Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
Okay, so you were raised by wolves, got it now. And I hate PC, it gets in the way, but I was raised to be polite and at times that means lying.

In other words: you are a two-faced weasel raised by two-faced weasels.
Nope. Are you a child by chance? Only they are told not to lie.

That you think lying is OK shows low character. If you have to lie to get ahead it means you have no ability to do so on your own.
Not get ahead, get along. Are you a child? That's the kind of thing they would say.

I get along fine without being a two-faced weasel.
Mr. President, when do we bomb Iran?
Honey, does this dress make me look fat?
Daddy, how does Santa get down the chimney?

If you can't lie well in all three cases, you're a child not a man. Lying makes the world go round, especially the Nobel Lie.
You can also steal and cheat too. Don't forget. You can murder or really do anything you want as long as you justify it in your mind...

Let us know when you touch back to reality. You say "since no man is perfect, perfection is a stupid ideal". So you remove the brass ring and pray for helter-skelter. The Manson family would have loved you.

You are an evil person Paint. You are the reason religion exists in the first place.
You can also steal and cheat too. Don't forget. You can murder or really do anything you want as long as you justify it in your mind...

Let us know when you touch back to reality. You say "since no man is perfect, perfection is a stupid ideal". So you remove the brass ring and pray for helter-skelter. The Manson family would have loved you.

You are an evil person Paint. You are the reason religion exists in the first place.
Men are the reason that religion exists and men are evil therefore, religion is evil. However, lying can be a very kind and even necessary thing. Only child believe lying is bad. Lying, like anything other human thing, is a tool. Use it properly and it will serve you, and others, well.
Men are the reason that religion exists and men are evil therefore, religion is evil. However, lying can be a very kind and even necessary thing. Only child believe lying is bad. Lying, like anything other human thing, is a tool. Use it properly and it will serve you, and others, well.
Well, that's what you think.

Thankfully most of us are here striving to better ourselves. Sometimes keeping your mouth shut is better than lying..
In other words: you are a two-faced weasel raised by two-faced weasels.
Nope. Are you a child by chance? Only they are told not to lie.

That you think lying is OK shows low character. If you have to lie to get ahead it means you have no ability to do so on your own.
Not get ahead, get along. Are you a child? That's the kind of thing they would say.

I get along fine without being a two-faced weasel.
Mr. President, when do we bomb Iran?
Honey, does this dress make me look fat?
Daddy, how does Santa get down the chimney?

If you can't lie well in all three cases, you're a child not a man. Lying makes the world go round, especially the Nobel Lie.

Stop tap-dancing. You are (still) a dishonest, two-faced weasel.
Stop tap-dancing. You are (still) a dishonest, two-faced weasel.

Now now Jar Jar. You're just mad that I nailed Paint. :itsok:

BTW, it's two tin soldiers, not just one. Me and Judge Sutton of the 6th circuit....well there's a few tens of million others too. Check this Fall's election results...or the poll results at the top of this page and get back to me..
Well, the Issue noted by the OP was largely responsible for the Landslide Victory of Conservatives in the last two elections, wherein well over 1200 Democrats were dismissed from Public office across the US, in every facet of Local, State and Federal Governance.
Stop tap-dancing. You are (still) a dishonest, two-faced weasel.

Now now Jar Jar. You're just mad that I nailed Paint. :itsok:

BTW, it's two tin soldiers, not just one. Me and Judge Sutton of the 6th circuit....well there's a few tens of million others too. Check this Fall's election results...or the poll results at the top of this page and get back to me..

If I wanted your opinion, bitch, I would give it to you. You're also a two-faced weasel, but unlike PMH, you do not revel in it.

Sil still insists she understands Sutton and represents America on this issue
Men are the reason that religion exists and men are evil therefore, religion is evil. However, lying can be a very kind and even necessary thing. Only child believe lying is bad. Lying, like anything other human thing, is a tool. Use it properly and it will serve you, and others, well.
Well, that's what you think.

Thankfully most of us are here striving to better ourselves. Sometimes keeping your mouth shut is better than lying..
Your better self needs to learn how to lie, and when.
Stop tap-dancing. You are (still) a dishonest, two-faced weasel.

Now now Jar Jar. You're just mad that I nailed Paint. :itsok:

BTW, it's two tin soldiers, not just one. Me and Judge Sutton of the 6th circuit....well there's a few tens of million others too. Check this Fall's election results...or the poll results at the top of this page and get back to me..

If I wanted your opinion, bitch, I would give it to you. You're also a two-faced weasel, but unlike PMH, you do not revel in it.

ROFLMNAO! I SO adore the sweeter ironies.
Now now Jar Jar. You're just mad that I nailed Paint. :itsok:

BTW, it's two tin soldiers, not just one. Me and Judge Sutton of the 6th circuit....well there's a few tens of million others too. Check this Fall's election results...or the poll results at the top of this page and get back to me..

If I wanted your opinion, bitch, I would give it to you. You're also a two-faced weasel, but unlike PMH, you do not revel in it.

Ha, got busy and missed this little gem from Jar Jar. :lmao:

ROFLMNAO! I SO adore the sweeter ironies.

I know, right?
Jar Jar is just really mad that this thread exposes the fact that 82% of Americans feel same sex marriage doesn't belong forced into christian establishments; which would also include the minds of the faithful. So that really reflects poorly on any numbers his cult claims are "in support of gay marriage". If they're in support, it is very lukewarm indeed. Look at the way the "no" question was worded... And the vast number of people who voted here.
Jar Jar is just really mad that this thread exposes the fact that 82% of Americans feel same sex marriage doesn't belong forced into christian .

Pretty much everyone here who supports gay marriage- such as myself- also have said churches should not- and will not be forced to allow gay, jewish, black or any other marriage that churches do not want to perform.

Just a boogeyman by the homophobes to scare Americans.
Jar Jar is just really mad that this thread exposes the fact that 82% of Americans feel same sex marriage doesn't belong forced into christian establishments; which would also include the minds of the faithful. So that really reflects poorly on any numbers his cult claims are "in support of gay marriage". If they're in support, it is very lukewarm indeed. Look at the way the "no" question was worded... And the vast number of people who voted here.

No, Silly, you are lying, again and still.
Jar Jar is just really mad that this thread exposes the fact that 82% of Americans feel same sex marriage doesn't belong forced into christian .

Pretty much everyone here who supports gay marriage- such as myself- also have said churches should not- and will not be forced to allow gay, jewish, black or any other marriage that churches do not want to perform.

Just a boogeyman by the homophobes to scare Americans.

I don't know, they forced or tried to force a Christian Cake Baker to capitulate on the issue, and this instead of respecting his religious views and lifestyle in which he lives, but they weren't going to stand for it were they ? Then they attacked Phil of Duck Dynasty because he is a Christian, next it was the Dugger family , and then there is the Christian Photographer and on and on it all goes. I mean do you blame anyone for being skeptical about what these people are up to, and how far they are willing to go in order to silence all opposition to their lifestyle choices in America ? The Christians because of what the Bible teaches them, I think is one of their biggest targets to deal with by them, and that is why you see the Christians being attacked like they are now, and it is why everything that is Christian is attempted to be taken down or made an outcast in society now, so stay tuned is all I'm saying because they and the atheist or others who oppose Christian power in society, aren't done yet by no stretch of the imagination.. It can only get worse for the Christians as times are changing faster than a speeding locomotive now, and the way things are changing seems to put the Christians right in the bulls eye of these groups as they gain more and more power.

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