Should America enforce a no-fly zone over Ukraine?

I think the 56,000 Americans who lost their lives mainly due to Russian weapons would beg to differ with you (if they could).

Payback is always good. The Russians deserve it.

America is not going to go to war with Russia just because you have a grudge from 50 years ago.
America is not going to go to war with Russia just because you have a grudge from 50 years ago.
It is not about me you fucking idiot. It is about Russia arming an enemy of the US and now is the time to give the bastards a little dose of their own medicine.

Of course that won't happen because President Potatohead is a chickenshit coward and a dumbass to boot. He may not even know that Russia invaded Ukraine. His handlers may not of told him the deatails.
All it takes is a little courage to give the Ukrainians the weapons they need to kick the Russkies ass.

President Potatohead is sorely lacking in courage. The chickenshit sonofabitch won't even let the Poles give airplanes to the Ukrainians.

Meanwhile Ukraine children are being slaughtered by Russian air power.
And now that we've established that you can shut the hell up.
Sorry Moon Bat but you are a fucking idiot that don't know what you are talking about most of the time.

Have you even ever heard of the Vietnam War and know how the Russians armed the North Vietnamese Communists? Maybe you are a product of a public school education where you spent one class learning about post WWII History and a month learning about Martin Luther King Negro.

It will take courage to to arm the Ukrainians so they can effectively fight against the Russians. President Potatohead doesn't have that courage.
Sorry Moon Bat but you are a fucking idiot that don't know what you are talking about most of the time.

Have you even ever heard of the Vietnam War and know how the Russians armed the North Vietnamese Communists? Maybe you are a product of a public school education where you spent one class learning about post WWII History and a month learning about Martin Luther King Negro.

It will take courage to to arm the Ukrainians so they can effectively fight against the Russians. President Potatohead doesn't have that courage.
Zelensky has asked the US, Canada, and the UK to enforce a no-fly zone over Ukraine. Do you think that would be a wise move or end up in WWIII?
No, and yes it will escalate into a wider and bigger war that will drag many nations into it while with the possibility of a Nuclear end game…

As much as I am rooting for the Ukraine the fact is this is not a war we want to start at any moment, so those agreeing we should, well I disagree and not because of Putin but because we shouldn’t start something that can end not only humanity but destroy this planet…
Ronald Reagan had the courage to arm the Afghans with Stinger Missiles and he didn't give a shit if the Russians liked it or not.

He also had the courage (along with Thacher and Kohl) to put Pershing II missiles in Europe when all the Left Wingers were screaming that it would start WWIII with the Russians. That caused the collapse of the Soviet Union.

President Potatohead doesn't even have the courage to try to tie his own shoes without help from "Doctor" Jill.

Well, this is a big lie. Right now the Russians are winning this war and winning it decisively. The fact is that the Ukrainian army’s command-and-control system is completely broken. The Ukrainian forces do not have an overall defensive strategy, for all intents and purposes, each unit is on its own. The Russians have successfully surrounded Kiev and Kharkov, the major cities. They’ve also surrounded and are in the process of pacifying Mariupol, so in the end, the Russians are winning. And most important of all, the Russians seem to have completely surrounded, and are currently, in all likelihood, annihilating the 60,000-strong army of the Ukraines which is currently in eastern Ukraine.

Not many people are talking about it but you should pay attention to that, that’s really important, because those 60,000 men represent the cream of the crop of the Ukrainian armed forces and they are
surrounded. Not only are they surrounded, there is no possibility of them being refueled or resupplied so it’s only a matter of time to either overwhelm them, overrun them, or annihilate them. It’s as simple as that….
Idiotically uninformed comment. For actual day-to-day military updates, try Institute for the Study of War
On the U.S.-imposed “no-fly zone” — I was against it in Syria when Hillary Clinton proposed it against Assad and even more against it here. Not necessary either. The Russian bombing is overwhelmingly done by artillery, and long distance by missiles. Russia has lost many planes and is not controlling the skies even now, as they fear the many effective stingers provided the Ukrainians free of charge. U.S. has supplied the best high-tech weapons to the Ukrainians, and is now also providing long-distance anti-aircraft defense missiles, highly effective anti-armor shoulder carried rockets, etc. The Ukrainians have stopped the Russian offensives and will probably start soon to throw them back slowly. The Ukrainian fighters actually outnumber the Russians, are more motivated, and now well armed and increasingly experienced.

The war may continue awhile, but bloody Putin has failed in all his major objectives, and his invasion has backfired in many ways.
No, but it would lead to a wider conflict and cause greater damage and casualties. If the U.S. had sent a small force into Western Ukraine at the beginning, it could have established a de facto no-fly zone over that part of the country. That would have put us on more even ground from which to negotiate with Russia over Ukraine's status.
He couldn't because it was against nato. Remember them?
I'm no Nostradamus but if the coalition was big enough, I don't think the Russians would go all-out nuclear. Russia doesn't have enough nukes to hit the US, Canada, the UK, and NATO all together.
How could you possibly know that? You are under estimating them because they are communist. Dont be fooled by that.
It's all a roll of the dice at this point.
From an American nationalistic viewpoint the US should not get involved in European entanglements.
I don't think the location, Europe or any where, has anything to do with it. You went into Vietnam and Iraq for all the wrong reasons
However, from a humanitarian viewpoint the Russians should not be allowed to get away with the brutality against civilians we have seen in Ukraine.
I agree. But without dropping a few bombs, they will not stop.
If I were the potus, I'd be giving them a deadline to stop. If they didn't they get blanketed. You cannot defend humanitarian rights without entering the country to stop it. But I might be wrong too.
Kind of a conundrum, isn't it?
All it takes is a little courage to give the Ukrainians the weapons they need to kick the Russkies ass.

President Potatohead is sorely lacking in courage. The chickenshit sonofabitch won't even let the Poles give airplanes to the Ukrainians.

Meanwhile Ukraine children are being slaughtered by Russian air power.
The U.S is giving Ukraine a billion dollars in military aid. That is more than enough.
The U.S is giving Ukraine a billion dollars in military aid. That is more than enough.
What is "enough" is what is necessary to arm the Ukrainians sufficiently to drive the Russians out.

We should have been arming them long before now.

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