Shooting at Chabad of Poway Synagogue

And...guess what was happening while the white nationalist was attacking the Poway synogogue.....White Nationalists Storm Washington Bookstore Reading: ‘This Land Is Our Land’ | HuffPost

Amazing...another book of racist anti-white propaganda by a communist Jew and people still ask why anyone might be angry at Jews.
Why don't you shut up? Look at what you just wrote, and you have the chutzpah to call anyone else a racist?
At least you gave yourself an appropriate user name.

What I said is true. The author is jewish, he's a marxist. He hates white people and he makes big $$$ selling his racist propaganda.

We did this on another thread and we agreed and also a Conservative Jew agreed with US that we NEED to make these distinctions between NORMAL JEWS and the Leftist Jews, NO NORMAL JEW goes in for the Cultural Marxist Agenda that the Leftist ones not ONLY push across ALL Media Platforms but that the Leftist ones FORMULATED to begin with DECADES ago.

The Leftist Jews are to BLAME and the Conservative Jews NEED to begin slapping them down, forget they also are Jews, just THINK of them as Cultural Marxists, the Leftist ones are causing ALL the trouble for the normal Jews.

WTF?! That Jewish lady who that maniac shot and killed in the Synagogue she COULD have been a Conservative Jew and she is dead because of the Cultural Marxism that has been pushed and pushed so that now maniacs like the shooter and murderer are thinking they just can walk into somewhere and start shooting.

Exactly! I don't hate non-whites or Jews. I hate the left, especially when they USE Hitler, slavery and colonialism as a weapon to stir up resentment towards white, christian society. I want black and brown people to WAKE UP and realize they're being used and that the left doesn't really give a shit about them.
Found a picture of John Earnest. I cannot imagine a 19-year-old man killing his fellow Americans, and that will keep him incarcerated for the duration of his life, which if he makes it to 70 will be 51 more years. I have to read the rest of this forum, because I didn't read online yesterday very much due to illness. I am praying for his Jewish victims, who were only celebrating a traditional holiday in a house of worship. Thanks, Wry Catcher for putting this at USMB, even if it is a terrible thing.
I really wish people wouldn't post this thug's picture OR his name. Why not post pictures and names of the victims instead:

Synagogue shooting: Woman killed jumped between the rabbi and the gunman - CNN
You just don't post pictures of victims without the family's permission, bodecea. Perpetrators of crimes should be known. This one called the police on himself and wanted to be apprehended. Nothing about the perp makes any sense to me, except who he's hobbing with online, at school, etc. Most of his friends will be innocent, but violence against innocent people has a nudge, and I want to know who and what that was. You hate visuals. I hate false words. We all have our limits. Feel free to put me on your ignore list. I try to keep it real.
Synagogue shooting: Woman killed jumped between the rabbi and the gunman - CNN
All right. You convinced me to remove the picture. His picture doesn't belong on the same page with her name, so hope you will remove it from your post above as well. And thanks for your persistence. ^

Edit: I also removed his action photo from my post. My deepest apologies for not seeing your sensitivity, bodecea. I just didn't understand until you posted the story of the woman who died saving the pastor's life. Thanks for your example. Really, thanks.

"My deepest apologies for not seeing your sensitivity, bodecea."

Bodey had ZERO sensitivity for when Notre Dame went up in an inferno, the opposite she Mega Trolled an ENTIRE thread and basically was making fun of such an IMMENSE Christian Symbol being destroyed. This is one reason why someone who IS a Christian like ME is NOT going to begin crying and almost getting into a Grand Mal Seizure about a Synagogue being attacked by some random deranged maniac. Was it WRONG? Of course it was WRONG, going into a place and killing UNARMED innocents is ALWAYS WRONG but I am not going to start crying and almost getting into a Grand Mal Seizure about it.

200 Christians were BLOWN UP on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka and the Bodey type had ZERO sympathy OR sensitivity for them because they were the HATED Christians.
And...guess what was happening while the white nationalist was attacking the Poway synogogue.....White Nationalists Storm Washington Bookstore Reading: ‘This Land Is Our Land’ | HuffPost

Amazing...another book of racist anti-white propaganda by a communist Jew and people still ask why anyone might be angry at Jews.
Why don't you shut up? Look at what you just wrote, and you have the chutzpah to call anyone else a racist?
At least you gave yourself an appropriate user name.

What I said is true. The author is jewish, he's a marxist. He hates white people and he makes big $$$ selling his racist propaganda.

We did this on another thread and we agreed and also a Conservative Jew agreed with US that we NEED to make these distinctions between NORMAL JEWS and the Leftist Jews, NO NORMAL JEW goes in for the Cultural Marxist Agenda that the Leftist ones not ONLY push across ALL Media Platforms but that the Leftist ones FORMULATED to begin with DECADES ago.

The Leftist Jews are to BLAME and the Conservative Jews NEED to begin slapping them down, forget they also are Jews, just THINK of them as Cultural Marxists, the Leftist ones are causing ALL the trouble for the normal Jews.

WTF?! That Jewish lady who that maniac shot and killed in the Synagogue she COULD have been a Conservative Jew and she is dead because of the Cultural Marxism that has been pushed and pushed so that now maniacs like the shooter and murderer are thinking they just can walk into somewhere and start shooting.

Exactly! I don't hate non-whites or Jews. I hate the left, especially when they USE Hitler, slavery and colonialism as a weapon to stir up resentment towards white, christian society. I want black and brown people to WAKE UP and realize they're being used and that the left doesn't really give a shit about them.

Of course the Leftists USE Blacks and Browns, they are to them just stupid political tools, the Left do not LIKE Blacks and Browns IF they did whenever the Left are in office they would do something to help them help themselves get better housing, a better environment, a better education, a better life INSTEAD of doing EVERYTHING to keep them down and on Welfare

In America thanks to The Donald's Economic Policy the rate of Black Unemployment is the LOWEST in more than 40 years, this is Blacks with MORE jobs, earning moneys, NOT on Welfare and so the American Left freak at this because IF more Blacks have jobs and can get OUT of poverty the more chance they are NOT going to vote Leftist. The stereotype is that ALL American Blacks are SJWs like Oprah and Maxine etc but they are NOT you can read and see on YouTube each day MORE Blacks saying they will vote for The Donald in 2020 because what he has done for Blacks.
19 year old white supremacist with an AR-15. MAGA

Except he HATES Donald Trump, so where does that leave the Leftist Confused Narrative?
Doesn't matter to me if he likes Trump. Nothing about what I said changes,

Well you put MAGA so I thought that was a Trump thing you think to connect Trump to this deranged maniac murderer.
No. Our society can't blame just Trump for what we've become.
There was a gunmen detained an hour ago. Dont know if anyone got shot. Cant find anything that says there were victims
Dreaded Muslim terrorist or misguided white rube?
He brags of being the same guy that tried to burn the Escondido mosque last month.
Not into churches, generally?
Interesting how, around here, churches aren't having issues (if one doesn't count ministers being accused of molesting parishioners).....
Oh shit oh shit oh shit!!!!! I have friends who go there!

Whew! Just called them, they are ok.

So when Notre Dame went up in flames you Mega Trolled a thread with ZERO sympathy, when 200 Christians got blown up by Islamic Terrorists on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka you did not give a CRAP oh but but but a Jew gets shot in a Synagogue and you have FEELING.

You can Report my post if you want I do not give a crap, what I post about you is the truth it's what you are it's WHO you are in EVERY thread when Christians get murdered or when a Christian symbol is destroyed.

Why should WE care then about some Synagogue getting shot up and ONE Jew getting shot by some mentally ill maniac when your crowd ignore and/or LAUGH at 200 Christians getting blown up on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka.
Notre Dame Cathedral fire cause: "Computer glitch" may be behind Notre Dame Cathedral fire, rector says today - live updates - CBS News

Another upset person. That's ok, this synogogue shooting upset me too....looks like this THUG also set fire to the mosque in Escondido....IMO he's probably INCEL.

He made a statement that he is Anti-Donald Trump, it is posted in this thread, no idea if he's an INCEL he is though mentally not all there. Myself I do not know about this crazy crowd in America who think they are making some STATEMENT that is going to HELP or whatever by shooting up a Synagogue or a Mosque, to me they MUST themselves be Self-Hating Whites because considering Jews and Muslims are the predominately PROTECTED MINORITY that NOBODY at least IN PUBLIC is allowed to CRITICISE and at ALL times IN PUBLIC must lick their buttocks 24/7 ONLY a Self-Hating White would target either Jews OR Muslims because they should KNOW that ALL White's are going to be told it is ALL White's Collective Guilt and ONLY Non-Leftist Whites are THEN going to be targeted by the Communists favourite THUG ORGANISATIONS the SPLC and the other THUG ORGANISATION like it that I better NOT post the name of because it would result in Mega WHINING.
Of course he's mentally unstable....just look at pictures of him. You can tell by his skin color.

But I must confess....your rant is very much like his.....he didn't thing donnie was pro-white enough....while you whine about how whites have it so bad....victimhood. I'm sure he felt he was a victim for being white also.

"Of course he's mentally unstable....just look at pictures of him. You can tell by his skin color."

Whatever. Is this your attempt at humour or not? IF not what would you think if we commented:

Of course X is mentally unstable...just look at pictures of him. You can tell because he's a Jew/Black/Whatever Other Protected Minority With Victim Status.

"But I must confess....your rant is very much like his"

Zero in my rant as YOU call it like his. My comments are accurate someone CANNOT IN PUBLIC criticise Jews OR Muslims without at the minor level them getting Doxxed from Twitter or whatever and at the EXTREME level having The Usual Suspects HARRASS their employer to threaten them that IF they do NOT fire them and Blacklist them from whatever their profession is then their employer will be put OUT of business and their ENTIRE FAMILY harassed and their life RUINED. EVERY TIME someone DOES criticise a Jew or a Muslim there is a Tweet Storm and a Media Storm and that person has to IMMEDIATELY APOLOGISE. This is NOT NORMAL. WHY do they NOT accept that they are going to be criticised just like EVERYONE else, are their Snowflake Skins THAT THIN that they cannot accept ANY criticism and ONLY accept they have to be PRAISED 24/7 for EVERYTHING?

They can say ANYTHING they WANT about Whites AND Christians and that's OKAY, they can EVEN OPENLY comment IN PUBLIC they HATE Christians and WANT Whites to just hurry up and die out.

"while you whine about how whites have it so bad....victimhood."

I have never whined and we do NOT play ANY Victim Card UNLIKE a majority of Jews AND Muslims who are CONSTANTLY WHINING about SOMETHING and playing the Victim Card. WHY? They BOTH have Protected Minority Status so why are they whining and playing Victims? They also BOTH hide behind the Anti-Semitic Card as a way to SHUT UP ANY CRITICISM of BOTH of them on ANY LEVEL. Of course Historically we have to remember that this crowd during several Centuries have ALWAYS done this and they ALWAYS have over reached and as they are DEVOID of ANY Self-Reflection that they have EVER been in the WRONG or done ANY WRONG and that it is ALL EVERYONE ELSES FAULT they are beginning to over reach again and the result will be the same as it always has been. I mean okay SOME do HATE that crowd BUT there HAS to be a REASON and/or REASONS, it is NOT NORMAL to just hate someone and/or some group for NO REASON and this is where the whole Self-Reflection thing comes into it.

WHAT LAW exactly states that we ALL have to WORSHIP ALL Jews and Muslims 24/7? WHAT LAW exactly states that we ALL have to LIKE ANYONE who is NOT in our OWN group and get on our knees and praise them BECAUSE they are DIFFERENT and EXOTIC?

I will get this in before the usual happens:

If anyone wants to call me a racist, bigot whatever I DO NOT GIVE A CRAP, there is ZERO racist OR bigot about ANY of my above comments, I have commented pure LOGIC and also HUMAN common sense and also what we SEE happen EVERY DAY somewhere to someone who does criticise any of the above Protected Minority Status Groups.
And the Rant continues.....................................
And...guess what was happening while the white nationalist was attacking the Poway synogogue.....White Nationalists Storm Washington Bookstore Reading: ‘This Land Is Our Land’ | HuffPost

Amazing...another book of racist anti-white propaganda by a communist Jew and people still ask why anyone might be angry at Jews.
Why don't you shut up? Look at what you just wrote, and you have the chutzpah to call anyone else a racist?
At least you gave yourself an appropriate user name.

What I said is true. The author is jewish, he's a marxist. He hates white people and he makes big $$$ selling his racist propaganda.
Isn't it interesting how they are now coming Out like this? Anyone still want to point fingers at the Left here?
19 year old white supremacist with an AR-15. MAGA

Except he HATES Donald Trump, so where does that leave the Leftist Confused Narrative?
Doesn't matter to me if he likes Trump. Nothing about what I said changes,

Well you put MAGA so I thought that was a Trump thing you think to connect Trump to this deranged maniac murderer.
No. Our society can't blame just Trump for what we've become.

Well The Donald now blamed for EVERYTHING he blamed for the maniac who did the New Zealand Mosque shooting. The situation and as you are on the Left I know you will disagree, but the situation is that in MANY Western nations for DECADES Leftists have sown the poisonous seeds that are now above ground level. They have put ONE group against ANOTHER group - Blacks vs Non-Blacks, Gays vs Straights etc AND the Architects of this POISON have been the Cultural Marxists who has INFESTED Western Society via politics, legal profession and PREDOMINATELY INFESTED the educational systems AND the MEDIA:


So when Notre Dame went up in flames you Mega Trolled a thread with ZERO sympathy, when 200 Christians got blown up by Islamic Terrorists on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka you did not give a CRAP oh but but but a Jew gets shot in a Synagogue and you have FEELING.

You can Report my post if you want I do not give a crap, what I post about you is the truth it's what you are it's WHO you are in EVERY thread when Christians get murdered or when a Christian symbol is destroyed.

Why should WE care then about some Synagogue getting shot up and ONE Jew getting shot by some mentally ill maniac when your crowd ignore and/or LAUGH at 200 Christians getting blown up on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka.
Notre Dame Cathedral fire cause: "Computer glitch" may be behind Notre Dame Cathedral fire, rector says today - live updates - CBS News

Another upset person. That's ok, this synogogue shooting upset me too....looks like this THUG also set fire to the mosque in Escondido....IMO he's probably INCEL.

He made a statement that he is Anti-Donald Trump, it is posted in this thread, no idea if he's an INCEL he is though mentally not all there. Myself I do not know about this crazy crowd in America who think they are making some STATEMENT that is going to HELP or whatever by shooting up a Synagogue or a Mosque, to me they MUST themselves be Self-Hating Whites because considering Jews and Muslims are the predominately PROTECTED MINORITY that NOBODY at least IN PUBLIC is allowed to CRITICISE and at ALL times IN PUBLIC must lick their buttocks 24/7 ONLY a Self-Hating White would target either Jews OR Muslims because they should KNOW that ALL White's are going to be told it is ALL White's Collective Guilt and ONLY Non-Leftist Whites are THEN going to be targeted by the Communists favourite THUG ORGANISATIONS the SPLC and the other THUG ORGANISATION like it that I better NOT post the name of because it would result in Mega WHINING.
Of course he's mentally unstable....just look at pictures of him. You can tell by his skin color.

But I must confess....your rant is very much like his.....he didn't thing donnie was pro-white enough....while you whine about how whites have it so bad....victimhood. I'm sure he felt he was a victim for being white also.

"Of course he's mentally unstable....just look at pictures of him. You can tell by his skin color."

Whatever. Is this your attempt at humour or not? IF not what would you think if we commented:

Of course X is mentally unstable...just look at pictures of him. You can tell because he's a Jew/Black/Whatever Other Protected Minority With Victim Status.

"But I must confess....your rant is very much like his"

Zero in my rant as YOU call it like his. My comments are accurate someone CANNOT IN PUBLIC criticise Jews OR Muslims without at the minor level them getting Doxxed from Twitter or whatever and at the EXTREME level having The Usual Suspects HARRASS their employer to threaten them that IF they do NOT fire them and Blacklist them from whatever their profession is then their employer will be put OUT of business and their ENTIRE FAMILY harassed and their life RUINED. EVERY TIME someone DOES criticise a Jew or a Muslim there is a Tweet Storm and a Media Storm and that person has to IMMEDIATELY APOLOGISE. This is NOT NORMAL. WHY do they NOT accept that they are going to be criticised just like EVERYONE else, are their Snowflake Skins THAT THIN that they cannot accept ANY criticism and ONLY accept they have to be PRAISED 24/7 for EVERYTHING?

They can say ANYTHING they WANT about Whites AND Christians and that's OKAY, they can EVEN OPENLY comment IN PUBLIC they HATE Christians and WANT Whites to just hurry up and die out.

"while you whine about how whites have it so bad....victimhood."

I have never whined and we do NOT play ANY Victim Card UNLIKE a majority of Jews AND Muslims who are CONSTANTLY WHINING about SOMETHING and playing the Victim Card. WHY? They BOTH have Protected Minority Status so why are they whining and playing Victims? They also BOTH hide behind the Anti-Semitic Card as a way to SHUT UP ANY CRITICISM of BOTH of them on ANY LEVEL. Of course Historically we have to remember that this crowd during several Centuries have ALWAYS done this and they ALWAYS have over reached and as they are DEVOID of ANY Self-Reflection that they have EVER been in the WRONG or done ANY WRONG and that it is ALL EVERYONE ELSES FAULT they are beginning to over reach again and the result will be the same as it always has been. I mean okay SOME do HATE that crowd BUT there HAS to be a REASON and/or REASONS, it is NOT NORMAL to just hate someone and/or some group for NO REASON and this is where the whole Self-Reflection thing comes into it.

WHAT LAW exactly states that we ALL have to WORSHIP ALL Jews and Muslims 24/7? WHAT LAW exactly states that we ALL have to LIKE ANYONE who is NOT in our OWN group and get on our knees and praise them BECAUSE they are DIFFERENT and EXOTIC?

I will get this in before the usual happens:

If anyone wants to call me a racist, bigot whatever I DO NOT GIVE A CRAP, there is ZERO racist OR bigot about ANY of my above comments, I have commented pure LOGIC and also HUMAN common sense and also what we SEE happen EVERY DAY somewhere to someone who does criticise any of the above Protected Minority Status Groups.
And the Rant continues.....................................

And the Trolling from the Troll continues, let's face it Bodey you do NOT have the intellectual capacity to REFUTE ANYTHING I commented.
And...guess what was happening while the white nationalist was attacking the Poway synogogue.....White Nationalists Storm Washington Bookstore Reading: ‘This Land Is Our Land’ | HuffPost

Amazing...another book of racist anti-white propaganda by a communist Jew and people still ask why anyone might be angry at Jews.
Why don't you shut up? Look at what you just wrote, and you have the chutzpah to call anyone else a racist?
At least you gave yourself an appropriate user name.

What I said is true. The author is jewish, he's a marxist. He hates white people and he makes big $$$ selling his racist propaganda.

We did this on another thread and we agreed and also a Conservative Jew agreed with US that we NEED to make these distinctions between NORMAL JEWS and the Leftist Jews, NO NORMAL JEW goes in for the Cultural Marxist Agenda that the Leftist ones not ONLY push across ALL Media Platforms but that the Leftist ones FORMULATED to begin with DECADES ago.

The Leftist Jews are to BLAME and the Conservative Jews NEED to begin slapping them down, forget they also are Jews, just THINK of them as Cultural Marxists, the Leftist ones are causing ALL the trouble for the normal Jews.

WTF?! That Jewish lady who that maniac shot and killed in the Synagogue she COULD have been a Conservative Jew and she is dead because of the Cultural Marxism that has been pushed and pushed so that now maniacs like the shooter and murderer are thinking they just can walk into somewhere and start shooting.

Exactly! I don't hate non-whites or Jews. I hate the left, especially when they USE Hitler, slavery and colonialism as a weapon to stir up resentment towards white, christian society. I want black and brown people to WAKE UP and realize they're being used and that the left doesn't really give a shit about them.


did anyone on CNN/MSNBC mention that the shooter may have been wearing a red hat? and that when they get more information {like in a few weeks} they will let us know if the culprit was wearing a red hat.,.....kinda like the russian hoax

Do you think you're clever? I hate to disappoint you, but you have become a cliche.
There are people right IN this thread claiming he was inspired by Trump and supported Trump.

Is there any evidence he was not? The issue and my comment challenged the sort of mockery to which I responded, and there is no doubt that Trump's hate and fear rhetoric is dangerous.
His own manifesto proves he's not. But you keep lying like always.
And...guess what was happening while the white nationalist was attacking the Poway synogogue.....White Nationalists Storm Washington Bookstore Reading: ‘This Land Is Our Land’ | HuffPost

Amazing...another book of racist anti-white propaganda by a communist Jew and people still ask why anyone might be angry at Jews.
Why don't you shut up? Look at what you just wrote, and you have the chutzpah to call anyone else a racist?
At least you gave yourself an appropriate user name.

What I said is true. The author is jewish, he's a marxist. He hates white people and he makes big $$$ selling his racist propaganda.
Isn't it interesting how they are now coming Out like this? Anyone still want to point fingers at the Left here?

"Anyone still want to point fingers at the Left here?"

Yes, Omar, AOC, Jeremy Corbyn etc etc
He hates Trump, and hates Israel.

Sound familiar ?
All too familiar – it sounds like yet another conservative wrongfully accusing an entire class of persons for the act of one person.

It sounds like a conservative seeking to further divide the American people.

It sounds like a conservative attempting to foment discord and conflict for some perceived partisan gain.

Yes, sadly, it’s very familiar.
You must truly be insane. The guy is a Trump hater, and all of them are liberals.
You must be truly stupid – he hated Trump because Trump didn’t hate Jews enough.

And to oppose Trump’s bigotry and racism isn’t to ‘hate’ Trump; indeed, the problem is too few on the right refuse to denounce Trump’s bigotry and hate.
19 year old white supremacist with an AR-15. MAGA

Except he HATES Donald Trump, so where does that leave the Leftist Confused Narrative?
Doesn't matter to me if he likes Trump. Nothing about what I said changes,

Well you put MAGA so I thought that was a Trump thing you think to connect Trump to this deranged maniac murderer.
No. Our society can't blame just Trump for what we've become.

Well The Donald now blamed for EVERYTHING he blamed for the maniac who did the New Zealand Mosque shooting. The situation and as you are on the Left I know you will disagree, but the situation is that in MANY Western nations for DECADES Leftists have sown the poisonous seeds that are now above ground level. They have put ONE group against ANOTHER group - Blacks vs Non-Blacks, Gays vs Straights etc AND the Architects of this POISON have been the Cultural Marxists who has INFESTED Western Society via politics, legal profession and PREDOMINATELY INFESTED the educational systems AND the MEDIA:


I don't know anything about Marxism, so I guess I'll have to take your word for it. But if you're winging that label around the same way everyone was throwing the label Nazi around, you're all full of shit.
Notre Dame Cathedral fire cause: "Computer glitch" may be behind Notre Dame Cathedral fire, rector says today - live updates - CBS News

Another upset person. That's ok, this synogogue shooting upset me too....looks like this THUG also set fire to the mosque in Escondido....IMO he's probably INCEL.

He made a statement that he is Anti-Donald Trump, it is posted in this thread, no idea if he's an INCEL he is though mentally not all there. Myself I do not know about this crazy crowd in America who think they are making some STATEMENT that is going to HELP or whatever by shooting up a Synagogue or a Mosque, to me they MUST themselves be Self-Hating Whites because considering Jews and Muslims are the predominately PROTECTED MINORITY that NOBODY at least IN PUBLIC is allowed to CRITICISE and at ALL times IN PUBLIC must lick their buttocks 24/7 ONLY a Self-Hating White would target either Jews OR Muslims because they should KNOW that ALL White's are going to be told it is ALL White's Collective Guilt and ONLY Non-Leftist Whites are THEN going to be targeted by the Communists favourite THUG ORGANISATIONS the SPLC and the other THUG ORGANISATION like it that I better NOT post the name of because it would result in Mega WHINING.
Of course he's mentally unstable....just look at pictures of him. You can tell by his skin color.

But I must confess....your rant is very much like his.....he didn't thing donnie was pro-white enough....while you whine about how whites have it so bad....victimhood. I'm sure he felt he was a victim for being white also.

"Of course he's mentally unstable....just look at pictures of him. You can tell by his skin color."

Whatever. Is this your attempt at humour or not? IF not what would you think if we commented:

Of course X is mentally unstable...just look at pictures of him. You can tell because he's a Jew/Black/Whatever Other Protected Minority With Victim Status.

"But I must confess....your rant is very much like his"

Zero in my rant as YOU call it like his. My comments are accurate someone CANNOT IN PUBLIC criticise Jews OR Muslims without at the minor level them getting Doxxed from Twitter or whatever and at the EXTREME level having The Usual Suspects HARRASS their employer to threaten them that IF they do NOT fire them and Blacklist them from whatever their profession is then their employer will be put OUT of business and their ENTIRE FAMILY harassed and their life RUINED. EVERY TIME someone DOES criticise a Jew or a Muslim there is a Tweet Storm and a Media Storm and that person has to IMMEDIATELY APOLOGISE. This is NOT NORMAL. WHY do they NOT accept that they are going to be criticised just like EVERYONE else, are their Snowflake Skins THAT THIN that they cannot accept ANY criticism and ONLY accept they have to be PRAISED 24/7 for EVERYTHING?

They can say ANYTHING they WANT about Whites AND Christians and that's OKAY, they can EVEN OPENLY comment IN PUBLIC they HATE Christians and WANT Whites to just hurry up and die out.

"while you whine about how whites have it so bad....victimhood."

I have never whined and we do NOT play ANY Victim Card UNLIKE a majority of Jews AND Muslims who are CONSTANTLY WHINING about SOMETHING and playing the Victim Card. WHY? They BOTH have Protected Minority Status so why are they whining and playing Victims? They also BOTH hide behind the Anti-Semitic Card as a way to SHUT UP ANY CRITICISM of BOTH of them on ANY LEVEL. Of course Historically we have to remember that this crowd during several Centuries have ALWAYS done this and they ALWAYS have over reached and as they are DEVOID of ANY Self-Reflection that they have EVER been in the WRONG or done ANY WRONG and that it is ALL EVERYONE ELSES FAULT they are beginning to over reach again and the result will be the same as it always has been. I mean okay SOME do HATE that crowd BUT there HAS to be a REASON and/or REASONS, it is NOT NORMAL to just hate someone and/or some group for NO REASON and this is where the whole Self-Reflection thing comes into it.

WHAT LAW exactly states that we ALL have to WORSHIP ALL Jews and Muslims 24/7? WHAT LAW exactly states that we ALL have to LIKE ANYONE who is NOT in our OWN group and get on our knees and praise them BECAUSE they are DIFFERENT and EXOTIC?

I will get this in before the usual happens:

If anyone wants to call me a racist, bigot whatever I DO NOT GIVE A CRAP, there is ZERO racist OR bigot about ANY of my above comments, I have commented pure LOGIC and also HUMAN common sense and also what we SEE happen EVERY DAY somewhere to someone who does criticise any of the above Protected Minority Status Groups.
And the Rant continues.....................................

And the Trolling from the Troll continues, let's face it Bodey you do NOT have the intellectual capacity to REFUTE ANYTHING I commented.

She's a lost cause. The truth is poison to her kind.
Except he HATES Donald Trump, so where does that leave the Leftist Confused Narrative?
Doesn't matter to me if he likes Trump. Nothing about what I said changes,

Well you put MAGA so I thought that was a Trump thing you think to connect Trump to this deranged maniac murderer.
No. Our society can't blame just Trump for what we've become.

Well The Donald now blamed for EVERYTHING he blamed for the maniac who did the New Zealand Mosque shooting. The situation and as you are on the Left I know you will disagree, but the situation is that in MANY Western nations for DECADES Leftists have sown the poisonous seeds that are now above ground level. They have put ONE group against ANOTHER group - Blacks vs Non-Blacks, Gays vs Straights etc AND the Architects of this POISON have been the Cultural Marxists who has INFESTED Western Society via politics, legal profession and PREDOMINATELY INFESTED the educational systems AND the MEDIA:


I don't know anything about Marxism, so I guess I'll have to take your word for it. But if you're winging that label around the same way everyone was throwing the label Nazi around, you're all full of shit.

Maybe you should do some research into the subject then. Educate yourself on the Marxist roots of Critical theory, intersectional feminism, psychoanalysis and scores of other sociology disciplines taught on college campuses, and how this indoctrination bleeds into news and entertainment media into the lifeblood of popular culture.
He made a statement that he is Anti-Donald Trump, it is posted in this thread, no idea if he's an INCEL he is though mentally not all there. Myself I do not know about this crazy crowd in America who think they are making some STATEMENT that is going to HELP or whatever by shooting up a Synagogue or a Mosque, to me they MUST themselves be Self-Hating Whites because considering Jews and Muslims are the predominately PROTECTED MINORITY that NOBODY at least IN PUBLIC is allowed to CRITICISE and at ALL times IN PUBLIC must lick their buttocks 24/7 ONLY a Self-Hating White would target either Jews OR Muslims because they should KNOW that ALL White's are going to be told it is ALL White's Collective Guilt and ONLY Non-Leftist Whites are THEN going to be targeted by the Communists favourite THUG ORGANISATIONS the SPLC and the other THUG ORGANISATION like it that I better NOT post the name of because it would result in Mega WHINING.
Of course he's mentally unstable....just look at pictures of him. You can tell by his skin color.

But I must confess....your rant is very much like his.....he didn't thing donnie was pro-white enough....while you whine about how whites have it so bad....victimhood. I'm sure he felt he was a victim for being white also.

"Of course he's mentally unstable....just look at pictures of him. You can tell by his skin color."

Whatever. Is this your attempt at humour or not? IF not what would you think if we commented:

Of course X is mentally unstable...just look at pictures of him. You can tell because he's a Jew/Black/Whatever Other Protected Minority With Victim Status.

"But I must confess....your rant is very much like his"

Zero in my rant as YOU call it like his. My comments are accurate someone CANNOT IN PUBLIC criticise Jews OR Muslims without at the minor level them getting Doxxed from Twitter or whatever and at the EXTREME level having The Usual Suspects HARRASS their employer to threaten them that IF they do NOT fire them and Blacklist them from whatever their profession is then their employer will be put OUT of business and their ENTIRE FAMILY harassed and their life RUINED. EVERY TIME someone DOES criticise a Jew or a Muslim there is a Tweet Storm and a Media Storm and that person has to IMMEDIATELY APOLOGISE. This is NOT NORMAL. WHY do they NOT accept that they are going to be criticised just like EVERYONE else, are their Snowflake Skins THAT THIN that they cannot accept ANY criticism and ONLY accept they have to be PRAISED 24/7 for EVERYTHING?

They can say ANYTHING they WANT about Whites AND Christians and that's OKAY, they can EVEN OPENLY comment IN PUBLIC they HATE Christians and WANT Whites to just hurry up and die out.

"while you whine about how whites have it so bad....victimhood."

I have never whined and we do NOT play ANY Victim Card UNLIKE a majority of Jews AND Muslims who are CONSTANTLY WHINING about SOMETHING and playing the Victim Card. WHY? They BOTH have Protected Minority Status so why are they whining and playing Victims? They also BOTH hide behind the Anti-Semitic Card as a way to SHUT UP ANY CRITICISM of BOTH of them on ANY LEVEL. Of course Historically we have to remember that this crowd during several Centuries have ALWAYS done this and they ALWAYS have over reached and as they are DEVOID of ANY Self-Reflection that they have EVER been in the WRONG or done ANY WRONG and that it is ALL EVERYONE ELSES FAULT they are beginning to over reach again and the result will be the same as it always has been. I mean okay SOME do HATE that crowd BUT there HAS to be a REASON and/or REASONS, it is NOT NORMAL to just hate someone and/or some group for NO REASON and this is where the whole Self-Reflection thing comes into it.

WHAT LAW exactly states that we ALL have to WORSHIP ALL Jews and Muslims 24/7? WHAT LAW exactly states that we ALL have to LIKE ANYONE who is NOT in our OWN group and get on our knees and praise them BECAUSE they are DIFFERENT and EXOTIC?

I will get this in before the usual happens:

If anyone wants to call me a racist, bigot whatever I DO NOT GIVE A CRAP, there is ZERO racist OR bigot about ANY of my above comments, I have commented pure LOGIC and also HUMAN common sense and also what we SEE happen EVERY DAY somewhere to someone who does criticise any of the above Protected Minority Status Groups.
And the Rant continues.....................................

And the Trolling from the Troll continues, let's face it Bodey you do NOT have the intellectual capacity to REFUTE ANYTHING I commented.

She's a lost cause. The truth is poison to her kind.
View attachment 258357
Wow. The irony here.
This is about a senseless shooting by a young man twisted by senseless bigotry; it happened right here in our own free country that is supposed to ensure freedom of religion, but lately church goers of whatever religion are under attack. So are we really free if we are not safe?
It is time to shut down the white supremacist train and let people be. People rant and rave all day every day about Muslims who won't tolerate other religions. Well, neither will the white supremacists, apparently. Instead of religions, maybe it's "race" or "ethnic group," but it is no different in the end.

Everyone needs to just let people be.

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