Should all jobs be required to pay at least a living wage?

Should all jobs be required to pay at least a living wage?

  • Obama voter - No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Non-Obama voter - Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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  • Poll closed .
Republicans built the national debt, idiot. Everytime we had a red president, they ramped the deficit up, everytime there was a blue president, deficit reduction was their agenda and they succeeded at it. The deficit was nothing which bush came in and was 1.4t when he left- if you think obama can just turn off a 1.4t budgetary shortfall by flicking his wrist, you are a colossal idiot; and if you have a problem with a democrat being left a 1.4t mess, then you would have a problem with the republicans making that mess if you wernt a hypocrate. Republicans built the debt as part of their strategy to destroy America: .

You prove again and again how stupid and clueless you are.

Total debt at the end of 2008 was $10T. Now it is 17.5T. Who was president during that time? Who ran Congress for most of that time? What steps did Obama take to rein in spending? This is pretty simple, except if you're a partisan fucktard like you.
US Federal Debt by Year 2008_2017 - Charts Tables History
I don't care why you think it isn't a good idea. Its about time y'all took care of your workers!

When I made minimum wage, it was perfectly adequate to meet my needs. Like most min wage workers, I was not responsible for rent, food, or bills so everything I made was pure spending money. Many of the workers you want to take care of are already taken care of at less than a so-called "living wage" and would be pushed out of the labor market.

You seem to be claiming that min wage isn't enough, but for most min wage workers, it really is.
"If you're going to say we have a spending problem, articulate what precisely we are spending too much on. attacking ss/m.aid/ cost republicans the election, tanf has a work component so attacking welfare doesnt work anymore, and the military is a sacred cow to republicans so that pretty much eliminates everything." ReallyMeow

Making the point that unless we reform entitlements we as a nation will become insolvent may have cost Republicans the last election, ReallyMeow but that's only because there are so many totally clueless people like yourself who think we can continue on the way we are. The fact that the Left accused everyone who called on us to do the fiscally sane thing and fix entitlements, of trying to "gut" Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and got away with it doesn't make it so.

Once again you've let your political beliefs trump common sense and simple math.

The notion that you need me to explain to you HOW it is the our Federal Government is wasting money tells me you're not being serious about a serious issue. The inefficiency of Washington is staggering to be quite honest with you. We blow money on things that are so ridiculous that it boggles the mind when we're already so far in debt. The waste is so rampant and ingrained into the government culture that my solution would be automatic across the board cuts to all departments...and yes, that would include the military. Politicians always have an excuse why their pet project or department shouldn't face the budget ax. It's obvious they don't have the backbone to make the cuts that are needed so I would take that decision right out of their hands. If Barack Obama were REALLY a leader and REALLY cared about fixing the deficit he'd hold everyone in governments feet to the fire and force them to clean up their act. That won't happen though because Barry likes big government...the bigger the better. Instead of shrinking the deficit he's increasing it dramatically.
I don't care why you think it isn't a good idea. Its about time y'all took care of your workers!

When I made minimum wage, it was perfectly adequate to meet my needs. Like most min wage workers, I was not responsible for rent, food, or bills so everything I made was pure spending money. Many of the workers you want to take care of are already taken care of at less than a so-called "living wage" and would be pushed out of the labor market.

You seem to be claiming that min wage isn't enough, but for most min wage workers, it really is.

Most minimum wage jobs are a "bridge" to other higher paying jobs. You can start out washing dishes at a restaurant but if you remain a dishwasher instead of progressing to prep cook, line cook, sous chef and executive chef it's because you've chosen to tread water in a low paying job. The opportunities are always there. People shouldn't be "rewarded" for not advancing their careers. It's counter productive to both the people themselves and to society.
Everyone should be paid based two things:

1. Paid what their job is worth

At the same time, however, all workers should be -

2. Paid a living wage.

That means enough to cover the rent, the bills, and to put food on the table. You can be poor, but you are still surviving.

In this thread it's been repeatedly explained why that's not a good idea.

Yet you still cling to it.


I don't care why you think it isn't a good idea. Its about time y'all took care of your workers!

Interesting perspective. Workers aren't property. They're free people. It's up to them to take care of themselves as they see fit.
I suggest people aspire to something other than a minimum wage job.

Just a thought...

I think people should aspire to a min wage job when they have no job (and no skills). Once they have a min wage job they should aspire to pay raises. Etc.

But no one deserves anything.
I suggest people aspire to something other than a minimum wage job.

Just a thought...

I think people should aspire to a min wage job when they have no job (and no skills). Once they have a min wage job they should aspire to pay raises. Etc.

Or not. That's what annoys me most about the minimum wage advocates. They're essentially saying no one should be allowed to take low paying jobs. But not everyone wants to bust ass forty hours a week. Some people prefer the freedom and low-stress of low paying, low responsibility work. They're the minority, sure, but it's always the minority getting pushed around by this kind of intrusive regulation.
Everyone should be paid based two things:

1. Paid what their job is worth

At the same time, however, all workers should be -

2. Paid a living wage.

That means enough to cover the rent, the bills, and to put food on the table. You can be poor, but you are still surviving.

too stupid but perfectly liberal!! If you guaranteed a wage sufficient to pay rent, food, and bills there would be little incentive to work. Congratulations you just starved 50 million to death just as Stalin and Mao did!!

See why we are 110% positive liberals are slow and deadly!!
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Yeah, lets pay high school drop outs and unskilled workers six figures.
People who do well have a strong work ethic, make sacrifices, take risks, get a good education and/or learn every thing they can about the business they want to earn a high income from

If you are not willing to do these things, do not complain about the ones who have.
You do know that once upon a time, those cashier workers made a living wage don't you? In fact, they were considered very well paid. Come to think of it, most workers were paid decently way back when. It's only since the 70's and changes in corporate law that we've become a country of the rich and the poor.

Oh, we've been a country of rich and poor long before the 70's. It still doesn't change the fact that people should not have to subsidize lazy bums with no ambition.

My friend has been working as a maid for 30 years. She's not a lazy bum and she does have ambition, but things don't always work out the way you want. She deserves a LIVING wage. Everyone working in the richest country in the world DESERVES a living wage. No one DESERVES 500 times what their employees are making and I seriously doubt you deserve what you are paid. I don't think you know what hard work is, if we paid according to how hard the work was, those people you disparage would be making a lot more than you.

What is "deserved" in any situation is usually always subjective.
Everyone should be paid based two things:

1. Paid what their job is worth

At the same time, however, all workers should be -

2. Paid a living wage.

That means enough to cover the rent, the bills, and to put food on the table. You can be poor, but you are still surviving.

So irresponsible people who are living in too much house, have too much credit card debt, etc, should be subsidized via a mandatory "living wage"?

Everyone's bills and debt are different. How do you even begin to determine what a "living wage" is?
Everyone should be paid based two things:

1. Paid what their job is worth

At the same time, however, all workers should be -

2. Paid a living wage.

That means enough to cover the rent, the bills, and to put food on the table. You can be poor, but you are still surviving.

So irresponsible people who are living in too much house, have too much credit card debt, etc, should be subsidized via a mandatory "living wage"?

Everyone's bills and debt are different. How do you even begin to determine what a "living wage" is?

its simple for a liberal, the living wage is always more than it was the previous year. Entitlements have gone up 5 times in the last 30 years but there is never an end in sight for a liberal.
"If you're going to say we have a spending problem, articulate what precisely we are spending too much on. attacking ss/m.aid/ cost republicans the election, tanf has a work component so attacking welfare doesnt work anymore, and the military is a sacred cow to republicans so that pretty much eliminates everything." ReallyMeow

Making the point that unless we reform entitlements we as a nation will become insolvent may have cost Republicans the last election, ReallyMeow but that's only because there are so many totally clueless people like yourself who think we can continue on the way we are. The fact that the Left accused everyone who called on us to do the fiscally sane thing and fix entitlements, of trying to "gut" Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and got away with it doesn't make it so.

Once again you've let your political beliefs trump common sense and simple math.

The notion that you need me to explain to you HOW it is the our Federal Government is wasting money tells me you're not being serious about a serious issue. The inefficiency of Washington is staggering to be quite honest with you. We blow money on things that are so ridiculous that it boggles the mind when we're already so far in debt. The waste is so rampant and ingrained into the government culture that my solution would be automatic across the board cuts to all departments...and yes, that would include the military. Politicians always have an excuse why their pet project or department shouldn't face the budget ax. It's obvious they don't have the backbone to make the cuts that are needed so I would take that decision right out of their hands. If Barack Obama were REALLY a leader and REALLY cared about fixing the deficit he'd hold everyone in governments feet to the fire and force them to clean up their act. That won't happen though because Barry likes big government...the bigger the better. Instead of shrinking the deficit he's increasing it dramatically.

My point exactly, you cant name ONE. Do you think everyone forgot how republicans spent us into this hole in the first place? You're not fooling anyone.

Then why from the start of Reagan to 08 did we have historical growth?
b/c a republican unleashed the free market.

Not really

Republicans built the national debt, idiot. Everytime we had a red president, they ramped the deficit up, everytime there was a blue president, deficit reduction was their agenda and they succeeded at it. The deficit was nothing which bush came in and was 1.4t when he left- if you think obama can just turn off a 1.4t budgetary shortfall by flicking his wrist, you are a colossal idiot; and if you have a problem with a democrat being left a 1.4t mess, then you would have a problem with the republicans making that mess if you wernt a hypocrate. Republicans built the debt as part of their strategy to destroy America: .

You prove again and again how stupid and clueless you are.

Total debt at the end of 2008 was $10T. Now it is 17.5T. Who was president during that time? Who ran Congress for most of that time? What steps did Obama take to rein in spending? This is pretty simple, except if you're a partisan fucktard like you.
US Federal Debt by Year 2008_2017 - Charts Tables History

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
it was 10.5t, now its 16.5t. bush is the one who left the country in shambles. Its not a spending problem, retard, the economy imploded, so revenues are gutted. Thats on top of the trickle down nonsense not paying out.
The obvious answer would be that employers should pay as small a wage as they can get away with

But what happens to hardworking employees that do not make enough to support their families? The taxpayer ends up subsidizing their food and rent. When an employer won't provide health insurance, the taxpayer ends up footing the bill.

So who really benefits from the taxpayer subsidizing low wages? The employer

He gets to pay barebone wages, keep the profit and stiff the taxpayer to make up the difference

Perhaps the entitlements should be geared towards temporary assistance instead of lifetime supplements. Entry-level minimum wage jobs were never meant for permanent employment to support a family, they were meant as "entry level." If the subsidies were cut out there would be more incentive to move beyond minimum wage skills.

Do you know anyone who only works minimum wage so they don't lose their medicaid? I do. I had one that worked for me and she wanted me to pay half her salary to her live-in fiance (they'll never get married) so she could keep her working poor single mom subsidies.

The problem goes beyond minimum wage

There are many manufacturing jobs that top out at $10- $12 an hour. Well above minimum wage. These manufacturing jobs used to pay a wage that a worker could support a family on. They no longer do.

Medical care is a major concern. Especially if you have a family member with a serious medical condition. Working the system to ensure coverage is all some people have

How is that situation helped by artificially propping up certain sectors? How does one gain entry without truly entry level jobs?
We don't have a rising tide these days, IMHO.

how could we with a liberal communist president who voted to the left of Bernie Sanders??

S&P 500 hit 1500 today.

The wealthiest 2% of Americans have had no problem increasing wealth in the last four years, corporations are showing increased profits

For some reason, it is not trickling down with higher wages

That's not true. PLENTY of the wealthiest 2% aren't even wealthy anymore due to the last four years. The studies cited that show otherwise make the assumption that income and wealth brackets are static and they are not. SOME corporations are showing increased profits. MOST are not.
Here we are in the reality that tax cuts for the rich dont produce additional revenue, that basic multiplication still applies. Conservatives have produced a 16 trillion dollar national debt in pursuit of this failed social experiment.
600 billion is hardly anything?
John Stossel: Tax The Rich? The Rich Don't Have Enough. Really. - Forbes
I would rather have a deficit of half a trillion than a trillion. As the economy recovers revenues will recover, and we get the double benefit of no longer needing to prop it up; not only does the budget become balanced but we are paying down the debt.
Obama's a conservative?
Well, he might appear that way to a radical Marxist like you.

Republicans built the national debt, idiot. Everytime we had a red president, they ramped the deficit up, everytime there was a blue president, deficit reduction was their agenda and they succeeded at it. The deficit was nothing which bush came in and was 1.4t when he left- if you think obama can just turn off a 1.4t budgetary shortfall by flicking his wrist, you are a colossal idiot; and if you have a problem with a democrat being left a 1.4t mess, then you would have a problem with the republicans making that mess if you wernt a hypocrate. Republicans built the debt as part of their strategy to destroy America: Starve the beast - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
incompetent or saboteurs, pick your poison. The way that republicans held our credit rating hostage, and shot the hostage, deliberately ruining our credit rating points to sabotage. You cannot be any more fiscally irresponsible than that.

Tell me, how much smaller does the number need to be before you call it flat? .003 is flat.

Where in the fuck are you getting your information? bush left the deficit at 1.4t, obama has lowered it to 1t so far and its on its way to 900b. revenue was 2.5t in 2008 and is 2.5t now, at least you got something right: good job obama. heres where you're missing the big picture though, 2.5t is only 15% of gdp, spitballing, another 3% of gdp would be another 500 billion dollars: you want a balanced budget or not? Tax the rich. Oh and obama has been making cuts to all those irresponsible spending expansions that BUSH made.

Employees are not charitable organizations, pay a reasonable salary, deadbeat.

You sure piss a moan a whole lot about the govt doing something you say it doesnt do: double talk much?

Turns out the employee IS worth that much, dumbass, otherwise they wouldnt have been hired in the first place since nothing is a whole lot less than minimum wage. Prices go up only to maintain an inflated sense of entitlement on the part of employers. Who told you that a million dollars is a reasonable salary? TV? The fuck do you even plan to do with that money?


WHOA, NOW RED ALERT, YOU JUST WENT FULL STALINIST COMMIE. Or rather you are holding the position that there is a subclass of americans which dont deserve the opportunity to save for the future. retirement, a business of their own, a home: you say they deserve nothing. The word you are looking for to apply to this class of people is slave and that emotion is hatred, and as such, you hate Americans.

She works, and yet you hate her for it- maybe something is wrong with you?

Bad news guy, results are in and you're racist as fuck. Your entire argument rests on the assumption that race makes workers intrinsically inferior.

Higher? Fine, but a working person should not be in poverty. A person who has spent their life working should not find themselves living under a bridge when theyre too old to work.

To the contrary, a market in a depression will only spiral further into recession without govt intervention. No one is hiring because demand is down, demand is down because everyone is either out of work or saving up for when they get booted because someone is willing to do the job for less, no one is investing because there is no demand for new business ventures, because those business ventures would only exist to SATE DEMAND.

In order to have a high income, you must use many American infrastructure services, which cost money, its not theft of wealth, you are purchasing a service in a manner so that the govt is only ever taking a slice of your profits. We have a deficit to balance, deal with it, you freeloading deadbeat.

No I dont, they pay some, its not enough; as reflected by our deficit, if this trickle down economics stuff was legit, we wouldnt have a deficit.
Trickle down economics doesn't exist,'s a negative term invented by critics of Supply Side economics...critics that know as little about the economics of business as you do. Money trickles upwards in a free market economy...with workers getting paid first and owners getting paid last, if at all. If you took ALL of the income of the wealthy we would still have a massive deficit. What part of that don't you quite "grasp"? We have a terrible spending problem. If we don't get it under control it will take all of the income of the wealthy AND the middle class to pay off just the interest on the accumulated debt.
Addressed that in another thread, Ill take a 500 billion dollar deficit over a 1 trillion dollar deficit any day of the week, you must be the type of person that pays the minimum balance on their credit card, good luck with that.

If you're going to say we have a spending problem, articulate what precisely we are spending too much on. attacking ss/m.aid/ cost republicans the election, tanf has a work component so attacking welfare doesnt work anymore, and the military is a sacred cow to republicans so that pretty much eliminates everything.

WHOA, NOW RED ALERT, YOU JUST WENT FULL STALINIST COMMIE. Or rather you are holding the position that there is a subclass of americans which dont deserve the opportunity to save for the future. retirement, a business of their own, a home: you say they deserve nothing. The word you are looking for to apply to this class of people is slave and that emotion is hatred, and as such, you hate Americans.

How do you get that from me asking what about the opportunities for those who don't need that much money?

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