Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
My sympathies go out to the bitch that was dumb enough to marry you.
Be polite. You're supposed to be Pro-Family, remember?

That was polite. I'm pro family but some families, or at least part of them, need sympathy because of the one they married.
That version of polite would have found you over a knee in my house. Who raised you, wolves?
I was raised by people who expected you to tell the truth despite how much it hurt the one hearing it.
Okay, so you were raised by wolves, got it now. And I hate PC, it gets in the way, but I was raised to be polite and at times that means lying.

In other words: you are a two-faced weasel raised by two-faced weasels.
Be polite. You're supposed to be Pro-Family, remember?

That was polite. I'm pro family but some families, or at least part of them, need sympathy because of the one they married.
That version of polite would have found you over a knee in my house. Who raised you, wolves?
I was raised by people who expected you to tell the truth despite how much it hurt the one hearing it.
Okay, so you were raised by wolves, got it now. And I hate PC, it gets in the way, but I was raised to be polite and at times that means lying.

In other words: you are a two-faced weasel raised by two-faced weasels.

He admitted it's OK to lie. Not much character there.
That was polite. I'm pro family but some families, or at least part of them, need sympathy because of the one they married.
That version of polite would have found you over a knee in my house. Who raised you, wolves?
I was raised by people who expected you to tell the truth despite how much it hurt the one hearing it.
Okay, so you were raised by wolves, got it now. And I hate PC, it gets in the way, but I was raised to be polite and at times that means lying.

In other words: you are a two-faced weasel raised by two-faced weasels.

He admitted it's OK to lie. Not much character there.
Lying is more than okay, it's even necessary for one to be polite, or to govern for that matter, but you were raised by wolves so there you go.
Be polite. You're supposed to be Pro-Family, remember?

That was polite. I'm pro family but some families, or at least part of them, need sympathy because of the one they married.
That version of polite would have found you over a knee in my house. Who raised you, wolves?
I was raised by people who expected you to tell the truth despite how much it hurt the one hearing it.
Okay, so you were raised by wolves, got it now. And I hate PC, it gets in the way, but I was raised to be polite and at times that means lying.

In other words: you are a two-faced weasel raised by two-faced weasels.
Nope. Are you a child by chance? Only they are told not to lie.
That version of polite would have found you over a knee in my house. Who raised you, wolves?
I was raised by people who expected you to tell the truth despite how much it hurt the one hearing it.
Okay, so you were raised by wolves, got it now. And I hate PC, it gets in the way, but I was raised to be polite and at times that means lying.

In other words: you are a two-faced weasel raised by two-faced weasels.

He admitted it's OK to lie. Not much character there.
Lying is more than okay, it's even necessary for one to be polite, or to govern for that matter, but you were raised by wolves so there you go.

That's show your low level character much like the trash that butt fucked and shit you out.
That was polite. I'm pro family but some families, or at least part of them, need sympathy because of the one they married.
That version of polite would have found you over a knee in my house. Who raised you, wolves?
I was raised by people who expected you to tell the truth despite how much it hurt the one hearing it.
Okay, so you were raised by wolves, got it now. And I hate PC, it gets in the way, but I was raised to be polite and at times that means lying.

In other words: you are a two-faced weasel raised by two-faced weasels.
Nope. Are you a child by chance? Only they are told not to lie.

That you think lying is OK shows low character. If you have to lie to get ahead it means you have no ability to do so on your own.
That version of polite would have found you over a knee in my house. Who raised you, wolves?
I was raised by people who expected you to tell the truth despite how much it hurt the one hearing it.
Okay, so you were raised by wolves, got it now. And I hate PC, it gets in the way, but I was raised to be polite and at times that means lying.

In other words: you are a two-faced weasel raised by two-faced weasels.
Nope. Are you a child by chance? Only they are told not to lie.

That you think lying is OK shows low character. If you have to lie to get ahead it means you have no ability to do so on your own.
Not get ahead, get along. Are you a child? That's the kind of thing they would say.
What is more disturbing that Paint lying and saying it's OK to lie is that he's lying about the poll at the top of the page. And he knows that if his LGBT cult pulls off their coup by the illegal lower circuit decisions attempting to overrule Baker 1971 and Windsor 2013, before the ink is dry on any gay marriage federal mandate there will be lawsuits filed upon churches and the temple of the individual christian's mind to force this cult's lifestyle-dogma onto those that cannot practice or aide it in any way (those that believe the mortal mandate of Jude 1 of the New Testament)..
At least we got the conversation off the OP. Now maybe this woeful thread will die.
This thread is in Zone 2. Stick to the topic and not each other.
At least we got the conversation off the OP. Now maybe this woeful thread will die.
This thread is in Zone 2. Stick to the topic and not each other.
With the previous post, I direct the moderator to note that a deliberate wish on behalf of the LGBT sock puppetry guild that this thread would be killed by a flame war or other such manufactured "thread-killing" diversion.

Again, the thread should not pay the price for the actions of those intent on killing it purposefully through artifice. They want those unbelievably weighty numbers in the poll to disappear forever. That has been their game all along. Those numbers hugely interfere with smoke and mirrors. Their zeal for concealing the truth to paint a new reality to the liking of their dogma in preference and domination over christian principles is concerning.

Kudos to the staff here for maintaining freedom of speech. And now we all see what diabolical lengths those intent on suppressing free speech will go to.

If I ran a website, one of the worst offenses that would get posters permanently banned would be this type of artifice geared to suppress free speech in others. Your free speech limits stop right at the threshold of forcibly depriving others of them using artifice.
Last edited:
In other words, should we use anti-discrimination laws to force Bible-believing churches to host ceremonies that we know they will find morally offensive when we know we could easily find other churches or facilities that would be willing to host the ceremonies?

And should we use anti-discrimination laws to force Christian photographers to attend and service ceremonies that we know they will find morally offensive when we know we could easily find other photographers who would not mind servicing the ceremonies?

If the gay rights crowd would practice a little tolerance and respect, this would not even be an issue. It's not that they "need" to hold their ceremonies in conservative churches or "need" to have Christian photographers service their ceremonies--it's that they want to do so because they want to insult and humiliate conservative Christians.

It's not merely "morally offensive" to christians. If you read Jude 1, it is a FUCKING MANDATE, that if they are foolish enough to ignore in favor of social expediency or some other such secular pressures, they are thrown into the pit of fire for eternity as if they were worse than the homosexual culture they failed to prevent advancing.

I mean, right in Jude 1 it discusses precisely how secular pressures have been used in the past and would be used again in the future to make christians promote a homosexual subculture.
At least we got the conversation off the OP. Now maybe this woeful thread will die.
This thread is in Zone 2. Stick to the topic and not each other.
With the previous post, I direct the moderator to note that a deliberate wish on behalf of the LGBT sock puppetry guild that this thread would be killed by a flame war or other such manufactured "thread-killing" diversion.

Again, the thread should not pay the price for the actions of those intent on killing it purposefully through artifice. They want those unbelievably weighty numbers in the poll to disappear forever. That has been their game all along. Those numbers hugely interfere with smoke and mirrors. Their zeal for concealing the truth to paint a new reality to the liking of their dogma in preference and domination over christian principles is concerning.

Kudos to the staff here for maintaining freedom of speech. And now we all see what diabolical lengths those intent on suppressing free speech will go to.

If I ran a website, one of the worst offenses that would get posters permanently banned would be this type of artifice geared to suppress free speech in others. Your free speech limits stop right at the threshold of forcibly depriving others of them using artifice.

On point- no church will ever be forced to accomodate homosexual, or black or jewish or Armenian weddings- or should be.

Just as no Catholic Church has ever been forced to marry a jewish couple, no church will ever be forced to marry any couple that does not meet that church's requirements.
I, for one, am not trying to stifle free speech...I just grow weary of beating dead horses. The point has been made. Move on....I say.
I, for one, am not trying to stifle free speech...I just grow weary of beating dead horses. The point has been made. Move on....I say.

Little tip for you...commenting in the thread keeps it alive.
Thanks for the stop keeping it alive. This reply will disappear in 30 seconds.
That version of polite would have found you over a knee in my house. Who raised you, wolves?

Please do not air your sexual perversions on this forum. Those discussions should be limited to you and your shrink.
Spankings, naps. and vegetables, things children hate and adults enjoy. Sorry little man.

Toddlers, old men, and pregnant women enjoy naps. Which one are you...a crochety old fart, a child, or a pregnant woman?
I was raised by people who expected you to tell the truth despite how much it hurt the one hearing it.
Okay, so you were raised by wolves, got it now. And I hate PC, it gets in the way, but I was raised to be polite and at times that means lying.

In other words: you are a two-faced weasel raised by two-faced weasels.
Nope. Are you a child by chance? Only they are told not to lie.

That you think lying is OK shows low character. If you have to lie to get ahead it means you have no ability to do so on your own.
Not get ahead, get along. Are you a child? That's the kind of thing they would say.

I get along fine without being a two-faced weasel.

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