Shortage of farm workers.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
SELMA, California: Farm labor shortage looms as California workers age - Business Breaking News -

Finally some one admits that Mexicans do not want to do the hard back breaking dirty work in the scorching sun anymore than Americans do and that leaves farmers short of workers and they shoots the hell the claim they that recent Alabama, Georgia and Arizona immigration law is the cause. We have 12 million illegal aliens in this country and farmers have a shortage of farm workers? One of the requirements for path to citizenship should be a pre-requisite of a path through a lettuce field. Those crossing the border are not interested in working in fields. The claim the there are zero crossing is a lie because just yesterday almost 200 illegal aliens were rescued from smugglers trying to cross in spite of the economy to get in on the upcoming amnesty.
Comp. Immig. Reform is about nothing more than political gain for both parties. Damn the farmers and damn displaced American workers.
Illegal aliens would rather work in a warehouse, meatpacking plant, restaurants, hotels, cutting lawns, construction, cleaning offices and rich ladies home. Jobs taken from unskilled Americans.

This it the reason I cannot go home, Pinal County Arizona, because it is too dangerous but Mexicans are returning home in masses. And Obama can go home to Chicago and sleep safely in his bed.
Obama crackin' the whip onna Senate, makin' `em make sure we got a good supply o' farm workers...
Senators agree on path to legal status for illegal immigrants
March 11, 2013 - Senators crafting a bipartisan overhaul of immigration laws agree on a path to legal status, aides say, but other hurdles remain.
Eight senators who have spent weeks trying to write a bipartisan bill to overhaul immigration laws have privately agreed on the most contentious part of the draft — how to offer legal status to the nation's 11 million illegal immigrants. According to aides familiar with the closed-door negotiations, the bill would require illegal immigrants to register with Homeland Security Department authorities, file federal income taxes for their time in America and pay a still-to-be-determined fine. They also must have a clean law enforcement record.

Once granted probationary legal status, immigrants would be allowed to work but would be barred from receiving federal public benefits, including food stamps, family cash assistance, Medicaid and unemployment insurance. The group's current draft is largely in line with President Obama's call to set a pathway to earned citizenship as part of a broader immigration reform package, as well as with recent efforts by prominent Republican lawmakers to resolve an issue that hurt GOP candidates in November's election.

Though the draft is a long way from becoming law, immigration advocates expressed guarded optimism about a possible breakthrough. "Nine months ago, people would have thought you were nuts to say that four Republicans and four Democrats were working on a way to legalize 11 million people," said Angela Kelley, an immigration expert at the Center for American Progress, a think tank with close ties to the White House. "It's a Rubik's Cube, but more sides are matching in color than ever before. That's significant."

Still undecided is how long illegal immigrants would need to wait before they could apply for permanent resident status and eventually become citizens. The delay for a green card probably would be 10 years or longer, the aides said. Also unresolved are such politically charged topics as how many visas to issue to high-tech specialists and other guest workers; how to keep track of when visitors leave the country; and how to pay for more Border Patrol officers, fencing and other security measures in an era of shrinking budgets, the aides said.


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