Should A US Congressman Busted on Drug Charges Using Cocaine Be Making Laws?

What Should Happen To A Cocain Using Congressman

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I don't care which party he belongs to. He should step down.

It never ceases to amaze me how some asshole Congressman or Senator feels like the law doesn't apply to them. How somehow the laws that apply to all of us somehow skip right the fuck over them.

Of course if his constituants want to vote him back in then thats their right. Whats one more druggie running the show??
I don't care which party he belongs to. He should step down.

It never ceases to amaze me how some asshole Congressman or Senator feels like the law doesn't apply to them. How somehow the laws that apply to all of us somehow skip right the fuck over them.

Of course if his constituants want to vote him back in then thats their right. Whats one more druggie running the show??
Should that be their right though?

I mean, shouldn't it be that he's forced out, THEN if he wants to be voted back in, he has to start over the next go around.

Doesn't that sound better?
I agree. Sounds much better. Unfortunately I doubt thats the way it will work.

If his constituants want to vote for him, they will.
I don't care which party he belongs to. He should step down.

It never ceases to amaze me how some asshole Congressman or Senator feels like the law doesn't apply to them. How somehow the laws that apply to all of us somehow skip right the fuck over them.

Of course if his constituants want to vote him back in then thats their right. Whats one more druggie running the show??

Why should he be able to get his job back? Everyone else with a drug conviction on their record is going to be denied jobs for years after the conviction.
I don't care which party he belongs to. He should step down.

It never ceases to amaze me how some asshole Congressman or Senator feels like the law doesn't apply to them. How somehow the laws that apply to all of us somehow skip right the fuck over them.

Of course if his constituants want to vote him back in then thats their right. Whats one more druggie running the show??

Why should he be able to get his job back? Everyone else with a drug conviction on their record is going to be denied jobs for years after the conviction.

If he runs and his constituants vote him back in then he's in.

Thats how elections run.

Look at Marion Barry. He served time and still got re-elected.
I don't care which party he belongs to. He should step down.

It never ceases to amaze me how some asshole Congressman or Senator feels like the law doesn't apply to them. How somehow the laws that apply to all of us somehow skip right the fuck over them.

Of course if his constituants want to vote him back in then thats their right. Whats one more druggie running the show??

Why should he be able to get his job back? Everyone else with a drug conviction on their record is going to be denied jobs for years after the conviction.

If he runs and his constituants vote him back in then he's in.

Thats how elections run.

Look at Marion Barry. He served time and still got re-elected.

Excellent point, but Barry is black and not subject to the same laws as mere mortals.
Why should he be able to get his job back? Everyone else with a drug conviction on their record is going to be denied jobs for years after the conviction.

If he runs and his constituants vote him back in then he's in.

Thats how elections run.

Look at Marion Barry. He served time and still got re-elected.

Excellent point, but Barry is black and not subject to the same laws as mere mortals.
It's not Democrats that tend to run out people for their moral failures.

They just tend to succumb when the Republicans start wailing and moaning about them.

That's the whole point.
Why should he be able to get his job back? Everyone else with a drug conviction on their record is going to be denied jobs for years after the conviction.

If he runs and his constituants vote him back in then he's in.

Thats how elections run.

Look at Marion Barry. He served time and still got re-elected.

Excellent point, but Barry is black and not subject to the same laws as mere mortals.

That's not an excellent point. Elections put lawmakers into office and the lawmakers get to live by different rules? In the real world a man with a drug conviction loses his job due to an insurance company refusing to cover his presence on the job site, why is this man any different? If you do believe this guy is any different you are an elitist and are advocating privilege.
As usual, we see people claiming that one 'side' is the moral one. As though both Democrats and Republicans have not been through plenty of scandals.
No sir, that's not what we see here.


What we see here is a pattern of RW hypocrisy of protecting their own when they're in trouble, no matter what level of trouble or whether or not it's legal or illegal. Whereas Democrats often turn on their own even if one of their own does something that SMELLS bad. Whether it be legal or illegal.

Thank you for so quickly providing an example of my point. ;)
The question is why isn't the Republican leadership demanding he resign?

Anthony Weiner did a lot less than break the law and Democrats ran him out of Congress.

Democrats have integrity and honor. Republicans use those words as punchlines at cocktail parties.
Democrats at the very least have shame.

The Republicans, however, have no such thing. They simply have no shame. Only faux outrage. And they wield it well.

All I have to say is, that if this RWer is allowed to stay with nary a word from his fellow RWers, I don't EVER want to a see a Dem be forced down for ANYTHING. Short of being caught red-handed killing his mother.

I'm sick of this RW hypocrisy, just sick of it!

You almost made me destroy my computer because i laughed so hard at this post and had a bottle of water I was drinking. Democrats have integrity and honor? You guys don't even know what integrity and honor mean.
The question is why isn't the Republican leadership demanding he resign?

Anthony Weiner did a lot less than break the law and Democrats ran him out of Congress.

Democrats have integrity and honor. Republicans use those words as punchlines at cocktail parties.
Democrats at the very least have shame.

The Republicans, however, have no such thing. They simply have no shame. Only faux outrage. And they wield it well.

All I have to say is, that if this RWer is allowed to stay with nary a word from his fellow RWers, I don't EVER want to a see a Dem be forced down for ANYTHING. Short of being caught red-handed killing his mother.

I'm sick of this RW hypocrisy, just sick of it!

You almost made me destroy my computer because i laughed so hard at this post and had a bottle of water I was drinking. Democrats have integrity and honor? You guys don't even know what integrity and honor mean.

And so quickly more of the same from the 'other side'! :lol:

Morality is not limited to one political party, nor integrity, nor honor.
The far left has done much worse and yet they get a pass like Obama who has used cocaine, smoked pot and smokes cigarettes. Yet he gets a pass.

The far left and the far right do much worse than the great mainstream from right of center to left of center.
Even the ultra-conservative National Review says he should resign:

Radel Should Resign

Rep. Henry Radel (R., FL) pled guilty to cocaine possession today. He told the judge that “I’ve hit a bottom where I realize I need help.” This is the therapeutic mode that most politicians adopt when they’ve been caught breaking the legal or moral law. They almost never say what they should — something along the lines of “I’ve betrayed my oath to faithfully uphold the laws. I’m a disgrace and no longer deserve the office that the people of my district entrusted me with. Accordingly, I hereby resign my office and will attempt, through community service, to redeem my good name.”

No matter what you may think of our drug laws (I happen to think possession of drugs should be decriminalized), there is no question that Radel flouted the law. He offered, on the court house steps, that he hoped to emerge from this crucible “stronger,” and “continue to serve this country.” It’s all about his mental health, his recovery, his hopes. It should be about his duty to serve his constituents with honor.

Speaker Boehner issued a milquetoast statement dismissing Radel’s troubles as ”a matter for the courts, his family, and his constituency.” Not so. He should be pressured to resign his seat.
I believe most Americans would be very surprised to learn how many of their elected officials use some form of recreational drugs -- not only alcohol, which is an extremely addictive and potentially harmful drug.

It would be beneficial if these politicians who are caught using drugs, or are forced to admit to having used drugs, had the personal courage to declare their usage has been moderate and has done them no harm, which is the situation for the vast majority of recreational users of marijuana, powder cocaine, LSD, and Ecstasy. The Americans public is desperately in need of a truthful discussion about recreational drug use.
Oh no! People in politics in D.C do coke? What a revelation, lol. It's the first I heard about it! I am now going to get on a moral high horse feign outrage for someone engaging in victimless act and pretend he is the only one to do it. And since I have no experience with the substance, I am going to declare anyone who takes it incapable of holding a political position.

Ok, I was sarcastic. I don't give a shit. If he has a history of legislating tough drug laws, than I say boot him for being a hypocrite. Otherwise who gives a shit?
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Switzerland's innovative policy of providing drug addicts with free methadone and clean needles has greatly reduced deaths while cutting crime rates and should serve as a global model, health experts say.
Some 70 percent of the 20,000-30,000 opiate or cocaine users in Switzerland now receive treatment, one of the highest rates globally.
"The number of drug injectors with HIV has been reduced by over 50 percent in 10 years. Overdose mortality among injectors has been reduced by over 50 percent in the decade," he said. "Delinquency related to drugs has been reduced enormously."

Swiss drug policy should serve as model: experts | Reuters

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