Should A US Congressman Busted on Drug Charges Using Cocaine Be Making Laws?

What Should Happen To A Cocain Using Congressman

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Hard to say. I remember the mayor of Washington D.C. was elected twice after being video taped smoking crack.
The far left has done much worse and yet they get a pass like Obama who has used cocaine, smoked pot and smokes cigarettes. Yet he gets a pass.
He just pleaded Guilty. I expect the Voters will make that decision. Just another TP favorite...

I'm sure there are more than enough people in Congress that are guilty of some form of socially unacceptable behavior. Some believe that, based upon their popularity with voters or riding on their family name, they equate themselves as being above the law. Just look at senator Kennedy with the murder of a young woman at Chappaquiddick, an incident that would have convicted any man NOT in the public spotlight with some form of jail sentence. No one should be above the law, and like everyone else, deserves their day in court. Whether the politician is removed from office, should be based upon the severity of the crime.
oh boy, NOW they worry over drugs and making laws

think the Kennedy clan
Marion Barry take the prize for that
Clinton smoke weed should he have been in charge of our country

Obama snorted coke, how come he gets to make and rule our laws?

I swear, you people are so two faced and hypocrites on top of that

but he should RESIGN...

like a lot of Democrats SHOULD of Resigend for half the shit they've been caught doing BUT... they seem to get, get out jail free cards or something
List a few please.


The far left has done much worse and yet they get a pass like Obama who has used cocaine, smoked pot and smokes cigarettes. Yet he gets a pass.
Other than Obama, who TRIED cocaine, back in his teens or 20s and left it behind. Who's done it?

Are you equating a dalliance of youth, to a CURRENT ADULT in Congress getting BUSTED with cocaine?

Is that it?

Anyway...list some of those "equivalencies" you alluded to in your post please.

The far left has done much worse and yet they get a pass like Obama who has used cocaine, smoked pot and smokes cigarettes. Yet he gets a pass.
Even though the phony sonofabitch won't utter a critical word against the destructive and wholly counterproductive drug war and the laws that could have put him in prison had he been caught smoking pot and snorting blow. Millions of otherwise decent, law-abiding Americans' lives have been ruined for doing the same thing Obama has done and he literally has turned his back on them -- even though his rhetoric as Candidate Obama strongly suggested he would do otherwise.
Or should he be given his walking papers?

Why/why not?

bill clinton admitted to smoking pot. should he have been president?
Answer the question dude.
Bill Clinton's admission occurred in the form of a typical Clintonian prevarication: "Ah tried it once but ah didn't inhayul!" Whereas Candidate Obama boldly and brazenly admitted to smoking pot . . . "Frequently!" Then, as President, he flatly and contemptuously refused to even discuss the issue, thereby betraying millions of drug war opponents who voted for him.
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FDR did cocaine and brought the country back from the great depression the republicans created. He also won WWII. There's no difference between a cocaine user and an alcohol user. You just disqualified 95% of all law makers.

They used to put cocaine in Coca-Cola, hence the name 'coca'

And I doubt FDR bought the coke in a knowingly illegal environment in a criminal manner.

Not taking up for FDR, he was an imbecile. But this is different. Different times, different laws, different standards.

Radel needs to resign. We are NOT dimocraps.
Only an imbecile would say that about one of the most revered POTUS's in this country, by ALL historians. It's like Sarah Palin saying she could see Russia from her house, it's just a moronic statement.
Lol, saturday night live started that. I see you don't have cable either.
The question is why isn't the Republican leadership demanding he resign?

Anthony Weiner did a lot less than break the law and Democrats ran him out of Congress.

Democrats have integrity and honor. Republicans use those words as punchlines at cocktail parties.

your siggie dovetails w/ the pic too :D
If he snorts a few lines on the podium before he debates before congress, he would do very well. :2up:

If they don't force him out, they might as well let him do it during speeches.
Or should he be given his walking papers?

Why/why not?

He needs to go. Anyone hooked on drugs is unstable and should not be given any responsibility.

The latest guy, a Republican, had the right idea. He apologized, stepped down and will enter rehab. I wish him the best and hope the door doesn't hit him on the way out.

I wonder how many more are currently addicted to drugs or alcohol. I get the impression that some are under the influence of drugs. Pelosi seems like she's on something, or maybe she really is that crazy. Or maybe she should be on some medication.
The question is why isn't the Republican leadership demanding he resign?

Anthony Weiner did a lot less than break the law and Democrats ran him out of Congress.

Democrats have integrity and honor. Republicans use those words as punchlines at cocktail parties.
Democrats at the very least have shame.

The Republicans, however, have no such thing. They simply have no shame. Only faux outrage. And they wield it well.

All I have to say is, that if this RWer is allowed to stay with nary a word from his fellow RWers, I don't EVER want to a see a Dem be forced down for ANYTHING. Short of being caught red-handed killing his mother.

I'm sick of this RW hypocrisy, just sick of it!
As usual, we see people claiming that one 'side' is the moral one. As though both Democrats and Republicans have not been through plenty of scandals.
As usual, we see people claiming that one 'side' is the moral one. As though both Democrats and Republicans have not been through plenty of scandals.
No sir, that's not what we see here.


What we see here is a pattern of RW hypocrisy of protecting their own when they're in trouble, no matter what level of trouble or whether or not it's legal or illegal. Whereas Democrats often turn on their own even if one of their own does something that SMELLS bad. Whether it be legal or illegal.
Or should he be given his walking papers?

Why/why not?

He should be forced out of his job the same way everyone else in this position is forced out of their jobs, whatever insurance company covers mishaps on the site should refuse to cover him and he shouldn't be allowed on the grounds.

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