Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters

Who do you think you are not allowed to criticize Neal?

There is no freedom from criticism.
To criticize is one thing, but to cry to the federal government to get it to enforce it's big stick on the business owners is another.

The Black Panthers don't allow whites.
The Boy Scouts don't allow girls.
The Girl Scouts don't allow boys.
Christian churches don't participate in anti-biblical activities.

Black Panthers, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts are all private organizations- not public accomodations- and not subject to public accomodation laws.
Churches, synogogues, mosques, temples are all 'churches'- and not subject to public accomadation laws.

Business's however are subject to the laws of their jurisidiction- local, state, federal.

Don't like the public accomadation laws- go ahead and change them.

Correct, and yet a faggot sued them to be readmitted as a leader anyway. Proving that faggots will sue organizations which are legally able to discriminate against them. Making it a tiny step to faggots suing churches to "marry" them, rather than the giant leap some of you pretend it is.

Yep- its the old 'slipper slope' argument- last refuge of those who can't come up with anything else.

And by the way once again- since it is so timely


All the same kinds of words, used by the same kinds of people for the same reason.

I have never called anyone a k!ke, a c&nt, or a sp!c

BUT, out of curiosity, how did you determine that using one of those words is ANY less polite than childishly screaming "fuck you" to someone who disagrees with you?

Well thanks for sharing.

In my opinion


Are all the same kinds of words, used by the same kinds of people for the same reason.

The Black Panthers don't allow whites.
The Boy Scouts don't allow girls.
The Girl Scouts don't allow boys.
Christian churches don't participate in anti-biblical activities.

Black Panthers, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts are all private organizations- not public accomodations- and not subject to public accomodation laws.
Churches, synogogues, mosques, temples are all 'churches'- and not subject to public accomadation laws.

Business's however are subject to the laws of their jurisidiction- local, state, federal.

Don't like the public accomadation laws- go ahead and change them.

Correct, and yet a faggot sued them to be readmitted as a leader anyway. Proving that faggots will sue organizations which are legally able to discriminate against them. Making it a tiny step to faggots suing churches to "marry" them, rather than the giant leap some of you pretend it is.

Yep- its the old 'slipper slope' argument- last refuge of those who can't come up with anything else.

And by the way once again- since it is so timely


All the same kinds of words, used by the same kinds of people for the same reason.

I have never called anyone a k!ke, a c&nt, or a sp!c

BUT, out of curiosity, how did you determine that using one of those words is ANY less polite than childishly screaming "fuck you" to someone who disagrees with you?

Well thanks for sharing.

In my opinion


Are all the same kinds of words, used by the same kinds of people for the same reason.

so, scared to answer the question eh? I don't blame you. I knew the answer before I asked.

Who do you think you are not allowed to criticize Neal?

There is no freedom from criticism.
To criticize is one thing, but to cry to the federal government to get it to enforce it's big stick on the business owners is another.

Hmmm who is asking the federal government to enforce anything regarding business owners?

Just to be clear- there is no federal law that prohibits business's from discriminating against persons based upon their sexual preference.
Black Panthers, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts are all private organizations- not public accomodations- and not subject to public accomodation laws.
Churches, synogogues, mosques, temples are all 'churches'- and not subject to public accomadation laws.

Business's however are subject to the laws of their jurisidiction- local, state, federal.

Don't like the public accomadation laws- go ahead and change them.

Correct, and yet a faggot sued them to be readmitted as a leader anyway. Proving that faggots will sue organizations which are legally able to discriminate against them. Making it a tiny step to faggots suing churches to "marry" them, rather than the giant leap some of you pretend it is.

Yep- its the old 'slipper slope' argument- last refuge of those who can't come up with anything else.

And by the way once again- since it is so timely


All the same kinds of words, used by the same kinds of people for the same reason.

I have never called anyone a k!ke, a c&nt, or a sp!c

BUT, out of curiosity, how did you determine that using one of those words is ANY less polite than childishly screaming "fuck you" to someone who disagrees with you?

Well thanks for sharing.

In my opinion


Are all the same kinds of words, used by the same kinds of people for the same reason.

so, scared to answer the question eh? I don't blame you. I knew the answer before I asked.

I think for the person who uses terms like faggot and n*gger and k*ke and c*nt- it was a sufficient answer.

The Black Panthers don't allow whites.
The Boy Scouts don't allow girls.
The Girl Scouts don't allow boys.
Christian churches don't participate in anti-biblical activities.

Black Panthers, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts are all private organizations- not public accomodations- and not subject to public accomodation laws.
Churches, synogogues, mosques, temples are all 'churches'- and not subject to public accomadation laws.

Business's however are subject to the laws of their jurisidiction- local, state, federal.

Don't like the public accomadation laws- go ahead and change them.

Correct, and yet a faggot sued them to be readmitted as a leader anyway. Proving that faggots will sue organizations which are legally able to discriminate against them. Making it a tiny step to faggots suing churches to "marry" them, rather than the giant leap some of you pretend it is.

Yep- its the old 'slipper slope' argument- last refuge of those who can't come up with anything else.

And by the way once again- since it is so timely


All the same kinds of words, used by the same kinds of people for the same reason.
You forgot "homophobe", you Christophobic bigoted cocksucker.

Feel free to start your own list. If you think calling someone a homophobe because they hate homosexuals and want to be able to discriminate against them is the same as calling someone a 'f*ggot' because they happen to be attracted to the same sex- go for it.

I am not free from criticism, nor do I pretend I should be.

Who do you think you are not allowed to criticize Neal?

There is no freedom from criticism.
To criticize is one thing, but to cry to the federal government to get it to enforce it's big stick on the business owners is another.

And to scream that "you don't have a right to do that" as you are doing something that you don't have a right to do just begs to get someone slapped.
Churches should be taxed.

Nope. Seperation of church and state?
Correct, and yet a faggot sued them to be readmitted as a leader anyway. Proving that faggots will sue organizations which are legally able to discriminate against them. Making it a tiny step to faggots suing churches to "marry" them, rather than the giant leap some of you pretend it is.

Yep- its the old 'slipper slope' argument- last refuge of those who can't come up with anything else.

And by the way once again- since it is so timely


All the same kinds of words, used by the same kinds of people for the same reason.

I have never called anyone a k!ke, a c&nt, or a sp!c

BUT, out of curiosity, how did you determine that using one of those words is ANY less polite than childishly screaming "fuck you" to someone who disagrees with you?

Well thanks for sharing.

In my opinion


Are all the same kinds of words, used by the same kinds of people for the same reason.

so, scared to answer the question eh? I don't blame you. I knew the answer before I asked.

I think for the person who uses terms like faggot and n*gger and k*ke and c*nt- it was a sufficient answer.
And homophobe.

The Black Panthers don't allow whites.
The Boy Scouts don't allow girls.
The Girl Scouts don't allow boys.
Christian churches don't participate in anti-biblical activities.

Black Panthers, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts are all private organizations- not public accomodations- and not subject to public accomodation laws.
Churches, synogogues, mosques, temples are all 'churches'- and not subject to public accomadation laws.

Business's however are subject to the laws of their jurisidiction- local, state, federal.

Don't like the public accomadation laws- go ahead and change them.

Correct, and yet a faggot sued them to be readmitted as a leader anyway. Proving that faggots will sue organizations which are legally able to discriminate against them. Making it a tiny step to faggots suing churches to "marry" them, rather than the giant leap some of you pretend it is.

Yep- its the old 'slipper slope' argument- last refuge of those who can't come up with anything else.

And by the way once again- since it is so timely


All the same kinds of words, used by the same kinds of people for the same reason.
You forgot "homophobe", you Christophobic bigoted cocksucker.

Feel free to start your own list. If you think calling someone a homophobe because they hate homosexuals and want to be able to discriminate against them is the same as calling someone a 'f*ggot' because they happen to be attracted to the same sex- go for it.

I am not free from criticism, nor do I pretend I should be.
You hate Christians. Hypocrite.
It was never about "equality". It's about submission.

We aren't interested in whether you are a submissive or not.

It's not about me. It's about queers hate for Christians. Queers want to force people to act contrary to their beliefs. Fuck you.

Its not about me. It's about Christians hate for queers. Christians want to force people to act contrary to their beliefs. Fuck you.
It's more about Gays hate for Christians, because for years this nation didn't have these problems, but now here we are.. Now what has changed ? The Christians are the same as they ever were in this nation, but all of a sudden there is this huge coming about of these issues all at once in America ? When did the multiplying or explosion begin to take off (what influenced it?), and how long has it been to get these things going now ? Like I said, the true Christians are the same as they were hundreds of years ago, but this gay explosion is something new in America as opposed to around the world. Should the Christians be concerned of this new hatred towards them in which these Gay's do hold for them ? Christians are taught that being gay is a sin, so how does that change among the Christians ? It doesn't, so what to do is what should be the answer all should seek within it all, and a solution should be looked at by all parties involved. Clinton was faced with this dilemma concerning the military, and therefore the solution at the time was the "Don't ask, Don't tell" rule, but that was not enough so on ward it all goes with people wearing their sexuality on their sleeves or wanting to in everything that they do. People need to be pushed back into the bedroom is what needs to happen with this sexuality thing, instead of all this flaunting of ones sexuality for all to see, and then the using of it to demand all sorts of favors with it or all because of it.
It's about submission. The queers want Christians to shut up.

OF COURSE that's what it's about. All their bullshit about "the majority don't have the right to bully the minority" what they want is for the minority to bully the majority. PATHETIC

But one must remember that they are not all gays. Some gays just want to live their lives, and shouldn't be penalized bc of these assholes.
It was never about "equality". It's about submission.

We aren't interested in whether you are a submissive or not.

It's not about me. It's about queers hate for Christians. Queers want to force people to act contrary to their beliefs. Fuck you.

Its not about me. It's about Christians hate for queers. Christians want to force people to act contrary to their beliefs. Fuck you.
It's more about Gays hate for Christians, because for years this nation didn't have these problems, but now here we are.

Hmmmm- "for years this nation didn't have these problems".

First of all lets talk about what problems this nation did have for years. For years homosexuals were persecuted. Sexual activity between them was criminalized. Police activily persecuted them to the point of calling employers after arresting someone for being a homosexual so that the employer would fire them.

Homosexuals were fired from the State Department- simply for being homosexuals. Veterans were fired from the armed forces for being homosexuals. Homosexuals were banned from teaching in public schools.

And much of this was done at the urging of Christians who believed that society should persecute homosexuals.

Now I can't speak for homosexuals, but if I were homosexuals, I might be angry with Christians in general for such persecution- just like some Christians appear to be angry with homosexuals because a few homosexuals fight for their rights.

But the reality is that a large percentage of homosexuals are Christians, so they wouldn't hate all Christians.

What i don't know is why you appear to be so angry that homosexuals would ask that laws be enforced.

IF you think that the laws are wrong- then you should be asking to have the laws changed. I see nothing more wrong with homosexuals asking that laws for public accomodation be enforced for them, than I see anything wrong with a Christian asking that PA laws be enforced if he was discriminated against for being Christian.
It's about submission. The queers want Christians to shut up.

OF COURSE that's what it's about. All their bullshit about "the majority don't have the right to bully the minority" what they want is for the minority to bully the majority. PATHETIC

But one must remember that they are not all gays. Some gays just want to live their lives, and shouldn't be penalized bc of these assholes.
Yes. The militant queers. The gay mafia.
It was never about "equality". It's about submission.

We aren't interested in whether you are a submissive or not.

It's not about me. It's about queers hate for Christians. Queers want to force people to act contrary to their beliefs. Fuck you.

Its not about me. It's about Christians hate for queers. Christians want to force people to act contrary to their beliefs. Fuck you.
It's more about Gays hate for Christians, because for years this nation didn't have these problems, but now here we are.

Hmmmm- "for years this nation didn't have these problems".

First of all lets talk about what problems this nation did have for years. For years homosexuals were persecuted. Sexual activity between them was criminalized. Police activily persecuted them to the point of calling employers after arresting someone for being a homosexual so that the employer would fire them.

Homosexuals were fired from the State Department- simply for being homosexuals. Veterans were fired from the armed forces for being homosexuals. Homosexuals were banned from teaching in public schools.

And much of this was done at the urging of Christians who believed that society should persecute homosexuals.

Now I can't speak for homosexuals, but if I were homosexuals, I might be angry with Christians in general for such persecution- just like some Christians appear to be angry with homosexuals because a few homosexuals fight for their rights.

But the reality is that a large percentage of homosexuals are Christians, so they wouldn't hate all Christians.

What i don't know is why you appear to be so angry that homosexuals would ask that laws be enforced.

IF you think that the laws are wrong- then you should be asking to have the laws changed. I see nothing more wrong with homosexuals asking that laws for public accomodation be enforced for them, than I see anything wrong with a Christian asking that PA laws be enforced if he was discriminated against for being Christian.

It's about submission. The queers want Christians to shut up.

Seems Christians can't handle criticism much then.

Christians of course want homosexuals to shut up.

And by 'Christians' I mean only 'homophobes who claim to be Christians and just use that as an excuse to complain about homosexuals'.
It's about submission. The queers want Christians to shut up.

OF COURSE that's what it's about. All their bullshit about "the majority don't have the right to bully the minority" what they want is for the minority to bully the majority. PATHETIC

But one must remember that they are not all gays. Some gays just want to live their lives, and shouldn't be penalized bc of these assholes.
Yes. The militant queers. The gay mafia.

i.e. the ones who ask to have the law enforced equally.
It's about submission. The queers want Christians to shut up.

OF COURSE that's what it's about. All their bullshit about "the majority don't have the right to bully the minority" what they want is for the minority to bully the majority. PATHETIC

But one must remember that they are not all gays. Some gays just want to live their lives, and shouldn't be penalized bc of these assholes.

Exactly- just as one must remember that it is not all Christians. Some Christians just want to live their lives, and shouldn't be penalized because of these assholes.

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