Should all jobs be required to pay at least a living wage?

Should all jobs be required to pay at least a living wage?

  • Obama voter - No

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  • Non-Obama voter - Yes

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I'm also going to have to raise the pay for line cooks who now make $15 an hour to $20-$22 an hour to keep them happy.
Then whats stopping them from making you pay them that much right now? No shit sherlock.

When I raise all my labor cost in such a way I'm going to have to pass those costs along to my customers. The dinner that I now charge $25 for...I'm going to have to get $35 for.

You are assuming alot. For one, that people who spend $25 on food even give a flying fuck about the cost of a meal to begin with. Or that luxuries like eating out should have any bearing on the discussion at all. Tell me where you got 40% hyper inflation from. I think its funny how you people claim to espouse the free market, yet once the rubber meets the road its all about the entitlement of business owners to maintain their current level of income.

Let me google that for you

There we go again, a conservative fishing for reasons to hate Americans: Single? You ought to live in poverty!

Then the converse, "You got some chick pregnent? why should I have to give you a raise for making bad decisions, go beg from the govt". You live in a fantasy world where an employer gives raises for having a family, if that were true than half of children wouldnt be fed by foodstamps you nitwit.

Employee rights - SWEDEN.SE
You're full of shit.

Slaves had food, clothing, shelter and healthcare. The person I was responding to said nobody is advocating slavery - but slaves were better off than what people in this thread think people should have or be entitled to.

Except slaves had no ability to save money, or advance their station in life, or move without permission. Kind of like welfare recipients today.


If working meant being able to get ahead, then the welfare state would disappear.

You're determined to "prove" that you're the board's most ignorant poster...aren't you? The fact really know nothing about how things work out there in the real world.

Let's see...what keeps my line cooks from "making" me pay them them $25 an hour? Well, to start with the going rate for a good line cook is established by the market at $15 an hour right now. That's not a government mandated number...that's what I need to pay someone to keep them at this moment. If I pay them less then I'll lose them to someone who WILL pay $15 an hour. If I pay them substantially you think they should "make" me, then my restaurant's labor costs will be so high that I won't be able to compete with my competitors price wise and I will go out of business. Most employees are smart enough to realize that demanding an unreasonable hourly wage won't get them more money...but it will cost them their job when the place that used to pay them goes belly up.

Did you really just say that people who eat out don't care about price? I've got news for you, Sparky...people who HAVE money don't like getting ripped off any more than people who DON'T have money. The restaurant business is one of the first to feel the effects of a weaker economy. Why? Because when most people want to economize they do so by either packing a lunch from home to take to work or cutting back on the number of times they go out for dinner each month. If you raise the cost of dine out food like you're talking about then you're going to change the dining habits of millions of people and cost the jobs of millions as well. That's just in the food industry. The same thing will be happening at Home Depot and every other business across the country.
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I don't think most of the progressives here have any concept of how hard most people who DO own their own businesses work. It's amusing to listen to someone who's "work adverse" pontificate about how greedy business owners are and how they don't "deserve" to make what they do and need to pay their hourly employees more.

so true, when I started my first business we used to draw straws to see who had to work on Christmas Day and New Years Day! 12 hour days 6 days a week was minimum!

Businesses don't grow on trees, they require sweat and blood, lots of it!
^a person cannot work two full time jobs. People need to sleep and eat, you know.
I would suggest getting a roommate, but people tend to be wary - you have to share the bills, and if you get a roommate who spends hours on the phone and brings the bill up, then why should you have to pay for it?

You should be able to afford a one bedroom apartment on minimum wage, working full time. You can forfeit everything else, all other luxuries, but you should be able to afford that house.


You're talking about 80 hours a week.

I regularly worked more than that for years. When I was in school I was working 50 hours a week, Summers I worked well over 100 a week

When we opened this business 6 years ago my wife and I both put in at least 90 hours a week.

And why do you have to be able to live in an apartment all by yourself. When I moved out at 17 I shared a place with 4 other guys.
^a person cannot work two full time jobs. People need to sleep and eat, you know.
I would suggest getting a roommate, but people tend to be wary - you have to share the bills, and if you get a roommate who spends hours on the phone and brings the bill up, then why should you have to pay for it?

You should be able to afford a one bedroom apartment on minimum wage, working full time. You can forfeit everything else, all other luxuries, but you should be able to afford that house.


You're talking about 80 hours a week.

I regularly worked more than that for years. When I was in school I was working 50 hours a week, Summers I worked well over 100 a week

When we opened this business 6 years ago my wife and I both put in at least 90 hours a week.

And why do you have to be able to live in an apartment all by yourself. When I moved out at 17 I shared a place with 4 other guys.

Oh, good on you. No really; that's amazing. And you DO realize that not everybody enjoys the same health and stamina as you and your wife do? And some of us actually want to :gasp: ENJOY life?!
^a person cannot work two full time jobs. People need to sleep and eat, you know.
I would suggest getting a roommate, but people tend to be wary - you have to share the bills, and if you get a roommate who spends hours on the phone and brings the bill up, then why should you have to pay for it?

You should be able to afford a one bedroom apartment on minimum wage, working full time. You can forfeit everything else, all other luxuries, but you should be able to afford that house.


You're talking about 80 hours a week.

I regularly worked more than that for years. When I was in school I was working 50 hours a week, Summers I worked well over 100 a week

When we opened this business 6 years ago my wife and I both put in at least 90 hours a week.

And why do you have to be able to live in an apartment all by yourself. When I moved out at 17 I shared a place with 4 other guys.

Oh, good on you. No really; that's amazing. And you DO realize that not everybody enjoys the same health and stamina as you and your wife do? And some of us actually want to :gasp: ENJOY life?!

Oh poor you.

If you want to enjoy life then fucking work for it.

I've been on my own since I was 17 and I always managed to pay my bills so quit your fucking whining.

You're talking about 80 hours a week.

I regularly worked more than that for years. When I was in school I was working 50 hours a week, Summers I worked well over 100 a week

When we opened this business 6 years ago my wife and I both put in at least 90 hours a week.

And why do you have to be able to live in an apartment all by yourself. When I moved out at 17 I shared a place with 4 other guys.

Oh, good on you. No really; that's amazing. And you DO realize that not everybody enjoys the same health and stamina as you and your wife do? And some of us actually want to :gasp: ENJOY life?!

Oh poor you.

If you want to enjoy life then fucking work for it.

I've been on my own since I was 17 and I always managed to pay my bills so quit your fucking whining.

I don't have to work, my husband does very well. I have health issues. And he doesn't work any 80 hours a week, either. We're newlyweds, and I know this surprises you, but he actually enjoys the pleasure of my company.
^a person cannot work two full time jobs. People need to sleep and eat, you know.
I would suggest getting a roommate, but people tend to be wary - you have to share the bills, and if you get a roommate who spends hours on the phone and brings the bill up, then why should you have to pay for it?

You should be able to afford a one bedroom apartment on minimum wage, working full time. You can forfeit everything else, all other luxuries, but you should be able to afford that house.


You're talking about 80 hours a week.

I regularly worked more than that for years. When I was in school I was working 50 hours a week, Summers I worked well over 100 a week

When we opened this business 6 years ago my wife and I both put in at least 90 hours a week.

And why do you have to be able to live in an apartment all by yourself. When I moved out at 17 I shared a place with 4 other guys.

Oh, good on you. No really; that's amazing. And you DO realize that not everybody enjoys the same health and stamina as you and your wife do? And some of us actually want to :gasp: ENJOY life?!

people who create new things are usually not lazy. They enjoy being productive. They are the engine of our economy. All the new jobs don't grow on trees. That's why we despise BO for saying, "you didn't build that" and for throwing more and more obstacles and taxes in front of us.
Oh, good on you. No really; that's amazing. And you DO realize that not everybody enjoys the same health and stamina as you and your wife do? And some of us actually want to :gasp: ENJOY life?!

Oh poor you.

If you want to enjoy life then fucking work for it.

I've been on my own since I was 17 and I always managed to pay my bills so quit your fucking whining.

I don't have to work, my husband does very well. I have health issues. And he doesn't work any 80 hours a week, either. We're newlyweds, and I know this surprises you, but he actually enjoys the pleasure of my company.

One man's poison is another man's medicine.
^a person cannot work two full time jobs. People need to sleep and eat, you know.
I would suggest getting a roommate, but people tend to be wary - you have to share the bills, and if you get a roommate who spends hours on the phone and brings the bill up, then why should you have to pay for it?

You should be able to afford a one bedroom apartment on minimum wage, working full time. You can forfeit everything else, all other luxuries, but you should be able to afford that house.


You're talking about 80 hours a week.

I regularly worked more than that for years. When I was in school I was working 50 hours a week, Summers I worked well over 100 a week

When we opened this business 6 years ago my wife and I both put in at least 90 hours a week.

And why do you have to be able to live in an apartment all by yourself. When I moved out at 17 I shared a place with 4 other guys.

Oh, good on you. No really; that's amazing. And you DO realize that not everybody enjoys the same health and stamina as you and your wife do? And some of us actually want to :gasp: ENJOY life?!

So let me see if I understand how this is going to work...because you want to "enjoy life" and only are willing to work 40 hours a week but still want your own'd like the people who have worked 80 hours a week getting a successful business going, to pay extra out of THEIR pockets to support your lifestyle choice? And you see that as "fair"?

Hmmm...interesting "take" on how Life works...
The minimum wage/living wage stuff is the Democrat's equivalent of flag-burning for the Rethugs. I don't even think the leaders proposing it take it seriously at all. It's just a whip to get the emotional base stirred up, and they recognize that it would be utterly bad policy to pursue in any serious fashion.
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All of this chat and NOT one person has answered my question
What is a living wage and by whos standard ?
did this in 1 minute

rent$ 400 per month small apt
food $400 per month basic foods
tv. phone $100 per month standard tv phone

car gas/ maintenance $100 small used car paid for

1000 per month
spending $100 per month generous
1100 per month
40 per week at min $7.50 $300
x4 1200 per month
leaving $100 per month SAVING
at that wage pay no tax and *qualifying * for food stamps rent allowance
Well no, because not all jobs are worth a living wage.

we could say all adult men with a wife and 5 kids must earn a living wage for all 7 people plus one dependent grandparent.

We could make wages relative to needs of worker as Marx wanted and not worry about consumer who must pay higher prices
What good is making 50K a year for bagging groceries when a loaf of bread will cost you 100 dollars?
What good is making 50K a year for bagging groceries when a loaf of bread will cost you 100 dollars?

and how efficient would your workers be if one got 50k because he had 7 dependents and another 15k for one dependent, both doing the same job. It would be sort of like paying welfare moms per child!! Liberals have so many great ideas!!
All of this chat and NOT one person has answered my question
What is a living wage and by whos standard ?
did this in 1 minute

rent$ 400 per month small apt
food $400 per month basic foods
tv. phone $100 per month standard tv phone

car gas/ maintenance $100 small used car paid for

1000 per month
spending $100 per month generous
1100 per month
40 per week at min $7.50 $300
x4 1200 per month
leaving $100 per month SAVING
at that wage pay no tax and *qualifying * for food stamps rent allowance

Answered early in the thread.

Should all jobs be required to pay at least a living wage?

Assume a living wage for the area, not a national one-size-fits-all standard.

Why or why not?

Define "living wage".

A wage that allows a person to be self-sufficient and have all basic needs met for an extended period of time. For this thread assume:


Without relying on anyone else.

You should read more and complain less.
Well no, because not all jobs are worth a living wage.

we could say all adult men with a wife and 5 kids must earn a living wage for all 7 people plus one dependent grandparent.

We could make wages relative to needs of worker as Marx wanted and not worry about consumer who must pay higher prices

sure and on the same theme why not base a excutives salary on how many yachts, houses , ex wifes , he has same thing :)
All of this chat and NOT one person has answered my question
What is a living wage and by whos standard ?
did this in 1 minute

rent$ 400 per month small apt
food $400 per month basic foods
tv. phone $100 per month standard tv phone

car gas/ maintenance $100 small used car paid for

1000 per month
spending $100 per month generous
1100 per month
40 per week at min $7.50 $300
x4 1200 per month
leaving $100 per month SAVING
at that wage pay no tax and *qualifying * for food stamps rent allowance

Answered early in the thread.

Define "living wage".

A wage that allows a person to be self-sufficient and have all basic needs met for an extended period of time. For this thread assume:


Without relying on anyone else.

You should read more and complain less.
health care is not a RIGHT ITS a benefit
TRANSPORTATION does not mean having to *own * a CAR
You should THINK before posting idiot

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