Shooter Identified

From the Indie/3rd party bleachers, this a "death match" between the 2 parties. And they are taking our country down with them. Because ALL OF THIS IS EXCUSABLE NOW.. There's all that "precedent".. And NOTHING IS WRONG anymore. Because pointing fingers back and forth ABSOLVES all the evil that goes with this crap..

America NEEDS an intervention. And the growing "Big Middle" is gonna give both parties the EXTINCTION they deserve politically.. We've had enough. And we're bigger and more honest and humble than both your warring tribes put together. BOTH parties are in their death throes....

Close to the bottom of the gutter and circling the drain -- they are...
Let us know how your "intervention" goes. What's your timetable for when we can expect things to get better with it going?


America is gonna STOP "voting for winners".. Because it's that mindset that you HAVE TO BUY the Coke/Pepsi -- that's dragging this country down in a death match.. And --- we're all LOSING ---- at every election ---- "biggly"...
I'm not losing. We won big the last election.

The rats are fucking losing it, though.

You lost biggly. You let a meglomaniac bully HIJACK and BUY your party.. Should have FORCED him to run Independent. NOW -- you stand for nothing. You got an ego who would SIGN a NON repeal of ObamaCare. Spend TRILLIONS we don't have and continue to POLARIZE the country every chance he gets.

You're not winning. The Indies/3rd parties determined the last election FOR YOU.. . And the polls were sheer crap because they didn't WEIGHT the "bigger middle".. NOW -- it's a fast trip down the drain for BOTH your extinction-bound "parties". America is fully fed up with this death match spectacle.. You'll see...
The last time we had unity/ decency for one another was for 2 days after 9/11, remember that?

The world united around the USA.

Until Bush changed the focus into invading Iraq.

70% of Americans believed Iraq was somehow behind the 9-11 attacks so we were behind the invasion. It took years for most Americans to finally realize they were bamboozled by the Bush Administration into supporting the invasion under false pretenses. of a grave danger from Iraq, a county that had been bomb back into the stone age and could not afford to rebuild it's military after suffering defeat and retreat from Kuwait.
60 Million Democraps have become deranged and unhinged from listing to all the anti Trump hatred and vitriol.

They are the terrorists in this country now.
Although it doesn't make violence right ..but
Just want to point out the Love that the republicans spread for 8 years...DOING THE EXACT SAME THING THAT YOU ARE ACCUSING OTHERS OF DOING..




Treating Obama like shit was in response to the way the left treated Bush II. And that treatment is no where near as bad as the left is treating Trump. I remember a rodeo clown wearing an Obama mask that withstood a firestorm of criticism from the left and lost his job because of it.

An Obama mask.

While both sides have their wacko's, it is the left that has mainstream powerful people making these types of statements, not someone standing outside his mobile home.


From the Indie/3rd party bleachers, this a "death match" between the 2 parties. And they are taking our country down with them. Because ALL OF THIS IS EXCUSABLE NOW.. There's all that "precedent".. And NOTHING IS WRONG anymore. Because pointing fingers back and forth ABSOLVES all the evil that goes with this crap..

America NEEDS an intervention. And the growing "Big Middle" is gonna give both parties the EXTINCTION they deserve politically.. We've had enough. And we're bigger and more honest and humble than both your warring tribes put together. BOTH parties are in their death throes....

Close to the bottom of the gutter and circling the drain -- they are...

I wish you were right, but you're not. Most people aren't very interested in politics--even now, in the age of Trump hate.
Although it doesn't make violence right ..but
Just want to point out the Love that the republicans spread for 8 years...DOING THE EXACT SAME THING THAT YOU ARE ACCUSING OTHERS OF DOING..




Treating Obama like shit was in response to the way the left treated Bush II. And that treatment is no where near as bad as the left is treating Trump. I remember a rodeo clown wearing an Obama mask that withstood a firestorm of criticism from the left and lost his job because of it.

An Obama mask.

While both sides have their wacko's, it is the left that has mainstream powerful people making these types of statements, not someone standing outside his mobile home.


From the Indie/3rd party bleachers, this a "death match" between the 2 parties. And they are taking our country down with them. Because ALL OF THIS IS EXCUSABLE NOW.. There's all that "precedent".. And NOTHING IS WRONG anymore. Because pointing fingers back and forth ABSOLVES all the evil that goes with this crap..

America NEEDS an intervention. And the growing "Big Middle" is gonna give both parties the EXTINCTION they deserve politically.. We've had enough. And we're bigger and more honest and humble than both your warring tribes put together. BOTH parties are in their death throes....

Close to the bottom of the gutter and circling the drain -- they are...

I wish you were right, but you're not. Most people aren't very interested in politics--even now, in the age of Trump hate.

Oh, but you're wrong. Trump destroyed politics as usual. He CRUSHED the impression that you have to raise and waste $1Bill to get elected. His problems are epic tho.. And he squandered all that "entreprenurial expertise" on petty bullying and grabbing free coverage for being audacious.

ANY indie or 3rd party is now fully aware of the "method". And if any HUMBLE PRINCIPLED people figure that out --- people ARE gonna stop voting for "winners" and brand names. This country needs an intervention against the death match tribal wars. And it's coming. There's no doubt of that. You're gonna see Socialists and TRUE Conservatives, Libertarians and Greens and Indie Populists having a FIELD DAY picking off the senile and the combative old guard.. The Dems and Repubs have screwed the pooch taking us all down to the gutter...
Our next candidates for the LParty are gonna HANG-GLIDE into events. They are gonna TELL the truth that there's "nothing of value" in the Soc Sec fund and we are IN THE CRISIS that we were warned about 30 years ago. They are going after the chronically brain dead foreign policies (particularly in the Mid East) that BOTH PARTIES have given us. And "unmask" the general incompetency, inefficiency and lack of excellence in how the Fed Govt ignores and mismanages virtually everything they touch.. .

It's gonna resonate like a bell. Especially when the public is promised an "INDEPENDENT COUNSEL" in Every appointed political seat in Wash DC. Folks with expertise and principles and humility that will simply REJECT the Repub/Dem tyrannies of power and excuses...
Our next candidates for the LParty are gonna HANG-GLIDE into events. They are gonna TELL the truth that there's "nothing of value" in the Soc Sec fund and we are IN THE CRISIS that we were warned about 30 years ago. They are going after the chronically brain dead foreign policies (particularly in the Mid East) that BOTH PARTIES have given us. And "unmask" the general incompetency, inefficiency and lack of excellence in how the Fed Govt ignores and mismanages virtually everything they touch.. .

It's gonna resonate like a bell. Especially when the public is promised an "INDEPENDENT COUNSEL" in Every appointed political seat in Wash DC. Folks with expertise and principles and humility that will simply REJECT the Repub/Dem tyrannies of power and excuses...

:rolleyes: I'll quote you on this fantastical naivete.
It's frightening that he did this. It is obvious he was politically motivated. You'd think at his age, he would have gained some common sense.

It is definitely time to cool the rhetoric everywhere, including out of your mouths, too. The taunting and baiting and bullshit doesn't help calm things down. This is not a "one side" matter. We don't need people taking pot shots at each other over how they vote! This is not Nicaragua! Time to stop acting like unschooled nitwits who can't deal with problem solving except at the end of a gun barrel.
The fact remains second to Muslims, progressives are the most intolerant people on the planet… Fact
Okay, I can see you're not getting it. Not surprised, actually.
Left-Wing Twitter Celebrates Shooting of Rep. Scalise [UPDATED]
Thanks. That's sickening responses.
Now stop yours against libs and we'll be all set.
Progressives acted out on their threat... most likely there is going to be more anti-gun nutters copycat'n.
Our next candidates for the LParty are gonna HANG-GLIDE into events. They are gonna TELL the truth that there's "nothing of value" in the Soc Sec fund and we are IN THE CRISIS that we were warned about 30 years ago. They are going after the chronically brain dead foreign policies (particularly in the Mid East) that BOTH PARTIES have given us. And "unmask" the general incompetency, inefficiency and lack of excellence in how the Fed Govt ignores and mismanages virtually everything they touch.. .

It's gonna resonate like a bell. Especially when the public is promised an "INDEPENDENT COUNSEL" in Every appointed political seat in Wash DC. Folks with expertise and principles and humility that will simply REJECT the Repub/Dem tyrannies of power and excuses...

:rolleyes: I'll quote you on this fantastical naivete.
Naivete? I wouldn't say that. But the font of optimism that springs from FCT's breast makes me look like an amateur.
From the Indie/3rd party bleachers, this a "death match" between the 2 parties. And they are taking our country down with them. Because ALL OF THIS IS EXCUSABLE NOW.. There's all that "precedent".. And NOTHING IS WRONG anymore. Because pointing fingers back and forth ABSOLVES all the evil that goes with this crap..

America NEEDS an intervention. And the growing "Big Middle" is gonna give both parties the EXTINCTION they deserve politically.. We've had enough. And we're bigger and more honest and humble than both your warring tribes put together. BOTH parties are in their death throes....

Close to the bottom of the gutter and circling the drain -- they are...
Let us know how your "intervention" goes. What's your timetable for when we can expect things to get better with it going?


America is gonna STOP "voting for winners".. Because it's that mindset that you HAVE TO BUY the Coke/Pepsi -- that's dragging this country down in a death match.. And --- we're all LOSING ---- at every election ---- "biggly"...
I'm not losing. We won big the last election.

The rats are fucking losing it, though.

You lost biggly. You let a meglomaniac bully HIJACK and BUY your party.. Should have FORCED him to run Independent. NOW -- you stand for nothing. You got an ego who would SIGN a NON repeal of ObamaCare. Spend TRILLIONS we don't have and continue to POLARIZE the country every chance he gets.

You're not winning. The Indies/3rd parties determined the last election FOR YOU.. . And the polls were sheer crap because they didn't WEIGHT the "bigger middle".. NOW -- it's a fast trip down the drain for BOTH your extinction-bound "parties". America is fully fed up with this death match spectacle.. You'll see...

No, we WON. We got exactly the man we wanted, and he is doing exactly what we elected him to do.

Welcome to reality. It is different than the false narrative you are gulping.
Our next candidates for the LParty are gonna HANG-GLIDE into events. They are gonna TELL the truth that there's "nothing of value" in the Soc Sec fund and we are IN THE CRISIS that we were warned about 30 years ago. They are going after the chronically brain dead foreign policies (particularly in the Mid East) that BOTH PARTIES have given us. And "unmask" the general incompetency, inefficiency and lack of excellence in how the Fed Govt ignores and mismanages virtually everything they touch.. .

It's gonna resonate like a bell. Especially when the public is promised an "INDEPENDENT COUNSEL" in Every appointed political seat in Wash DC. Folks with expertise and principles and humility that will simply REJECT the Repub/Dem tyrannies of power and excuses...
Good lord you sound high as a kite.

Tell me you haven't gone antifa.
Our next candidates for the LParty are gonna HANG-GLIDE into events. They are gonna TELL the truth that there's "nothing of value" in the Soc Sec fund and we are IN THE CRISIS that we were warned about 30 years ago. They are going after the chronically brain dead foreign policies (particularly in the Mid East) that BOTH PARTIES have given us. And "unmask" the general incompetency, inefficiency and lack of excellence in how the Fed Govt ignores and mismanages virtually everything they touch.. .

It's gonna resonate like a bell. Especially when the public is promised an "INDEPENDENT COUNSEL" in Every appointed political seat in Wash DC. Folks with expertise and principles and humility that will simply REJECT the Repub/Dem tyrannies of power and excuses...
Good lord you sound high as a kite.

Tell me you haven't gone antifa.

You've got a shooting war breaking out on the streets with one party leadership TELLING THEIR FOLKS to take to the streets and YOUR PARTY cowering in a corner afraid to shut them down --- And I AM the naive crack pot?

I predicted this race to the bottom. You're on your way. This AINT getting better once all of this madness gets excused --- BECAUSE THE OTHER SIDE DID IT FIRST..

That means all options for going lower are "on the table".. Enjoy your meal....
Our next candidates for the LParty are gonna HANG-GLIDE into events. They are gonna TELL the truth that there's "nothing of value" in the Soc Sec fund and we are IN THE CRISIS that we were warned about 30 years ago. They are going after the chronically brain dead foreign policies (particularly in the Mid East) that BOTH PARTIES have given us. And "unmask" the general incompetency, inefficiency and lack of excellence in how the Fed Govt ignores and mismanages virtually everything they touch.. .

It's gonna resonate like a bell. Especially when the public is promised an "INDEPENDENT COUNSEL" in Every appointed political seat in Wash DC. Folks with expertise and principles and humility that will simply REJECT the Repub/Dem tyrannies of power and excuses...
Good lord you sound high as a kite.

Tell me you haven't gone antifa.

You've got a shooting war breaking out on the streets with one party leadership TELLING THEIR FOLKS to take to the streets and YOUR PARTY cowering in a corner afraid to shut them down --- And I AM the naive crack pot?

I predicted this race to the bottom. You're on your way. This AINT getting better once all of this madness gets excused --- BECAUSE THE OTHER SIDE DID IT FIRST..

That means all options for going lower are "on the table".. Enjoy your meal....

I don't see the two major political parties going away. There is just too much entrenched money and power. What I do see is more wild swings in voting due to voter discontent. Trump and Brexit were an example of this.

If those don't succeed the voters will no doubt go for someone else.
Our next candidates for the LParty are gonna HANG-GLIDE into events. They are gonna TELL the truth that there's "nothing of value" in the Soc Sec fund and we are IN THE CRISIS that we were warned about 30 years ago. They are going after the chronically brain dead foreign policies (particularly in the Mid East) that BOTH PARTIES have given us. And "unmask" the general incompetency, inefficiency and lack of excellence in how the Fed Govt ignores and mismanages virtually everything they touch.. .

It's gonna resonate like a bell. Especially when the public is promised an "INDEPENDENT COUNSEL" in Every appointed political seat in Wash DC. Folks with expertise and principles and humility that will simply REJECT the Repub/Dem tyrannies of power and excuses...
Good lord you sound high as a kite.

Tell me you haven't gone antifa.

You've got a shooting war breaking out on the streets with one party leadership TELLING THEIR FOLKS to take to the streets and YOUR PARTY cowering in a corner afraid to shut them down --- And I AM the naive crack pot?

I predicted this race to the bottom. You're on your way. This AINT getting better once all of this madness gets excused --- BECAUSE THE OTHER SIDE DID IT FIRST..

That means all options for going lower are "on the table".. Enjoy your meal....

I don't see the two major political parties going away. There is just too much entrenched money and power. What I do see is more wild swings in voting due to voter discontent. Trump and Brexit were an example of this.

If those don't succeed the voters will no doubt go for someone else.

They won't go away in name, but they are going to change. Or be eliminated.
Our next candidates for the LParty are gonna HANG-GLIDE into events. They are gonna TELL the truth that there's "nothing of value" in the Soc Sec fund and we are IN THE CRISIS that we were warned about 30 years ago. They are going after the chronically brain dead foreign policies (particularly in the Mid East) that BOTH PARTIES have given us. And "unmask" the general incompetency, inefficiency and lack of excellence in how the Fed Govt ignores and mismanages virtually everything they touch.. .

It's gonna resonate like a bell. Especially when the public is promised an "INDEPENDENT COUNSEL" in Every appointed political seat in Wash DC. Folks with expertise and principles and humility that will simply REJECT the Repub/Dem tyrannies of power and excuses...
Good lord you sound high as a kite.

Tell me you haven't gone antifa.

You've got a shooting war breaking out on the streets with one party leadership TELLING THEIR FOLKS to take to the streets and YOUR PARTY cowering in a corner afraid to shut them down --- And I AM the naive crack pot?

I predicted this race to the bottom. You're on your way. This AINT getting better once all of this madness gets excused --- BECAUSE THE OTHER SIDE DID IT FIRST..

That means all options for going lower are "on the table".. Enjoy your meal....

I don't see the two major political parties going away. There is just too much entrenched money and power. What I do see is more wild swings in voting due to voter discontent. Trump and Brexit were an example of this.

If those don't succeed the voters will no doubt go for someone else.

Money means nothing really.. Trump proved that. Don't NEED to kiss the presses ass. And the only thing the 2 antiquated parties STAND FOR anymore is obtaining power and holding it. The people tossing money at them aint the problem. It's the FOUR folks that RUN congress because they have a R or a D after their names. The rest (all 531 of them) are irrelevant and might as well as go home. They've COLLUDED to lock up the real power seats in Congress and the gerrymandered safe precincts to destroy any "representation" that this country needs to survive. It needs to be UNLOCKED by Indies/3rd Parties that are NOT SCARED and not beholding to those useless dynasties...
Our next candidates for the LParty are gonna HANG-GLIDE into events. They are gonna TELL the truth that there's "nothing of value" in the Soc Sec fund and we are IN THE CRISIS that we were warned about 30 years ago. They are going after the chronically brain dead foreign policies (particularly in the Mid East) that BOTH PARTIES have given us. And "unmask" the general incompetency, inefficiency and lack of excellence in how the Fed Govt ignores and mismanages virtually everything they touch.. .

It's gonna resonate like a bell. Especially when the public is promised an "INDEPENDENT COUNSEL" in Every appointed political seat in Wash DC. Folks with expertise and principles and humility that will simply REJECT the Repub/Dem tyrannies of power and excuses...
Good lord you sound high as a kite.

Tell me you haven't gone antifa.

You've got a shooting war breaking out on the streets with one party leadership TELLING THEIR FOLKS to take to the streets and YOUR PARTY cowering in a corner afraid to shut them down --- And I AM the naive crack pot?

I predicted this race to the bottom. You're on your way. This AINT getting better once all of this madness gets excused --- BECAUSE THE OTHER SIDE DID IT FIRST..

That means all options for going lower are "on the table".. Enjoy your meal....

I don't see the two major political parties going away. There is just too much entrenched money and power. What I do see is more wild swings in voting due to voter discontent. Trump and Brexit were an example of this.

If those don't succeed the voters will no doubt go for someone else.

They won't go away in name, but they are going to change. Or be eliminated.

Now this I can agree with. :thup: The Dims are stuck playing identity politics and the whole war on women card that got played out 3 election cycles ago. The shit doesn't work anymore which is why they keep losing elections.

Trump pushed the GOP to the center and advocated strongly for the American worker and American exceptionalism.....and he won.

Parties have to question.

Does anyone have any idea how the Dims will change or do they just keep bashing whites...workers...and everyone in the middle of the Country who is "deplorable."
Our next candidates for the LParty are gonna HANG-GLIDE into events. They are gonna TELL the truth that there's "nothing of value" in the Soc Sec fund and we are IN THE CRISIS that we were warned about 30 years ago. They are going after the chronically brain dead foreign policies (particularly in the Mid East) that BOTH PARTIES have given us. And "unmask" the general incompetency, inefficiency and lack of excellence in how the Fed Govt ignores and mismanages virtually everything they touch.. .

It's gonna resonate like a bell. Especially when the public is promised an "INDEPENDENT COUNSEL" in Every appointed political seat in Wash DC. Folks with expertise and principles and humility that will simply REJECT the Repub/Dem tyrannies of power and excuses...
Good lord you sound high as a kite.

Tell me you haven't gone antifa.

You've got a shooting war breaking out on the streets with one party leadership TELLING THEIR FOLKS to take to the streets and YOUR PARTY cowering in a corner afraid to shut them down --- And I AM the naive crack pot?

I predicted this race to the bottom. You're on your way. This AINT getting better once all of this madness gets excused --- BECAUSE THE OTHER SIDE DID IT FIRST..

That means all options for going lower are "on the table".. Enjoy your meal....

I don't see the two major political parties going away. There is just too much entrenched money and power. What I do see is more wild swings in voting due to voter discontent. Trump and Brexit were an example of this.

If those don't succeed the voters will no doubt go for someone else.

Money means nothing really.. Trump proved that. Don't NEED to kiss the presses ass. And the only thing the 2 antiquated parties STAND FOR anymore is obtaining power and holding it. The people tossing money at them aint the problem. It's the FOUR folks that RUN congress because they have a R or a D after their names. The rest (all 531 of them) are irrelevant and might as well as go home. They've COLLUDED to lock up the real power seats in Congress and the gerrymandered safe precincts to destroy any "representation" that this country needs to survive. It needs to be UNLOCKED by Indies/3rd Parties that are NOT SCARED and not beholding to those useless dynasties...

You go brother.....I hope you're right! Just call me skeptical. :)

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