Shooting at Lafayette, LA Theater

Multiple thread on the same subject..

How come everyone, approximately 100 people in the theater wasn't immediately tweeting about this? Giving out all kinds of information?

Because this is a bonafide false flag.

Twitter would be all over it in real time as the metal hit the floor.

If you can find those tweets, you belong to Mensa.

Maybe they were too busy running from gunfire to tweet. :dunno:

Once they got outside the theater, NOBODY tweeted?

Uh huh. Continuous News Coverage Acadiana-Lafayette - Police chief Three dead seven injured in Grand 16 shooting
Shooter confirmed to be a lone 58 year old white male.
This is pretty scary stuff. I usually feel at ease while in a theatre, but I'd be lying if these types of incidents don't make me think twice about going.
White guy responsible? Oh, just a poor, misguided soul with a mental illness. Can't be helped!
F@ck the 2nd amendment.
If I don't get to enjoy the 2nd, you don't get to use the 1st
Wow Police have identified the shooter, but would only reveal that he was a white 58-year-old man

what a surprise! a southern white nut in jesusland!

Can we now expect a bunch of NRA types to guard movie theaters? Nah the shooter was a white southerner just demonstrating his 2nd amendment rights, if only everyone had a gun in the theater he could have been brought down ( along with many others caught in the cross fire) ,
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Wow Police have identified the shooter, but would only reveal that he was a white 58-year-old man

what a surprise! a southern white nut in jesusland!
Zio clan media (I think it was CNN) said he was a Muslim.

Big surprise there, huh?
Wow Police have identified the shooter, but would only reveal that he was a white 58-year-old man

what a surprise! a southern white nut in jesusland!
Zio clan media (I think it was CNN) said he was a Muslim.

Big surprise there, huh?

"an older white man" began shooting about 20 minutes into the movie.

"He wasn't saying anything," Domingue said. "I didn't hear anybody screaming, either."

what a surprise! a goyim cracker!

Louisiana Theater Shooting Gunman Opens Fire During Trainwreck Screening - NBC News
The shooting happened THREE HOURS AGO
Just over three years after the Aurora, CO shooting (and just days after a guilty verdict in that case).

The Colorado shooting was perpetrated by a member of the "Occupy" movement.

Let's keep an open mind and see what details come out.
I'm making no judgments but that other poster is a fucking paranoid nutjob

Argumentum ad hominem much?

Are we supposed to be impressed because you are using the marxist, 25 Rules of Disinformation, RoD #5?

5. Sidetrack opponents with name calling and ridicule. This is also known as the primary attack the messenger ploy, though other methods qualify as variants of that approach. Associate opponents with unpopular titles such as “kooks”, “right-wing”, “liberal”, “left-wing”, “terrorists”, “conspiracy buffs”, “radicals”, “militia”, “racists”, “religious fanatics”, “sexual deviates”, and so forth. This makes others shrink from support out of fear of gaining the same label, and you avoid dealing with issues.

The 25 Rules of Disinformation
Yes, you should be impressed. VERY impressed. Or maybe freaked out.

Now I'm not sure
Argumentum ad hominem much?

Are we supposed to be impressed because you are using the marxist, 25 Rules of Disinformation, RoD #5?

5. Sidetrack opponents with name calling and ridicule. This is also known as the primary attack the messenger ploy, though other methods qualify as variants of that approach. Associate opponents with unpopular titles such as “kooks”, “right-wing”, “liberal”, “left-wing”, “terrorists”, “conspiracy buffs”, “radicals”, “militia”, “racists”, “religious fanatics”, “sexual deviates”, and so forth. This makes others shrink from support out of fear of gaining the same label, and you avoid dealing with issues.

The 25 Rules of Disinformation
Why do you keep reposting these Marxist Rules?
How come everyone, approximately 100 people in the theater wasn't immediately tweeting about this? Giving out all kinds of information?

Because this is a bonafide false flag.

Twitter would be all over it in real time as the metal hit the floor.

If you can find those tweets, you belong to Mensa.
You're not allowed to use your iPhone during the movie. The small light in a darkened theatre is annoying.
Wow Police have identified the shooter, but would only reveal that he was a white 58-year-old man

what a surprise! a southern white nut in jesusland!

Can we now expect a bunch of NRA types to guard movie theaters? Nah the shooter was a white southerner just demonstrating his 2nd amendment rights, if only everyone had a gun in the theater he could have been brought down ( along with many others caught in the cross fire) ,

Cross fire not an issue. If there had been a good guy with a gun, lives would have been saved by a gun

I used to wait.....out of respect for the dead....and then I would watch the anti gun extremists dragging the still cooling bodies in front of the cameras and cry for more gun our guys stayed silent....can't afford to do that anymore...the left has no civility in we have to move as they do or lose our rights.......

Yes, how dare they point out dead bodies in a shooting spree! Nothing to see here, just another American exercising his second amendment rights. What do you hate America or something?
I used to wait.....out of respect for the dead....and then I would watch the anti gun extremists dragging the still cooling bodies in front of the cameras and cry for more gun our guys stayed silent....can't afford to do that anymore...the left has no civility in we have to move as they do or lose our rights.......

Yes, how dare they point out dead bodies in a shooting spree! Nothing to see here, just another American exercising his second amendment rights. What do you hate America or something?

I'm more worried about the lives in Chicago. Then again, acceptable risk to live in Chicago, or Louisiana for that matter

There is nothing to see as far as CNN is concerned. They only waited four hours before they went after the guns. MSNBC only waited two. Once they found out he was a felon who did not use an 'evil black gun' they dropped the story like a hot potato.
I'm more worried about the lives in Chicago. Then again, acceptable risk to live in Chicago, or Louisiana for that matter

Yes, we have too many guns in this country. Time to fix that.

Oh, wait, that's not what you meant.

Good luck with that


No big deal

Just another American exercising his second amendment rights

Bullshit in every way.

He is a felon and thus has no 2nd Amendment rights, and there is no 2nd Amendment right to randomly kill people, though I know libtards like you wish there were so you could cull the political competition like you Stalinists always prefer to do.

The gunman was a known felon, and already in violation of numerous laws but that wont stop gun grabbing fascists from demanding more laws.
Also, the Grand theater was a gun free zone
BREAKING Active Shooter Down In Lafayette LA Movie Theater - Bearing Arms - Active Shooter Lafayette Louisiana
Early reports are that he is a white tea party Fox news reporter.
If he is, conservative media will blame prescription drugs and mental illness. The shooter was the real victim.

You are an idiot and idiots such as you are the primary cause here since you push for gun restrictions, to include the gun restrictions at this chain of theaters which made them into a mass murderer magnet.

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