Should all jobs be required to pay at least a living wage?

Should all jobs be required to pay at least a living wage?

  • Obama voter - No

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  • Non-Obama voter - Yes

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Everyone should be paid based two things:

1. Paid what their job is worth

At the same time, however, all workers should be -

2. Paid a living wage.

That means enough to cover the rent, the bills, and to put food on the table. You can be poor, but you are still surviving.

In this thread it's been repeatedly explained why that's not a good idea.

Yet you still cling to it.


I don't care why you think it isn't a good idea. Its about time y'all took care of your workers!

Young foreigners are cute. They like to tut-tut others from their very strong positions of ignorance. Since higher minimum wages cause lower employment, how exactly would that be taking care of workers? Pay less of them more and fuck the rest?

Rock on, Missy. :rock:
Should all jobs be required to pay at least a living wage?

Assume a living wage for the area, not a national one-size-fits-all standard.

Why or why not?

Should all USMB posters be required to post something intelligent?

Seems like that would reduce the free market space of posts.
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Should all jobs be required to pay at least a living wage?

Assume a living wage for the area, not a national one-size-fits-all standard.

Why or why not?

Should all USMB posters be required to post something intelligent?

Seems like that would reduce the free market space of posts.

Is that a dig against me?

Just curious.
WHOA, NOW RED ALERT, YOU JUST WENT FULL STALINIST COMMIE. Or rather you are holding the position that there is a subclass of Americans which dont deserve the opportunity to save for the future. retirement, a business of their own, a home: you say they deserve nothing. The word you are looking for to apply to this class of people is slave and that emotion is hatred, and as such, you hate Americans.

How do you get that from me asking what about the opportunities for those who don't need that much money?

Ok, by what metric do you dictate to Americans that they are this class of sub-person that doesnt deserve enough to make ends meet?
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WHOA, NOW RED ALERT, YOU JUST WENT FULL STALINIST COMMIE. Or rather you are holding the position that there is a subclass of Americans which dont deserve the opportunity to save for the future. retirement, a business of their own, a home: you say they deserve nothing. The word you are looking for to apply to this class of people is slave and that emotion is hatred, and as such, you hate Americans.

How do you get that from me asking what about the opportunities for those who don't need that much money?

Ok, by what metric do you dictate to Americans that they are this class of sub-person that doesnt deserve enough to make ends meet?

Learn to stop fucking up the quotes. It makes discussion with you tiresome.

I never said that there were people that didn't deserve enough to make ends meet. I asked what about the opportunities for those who don't need that much money? Low level starter jobs by teenagers, college students, people working part time second jobs, people looking to change careers, retirees looking for extra money without much responsibility, etc.

Should those jobs that provide low marginal value to companies just disappear?
Ok, by what metric do you dictate to Americans that they are this class of sub-person that doesnt deserve enough to make ends meet?

too stupid!! who decides what it means to make ends meet?? In America many of the poor own their own homes!!!
Republicans built the national debt, idiot. Everytime we had a red president, they ramped the deficit up, everytime there was a blue president, deficit reduction was their agenda and they succeeded at it. The deficit was nothing which bush came in and was 1.4t when he left- if you think obama can just turn off a 1.4t budgetary shortfall by flicking his wrist, you are a colossal idiot; and if you have a problem with a democrat being left a 1.4t mess, then you would have a problem with the republicans making that mess if you wernt a hypocrate. Republicans built the debt as part of their strategy to destroy America: .

You prove again and again how stupid and clueless you are.

Total debt at the end of 2008 was $10T. Now it is 17.5T. Who was president during that time? Who ran Congress for most of that time? What steps did Obama take to rein in spending? This is pretty simple, except if you're a partisan fucktard like you.
US Federal Debt by Year 2008_2017 - Charts Tables History

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
it was 10.5t, now its 16.5t. bush is the one who left the country in shambles. Its not a spending problem, retard, the economy imploded, so revenues are gutted. Thats on top of the trickle down nonsense not paying out.

Attention, Retard: Bush has not been president for 4 years. Who added $6T in 4 years, with more to come?
Revenues are not gutted.'
In 2007 revenue was an all time high of $2.57T. Now it is $2.45T. So why is the deficit higher now by much more than that?
WH: Federal Revenue Hit All-Time High of $2.57T?In 2007 Under Bush | CNS News
Everyone should be paid based two things:

1. Paid what their job is worth

At the same time, however, all workers should be -

2. Paid a living wage.

That means enough to cover the rent, the bills, and to put food on the table. You can be poor, but you are still surviving.
agreed but there again rent for what ? bills for what and what food ??
its all comparable most poor here in the US have car ,cell phone /tv / place to live

its relative
a guy who lives in a mansion is better of than the man who lives in a colonial the man who lives in a colonial envys the man who lives in a mansion
question is does the man who lives in a mansion deserve /earn it ?
does he man who lives in a colonial earn /deserves it ?

its seems hipocritical that whose who complain about **high earning executives *
never complain about thier favourite sports personality or actor /singer earning outragous sums of money *usally millions *for their services and mostly the top stars are not union members

if the executive earned less money we may be able to buy his product with a little less money AGREE OR NOT

if the sports star /singer /actor earned a little less we might be able to buy a ticket for the game/concert/movie with a little less money

if the lazy money grabbing union pigs at general motors earned little less we might be able to buy their shit cars for less money

its all relative
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"If you're going to say we have a spending problem, articulate what precisely we are spending too much on. attacking ss/m.aid/ cost republicans the election, tanf has a work component so attacking welfare doesnt work anymore, and the military is a sacred cow to republicans so that pretty much eliminates everything." ReallyMeow

Making the point that unless we reform entitlements we as a nation will become insolvent may have cost Republicans the last election, ReallyMeow but that's only because there are so many totally clueless people like yourself who think we can continue on the way we are. The fact that the Left accused everyone who called on us to do the fiscally sane thing and fix entitlements, of trying to "gut" Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and got away with it doesn't make it so.

Once again you've let your political beliefs trump common sense and simple math.

The notion that you need me to explain to you HOW it is the our Federal Government is wasting money tells me you're not being serious about a serious issue. The inefficiency of Washington is staggering to be quite honest with you. We blow money on things that are so ridiculous that it boggles the mind when we're already so far in debt. The waste is so rampant and ingrained into the government culture that my solution would be automatic across the board cuts to all departments...and yes, that would include the military. Politicians always have an excuse why their pet project or department shouldn't face the budget ax. It's obvious they don't have the backbone to make the cuts that are needed so I would take that decision right out of their hands. If Barack Obama were REALLY a leader and REALLY cared about fixing the deficit he'd hold everyone in governments feet to the fire and force them to clean up their act. That won't happen though because Barry likes big government...the bigger the better. Instead of shrinking the deficit he's increasing it dramatically.

My point exactly, you cant name ONE. Do you think everyone forgot how republicans spent us into this hole in the first place? You're not fooling anyone.

Then why from the start of Reagan to 08 did we have historical growth?
b/c a republican unleashed the free market.

Not really

Republicans built the national debt, idiot. Everytime we had a red president, they ramped the deficit up, everytime there was a blue president, deficit reduction was their agenda and they succeeded at it. The deficit was nothing which bush came in and was 1.4t when he left- if you think obama can just turn off a 1.4t budgetary shortfall by flicking his wrist, you are a colossal idiot; and if you have a problem with a democrat being left a 1.4t mess, then you would have a problem with the republicans making that mess if you wernt a hypocrate. Republicans built the debt as part of their strategy to destroy America: .

You prove again and again how stupid and clueless you are.

Total debt at the end of 2008 was $10T. Now it is 17.5T. Who was president during that time? Who ran Congress for most of that time? What steps did Obama take to rein in spending? This is pretty simple, except if you're a partisan fucktard like you.
US Federal Debt by Year 2008_2017 - Charts Tables History

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
it was 10.5t, now its 16.5t. bush is the one who left the country in shambles. Its not a spending problem, retard, the economy imploded, so revenues are gutted. Thats on top of the trickle down nonsense not paying out.
I noticed you were responding to oldstyle. He has again said that there was no such thing as Trickle Down Economics. Which is, in a way, sort of true. There was a named theory, but it never worked. But the big lie is when Oldstyle tells you that it was a theory invented by critics of supply side economics. It was NOT. It was a theory developed by republicans to help sell supply side economics. From what most believe, first used in a speech by David Stockman, Reagan's budget director.

The problem that Oldstyle has is that there is only one source for his statement that trickle down was invented by critics of supply side. That source is a Libertarian Economist by the name of Sowell, who has very, very close ties to CATO and the Koch brothers. Now, if you are an economist, the best way to make big money is to advocate for CATO. Makes you kind of wonder, though I have no proof that Sowell actually gets paid to say what they want him to say. He does, but I can not prove why.

Now there may be other sources for Oldstyle's contention. But he has been unable to provide that source. And I have been unable to find it. However, the conventional wisdom say that there is no truth to Oldstyle"s contention at all. For instance, if I wanted to know for sure who penned the term Trickle Down, I would go back to the time when it started being used. Which was during the Reagan admin. And I would talk to someone that I could find (many have died) and ask them. For instance, I might try the budget director appointed by Reagan, David Stockman. And I would find, without any question, that Trickle Down was invented and named by Republicans just as we have always known. Here is a link to Stockman discussing the matter:
David Stockman | Guests |

Here is another source that says that the term was first used by stockman, and why:
""Trickle Down Economics was coined from a speech made by David Stockman, who was Ronald Reagan's chief economic advisor. He painted supply side economics as part of a long tradition in economics; that laissez-faire will benefit not just those well-placed in the market (the rich) but also the poorest. The general principle is well said in (Bernard de Mandeville, The Grumbling Hive (1733)) "private vices are public virtues". Because the wealthy spend lavishly and employ others, benefitting the rich, benefits the poor.

Trickle down was used to justify a range of changes under both British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and President Ronald Reagan, specifically those which attempted to break the power of unions, reduce impediments to hiring and firing, reducing environmental regulation, and pursue a less anti-corporate stance to legislation and economic policy overall."
Reformed Leftist (& Friends): What "Trickle Down" Theory?
So, oldstyle will be back with his theory of why trickle down came from critics of Supply Side economics. But he will have no nonpartisan support. Anyway, I always thought you should believe those who were there, rather than those who were not.
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Should all jobs be required to pay at least a living wage?

Assume a living wage for the area, not a national one-size-fits-all standard.

Why or why not?

Should all USMB posters be required to post something intelligent?

Seems like that would reduce the free market space of posts.

Is that a dig against me?

Just curious.

Not at all. It is only a dig against an irrational concept. You are probably a friendly person whos' company I would enjoy if we ever met.
how could we with a liberal communist president who voted to the left of Bernie Sanders??

S&P 500 hit 1500 today.

The wealthiest 2% of Americans have had no problem increasing wealth in the last four years, corporations are showing increased profits

For some reason, it is not trickling down with higher wages

That's not true. PLENTY of the wealthiest 2% aren't even wealthy anymore due to the last four years. The studies cited that show otherwise make the assumption that income and wealth brackets are static and they are not. SOME corporations are showing increased profits. MOST are not.
You assume a lot of movement within income segments. It is in fact not that great. But, forget the 2%. What percent of the income growth over the past years do you think the upper 1% received. Take a look at the study below, taken from government numbers, and you will see that the upper 1% got 93%, while the remaining 99% shared the remaining 7%.
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened - Bloomberg

And your statement that only some corporations are making record profits??? That is a rather meaningless statement. It is always the case that we look at the aggregate corporate health, not individual cases. The point is that overall, corporations are doing extremely well. Look at the DOW. It pretty much tells the story. The economy, in terms of GNP and corporate profits, is extremely good. Our problem, still unemployment. Better, but not good enough. And, if you care to look at history, you will find no time in the us when during high unemployment, cutting taxes has ever helped. Though that is a more complex subject, which I would love to engage in should anyone care to do so.
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How do you get that from me asking what about the opportunities for those who don't need that much money?
Ok, by what metric do you dictate to Americans that they are this class of sub-person that doesnt deserve enough to make ends meet?

I never said that there were people that didn't deserve enough to make ends meet. I asked what about the opportunities for those who don't need that much money? Low level starter jobs by teenagers, college students, people working part time second jobs, people looking to change careers, retirees looking for extra money without much responsibility, etc.
Should those jobs that provide low marginal value to companies just disappear?

Then whats all this shit about getting rid of the minimum wage, or not raising it to the level that people NEED it to be, to not be in poverty. Oh, someone has parents/savings to fall back on? is the govt going to hand these things out? well then, I guess assuming that everyone has them, and creating work conditions that makes you reliant on having them makes you an asshole. And you're an idiot for thinking the jobs would just disappear, are you going to shop at the walmart that only every has one of its 12 lines open? zero is a whole fuckload cheaper than minimum wage, if the company didnt need that cashier, they wouldnt have hired them in the first place.

Ok, by what metric do you dictate to Americans that they are this class of sub-person that doesnt deserve enough to make ends meet?
too stupid!! who decides what it means to make ends meet?? In America many of the poor own their own homes!!!
economics does, and spare me the "its too complicated for me to understand, so it has no answer" argument.

Attention, Retard: Bush has not been president for 4 years. Who added $6T in 4 years, with more to come?
Revenues are not gutted.'
In 2007 revenue was an all time high of $2.57T. Now it is $2.45T. So why is the deficit higher now by much more than that?
WH: Federal Revenue Hit All-Time High of $2.57T?In 2007 Under Bush | CNS News

oddly specific years, ok Im game
2013 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2007 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Receipts for fiscal year 2007 were $2.4 trillion. The President's actual budget for 2007 totals $2.8 trillion.
(deficit 400 billion)

The Obama administration's February 2012 budget request contained $2.902 trillion in receipts and $3.803 trillion in outlays, for a deficit of $901 billion.

Now what happened in between?
2009 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
$407 billion (estimated)
$1.413 trillion (actual)[

nuff said.
oddly specific years, ok Im game
2013 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2007 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(deficit 400 billion)

The Obama administration's February 2012 budget request contained $2.902 trillion in receipts and $3.803 trillion in outlays, for a deficit of $901 billion.

Now what happened in between?
2009 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
$407 billion (estimated)
$1.413 trillion (actual)[

nuff said.

You are looking at budget requests, not actual spending. Fail. You cannot get past the increase in total debt from 2007 to today.
We owe more today than we ever did under Bush. Who controlled Congress for most of that time? Who submitted spending bills for most of that time?
Obama owns this deficit. He has done nothing to cut it. Nothing.
oddly specific years, ok Im game
2013 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2007 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(deficit 400 billion)

The Obama administration's February 2012 budget request contained $2.902 trillion in receipts and $3.803 trillion in outlays, for a deficit of $901 billion.
Now what happened in between?
2009 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
$407 billion (estimated)
$1.413 trillion (actual)[

nuff said.

You are looking at budget requests, not actual spending. Fail. You cannot get past the increase in total debt from 2007 to today.
We owe more today than we ever did under Bush. Who controlled Congress for most of that time? Who submitted spending bills for most of that time?
Obama owns this deficit. He has done nothing to cut it. Nothing.
Which would explain why it has started to decline. And is projected to decline every year for the next 10.
"Over the next few years, projected deficits in CBO's baseline decline markedly, dropping to under $200 billion and averaging 1.5 percent of GDP over the 2013–2022 period."

I am sure you just missed that, a complete accident.
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We are $6T in debt more now than we were 4 years ago. We continue to add that to that total. I am sure you missed that because you are a dumbass.
We are $6T in debt more now than we were 4 years ago. We continue to add that to that total. I am sure you missed that because you are a dumbass.
I am sure you think I missed the actual number because you are a dumb ass.

Your numbers are actual numbers. If you look at the national debt based on real inflation adjusted numbers, then the number has increased from $14.4T to $15.8T. And about 85% of the $14.4T was from Republican administrations.
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I never said that there were people that didn't deserve enough to make ends meet. I asked what about the opportunities for those who don't need that much money? Low level starter jobs by teenagers, college students, people working part time second jobs, people looking to change careers, retirees looking for extra money without much responsibility, etc.

Should those jobs that provide low marginal value to companies just disappear?

I doubt you'll get a 'living wage' advocate to answer this question. If they did, the only honest answer would be the same as it is for any of these kinds of regulations: outliers will simply have to suck it up and take one for the team. They aren't fond of facing the authoritarian conformity at the core of all this.
We are $6T in debt more now than we were 4 years ago. We continue to add that to that total. I am sure you missed that because you are a dumbass.
I am sure you think I missed the actual number because you are a dumb ass.

Your numbers are actual numbers. If you look at the national debt based on real inflation adjusted numbers, then the number has increased from $14.4T to $15.8T. And about 85% of the $14.4T was from Republican administrations.


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