Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
LOL. Next thing you'll tell me is queers aren't deliberately targeting Christian businesses.

Right. It's choreographed for sure. That's why whenever one of the LGBT cultees spouts about "how there's not been one church sued under public accomodation for not performing gay marriages" I always answer "Not yet". Because we all know it's coming...
Can you name a single church that has been forced to marry any couple against their wishes?
Not yet. But I can imagine a lawsuit based on 'public accomodation' alleging that it is illegal to discriminate against gays.

Can you imagine that?

You clearly do not understand public accommodation laws. There hasn't been a single case of a public accommodation being used to force a church to marry anyone.
All depends on who interprets the laws then doesn't it, because right now gay's are interpreting the laws to mean that a Christian Cake Baker has to bake a customized wedding cake for a Gay couple, and you know what ? No one saw that one coming either. The feds and it's cronyism for whom run the feds, well if they are looking for constituencies for new voting blocks to draw from, then you will see many issues stretched beyond ones imagination in this nation because no one rides for free, and if you think that is a lie, then just take a look backwards and you will see what goes on in it all. People/huge groups are selling their votes to the feds, but it's all for something in return, and they know it, we know it, and everyone knows it now. Sil is right when she says "maybe not yet", but stay tuned.

The states where those bakers reside have PA laws that include gays. If you open a public business in one of those states you can't refuse service on that basis. The people that "didn't see this coming" we're ignorant of the law in their states. These laws need to be scrapped almost entirely in my opinion. The free market will decide if they should remain open or not if they refuse to serve X members of society.

It's easy for people to say "let the free market decide" when they live in an area with an actual market. There is one Septic Service that operates in my area. What if he chooses not to do business with me? There is one store within 20 miles of my house, a small local market. If I need formula for my baby, am I supposed to drive 60 miles in the middle of the night because they won't sell me food? Maybe gays can just grow their own food like this guy suggests...

Washington State Staffer: Gay People Should 'Just Grow Their Own Food' To Deal With Discrimination
The big difference in you needing what you described, is that you don't have to run in and tell anyone about yourself in order to get those things that you described, but in the case of asking a cake baker to bake a specific customized cake for a gay couple, and this upon their request is another issue altogether. I mean what if that request is found going against the cake bakers religious values and morals on such a thing for which he believes in ? I'd say that Houston we have a unique and special problem on all our hands now don't we ?

Why would anyone want to walk around wearing their sexuality on their sleeve to begin with, and then why would people be trying to highjack something like Marriage in which has been straight for as long as this nation can remember or rather has been around and/or intact since it's early founding ?
Meanwhile in Texas and with regard to the subjective nature of the Jurists 'deciding' in favor of the Normalization of Sexual Abnormality... there's this:

''The day for finality and legal certainty in the long and difficult journey for equality is closer than ever before," Judge Garcia wrote, adding that he remains convinced that the U.S. Supreme Court will ultimately decide the issue.

Read more: Judge: No gay marriage in Texas... - State & Nation Judge No gay marriage in Texas for now - State Nation
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution"
Not yet. But I can imagine a lawsuit based on 'public accomodation' alleging that it is illegal to discriminate against gays.

Can you imagine that?

You clearly do not understand public accommodation laws. There hasn't been a single case of a public accommodation being used to force a church to marry anyone.
All depends on who interprets the laws then doesn't it, because right now gay's are interpreting the laws to mean that a Christian Cake Baker has to bake a customized wedding cake for a Gay couple, and you know what ? No one saw that one coming either. The feds and it's cronyism for whom run the feds, well if they are looking for constituencies for new voting blocks to draw from, then you will see many issues stretched beyond ones imagination in this nation because no one rides for free, and if you think that is a lie, then just take a look backwards and you will see what goes on in it all. People/huge groups are selling their votes to the feds, but it's all for something in return, and they know it, we know it, and everyone knows it now. Sil is right when she says "maybe not yet", but stay tuned.

The states where those bakers reside have PA laws that include gays. If you open a public business in one of those states you can't refuse service on that basis. The people that "didn't see this coming" we're ignorant of the law in their states. These laws need to be scrapped almost entirely in my opinion. The free market will decide if they should remain open or not if they refuse to serve X members of society.

It's easy for people to say "let the free market decide" when they live in an area with an actual market. There is one Septic Service that operates in my area. What if he chooses not to do business with me? There is one store within 20 miles of my house, a small local market. If I need formula for my baby, am I supposed to drive 60 miles in the middle of the night because they won't sell me food? Maybe gays can just grow their own food like this guy suggests...

Washington State Staffer: Gay People Should 'Just Grow Their Own Food' To Deal With Discrimination
The big difference in you needing what you described, is that you don't have to run in and tell anyone about yourself in order to get those things that you described, but in the case of asking a cake baker to bake a specific customized cake for a gay couple, and this upon their request is another issue altogether. I mean what if that request is found going against the cake bakers religious values and morals on such a thing for which he believes in ? I'd say that Houston we have a unique and special problem on all our hands now don't we ?

Why would anyone want to walk around wearing their sexuality on their sleeve to begin with, and then why would people be trying to highjack something like Marriage in which has been straight for as long as this nation can remember or rather has been around and/or intact since it's early founding ?

Marriage isn't being 'hijacked.' Same-sex couples are currently eligible to participate in marriage, that's why it's un-Constitutional to deny them access to marriage law.

Moreover, that something's perceived to be 'traditional' or 'historic' is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant, it has no bearing whatsoever on the merits of the protected liberty afforded same-sex couples by the 14th Amendment.
You clearly do not understand public accommodation laws. There hasn't been a single case of a public accommodation being used to force a church to marry anyone.
All depends on who interprets the laws then doesn't it, because right now gay's are interpreting the laws to mean that a Christian Cake Baker has to bake a customized wedding cake for a Gay couple, and you know what ? No one saw that one coming either. The feds and it's cronyism for whom run the feds, well if they are looking for constituencies for new voting blocks to draw from, then you will see many issues stretched beyond ones imagination in this nation because no one rides for free, and if you think that is a lie, then just take a look backwards and you will see what goes on in it all. People/huge groups are selling their votes to the feds, but it's all for something in return, and they know it, we know it, and everyone knows it now. Sil is right when she says "maybe not yet", but stay tuned.

The states where those bakers reside have PA laws that include gays. If you open a public business in one of those states you can't refuse service on that basis. The people that "didn't see this coming" we're ignorant of the law in their states. These laws need to be scrapped almost entirely in my opinion. The free market will decide if they should remain open or not if they refuse to serve X members of society.

It's easy for people to say "let the free market decide" when they live in an area with an actual market. There is one Septic Service that operates in my area. What if he chooses not to do business with me? There is one store within 20 miles of my house, a small local market. If I need formula for my baby, am I supposed to drive 60 miles in the middle of the night because they won't sell me food? Maybe gays can just grow their own food like this guy suggests...

Washington State Staffer: Gay People Should 'Just Grow Their Own Food' To Deal With Discrimination
The big difference in you needing what you described, is that you don't have to run in and tell anyone about yourself in order to get those things that you described, but in the case of asking a cake baker to bake a specific customized cake for a gay couple, and this upon their request is another issue altogether. I mean what if that request is found going against the cake bakers religious values and morals on such a thing for which he believes in ? I'd say that Houston we have a unique and special problem on all our hands now don't we ?

Why would anyone want to walk around wearing their sexuality on their sleeve to begin with, and then why would people be trying to highjack something like Marriage in which has been straight for as long as this nation can remember or rather has been around and/or intact since it's early founding ?

Marriage isn't being 'hijacked.' Same-sex couples are currently eligible to participate in marriage, that's why it's un-Constitutional to deny them access to marriage law.

Moreover, that something's perceived to be 'traditional' or 'historic' is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant, it has no bearing whatsoever on the merits of the protected liberty afforded same-sex couples by the 14th Amendment.

Oh bull. You can do whatever you want, but you can't force people to accept it. Liberty. Live and let live.
You clearly do not understand public accommodation laws. There hasn't been a single case of a public accommodation being used to force a church to marry anyone.
All depends on who interprets the laws then doesn't it, because right now gay's are interpreting the laws to mean that a Christian Cake Baker has to bake a customized wedding cake for a Gay couple, and you know what ? No one saw that one coming either. The feds and it's cronyism for whom run the feds, well if they are looking for constituencies for new voting blocks to draw from, then you will see many issues stretched beyond ones imagination in this nation because no one rides for free, and if you think that is a lie, then just take a look backwards and you will see what goes on in it all. People/huge groups are selling their votes to the feds, but it's all for something in return, and they know it, we know it, and everyone knows it now. Sil is right when she says "maybe not yet", but stay tuned.

The states where those bakers reside have PA laws that include gays. If you open a public business in one of those states you can't refuse service on that basis. The people that "didn't see this coming" we're ignorant of the law in their states. These laws need to be scrapped almost entirely in my opinion. The free market will decide if they should remain open or not if they refuse to serve X members of society.

It's easy for people to say "let the free market decide" when they live in an area with an actual market. There is one Septic Service that operates in my area. What if he chooses not to do business with me? There is one store within 20 miles of my house, a small local market. If I need formula for my baby, am I supposed to drive 60 miles in the middle of the night because they won't sell me food? Maybe gays can just grow their own food like this guy suggests...

Washington State Staffer: Gay People Should 'Just Grow Their Own Food' To Deal With Discrimination
The big difference in you needing what you described, is that you don't have to run in and tell anyone about yourself in order to get those things that you described, but in the case of asking a cake baker to bake a specific customized cake for a gay couple, and this upon their request is another issue altogether. I mean what if that request is found going against the cake bakers religious values and morals on such a thing for which he believes in ? I'd say that Houston we have a unique and special problem on all our hands now don't we ?

Why would anyone want to walk around wearing their sexuality on their sleeve to begin with, and then why would people be trying to highjack something like Marriage in which has been straight for as long as this nation can remember or rather has been around and/or intact since it's early founding ?

Marriage isn't being 'hijacked.' Same-sex couples are currently eligible to participate in marriage, that's why it's un-Constitutional to deny them access to marriage law.

Moreover, that something's perceived to be 'traditional' or 'historic' is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant, it has no bearing whatsoever on the merits of the protected liberty afforded same-sex couples by the 14th Amendment.
Could you have written this 4 years ago, 8 years ago, 20 years ago, 30 years ago, 50 years ago, 70 years ago, 100 years ago, 200 years ago, and it would have applied ? No you couldn't have.

Like I said high jacking is what is going on to get these things done, but what people don't understand is it won't stop just there, it's just going to keep on steamrolling forward in these ways because it has been found out on how to get it done in these ways. I watched on Fox news this morning about how they have been forced at a high school currently to erase the Ten Commandments from the stone monument on the grounds. Now I'll ask you why is it OK for people to be offended by something, but when it comes to Christians being offended by something it doesn't apply for them ? This nations radicals are successfully erasing anything and everything that offends them, and the Christians are being erased from the public square. So as long as the Christians go into the closet, then the extremist, radicals anti this and anti that will be happy in this country then won't they ? The radicals and extremist seek to make this nation there own, and you had best believe it. Groups have finally realized that the broad interpretation of the civil rights laws, gives them the opportunity to be protected by the feds in order to get their causes or wants forwarded also, but in the process they have to push others who have freedom now, into the closet or running scared of them. They are loving this, and so is Satan who is their leader in all of this. Satan will be completely out of his box soon, as he is 3/4's of the way out now.
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Not yet. But I can imagine a lawsuit based on 'public accomodation' alleging that it is illegal to discriminate against gays.

Can you imagine that?

You clearly do not understand public accommodation laws. There hasn't been a single case of a public accommodation being used to force a church to marry anyone.
All depends on who interprets the laws then doesn't it, because right now gay's are interpreting the laws to mean that a Christian Cake Baker has to bake a customized wedding cake for a Gay couple, and you know what ? No one saw that one coming either. The feds and it's cronyism for whom run the feds, well if they are looking for constituencies for new voting blocks to draw from, then you will see many issues stretched beyond ones imagination in this nation because no one rides for free, and if you think that is a lie, then just take a look backwards and you will see what goes on in it all. People/huge groups are selling their votes to the feds, but it's all for something in return, and they know it, we know it, and everyone knows it now. Sil is right when she says "maybe not yet", but stay tuned.

The states where those bakers reside have PA laws that include gays. If you open a public business in one of those states you can't refuse service on that basis. The people that "didn't see this coming" we're ignorant of the law in their states. These laws need to be scrapped almost entirely in my opinion. The free market will decide if they should remain open or not if they refuse to serve X members of society.

It's easy for people to say "let the free market decide" when they live in an area with an actual market. There is one Septic Service that operates in my area. What if he chooses not to do business with me? There is one store within 20 miles of my house, a small local market. If I need formula for my baby, am I supposed to drive 60 miles in the middle of the night because they won't sell me food? Maybe gays can just grow their own food like this guy suggests...

Washington State Staffer: Gay People Should 'Just Grow Their Own Food' To Deal With Discrimination
The big difference in you needing what you described, is that you don't have to run in and tell anyone about yourself in order to get those things that you described, but in the case of asking a cake baker to bake a specific customized cake for a gay couple, and this upon their request is another issue altogether. I mean what if that request is found going against the cake bakers religious values and morals on such a thing for which he believes in ? I'd say that Houston we have a unique and special problem on all our hands now don't we ?

Why would anyone want to walk around wearing their sexuality on their sleeve to begin with, and then why would people be trying to highjack something like Marriage in which has been straight for as long as this nation can remember or rather has been around and/or intact since it's early founding ?

If you live in a small town, everyone knows your business. You don't have to tell anyone, they know.

The gay couple asked for a wedding cake. The business sells wedding cakes. All they had to do was sell the cake and they chose not to, which violated the state's public accommodation laws. You don't get to pull the religion card when you want to discriminate against a group of people.

Nobody has "hijacked" marriage, for pity sake. Civil marriage exists in this country and it does a lot of things for couples. You wouldn't deny a gay person a driver's license because they are gay, why would you deny a marriage license issued by the same authority?

Yes...until about a decade ago, marriage has been "just for straights" ...but at the time of the founding, voting was only for rich white men. Should it have stayed that way just because that's the way it was at the founding? "Tradition" said that blacks couldn't marry whites until about 50 years ago. Guess that is a tradition that should have stood as well in your book?
You clearly do not understand public accommodation laws. There hasn't been a single case of a public accommodation being used to force a church to marry anyone.
All depends on who interprets the laws then doesn't it, because right now gay's are interpreting the laws to mean that a Christian Cake Baker has to bake a customized wedding cake for a Gay couple, and you know what ? No one saw that one coming either. The feds and it's cronyism for whom run the feds, well if they are looking for constituencies for new voting blocks to draw from, then you will see many issues stretched beyond ones imagination in this nation because no one rides for free, and if you think that is a lie, then just take a look backwards and you will see what goes on in it all. People/huge groups are selling their votes to the feds, but it's all for something in return, and they know it, we know it, and everyone knows it now. Sil is right when she says "maybe not yet", but stay tuned.

The states where those bakers reside have PA laws that include gays. If you open a public business in one of those states you can't refuse service on that basis. The people that "didn't see this coming" we're ignorant of the law in their states. These laws need to be scrapped almost entirely in my opinion. The free market will decide if they should remain open or not if they refuse to serve X members of society.

It's easy for people to say "let the free market decide" when they live in an area with an actual market. There is one Septic Service that operates in my area. What if he chooses not to do business with me? There is one store within 20 miles of my house, a small local market. If I need formula for my baby, am I supposed to drive 60 miles in the middle of the night because they won't sell me food? Maybe gays can just grow their own food like this guy suggests...

Washington State Staffer: Gay People Should 'Just Grow Their Own Food' To Deal With Discrimination
The big difference in you needing what you described, is that you don't have to run in and tell anyone about yourself in order to get those things that you described, but in the case of asking a cake baker to bake a specific customized cake for a gay couple, and this upon their request is another issue altogether. I mean what if that request is found going against the cake bakers religious values and morals on such a thing for which he believes in ? I'd say that Houston we have a unique and special problem on all our hands now don't we ?

Why would anyone want to walk around wearing their sexuality on their sleeve to begin with, and then why would people be trying to highjack something like Marriage in which has been straight for as long as this nation can remember or rather has been around and/or intact since it's early founding ?

If you live in a small town, everyone knows your business. You don't have to tell anyone, they know.

The gay couple asked for a wedding cake. The business sells wedding cakes. All they had to do was sell the cake and they chose not to, which violated the state's public accommodation laws. You don't get to pull the religion card when you want to discriminate against a group of people.

Nobody has "hijacked" marriage, for pity sake. Civil marriage exists in this country and it does a lot of things for couples. You wouldn't deny a gay person a driver's license because they are gay, why would you deny a marriage license issued by the same authority?

Yes...until about a decade ago, marriage has been "just for straights" ...but at the time of the founding, voting was only for rich white men. Should it have stayed that way just because that's the way it was at the founding? "Tradition" said that blacks couldn't marry whites until about 50 years ago. Guess that is a tradition that should have stood as well in your book?
You see, you can't speak without pulling the civil right card in which wasn't originally intended to cover all these things, but you as a group have figured it all out upon how to use a card to cover your movement also haven't you? The cake baker wasn't just asked to bake a wedding cake, but was instead asked to bake a customized cake for a gay couple, in which undoubtedly was a foreign concept to the baker, because he hadn't been tested to go against his faith and beliefs that counter such things in his life I would imagine, so instead of the gay respecting his religious view on life, he instead would rather the baker be shut down and ran out of town on a rail, and so I ask you where does it all stop on trying to destroy the Christians in this nation, and where does respect return for each others beliefs in this nation again? It doesn't, and so there will always be winners and losers in these things, and depending on who runs the government I guess will determine such things in the future.

Nice try on the small town analogy, but I think that if the gay would have just went in and purchased a wedding cake without customization being involved, then in no way would the cake baker had refused the person to purchase a cake without the request of customization being involved. Like I said there are test being conducted all over the place, and we have seen a preview of these test being conducted, and you know what ? This nation with the media of today is also the same as a small town, and the people know what is going on in all of this stuff.

There are test being conducted, and we see these test being conducted, and it's not only concerning this issue, but a more broader test is being conducted in this nation on many issues, traditions and standards, and these test are to see how the Christians can be placed in a box in this country now, because Christians are offensive to all who are conducting these test. WAKE UP PEOPLE!
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All depends on who interprets the laws then doesn't it, because right now gay's are interpreting the laws to mean that a Christian Cake Baker has to bake a customized wedding cake for a Gay couple, and you know what ? No one saw that one coming either. The feds and it's cronyism for whom run the feds, well if they are looking for constituencies for new voting blocks to draw from, then you will see many issues stretched beyond ones imagination in this nation because no one rides for free, and if you think that is a lie, then just take a look backwards and you will see what goes on in it all. People/huge groups are selling their votes to the feds, but it's all for something in return, and they know it, we know it, and everyone knows it now. Sil is right when she says "maybe not yet", but stay tuned.

The states where those bakers reside have PA laws that include gays. If you open a public business in one of those states you can't refuse service on that basis. The people that "didn't see this coming" we're ignorant of the law in their states. These laws need to be scrapped almost entirely in my opinion. The free market will decide if they should remain open or not if they refuse to serve X members of society.

It's easy for people to say "let the free market decide" when they live in an area with an actual market. There is one Septic Service that operates in my area. What if he chooses not to do business with me? There is one store within 20 miles of my house, a small local market. If I need formula for my baby, am I supposed to drive 60 miles in the middle of the night because they won't sell me food? Maybe gays can just grow their own food like this guy suggests...

Washington State Staffer: Gay People Should 'Just Grow Their Own Food' To Deal With Discrimination
The big difference in you needing what you described, is that you don't have to run in and tell anyone about yourself in order to get those things that you described, but in the case of asking a cake baker to bake a specific customized cake for a gay couple, and this upon their request is another issue altogether. I mean what if that request is found going against the cake bakers religious values and morals on such a thing for which he believes in ? I'd say that Houston we have a unique and special problem on all our hands now don't we ?

Why would anyone want to walk around wearing their sexuality on their sleeve to begin with, and then why would people be trying to highjack something like Marriage in which has been straight for as long as this nation can remember or rather has been around and/or intact since it's early founding ?

If you live in a small town, everyone knows your business. You don't have to tell anyone, they know.

The gay couple asked for a wedding cake. The business sells wedding cakes. All they had to do was sell the cake and they chose not to, which violated the state's public accommodation laws. You don't get to pull the religion card when you want to discriminate against a group of people.

Nobody has "hijacked" marriage, for pity sake. Civil marriage exists in this country and it does a lot of things for couples. You wouldn't deny a gay person a driver's license because they are gay, why would you deny a marriage license issued by the same authority?

Yes...until about a decade ago, marriage has been "just for straights" ...but at the time of the founding, voting was only for rich white men. Should it have stayed that way just because that's the way it was at the founding? "Tradition" said that blacks couldn't marry whites until about 50 years ago. Guess that is a tradition that should have stood as well in your book?
You see, you can't speak without pulling the civil right card in which wasn't originally intended to cover all these things, but you as a group have figured it all out upon how to use a card to cover your movement also haven't you? The cake baker wasn't just asked to bake a wedding cake, but was instead asked to bake a customized cake for a gay couple, in which undoubtedly was a foreign concept to the baker, because he hadn't been tested to go against his faith and beliefs that counter such things in his life I would imagine, so instead of the gay respecting his religious view on life, he instead would rather the baker be shut down and ran out of town on a rail, and so I ask you where does it all stop on trying to destroy the Christians in this nation, and where does respect return for each others beliefs in this nation again? It doesn't, and so there will always be winners and losers in these things, and depending on who runs the government I guess will determine such things in the future.

No, it was not a customized cake, it was a wedding cake out of a catalog of wedding cakes. If it had been an item the baker did not bake, there would have been no lawsuit. Seriously, turn off Rush or Hannity or whoever and read something, I beg you.
The states where those bakers reside have PA laws that include gays. If you open a public business in one of those states you can't refuse service on that basis. The people that "didn't see this coming" we're ignorant of the law in their states. These laws need to be scrapped almost entirely in my opinion. The free market will decide if they should remain open or not if they refuse to serve X members of society.

It's easy for people to say "let the free market decide" when they live in an area with an actual market. There is one Septic Service that operates in my area. What if he chooses not to do business with me? There is one store within 20 miles of my house, a small local market. If I need formula for my baby, am I supposed to drive 60 miles in the middle of the night because they won't sell me food? Maybe gays can just grow their own food like this guy suggests...

Washington State Staffer: Gay People Should 'Just Grow Their Own Food' To Deal With Discrimination
The big difference in you needing what you described, is that you don't have to run in and tell anyone about yourself in order to get those things that you described, but in the case of asking a cake baker to bake a specific customized cake for a gay couple, and this upon their request is another issue altogether. I mean what if that request is found going against the cake bakers religious values and morals on such a thing for which he believes in ? I'd say that Houston we have a unique and special problem on all our hands now don't we ?

Why would anyone want to walk around wearing their sexuality on their sleeve to begin with, and then why would people be trying to highjack something like Marriage in which has been straight for as long as this nation can remember or rather has been around and/or intact since it's early founding ?

If you live in a small town, everyone knows your business. You don't have to tell anyone, they know.

The gay couple asked for a wedding cake. The business sells wedding cakes. All they had to do was sell the cake and they chose not to, which violated the state's public accommodation laws. You don't get to pull the religion card when you want to discriminate against a group of people.

Nobody has "hijacked" marriage, for pity sake. Civil marriage exists in this country and it does a lot of things for couples. You wouldn't deny a gay person a driver's license because they are gay, why would you deny a marriage license issued by the same authority?

Yes...until about a decade ago, marriage has been "just for straights" ...but at the time of the founding, voting was only for rich white men. Should it have stayed that way just because that's the way it was at the founding? "Tradition" said that blacks couldn't marry whites until about 50 years ago. Guess that is a tradition that should have stood as well in your book?
You see, you can't speak without pulling the civil right card in which wasn't originally intended to cover all these things, but you as a group have figured it all out upon how to use a card to cover your movement also haven't you? The cake baker wasn't just asked to bake a wedding cake, but was instead asked to bake a customized cake for a gay couple, in which undoubtedly was a foreign concept to the baker, because he hadn't been tested to go against his faith and beliefs that counter such things in his life I would imagine, so instead of the gay respecting his religious view on life, he instead would rather the baker be shut down and ran out of town on a rail, and so I ask you where does it all stop on trying to destroy the Christians in this nation, and where does respect return for each others beliefs in this nation again? It doesn't, and so there will always be winners and losers in these things, and depending on who runs the government I guess will determine such things in the future.

No, it was not a customized cake, it was a wedding cake out of a catalog of wedding cakes. If it had been an item the baker did not bake, there would have been no lawsuit. Seriously, turn off Rush or Hannity or whoever and read something, I beg you.
And so you think that the gay in no way alerted the baker as to who or what the cake was being created for ? I mean even if it were in a book, it still had to be customized to fit the occasion because the baker didn't make wedding cakes for gay's.
It's easy for people to say "let the free market decide" when they live in an area with an actual market. There is one Septic Service that operates in my area. What if he chooses not to do business with me? There is one store within 20 miles of my house, a small local market. If I need formula for my baby, am I supposed to drive 60 miles in the middle of the night because they won't sell me food? Maybe gays can just grow their own food like this guy suggests...

Washington State Staffer: Gay People Should 'Just Grow Their Own Food' To Deal With Discrimination
The big difference in you needing what you described, is that you don't have to run in and tell anyone about yourself in order to get those things that you described, but in the case of asking a cake baker to bake a specific customized cake for a gay couple, and this upon their request is another issue altogether. I mean what if that request is found going against the cake bakers religious values and morals on such a thing for which he believes in ? I'd say that Houston we have a unique and special problem on all our hands now don't we ?

Why would anyone want to walk around wearing their sexuality on their sleeve to begin with, and then why would people be trying to highjack something like Marriage in which has been straight for as long as this nation can remember or rather has been around and/or intact since it's early founding ?

If you live in a small town, everyone knows your business. You don't have to tell anyone, they know.

The gay couple asked for a wedding cake. The business sells wedding cakes. All they had to do was sell the cake and they chose not to, which violated the state's public accommodation laws. You don't get to pull the religion card when you want to discriminate against a group of people.

Nobody has "hijacked" marriage, for pity sake. Civil marriage exists in this country and it does a lot of things for couples. You wouldn't deny a gay person a driver's license because they are gay, why would you deny a marriage license issued by the same authority?

Yes...until about a decade ago, marriage has been "just for straights" ...but at the time of the founding, voting was only for rich white men. Should it have stayed that way just because that's the way it was at the founding? "Tradition" said that blacks couldn't marry whites until about 50 years ago. Guess that is a tradition that should have stood as well in your book?
You see, you can't speak without pulling the civil right card in which wasn't originally intended to cover all these things, but you as a group have figured it all out upon how to use a card to cover your movement also haven't you? The cake baker wasn't just asked to bake a wedding cake, but was instead asked to bake a customized cake for a gay couple, in which undoubtedly was a foreign concept to the baker, because he hadn't been tested to go against his faith and beliefs that counter such things in his life I would imagine, so instead of the gay respecting his religious view on life, he instead would rather the baker be shut down and ran out of town on a rail, and so I ask you where does it all stop on trying to destroy the Christians in this nation, and where does respect return for each others beliefs in this nation again? It doesn't, and so there will always be winners and losers in these things, and depending on who runs the government I guess will determine such things in the future.

No, it was not a customized cake, it was a wedding cake out of a catalog of wedding cakes. If it had been an item the baker did not bake, there would have been no lawsuit. Seriously, turn off Rush or Hannity or whoever and read something, I beg you.
And so you think that the gay in no way alerted the baker as to who or what the cake was being created for ? I mean even if it were in a book, it still had to be customized to fit the occasion because the baker didn't make wedding cakes for gay's.

Of course they did...just by walking in and ordering a wedding cake. They were a gay couple ordering a wedding cake just like a straight couple. The only difference in the transaction was the people, not the cake...hence the discrimination and the lawsuit. They broke the law.

The cake is just a cake it was the people ordering that the baker objected to, which was a violation of the law.
Its simply amazing that SeaBytch believes that people who should not be able to tell others who they may marry should be able to be told who they have to do business with.

Simply amazing. Proves she doesn't give one shit about freedom. She cares about gays getting their way PERIOD.
Its simply amazing that SeaBytch believes that people who should not be able to tell others who they may marry should be able to be told who they have to do business with.

Simply amazing. Proves she doesn't give one shit about freedom. She cares about gays getting their way PERIOD.

Oh look, I have a stalker. How cute.

I care about equality. Public Accommodation laws protect you, a Christian, in all 50 states. Those same laws protect gays in a handful. Wah.
Its simply amazing that SeaBytch believes that people who should not be able to tell others who they may marry should be able to be told who they have to do business with.

Simply amazing. Proves she doesn't give one shit about freedom. She cares about gays getting their way PERIOD.

Oh look, I have a stalker. How cute.

I care about equality. Public Accommodation laws protect you, a Christian, in all 50 states. Those same laws protect gays in a handful. Wah.

That's irrelevant stupid. I don't want other people being told by the government that they have to do business with me, because there is NO Constitutional authority for them to do so.

Just like there is no Constitutional authority for them to tell you fags you can't marry.
The big difference in you needing what you described, is that you don't have to run in and tell anyone about yourself in order to get those things that you described, but in the case of asking a cake baker to bake a specific customized cake for a gay couple, and this upon their request is another issue altogether. I mean what if that request is found going against the cake bakers religious values and morals on such a thing for which he believes in ? I'd say that Houston we have a unique and special problem on all our hands now don't we ?

Why would anyone want to walk around wearing their sexuality on their sleeve to begin with, and then why would people be trying to highjack something like Marriage in which has been straight for as long as this nation can remember or rather has been around and/or intact since it's early founding ?

If you live in a small town, everyone knows your business. You don't have to tell anyone, they know.

The gay couple asked for a wedding cake. The business sells wedding cakes. All they had to do was sell the cake and they chose not to, which violated the state's public accommodation laws. You don't get to pull the religion card when you want to discriminate against a group of people.

Nobody has "hijacked" marriage, for pity sake. Civil marriage exists in this country and it does a lot of things for couples. You wouldn't deny a gay person a driver's license because they are gay, why would you deny a marriage license issued by the same authority?

Yes...until about a decade ago, marriage has been "just for straights" ...but at the time of the founding, voting was only for rich white men. Should it have stayed that way just because that's the way it was at the founding? "Tradition" said that blacks couldn't marry whites until about 50 years ago. Guess that is a tradition that should have stood as well in your book?
You see, you can't speak without pulling the civil right card in which wasn't originally intended to cover all these things, but you as a group have figured it all out upon how to use a card to cover your movement also haven't you? The cake baker wasn't just asked to bake a wedding cake, but was instead asked to bake a customized cake for a gay couple, in which undoubtedly was a foreign concept to the baker, because he hadn't been tested to go against his faith and beliefs that counter such things in his life I would imagine, so instead of the gay respecting his religious view on life, he instead would rather the baker be shut down and ran out of town on a rail, and so I ask you where does it all stop on trying to destroy the Christians in this nation, and where does respect return for each others beliefs in this nation again? It doesn't, and so there will always be winners and losers in these things, and depending on who runs the government I guess will determine such things in the future.

No, it was not a customized cake, it was a wedding cake out of a catalog of wedding cakes. If it had been an item the baker did not bake, there would have been no lawsuit. Seriously, turn off Rush or Hannity or whoever and read something, I beg you.
And so you think that the gay in no way alerted the baker as to who or what the cake was being created for ? I mean even if it were in a book, it still had to be customized to fit the occasion because the baker didn't make wedding cakes for gay's.

Of course they did...just by walking in and ordering a wedding cake. They were a gay couple ordering a wedding cake just like a straight couple. The only difference in the transaction was the people, not the cake...hence the discrimination and the lawsuit. They broke the law.

The cake is just a cake it was the people ordering that the baker objected to, which was a violation of the law.
Do you have the transcript of the lawsuit and/or the event as it is told by both sides, because I would sure like to know if your assertions are true or not. I mean were you there, and do you know that this is what happened exactly between them all or did you read this somewhere ? How were the two acting while in the shop ? Were they taunting the baker with their actions, and therefore causing the baker to pull his beliefs and moral standards out on them, and this in order to deprive them of the service in which they had required of the baker, and in which are standards that are based upon the beliefs and standards that the baker lived by?

I mean isn't there are all sorts of lead ways in the laws that go on between a business giving their services willingly or even in denying their services based upon the rules set forth by a business owner (shoes and shirt required or no service), and upon the attitudes that causes gaps to form between a person or persons that are doing business together or to even be ousted from a business if necessary when things don't work out between all parties involved ? I mean this happens all the time doesn't it ? Otherwise a business if things go wrong will not be doing business with the person or persons anymore by it's choosing right, and this if it is the persons fault that things went wrong and not the business owners fault instead ? If I go into a business, and I think that can conduct myself in anyway that I want to or if I demand from that business anything that I want, then does the business have any rights to deny me their service if I am unreasonable in my demands or if my actions go against everything that a citizen and/or business owner doth believe in ? If the owner thinks that I am offensive or belligerent as a customer, then does that business have any rights in America any longer to deny me their services ? The window once believed in within America, is closing faster than a speeding bullet now, and the box is getting smaller and smaller that the American people are being placed into. I guess it all comes down to who is getting into the box, the believers or the attackers of the believers in this nation ? If the government has anything to do with it, it will be the Christians who will be forced into the box, so get ready Christians because their coming for you now.
If you live in a small town, everyone knows your business. You don't have to tell anyone, they know.

The gay couple asked for a wedding cake. The business sells wedding cakes. All they had to do was sell the cake and they chose not to, which violated the state's public accommodation laws. You don't get to pull the religion card when you want to discriminate against a group of people.

Nobody has "hijacked" marriage, for pity sake. Civil marriage exists in this country and it does a lot of things for couples. You wouldn't deny a gay person a driver's license because they are gay, why would you deny a marriage license issued by the same authority?

Yes...until about a decade ago, marriage has been "just for straights" ...but at the time of the founding, voting was only for rich white men. Should it have stayed that way just because that's the way it was at the founding? "Tradition" said that blacks couldn't marry whites until about 50 years ago. Guess that is a tradition that should have stood as well in your book?
You see, you can't speak without pulling the civil right card in which wasn't originally intended to cover all these things, but you as a group have figured it all out upon how to use a card to cover your movement also haven't you? The cake baker wasn't just asked to bake a wedding cake, but was instead asked to bake a customized cake for a gay couple, in which undoubtedly was a foreign concept to the baker, because he hadn't been tested to go against his faith and beliefs that counter such things in his life I would imagine, so instead of the gay respecting his religious view on life, he instead would rather the baker be shut down and ran out of town on a rail, and so I ask you where does it all stop on trying to destroy the Christians in this nation, and where does respect return for each others beliefs in this nation again? It doesn't, and so there will always be winners and losers in these things, and depending on who runs the government I guess will determine such things in the future.

No, it was not a customized cake, it was a wedding cake out of a catalog of wedding cakes. If it had been an item the baker did not bake, there would have been no lawsuit. Seriously, turn off Rush or Hannity or whoever and read something, I beg you.
And so you think that the gay in no way alerted the baker as to who or what the cake was being created for ? I mean even if it were in a book, it still had to be customized to fit the occasion because the baker didn't make wedding cakes for gay's.

Of course they did...just by walking in and ordering a wedding cake. They were a gay couple ordering a wedding cake just like a straight couple. The only difference in the transaction was the people, not the cake...hence the discrimination and the lawsuit. They broke the law.

The cake is just a cake it was the people ordering that the baker objected to, which was a violation of the law.
Do you have the transcript of the lawsuit and/or the event as it is told by both sides, because I would sure like to know if your assertions are true or not. I mean were you there, and do you know that this is what happened exactly between them all or did you read this somewhere ? How were the two acting while in the shop ? Were they taunting the baker with their actions, and therefore causing the baker to pull his beliefs and moral standards out on them, and this in order to deprive them of the service in which they had required of the baker, and in which are standards that are based upon the beliefs and standards that the baker lived by?

I mean isn't there are all sorts of lead ways in the laws that go on between a business giving their services willingly or even in denying their services based upon the rules set forth by a business owner (shoes and shirt required or no service), and upon the attitudes that causes gaps to form between a person or persons that are doing business together or to even be ousted from a business if necessary when things don't work out between all parties involved ? I mean this happens all the time doesn't it ? Otherwise a business if things go wrong will not be doing business with the person or persons anymore by it's choosing right, and this if it is the persons fault that things went wrong and not the business owners fault instead ? If I go into a business, and I think that can conduct myself in anyway that I want to or if I demand from that business anything that I want, then does the business have any rights to deny me their service if I am unreasonable in my demands or if my actions go against everything that a citizen and/or business owner doth believe in ? If the owner thinks that I am offensive or belligerent as a customer, then does that business have any rights in America any longer to deny me their services ? The window once believed in within America, is closing faster than a speeding bullet now, and the box is getting smaller and smaller that the American people are being placed into. I guess it all comes down to who is getting into the box, the believers or the attackers of the believers in this nation ? If the government has anything to do with it, it will be the Christians who will be forced into the box, so get ready Christians because their coming for you now.

SeaBytch doesn''t care about right and wrong only about getting what SHE wants.
LOL. Next thing you'll tell me is queers aren't deliberately targeting Christian businesses.

Right. It's choreographed for sure. That's why whenever one of the LGBT cultees spouts about "how there's not been one church sued under public accomodation for not performing gay marriages" I always answer "Not yet". Because we all know it's coming...

Well if you know 'its coming' we can be fairly certain it won't happen. Your record of 'success' on predictions speaks for itself.

No one has sued a church demanding that they allow Jews to be married there, or sued a church demanding that a Baptist Church allow a Mormon to be married there, or sued a church to demand that they allow blacks to marry there.

That is because the only one who claim churches will be sued are homophobes who don't want homosexuals to be married by anyone- anywhere.

So they try to scare people.

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