Should all jobs be required to pay at least a living wage?

Should all jobs be required to pay at least a living wage?

  • Obama voter - No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Non-Obama voter - Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Lets look further into this *health care * which bleeding hart liberal seem to be stuck on NOBODY is saying or have ever said that a person should not have health care its a commodity that would improve everybodys quality of life if they had it

the question is WHY SHOULD IT BE THE EMPLOYERS DUTY to provide it ?
its just a perk that goes with some jobs .

if its a NECESSITY TO SERVIVE that a employers MUST provide then you might as well say the employer has to provide *food and shelter *
then of course we are getting back to the pre industrial revolution days when you *lived *in a house the boss provided and was in a sence *** a slave to him ***
Its not as thou health insurance is not avialable privately it is **well in my state anyway *

EXAMPLE my wife was in the process of changing occupations so when she was out of work she didnt have employer provided health insurance .on enquiring many private insurance companys offered it and at a rate less then if she had taken COBRA . did she rely on somebody else *giving * her what she wanted no of course not .

we are self sufficent we buy what we need and budget accordingly . those that dont have a job providing benefits can put health insurance premiuns on thier * must pay for list* BEFORE things like cigarettes, booze, expensive vidio games/ fancy cell phones and unhealthy mac donalds food ,
OR get some training in a job that will pay them more and perhaps have some fringe benefits
if its a NECESSITY TO SERVIVE that a employers MUST provide then you might as well say the employer has to provide *food and shelter *

this is very true!! First things first. A man has little need for health care if he doesn't first have food clothing and shelter!!
All of this chat and NOT one person has answered my question
What is a living wage and by whos standard ?
did this in 1 minute

rent$ 400 per month small apt
food $400 per month basic foods
tv. phone $100 per month standard tv phone

car gas/ maintenance $100 small used car paid for

1000 per month
spending $100 per month generous
1100 per month
40 per week at min $7.50 $300
x4 1200 per month
leaving $100 per month SAVING
at that wage pay no tax and *qualifying * for food stamps rent allowance

Answered early in the thread.

A wage that allows a person to be self-sufficient and have all basic needs met for an extended period of time. For this thread assume:


Without relying on anyone else.

You should read more and complain less.
health care is not a RIGHT ITS a benefit
TRANSPORTATION does not mean having to *own * a CAR
You should THINK before posting idiot

I never claimed it was a right and I never said that transportation means having to own a car. You're the one looking like an idiot, and now you're just crass. Read the thread, dipshit.
Answered early in the thread.

You should read more and complain less.
health care is not a RIGHT ITS a benefit
TRANSPORTATION does not mean having to *own * a CAR
You should THINK before posting idiot

I never claimed it was a right and I never said that transportation means having to own a car. You're the one looking like an idiot, and now you're just crass. Read the thread, dipshit.
NO YOU Implied it
QUOTE A wage that allows a person to be self-sufficient and have all basic needs met for an extended period of time. UNQUOTE

for transportation did you mean a bicycle ?
that a motorcycle or car would be needed to be SELF sufficient
if you did my fiqures above would cover all of the thing YOU decide are neccesary to be *self sufficient * the health care which as you admit is NOT a right would be covered by the amount saved on the auto mobile
anyway you look at it a minimum,wage would cover basic needs
as you state them
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A wage that allows a person to be self-sufficient and have all basic needs met for an extended period of time. For this thread assume:


Without relying on anyone else.

all basic needs???????????

often can't work without a car, cant work without an education, can't work well without a vacation (very European), and of course what's a more basic need than sex, family, and kids.

Liberalism gets expensive!!!.....and of course very very stupid!!
Problem for repubs is that while they complain about food stamps, they are paid for by everyone's taxes. However, in the case of min wage, businesses pay the whole increase. And those businesses pay the repubs, and act as their new place of employment when they leave political life. So, that is why all the emphasis on min wage by many businesses, republicans paid by them, and con tools who do as they were told by the bat shit crazy con sites who are also paid by the businesses that hate the min wage.
Problem for repubs is that while they complain about food stamps, they are paid for by everyone's taxes. However, in the case of min wage, businesses pay the whole increase. And those businesses pay the repubs, and act as their new place of employment when they leave political life. So, that is why all the emphasis on min wage by many businesses, republicans paid by them, and con tools who do as they were told by the bat shit crazy con sites who are also paid by the businesses that hate the min wage.

That's even less coherent than normal.
Problem for repubs is that while they complain about food stamps, they are paid for by everyone's taxes. However, in the case of min wage, businesses pay the whole increase. And those businesses pay the repubs, and act as their new place of employment when they leave political life. So, that is why all the emphasis on min wage by many businesses, republicans paid by them, and con tools who do as they were told by the bat shit crazy con sites who are also paid by the businesses that hate the min wage.

That's even less coherent than normal.
It is all relative. If you are stupid, you would find it difficult to follow. You are stupid. So you would find it difficult to follow.
Problem for repubs is that while they complain about food stamps, they are paid for by everyone's taxes. However, in the case of min wage, businesses pay the whole increase. And those businesses pay the repubs, and act as their new place of employment when they leave political life. So, that is why all the emphasis on min wage by many businesses, republicans paid by them, and con tools who do as they were told by the bat shit crazy con sites who are also paid by the businesses that hate the min wage.

That's even less coherent than normal.
It is all relative. If you are stupid, you would find it difficult to follow. You are stupid. So you would find it difficult to follow.
No, it really is incoherent gibberish. Learn to articulate ffs!
in the case of min wage, businesses pay the whole increase. .

Ever wonder why a jet plane costs more than an apple?? Ans: because a business will pass on all of its costs to consumers including parts , taxes and wages. So, all of us pay for any increase in minimum wage in higher prices just like all of us pay for food stamps in higher taxes.

Its plain liberal and idiotic to pretend you are not paying for a minimum wage increase. There is no free lunch!!!!!!!!!!

See why we are positve a liberal will be slow??
Problem for repubs is that while they complain about food stamps, they are paid for by everyone's taxes. However, in the case of min wage, businesses pay the whole increase. And those businesses pay the repubs, and act as their new place of employment when they leave political life. So, that is why all the emphasis on min wage by many businesses, republicans paid by them, and con tools who do as they were told by the bat shit crazy con sites who are also paid by the businesses that hate the min wage.

That's even less coherent than normal.
It is all relative. If you are stupid, you would find it difficult to follow. You are stupid. So you would find it difficult to follow.

I'm not stupid and I found it hard to follow.. Here's the gist of it: You think only republicans complain about food stamps because they are paid for by everybody's taxes. A minimum wage increased in covered only by the businesses doing the hiring and the businesses have the republicans in their pocket so the republicans will never go for that. As a reward for not raising minimum wage, the republicans are then hired by the businesses that don't want a raise in the minimum wage.

Truthfully, both the reps and dems are voting based on lobbyists and big business. They all want to become lobbyists when they leave so none of them actually care about the American people. Our forefathers never intended our government to be run this way. It's past time for another revolution. I expected it at the polls but now I think a bloody revolution will be the only way to change this country and put it back on the right track. I don't expect that to happen, however, as Americans are too apathetic. Now, if we were to take away their foodstamps, they'd be hungry and stop being apathetic and you can bet your britches things would change.

Our income gap is bigger than it was in the gilded age and bigger than it was in France when they had the French revolution. What caused the French revolution other than the income gap? Hunger. It can be a great motivator.
in the case of min wage, businesses pay the whole increase. .

Ever wonder why a jet plane costs more than an apple?? Ans: because a business will pass on all of its costs to consumers including parts , taxes and wages. So, all of us pay for any increase in minimum wage in higher prices just like all of us pay for food stamps in higher taxes.

Its plain liberal and idiotic to pretend you are not paying for a minimum wage increase. There is no free lunch!!!!!!!!!!

See why we are positve a liberal will be slow??

Yeah, we ALL pay for the raise. Only the lowest paid workers benefit from it so the costs are spread out among the whole population. Even the rich end up paying for it. In the end it's a win for everyone because more money is given to the people who spend it, more money enters our economy and our economy becomes healthy. The truth is that the rich don't hire more people if they can help it, they sock their money away. Greed is killing this country. Spreading the wealth is the only way for us to survive.
Truthfully, both the reps and dems are voting based on lobbyists and big business........It's past time for another revolution. .

why not just vote Republican?? They want to cut taxes and shrink government so it won't have enough power to interest lobbyists or big business.

Its a simply Jeffersonian concept but a liberal will lack the IQ to grasp it!
Why are companies even allowed to make a "Profit"??? Isn't that just wages stolen from the worker?

This time it will work! We Promise! And if it doesn't, Oh well
Truthfully, both the reps and dems are voting based on lobbyists and big business........It's past time for another revolution. .

why not just vote Republican?? They want to cut taxes and shrink government so it won't have enough power to interest lobbyists or big business.

Its a simply Jeffersonian concept but a liberal will lack the IQ to grasp it!

You really think the republicans are going to cut their jobs????? Taxes yes, jobs, no. And it's interesting that the only taxes they are cutting is on the wealthy, isn't it? Used to be the top tax rate was on the top 1%, now the top tax rate is on the top, what 40%?
[ And it's interesting that the only taxes they are cutting is on the wealthy, isn't it? Used to be the top tax rate was on the top 1%, now the top tax rate is on the top, what 40%?

in fact in 1980 top 1% paid 17.8%, today top 1% pay 42% of all federal income tax!!! Thats cutting only if you are a perfectly brainwashed libturd.

See why we are 100% positive aliberal will be slow, so very very slow!!
[ And it's interesting that the only taxes they are cutting is on the wealthy, isn't it? Used to be the top tax rate was on the top 1%, now the top tax rate is on the top, what 40%?

in fact in 1980 top 1% paid 17.8%, today top 1% pay 42% of all federal income tax!!! Thats cutting only if you are a perfectly brainwashed libturd.

See why we are 100% positive aliberal will be slow, so very very slow!!

I was talking percentage of income taxed, not percentage of taxes paid. Two totally different things. Who is slow?
[ And it's interesting that the only taxes they are cutting is on the wealthy, isn't it? Used to be the top tax rate was on the top 1%, now the top tax rate is on the top, what 40%?

in fact in 1980 top 1% paid 17.8%, today top 1% pay 42% of all federal income tax!!! Thats cutting only if you are a perfectly brainwashed libturd.

See why we are 100% positive aliberal will be slow, so very very slow!!

I was talking percentage of income taxed, not percentage of taxes paid. Two totally different things. Who is slow?

totally different? your subject was, only the rich were getting tax cuts when in fact the bottom 55% are now not paying any taxes!! If the top 1% went from 17% to 42% of taxes paid is that cutting their taxes?? If they now pay 42% that means all the rest, especially the bottom 70% see dramatic tax cuts with the majority not paying taxes at all!!

Is not paying taxes at all anymore a tax cut or tax increase?????????????
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Enough..get rid of income tax and move to a national sales tax...aka Fair Tax Bill.
Problem solved.
Enough..get rid of income tax and move to a national sales tax...aka Fair Tax Bill.
Problem solved.

good idea but not worth talking about. Then you'd have income tax and sales tax!! Its far too dangerous to try with so many liberal around.

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