And that treatment is no where near as bad as the left is treating Trump. I remember a rodeo clown wearing an Obama mask that withstood a firestorm of criticism from the left and lost his job because of it.

An Obama mask.

While both sides have their wacko's, it is the left that has mainstream powerful people making these types of statements, not someone standing outside his mobile home.

Socialism and violence always go together.
When your agenda is completely unworkable, and has failed again and again (as the Democrats have done), and you find you must drive your voters by emotions and anger instead of by facts and truth, what else to you expect?

The Dims have zero agenda. The Party is in its worst shape since Reconstruction. All they have is hate-filled identity politics.

You want to know why the shooting took place? I posted this several days ago. The anger is at their own failures.

1. The Dems lost the White House in a race they thought was a slam dunk.

2. They could not regain control of the Senate although that looked to be within their grasp.

3. They do not have the House and do not appear to be able to regain the House for many years.

4. They have now lost the Supreme Court....probably for a generation.

5. That lost over a 1,000 State House seats during the eight years of Obama.

6. The GOP controls 2/3 of all the Governor seats in the U.S.A.

7. The Democrat "bench" consists of two almost 80 year old white men in Biden and Sanders....and a bitter old fake Native American woman in her 70's Elizabeth Warren. Oh....or you could go with former coke head "comedian" Stuart Smalley.

The Next Dem President?


So give your Democrat pals a break about the whole Russia nothing-burger. Right's pretty much all they've got. :(
Anyone, left, right, black, white, and all those in between, anyone who goes on a murderous shooting spree is not only crazy but deserves to be shot and killed.
Most of these mad men are progresses…
Socialism and violence always go together.
When your agenda is completely unworkable, and has failed again and again (as the Democrats have done), and you find you must drive your voters by emotions and anger instead of by facts and truth, what else to you expect?

The Dims have zero agenda. The Party is in its worst shape since Reconstruction. All they have is hate-filled identity politics.

You want to know why the shooting took place? I posted this several days ago. The anger is at their own failures.

1. The Dems lost the White House in a race they thought was a slam dunk.

2. They could not regain control of the Senate although that looked to be within their grasp.

3. They do not have the House and do not appear to be able to regain the House for many years.

4. They have now lost the Supreme Court....probably for a generation.

5. That lost over a 1,000 State House seats during the eight years of Obama.

6. The GOP controls 2/3 of all the Governor seats in the U.S.A.

7. The Democrat "bench" consists of two almost 80 year old white men in Biden and Sanders....and a bitter old fake Native American woman in her 70's Elizabeth Warren. Oh....or you could go with former coke head "comedian" Stuart Smalley.

The Next Dem President?


So give your Democrat pals a break about the whole Russia nothing-burger. Right's pretty much all they've got. :(
No doubt Al Franken encourages this sort of behavior...
There is no chance that, among the million or so hate-filled Democrat fanatics in this country, even one of them might have been pushed over the edge by seeing this. And might decide to get a gun, go to an open field where there are lots of Republicans, and start shooting. Nope, no way, no how. Not a single one of those millions.

I see no reason why the leftist media shouldn't keep right on displaying this kind of thing. Do you?

I mean, how could it possibly cause or inspire harm?




I think we need to look in to criminal charges against Liberals for attempting to subvert Democracy and calling for the assassinations of cops, The President and GOP Congressmen.
Progressives are learning well from Muslims how to be intolerant…
The motive is that he is a batshit crazy Liberal nutcase. Like the idiots that put on their pink pussy hats

What the fuck is wrong with you?

You seriously cannot differentiate between murderers and pink hat wearers at a peaceful political rally?
It's frightening that he did this. It is obvious he was politically motivated. You'd think at his age, he would have gained some common sense.

It is definitely time to cool the rhetoric everywhere, including out of your mouths, too. The taunting and baiting and bullshit doesn't help calm things down. This is not a "one side" matter. We don't need people taking pot shots at each other over how they vote! This is not Nicaragua! Time to stop acting like unschooled nitwits who can't deal with problem solving except at the end of a gun barrel.
The fact remains second to Muslims, progressives are the most intolerant people on the planet… Fact
Okay, I can see you're not getting it. Not surprised, actually.
Left-Wing Twitter Celebrates Shooting of Rep. Scalise [UPDATED]
Thanks. That's sickening responses.
Now stop yours against libs and we'll be all set.

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