Should Burka be banned?

Should Burka be banned?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 36 51.4%
  • No.

    Votes: 34 48.6%

  • Total voters
Sharia law is an actual LAW that is practiced in Muslim countries.

lol, which countries?

Have a map.


Application of Islamic law by country - Wikipedia
The green ones are the ones where the law is only based on it. The rest, Sharia takes increasing precedence.

Based on it? You mean like - THOUGH SHALL NOT KILL?

Reguardless, asking a seriously religious Muslims if they preffer Sharia law to American law is like asking very religious Christians if they preffer 10 Comandments to American law.

It's a FALSE choice.
Sharia law is an actual LAW that is practiced in Muslim countries.

lol, which countries?

Have a map.


Application of Islamic law by country - Wikipedia
The green ones are the ones where the law is only based on it. The rest, Sharia takes increasing precedence.

Based on it? You mean like - THOUGH SHALL NOT KILL?

Reguardless, asking a Muslim if they preffer Sharia law to American law is like asking a Christian if they preffer 10 comandments to American law. They are not mutually exclusive.

For fuck sake, how many times must I go through this. 10 commandments is not a legal system!

No legal system has ever operated based on only 10 commandments. I am not even a Christian so what in the fuck is it that you are babbling about?

You are just being dumb, because you want to defend Islam and try to make it equivalent to Christianity even though they aren't equivalent. If you think Islam is a good idea, no one is keeping you in this country.

I am a cop. It's not legal to drive with a burka because it obstructs vision. It's perfectly legal to drive with a hijab and a lot of women do where I work. If the identity of a burka-wearing woman needs to be confirmed, there are procedures in place for female officers to do the identification.
Not if they step into a convenience store with a gun and demand cash (no cop present - cameras useless)
France did it as well a while back. It seems to American thinking that one should be able to dress as one chooses. At the same time, if one covers one's face, one cannot expect to conduct affairs as others do. Choices have consequences.
Certainly, we don't like to see this symbol of yielding to male weakness and dominance. Women should be as free as their brothers. That they are not, where they are not, is an indictment of our civilization.
TRUE. Acceptance of Islam is inexcusable . It is immoral, and in the US, it is illegal.
Hahahahahahaha did you just twist my words right after I explained to you ?

Nope I respect the American law.

Now answer my question :)

The question was not what you respect, but which do you PREFER.

And your inability to answer the question told us the answer long ago.
Since you think what my answer is kind and answer my question then :).

At least Saudi Arabia has done all those things. A country of 32 million people. But it doesn't matter, every Muslim country is behind the West massively. Not executing women for being raped is by no means the end all goal here, it's just the basics of the basics.

Oh I indeed think I just read your mind. You prefer Sharia law over US law.
She asked for 5 and you have named one. Saudi, US ally, is a pretty disgusting place but they are not the whole muslim experience. I think you need to do some reading on a subject before airing your views because,without facts they are worthless.

So which fact did I get wrong?

Here is a fact, the average IQ of Muslim countries is about 80. Many if not most Muslims prefer Sharia law and at least one Muslim identified in this thread bashes Americans constantly, even when Muslim countries are shit holes. Why should we take these people in?

Denmark had enough. People getting killed over a cartoon is no joke.
Can you provide a link for your claims ?
And no we love america but it's not flawless , in fact nothing is.
Stop making baseless assumptions and spreading lies.
Since you think what my answer is kind and answer my question then :).

At least Saudi Arabia has done all those things. A country of 32 million people. But it doesn't matter, every Muslim country is behind the West massively. Not executing women for being raped is by no means the end all goal here, it's just the basics of the basics.

Oh I indeed think I just read your mind. You prefer Sharia law over US law.
She asked for 5 and you have named one. Saudi, US ally, is a pretty disgusting place but they are not the whole muslim experience. I think you need to do some reading on a subject before airing your views because,without facts they are worthless.

So which fact did I get wrong?

Here is a fact, the average IQ of Muslim countries is about 80. Many if not most Muslims prefer Sharia law and at least one Muslim identified in this thread bashes Americans constantly, even when Muslim countries are shit holes. Why should we take these people in?

Denmark had enough. People getting killed over a cartoon is no joke.

You use a broad brush to make your point . The world is more complicated than fox would have you believe.

You made some claims about muslim countries regarding the burqa, throwing gays off rooftops,marryng 9 year olds and stoning adulterers.

Issa asked you to back it up and you patently cant do so.

You should not make such accusations when you have no idea what you are talking about. The information is out there if you look.

I rather suspect that you just dont like muslims.

I should watch Fox news. Whenever I make a smart point and some idiot doesn't understand it, I get blamed for watching Fox news. They must be brilliant.

It doesn't matter if it's only one country of 32 million people, or all 56 countries. ALL*) of the countries are still shit holes and still have major issues. And of course they are completely anti-thetical to any kind of Western values. They prefer Sharia, all of them.

I suspect I hate morons, and that would include you.

*) Apart from the three or so countries rich with oil.
You got caught lying and what you do ? Insult us...not only you are ignorant, bigot but you are also a coward. The guy corrected you nicely and politely, what you do? You insult him. Go pick a book please!!!
I'm sorry Claudette, what's so funny about this...

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

"Bake that fucking cake, peasant"

Nice apples and oranges...

Anti-discrimination Laws Don’t Burden Religious Freedom—They Secure It | Public Rights Private Conscience Project

Wow, what an attempt at doublethink. "We are making you more free by oppressing you"

All you are still doing is justifying government thuggery over a cake.
Denmark has banned the outfit of woman hate:

Leftists and feminists, should we also ban this tool of oppression?

On a related note, congratulations to Denmark on finally growing some balls and standing up against the invasion!

Not in America.

If you want to wear one, it falls under pursuit of happiness.

petty tyrants can fuck off

I think in certain situations one can be compelled to show ones face, but only in narrow constructs.

An interesting situation is if someone in a burka is a witness in a criminal proceeding, as a person has the right to face one's accusers.


same goes for getting a dl or being asked to prove who you are.

I'm simply against tyranny even if that means I have to deal with things I don't like.

I agree 100%. A ban is a stupid idea, but those who wear it must realize that in certain situation, you have to show your face.
I think in the US, all burka-wearers should be executed by firing squad with bacon-grease dipped bullets. Their men, too.
I don't think it's anyone's business how a person's religion compels them to dress...

Did you used to be a cop? What would you do if you pulled over someone wearing a burka? How could you tell if the person driving is the one on the ID since that too probably is covered with a burka.

There is no place in America for that shit. None.

I agree. This is America not some Middle East shithole where women are nothing but slaves.

If they don't like it they can go back to the shithole they crawled out of.
Sweetheart here are some facts for you...Muslim countries had 8 women presidents , while the US call every woman that comes close to be a president a nasty woman.
The oldest university ever was built by a Muslim woman before the US was even a country.
Muslim women are highly respected and the US 1 in 4 women was molested in her life time....women getting raped and killed is a daily occurrence....women are looked at as sex objects, women have 0 value that a pussy grabber managed to win the presidency.

Here's some facts for you.

Under Sharia law, which Muslims practice, woman are nothing but slaves.

They have no rights. They can be stoned, can be subjected to genital mutilation, have to dress in a slave costume and are pretty much at the whim of their husbands. Oh and they have arranged marriages. What a life,

Great life for any woman. Oh and they can have their pussy's grabbed and have 0 value.

Highly respected and valued?? You live in your own world. Women are chattel in the Muslim world.
I'm sorry Claudette, what's so funny about this...

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

"Bake that fucking cake, peasant"

Nice apples and oranges...

Anti-discrimination Laws Don’t Burden Religious Freedom—They Secure It | Public Rights Private Conscience Project

Wow, what an attempt at doublethink. "We are making you more free by oppressing you"

All you are still doing is justifying government thuggery over a cake.

No, I'm pointing out the fact that right to freely practice your religion has nothing to do with public accommodation law. The SCOTUS determined that long before bigots had to bake cakes for gays. You know when they determined that, right? (It wasn't recently).
Is there a hole in the mask to slurp slushies in the hot sun? At least they get to wear comfortable Nikies in the 6th century. The question is why aren't modern American women outraged at the sight of adult women being forced (by liberal religious men) to wear such garb. It's a tribute to the American media.
Quite. It’s a mystery to me why feminists and women in general think this is OK. Invariably they pretend to believe that the majority of these muslim women want to dress like this in the West.

I'll ask the same think of you that I asked the OP and did not get any response to. The concern for women I suspect, is just a ruse -a thinly veiled attempt to take the edge off of your bigotry

This is what I asked:

So, your concern is the oppression of women? Very commendable but oppression and discrimination takes many form and , while not always so visible, it can be just as insidious right here in the USA. Take for example

10 Surprising Statistics on Women in the Workplace

Tell us which of these practices you are concerned about and are working to remedy.

Then, we can talk about access to reproductive health care which is a problem for many women

We can also talk about the Equal Rights (for women) Amendment that has been hanging out there for a few decades..

Tell us about all of your concerns about how women are treated. Not just Muslim women
He didn’t answer you because you are going totally off topic.
Why are you soooooo desperate to derail and change the subject??

Here’s the title of this thread:

Should Burka be banned?

If you don’t want to discuss the topic of the OP gtfo and start your own thread! Will you be able to manage that since it’s not about gays??? Lol.

Shit girl! Are you serious ? The OP and others raised the issue of oppressing of women ! I challenged them on their actual concern for women. That is not changing the subject. It is calling them out on their hypocrisy . Deal with it!
Look at the title, moron. Can’t bring yourself to start a thread that’s not about gays???
Thank you for admitting that you have to use personal attacks to mask the fact that you can't come up with an intelligent response to the valid points that I made.

And, you stupidly allege that I am trying to change the subject by discussing the oppression of women when the OP and others have already opened that door as part of the Burka issue. Something is seriously wrong with that.
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Of course not - This is AMERICA. We do not tell people how they should dress here or what religion, traditions or customs they practice. Not even a Klansmen's robe or Hitler outfit as long as they are obeying the law.
So people who come to this country must be stripped of every vestige of their heritage and culture and totally and instantly become just like us?

You're right, Muslims who come here should be allowed to own slaves.
Just like at home, eh?
Don't want to claim our culture is any better than theirs.
That is fucking stupid!! I did not say that they should not live according to our legal structure. Ya know , the funny thing is that it semsto be the same right wing nuts who blather about religious freedom to allow Christians to discriminate against others in the name of God, also are unconcerned about religious freedom for non Christians. Fucking hypocrites

That is fucking stupid!!

I agree, your original point was fucking stupid.

What about female genital mutilation?
Just a cute little custom and we should mind our own business?
9 year old girls marrying? Is that a vestige we should allow?
Stoning adulterers? Throwing gays off buildings? Raping infidels?

Why don't you think that Americans- of any religion- should have to follow the law in the United States?

Muslims have to stop doing the things that break our laws?

They won't be very happy about it...…..
What are they doing that breaks our laws Smiley?

Female genital mutilation.
The occasional honor killing.
Certain "customs" and "practices" are, indeed, not permitted in the U.S., even if a person 'believes' in them and can point to religious texts. Genital mutilation of girls is not permitted. Polygamy is not permitted. Animal, and certainly human, sacrifice is not permitted. Any culture would have to limit some conduct eventually, despite the most sincere devotion to maximum religious freedom. Just banning a form of clothing does not fall under that category. If that choice of clothing obscures identity, then certain actions and access may logically be limited.
Thank you for admitting that you have to use personal attacks to mask the fact that you can't come up with an intelligent response to the valid points that I made.

You do nothing but make personal attacks, yet whine like a snowflake when you are treated how you treat others. Tough! And you ARE a moron.

This OP is not about reproductive rights nor any of the other issues you are trying to derail this thread with.

This below is the topic and it’s quite specific:

Should the burqa be banned.

If you can’t address the OP gtfo and start your own thread.
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Under Sharia law, which Muslims practice, woman are nothing but slaves.
They have no rights. They can be stoned, can be subjected to genital mutilation, have to dress in a slave costume and are pretty much at the whim of their husbands. Oh and they have arranged marriages. What a life, Great life for any woman. Oh and they can have their pussy's grabbed and have 0 value.
^^^^ Winner for most retarded post of the year. ... :cuckoo: ... :lol: :lol:
So people who come to this country must be stripped of every vestige of their heritage and culture and totally and instantly become just like us?

You're right, Muslims who come here should be allowed to own slaves.
Just like at home, eh?
Don't want to claim our culture is any better than theirs.
That is fucking stupid!! I did not say that they should not live according to our legal structure. Ya know , the funny thing is that it semsto be the same right wing nuts who blather about religious freedom to allow Christians to discriminate against others in the name of God, also are unconcerned about religious freedom for non Christians. Fucking hypocrites

That is fucking stupid!!

I agree, your original point was fucking stupid.

What about female genital mutilation?
Just a cute little custom and we should mind our own business?
9 year old girls marrying? Is that a vestige we should allow?
Stoning adulterers? Throwing gays off buildings? Raping infidels?

Why don't you think that Americans- of any religion- should have to follow the law in the United States?

Muslims have to stop doing the things that break our laws?

They won't be very happy about it...…..

I think that everyone in America should stop doing things that break our laws.

Why do you think that only applies to Muslims?

I agree, we should pass an anti-burka law today.

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