Should A US Congressman Busted on Drug Charges Using Cocaine Be Making Laws?

What Should Happen To A Cocain Using Congressman

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Dipshit cokehead just cut the legs out from under the idea of drug testing SNAP recipients.

See kids? There is a God!
Only AFTER he was caught red-handed doing WORSE drugs.

He gets NO benefit from me.

None. Zip. Zero. Zilch. Nada!
No. Then again should a man who freely admits breaking the same laws be President?
I suspect a lot of people's views on this depend on which party the person in question belongs to not if it's right or wrong.
I suspect you're right. In fact, 2 USMBERs voted that in the poll to date. BTW, were you one of those 2?

I didn't vote in the poll someone doing this should be out no matter which party they belong to but people will look past pretty much anything if you have the right letter next to your name.
It says a lot about the near total lack of accountability our elected officials now live under that the shithead has not already resigned.

NOW live under? Do you think there was a lot more accountability in the past?
FDR did cocaine and brought the country back from the great depression the republicans created. He also won WWII. There's no difference between a cocaine user and an alcohol user. You just disqualified 95% of all law makers.

They used to put cocaine in Coca-Cola, hence the name 'coca'

And I doubt FDR bought the coke in a knowingly illegal environment in a criminal manner.

Not taking up for FDR, he was an imbecile. But this is different. Different times, different laws, different standards.

Radel needs to resign. We are NOT dimocraps.
Democrats force our or vote out their guys all the time...with a quickness.

It is the Republicans that are NOTORIOUS for putting their arms around their guilty and protecting them.

You always hear stuff like, "It's a legal matter," or "It's a private family matter." from the GOP when one of their own is in deep soup like this. Ask Mark Sanford. Not-so-much from the Dems. Ask Anthony Weiner.

If you're going to be honest, then just be honest.

You've got to be joking. Ted Kennedy killed a woman. When did the Democrats force him out? Or vote him out?

Bill Clinton was caught sexually harassing women and was accused of rape. When did Democrats force him out? or vote him out? instead they trashed the woman with the help of the so called feminists.

Those are hardly the only two. Harry Reid was involved in Real estate scandals, he's still the majority leader. Obama admitted to the same crime as this Congressman. You still elected him twice.

You are letting yourself be blind to the truth.
FDR did cocaine and brought the country back from the great depression the republicans created. He also won WWII. There's no difference between a cocaine user and an alcohol user. You just disqualified 95% of all law makers.

They used to put cocaine in Coca-Cola, hence the name 'coca'

And I doubt FDR bought the coke in a knowingly illegal environment in a criminal manner.

Not taking up for FDR, he was an imbecile. But this is different. Different times, different laws, different standards.

Radel needs to resign. We are NOT dimocraps.
Only an imbecile would say that about one of the most revered POTUS's in this country, by ALL historians. It's like Sarah Palin saying she could see Russia from her house, it's just a moronic statement.

So refreshing to see that you never miss an opportunity to perpetuate a lie.
He needs to resign.

I harbor no delusions that dimcrap scum would feel the same way about one of theirs, however.

And BTW? He's MY Congressman

Sounds like there is a job opening there then. Ever think of running?
Or should he be given his walking papers?

Why/why not?

How long ago, was it recently? Was he a Congressman at the time of his bust?

Obama used cocaine, I would think his being President is fine, since his use was a long time ago.

If it is a current situation and he is busted, he should go through the courts like everyone else.

The voters should decide if the will re-elect him or not.

Also Congress can also decide what to do with the Congressman, either censure or worse.
I suspect a lot of people's views on this depend on which party the person in question belongs to not if it's right or wrong.

He needs to resign.

I harbor no delusions that dimcrap scum would feel the same way about one of theirs, however.

And BTW? He's MY Congressman

Sounds like there is a job opening there then. Ever think of running?

Don't be silly, Avatar. If it were Bishop or Matheson here, it would be wrong and the person should be primaried out if he won't resign.
FDR did cocaine and brought the country back from the great depression the republicans created. He also won WWII. There's no difference between a cocaine user and an alcohol user. You just disqualified 95% of all law makers.

They used to put cocaine in Coca-Cola, hence the name 'coca'

And I doubt FDR bought the coke in a knowingly illegal environment in a criminal manner.

Not taking up for FDR, he was an imbecile. But this is different. Different times, different laws, different standards.

Radel needs to resign. We are NOT dimocraps.
Only an imbecile would say that about one of the most revered POTUS's in this country, by ALL historians. It's like Sarah Palin saying she could see Russia from her house, it's just a moronic statement.

FDR did more harm than good.. just another president dying in office to make the public prop up the legend even more (like Kennedy and Lincoln as well)

FDR's policy prolonged the recover and started the era of unconstitutional big government... he was not an imbecile, he used his savvy to do what he did.. just a bad president
The guy should step down.. and be prosecuted.. and if he does not step down, when convicted he should be removed from office...

Unlike the DEMs who revere their criminal government officials.. we can have REPs and CONs who want to rid the REP ranks of assholes like this
FDR did cocaine and brought the country back from the great depression the republicans created. He also won WWII. There's no difference between a cocaine user and an alcohol user. You just disqualified 95% of all law makers.

They used to put cocaine in Coca-Cola, hence the name 'coca'

And I doubt FDR bought the coke in a knowingly illegal environment in a criminal manner.

Not taking up for FDR, he was an imbecile. But this is different. Different times, different laws, different standards.

Radel needs to resign. We are NOT dimocraps.
Democrats force our or vote out their guys all the time...with a quickness.

It is the Republicans that are NOTORIOUS for putting their arms around their guilty and protecting them.

You always hear stuff like, "It's a legal matter," or "It's a private family matter." from the GOP when one of their own is in deep soup like this. Ask Mark Sanford. Not-so-much from the Dems. Ask Anthony Weiner.

If you're going to be honest, then just be honest.

Absolute bulshit
FDR did cocaine and brought the country back from the great depression the republicans created. He also won WWII. There's no difference between a cocaine user and an alcohol user. You just disqualified 95% of all law makers.

They used to put cocaine in Coca-Cola, hence the name 'coca'

And I doubt FDR bought the coke in a knowingly illegal environment in a criminal manner.

Not taking up for FDR, he was an imbecile. But this is different. Different times, different laws, different standards.

Radel needs to resign. We are NOT dimocraps.
Only an imbecile would say that about one of the most revered POTUS's in this country, by ALL historians. It's like Sarah Palin saying she could see Russia from her house, it's just a moronic statement.

Why don't you study some history and get back to us.

Like how FDR was buying, killing and burning the carcasses of MILLIONS of Hogs while we LITERALLY had starving children in this Country. Not 'play' starving. I mean really and truly starving and malnourished.

He did the same thing with MILLIONS of bushels of Wheat.

Read some history and tell me why he did it. Or not. Whatever :dunno:

Look into his 'Blue Ribbon' panels. Look into the praise heaped upon him by his peers.... People like Mussolini who, in actual FACT was asked by FDR's diplomats to stop praising him because it was making his political life difficult.

FDR was a scumbag. In his defense, I will cut him a tiny bit of slack because we were in new territory, we were covering new ground. But he kept us in a Depression for at least 6 years longer than needed.

And don't shit yourself, junior..... But FDR did NOT end the Great Depression, World War II did.

At one point in 1941 (that's the year we entered the War, BTW) the Unemployment in the USA was over 14%

That you know nothing of history is not surprising. You are a dimocrap, ergo you are stupid.

Whether you stay that way or not is up to you.
Former Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA) sitting on the front porch of his boyfriend's Maine cottage answering a Maine State trooper's questions while Maine State Police carry box after box after box of marijuana plants out from his boyfriend's cottage's back rooms,,

"I wouldn't know a marijuana plant if I saw one. What do you think I am, a farmer or something?"

Yeah, Barney, we know very well you don't spend your time fertilizing the plants.....

His lack of knowledge didn't stop him from trying to slip a condom over the banks earnings with Dodd-Frank.
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oh boy, NOW they worry over drugs and making laws

think the Kennedy clan
Marion Barry take the prize for that
Clinton smoke weed should he have been in charge of our country

Obama snorted coke, how come he gets to make and rule our laws?

I swear, you people are so two faced and hypocrites on top of that

but he should RESIGN...

like a lot of Democrats SHOULD of Resigend for half the shit they've been caught doing BUT... they seem to get, get out jail free cards or something
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Should A US Congressman Busted on Drug Charges Using Cocaine Be Making Laws?
FDR did cocaine and brought the country back from the great depression the republicans created. He also won WWII. There's no difference between a cocaine user and an alcohol user. You just disqualified 95% of all law makers.

And just think, if those 95% were all law abiding people, how far our country would go? :)

Yeah, I went with throw him out but then again, at this point, I think they should all be thrown out.
Before deciding anything I would like to know what his official positions on recreational drug use and prison funding have been, if any.

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