Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
Jar Jar is just really mad that this thread exposes the fact that 82% of Americans feel same sex marriage doesn't belong forced into christian .

Pretty much everyone here who supports gay marriage- such as myself- also have said churches should not- and will not be forced to allow gay, jewish, black or any other marriage that churches do not want to perform.

Just a boogeyman by the homophobes to scare Americans.

I don't know, they forced or tried to force a Christian Cake Baker to capitulate on the issue, .

Business's are not churches.

Pretty much everyone here who supports gay marriage- such as myself- also have said churches should not- and will not be forced to allow gay, jewish, black or any other marriage that churches do not want to perform.

Just a boogeyman by the homophobes to scare Americans
Jar Jar is just really mad that this thread exposes the fact that 82% of Americans feel same sex marriage doesn't belong forced into christian .

Pretty much everyone here who supports gay marriage- such as myself- also have said churches should not- and will not be forced to allow gay, jewish, black or any other marriage that churches do not want to perform.

Just a boogeyman by the homophobes to scare Americans.

I don't know, they forced or tried to force a Christian Cake Baker to capitulate on the issue, .

Business's are not churches.

Pretty much everyone here who supports gay marriage- such as myself- also have said churches should not- and will not be forced to allow gay, jewish, black or any other marriage that churches do not want to perform.

Just a boogeyman by the homophobes to scare Americans
If there were only a certain amount businesses in America to choose from, then I might understand your position on things, but that isn't the case at all an you know it. So the only thing I can think of is that this is all agenda driven, and not so much about the suggesting that they are refusing their very important life sustaining services to you, and you just have no place else to go, but it's more about let's set them up and then destroy them and their bigotry and/or belief systems.
Jar Jar is just really mad that this thread exposes the fact that 82% of Americans feel same sex marriage doesn't belong forced into christian .

Pretty much everyone here who supports gay marriage- such as myself- also have said churches should not- and will not be forced to allow gay, jewish, black or any other marriage that churches do not want to perform.

Just a boogeyman by the homophobes to scare Americans.

I don't know, they forced or tried to force a Christian Cake Baker to capitulate on the issue, .

Business's are not churches.

Pretty much everyone here who supports gay marriage- such as myself- also have said churches should not- and will not be forced to allow gay, jewish, black or any other marriage that churches do not want to perform.

Just a boogeyman by the homophobes to scare Americans
If there were only a certain amount businesses in America to choose from, then I might understand your position on things, but that isn't the case at all an you know it. So the only thing I can think of is that this is all agenda driven, and not so much about the suggesting that they are refusing their very important life sustaining services to you, and you just have no place else to go, but it's more about let's set them up and then destroy them and their bigotry and/or belief systems.

Allow me to direct your attention to the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Title II:


OOOSEC. 201. (a) All persons shall be entitled to the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, and privileges, advantages, and accommodations of any place of public accommodation, as defined in this section, without discrimination or segregation on the ground of race, color, religion, or national origin.

Either repeal it and abolish all PA laws or STFU because in some places they also protect gays.
If those who oppose gay marriage were smart , they would claim that homosexuality is a mental defect and therefor those who are gay are legally not able to consent to ANY marriage

And use SeaBytch and Bodecea as proof of this mental illness.
If those who oppose gay marriage were smart , they would claim that homosexuality is a mental defect and therefor those who are gay are legally not able to consent to ANY marriage

And use SeaBytch and Bodecea as proof of this mental illness.

Oh look, Dumber than a Doornail has decided that he can't discuss the actual topic anymore and instead has resorted to animus and deflection. Well played!
Jar Jar is just really mad that this thread exposes the fact that 82% of Americans feel same sex marriage doesn't belong forced into christian .

Pretty much everyone here who supports gay marriage- such as myself- also have said churches should not- and will not be forced to allow gay, jewish, black or any other marriage that churches do not want to perform.

Just a boogeyman by the homophobes to scare Americans.

I don't know, they forced or tried to force a Christian Cake Baker to capitulate on the issue, .

Business's are not churches.

Pretty much everyone here who supports gay marriage- such as myself- also have said churches should not- and will not be forced to allow gay, jewish, black or any other marriage that churches do not want to perform.

Just a boogeyman by the homophobes to scare Americans
If there were only a certain amount businesses in America to choose from, then I might understand your position on things, but that isn't the case at all an you know it. So the only thing I can think of is that this is all agenda driven, and not so much about the suggesting that they are refusing their very important life sustaining services to you, and you just have no place else to go, but it's more about let's set them up and then destroy them and their bigotry and/or belief systems.

What part of business's are not churches do you not understand?

Pretty much everyone here who supports gay marriage- such as myself- also have said churches should not- and will not be forced to allow gay, jewish, black or any other marriage that churches do not want to perform

Any business which believes that their rights are being violated because they are being required by law to serve someone that they don't want to has the same options as anyone else- such as gay couples who want to get legally married- has to fight a law they disagree with- either:

a) legislatively change the law they disagree with or
b) fight the law in court, arguing that it is unconstitutional.

These business owners have the same legal options to fight what they consider unconstitutional laws as gay couples who have fought laws against same gender marriage.
If those who oppose gay marriage were smart , they would claim that homosexuality is a mental defect and therefor those who are gay are legally not able to consent to ANY marriage

And use SeaBytch and Bodecea as proof of this mental illness.

Yeah- you are just a font of honest observation.
Another day, another church not being forced to marry a gay couple. Maybe tomorrow will be different...
If those who oppose gay marriage were smart , they would claim that homosexuality is a mental defect and therefor those who are gay are legally not able to consent to ANY marriage

And use SeaBytch and Bodecea as proof of this mental illness.

Yeah- you are just a font of honest observation.

Indeed, and you just well. Dumb
Another day, another church not being forced to marry a gay couple. Maybe tomorrow will be different...
Only if federal court procedures are suspended and lower courts are allowed to overrule SCOTUS effectively a la Windsor 2013 from underneath.

Then yes, the moment that ink is dry, lawsuits around the country will be manufactured, revolving around "churches that provide a service to the public that are discriminating against gay people"... You can set your watch by it...
Another day, another church not being forced to marry a gay couple. Maybe tomorrow will be different...
Only if federal court procedures are suspended and lower courts are allowed to overrule SCOTUS effectively a la Windsor 2013 from underneath.

Then yes, the moment that ink is dry, lawsuits around the country will be manufactured, revolving around "churches that provide a service to the public that are discriminating against gay people"... You can set your watch by it...

I don't think I'll set my watch by it. Not a single church has been forced to marry anyone aganist their wishes. I am sure some idiot will try and sue but it will be laughed out of court, just like all of your anti-gay marriage talking points have been on numerous occasions.
I don't think I'll set my watch by it. Not a single church has been forced to marry anyone aganist their wishes. I am sure some idiot will try and sue but it will be laughed out of court, just like all of your anti-gay marriage talking points have been on numerous occasions.

I don't think I'll set my watch by it. Not a single church has been forced to marry anyone aganist their wishes. I am sure some idiot will try and sue but it will be laughed out of court, just like all of your anti-gay marriage talking points have been on numerous occasions.


Can you name a single church that has been forced to marry any couple against their wishes?
Can you name a single church that has been forced to marry any couple against their wishes?
Not yet. But I can imagine a lawsuit based on 'public accomodation' alleging that it is illegal to discriminate against gays.

Can you imagine that?
If those who oppose gay marriage were smart , they would claim that homosexuality is a mental defect and therefor those who are gay are legally not able to consent to ANY marriage

And use SeaBytch and Bodecea as proof of this mental illness.

Yeah- you are just a font of honest observation.

Indeed, and you just well. Dumb

LOL....I can speak just fine. But thanks for contributing another one of your 'special' insights.
Can you name a single church that has been forced to marry any couple against their wishes?
Not yet. But I can imagine a lawsuit based on 'public accomodation' alleging that it is illegal to discriminate against gays.

Can you imagine that?

Any idiot can file a lawsuit- even you. But any such lawsuit would be dismissed- because Churches cannot be forced to marry blacks, Jews, homosexuals, or anyone else that they do not believe that they should not marry.
Can you name a single church that has been forced to marry any couple against their wishes?
Not yet. But I can imagine a lawsuit based on 'public accomodation' alleging that it is illegal to discriminate against gays.

Can you imagine that?

Any idiot can file a lawsuit- even you. But any such lawsuit would be dismissed- because Churches cannot be forced to marry blacks, Jews, homosexuals, or anyone else that they do not believe that they should not marry.

Oh really? Please do explain what the legal basis for such an opinion would be? You're wrong, under current PA laws there is certainly room for a judge to rule that a church MUST perform weddings.
Can you name a single church that has been forced to marry any couple against their wishes?
Not yet. But I can imagine a lawsuit based on 'public accomodation' alleging that it is illegal to discriminate against gays.

Can you imagine that?

You clearly do not understand public accommodation laws. There hasn't been a single case of a public accommodation being used to force a church to marry anyone.
Can you name a single church that has been forced to marry any couple against their wishes?
Not yet. But I can imagine a lawsuit based on 'public accomodation' alleging that it is illegal to discriminate against gays.

Can you imagine that?

Any idiot can file a lawsuit- even you. But any such lawsuit would be dismissed- because Churches cannot be forced to marry blacks, Jews, homosexuals, or anyone else that they do not believe that they should not marry.

Oh really? Please do explain what the legal basis for such an opinion would be? You're wrong, under current PA laws there is certainly room for a judge to rule that a church MUST perform weddings.

Feel free to cite such current PA law.

The legal basis is quite simple-

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; - See more at: First Amendment - U.S. Constitution - FindLaw

Churches are treated differently than non-churches- which is why they have a different tax status among other things.

But if you feel otherwise- feel free to file a lawsuit- unless you are a Catholic, you cannot be married in a Catholic Church- feel free to file a lawsuit to say that your rights are being violated by the Catholic Church not allowing you to marry in your local Cathedral.

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