Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
The difference between you and I is that I ask "Big Brother" to enforce public accomodation laws- you want Big Brother to police Americans bedrooms.
Oh, bullshit. If you didn't have a bag full of false narratives and straw men you wouldn't have anything.
The difference between you and I is that I ask "Big Brother" to enforce public accomodation laws- you want Big Brother to police Americans bedrooms
Go fuck your sick self.

Oh quit fantasizing about me. I am happily married and not into homophobic bigots.
You're very ill.
You're not quite inebriated yet are you?

We'll wait







A homosexual couple can't give birth to children. I don't need to make it illegal. I think what you mean is should it be illegal for homosexual couples to use surrogates or in vitro fertilization? Correct me if I am wrong. Yes, I think it should be illegal. It isn't the purview of the Federal Government, but yes, if it were a state initiative or I were a state representative and a law came to vote, I would support it..

Why am I not surprised that you would intrude the government into decisions on child bearing?

Long before modern techniques, lesbians would get sperm donations from male friends and get impregnated.

Now is it a specific Conservative doctrine to remove a child from its mother simply because she is queer- or is that your own particular cry for Big Brother?

And who raises those children then- does Big Brother choose what fine I mean straight families would be required to raise these children? Or just dump them on foster homes?
But you don't mind using big brother to enforce your corrupt laws when you target Christian businesses. You have a glaring hypocrisy problem.

The difference between you and I is that I ask "Big Brother" to enforce public accomodation laws- you want Big Brother to police Americans bedrooms.
Oh, bullshit. If you didn't have a bag full of false narratives and straw men you wouldn't have anything.
The difference between you and I is that I ask "Big Brother" to enforce public accomodation laws- you want Big Brother to police Americans bedrooms
Oh, bullshit. If you didn't have a bag full of false narratives and straw men you wouldn't have anything.
The difference between you and I is that I ask "Big Brother" to enforce public accomodation laws- you want Big Brother to police Americans bedrooms
Go fuck your sick self.

Oh quit fantasizing about me. I am happily married and not into homophobic bigots.
You're very ill.
You're not quite inebriated yet are you?

We'll wait







The difference between you and I is that I ask "Big Brother" to enforce public accomodation laws- you want Big Brother to police Americans bedrooms.
Oh, bullshit. If you didn't have a bag full of false narratives and straw men you wouldn't have anything.
The difference between you and I is that I ask "Big Brother" to enforce public accomodation laws- you want Big Brother to police Americans bedrooms

Your both fascist fags , I see no difference in the two stances.

Of course you don't.

There IS no difference. In EITHER case you are both asking the government to tell someone they can't do something.

You're a bright guy, so I assume you know this, therefor I must assume you are deliberately denying it.

Unless of course, you are telling me that I am wrong and you aren't that bright????

The government is not tellin' anyone that they can't do something. Nature has merely provided a standard which precludes perverse reasoning from changing the standard born of its immutable design.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

See how that works?
The difference between you and I is that I ask "Big Brother" to enforce public accomodation laws- you want Big Brother to police Americans bedrooms.
Oh, bullshit. If you didn't have a bag full of false narratives and straw men you wouldn't have anything.
The difference between you and I is that I ask "Big Brother" to enforce public accomodation laws- you want Big Brother to police Americans bedrooms

Your both fascist fags , I see no difference in the two stances.

Of course you don't.

There IS no difference. In EITHER case you are both asking the government to tell someone they can't do something.

You're a bright guy, so I assume you know this, therefor I must assume you are deliberately denying it.

Unless of course, you are telling me that I am wrong and you aren't that bright????

There is a difference. We have the government tell people that they can't do things all of the time. We tell business's that they can't sell alcohol on Sundays and we tell people that they can't drive 150 miles per hour down the road. We tell people that they can't drive without a government issued license.

We put restrictions on business's that we do not put on individuals. We treat business's differently. We regulate business's in ways we do not regulate individuals.

From a legal perspective- one is currently legal- and the other isn't.

And that is also a distinction.
The difference between you and I is that I ask "Big Brother" to enforce public accomodation laws- you want Big Brother to police Americans bedrooms
Go fuck your sick self.

Oh quit fantasizing about me. I am happily married and not into homophobic bigots.
You're very ill.
You're not quite inebriated yet are you?

We'll wait







It's amazing how easily and quickly you respond and take offense. Amazing and amusing.

carry on oh troll slayer

Oh, bullshit. If you didn't have a bag full of false narratives and straw men you wouldn't have anything.
The difference between you and I is that I ask "Big Brother" to enforce public accomodation laws- you want Big Brother to police Americans bedrooms

Your both fascist fags , I see no difference in the two stances.

Of course you don't.

There IS no difference. In EITHER case you are both asking the government to tell someone they can't do something.

You're a bright guy, so I assume you know this, therefor I must assume you are deliberately denying it.

Unless of course, you are telling me that I am wrong and you aren't that bright????

The government is not tellin' anyone that they can't do something. Nature has merely provided a standard which precludes perverse reasoning from changing the standard born of its immutable design.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

See how that works?

Marriage doesn't exist in nature so therefore it would not have much say on the matter. See how that works?
Every American child that is adopted by anyone in the United States is a child that is out of foster care- and not going to be aged out of the system onto the streets.
Well one, not every child adopted is American. Two, that is simply wrong, many children are adopted privately.

The Differences Between Private and Foster Care Adoption

And you conveniently ignore my post.

Every American child that is adopted by anyone in the United States is a child that is out of foster care- and not going to be aged out of the system onto the streets.

Facts and Statistics

In the U.S. 397,122 children are living without permanent families in the foster care system. 101,666 of these children are eligible for adoption, but nearly 32% of these children will wait over three years in foster care before being adopted.

In 2012, 23,396 youth aged out of the U.S. foster care system without the emotional and financial support necessary to succeed. Nearly 40% had been homeless or couch surfed, nearly 60% of young men had been convicted of a crime, and only 48% were employed. 75% of women and 33% of men receive government benefits to meet basic needs. 50% of all youth who aged out were involved in substance use and 17% of the females were pregnant.

Three years is the average length of time a child in foster care waits to be adopted. Roughly 55% of these children have had three or more placements. An earlier study found that 33% of children had changed elementary schools five or more times, losing relationships and falling behind educationally.

Yet to you- all of that is better than letting a single child be adopted by a loving gay couple.
I didn't ignore your post, what you said simply isn't true. not every child adopted by an American couple is American, and not every American child is adopted through foster care. So you are the one ignoring my post, not me ignoring you. As far as your numbers. If the government wanted to encourage adoption, they could do it without putting children in vulnerable situations with homosexuals who are on average, poorer, more likely to molest, suicidal, and mentally ill in general. Provide tax credits like they do for people who have children. There are several ways to remedy this if this is an issue.

Gay people earn more owe less - Dec. 6 2012

Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender peopleare better at managing their money than the average American, new research shows.
They earn more, save more, have less debt and are better prepared for retirement, according to a Prudential survey of more than 1,000 LGBT respondents.
Respondents not only reported significantly higher annual incomes -- $61,500 compared with the national median of $50,054 -- but they also carried about $4,000 less in debt than the average American and had $6,000 more in household savings. They were even slightly more likely to have jobs in the first place, with an unemployment rate of 7% versus the national rate of 7.9%, Prudential found.

Men are more likely to molest than women- all men- all women- this is absolute- men are the molesters up to 98% of the time. Would you deny men or couples with men in them because they are more likely to molest?

Suicidal? Would you deny adoption to people who come from industries with a higher rate of suicide- just in case? Same thing with mental illness. What about if they come from states with higher suicide rates?

These are standards you apply to homosexuals- and do not apply to heterosexuals.

Because your concern is not about the welfare of the children.

It is about your issues with homosexuals.
Well, obviously I have a problem with homosexuality, it is a degenerate and socially destructive lifestyle. I don't think homosexuals shouldn't be prohibited from adopting just because they are on average poorer and their children are as well, that is one reason..

Clearly you do have a problem with homosexuality- because you presume that it is destructive.

You were the one who falsely claimed that homosexuals were on average poorer and posed that as one of the reasons why homosexuals should not be allowed to adopt children.

When I nailed you on that, and your other claims, you now switch claims.

So lets dance.

I will take each of your claims- and show how you do not apply the same standards to homosexuals- as you do to any other group.
Go fuck your sick self.

Oh quit fantasizing about me. I am happily married and not into homophobic bigots.
You're very ill.
You're not quite inebriated yet are you?

We'll wait







It's amazing how easily and quickly you respond and take offense. Amazing and amusing.

carry on oh troll slayer

You're a weak ignorant coward if all you have is trolling. Carry on.
The difference between you and I is that I ask "Big Brother" to enforce public accomodation laws- you want Big Brother to police Americans bedrooms

Your both fascist fags , I see no difference in the two stances.

Of course you don't.

There IS no difference. In EITHER case you are both asking the government to tell someone they can't do something.

You're a bright guy, so I assume you know this, therefor I must assume you are deliberately denying it.

Unless of course, you are telling me that I am wrong and you aren't that bright????

The government is not tellin' anyone that they can't do something. Nature has merely provided a standard which precludes perverse reasoning from changing the standard born of its immutable design.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

See how that works?

Marriage doesn't exist in nature so therefore it would not have much say on the matter. See how that works?
Are homo sapiens heterosexual by nature?
Oh, bullshit. If you didn't have a bag full of false narratives and straw men you wouldn't have anything.
The difference between you and I is that I ask "Big Brother" to enforce public accomodation laws- you want Big Brother to police Americans bedrooms
Go fuck your sick self.

Oh quit fantasizing about me. I am happily married and not into homophobic bigots.
You're very ill.
You're not quite inebriated yet are you?

We'll wait








You have consistently demonstrated an intellectual means which fails to meet even the minimal standard required for speech to be considered by reasonable people. As a result you have been sentenced to summary Ignor-cution.

Oh quit fantasizing about me. I am happily married and not into homophobic bigots.
You're very ill.
You're not quite inebriated yet are you?

We'll wait







It's amazing how easily and quickly you respond and take offense. Amazing and amusing.

carry on oh troll slayer

You're a weak ignorant coward if all you have is trolling. Carry on.
God Bless the memory of Ted Kennedy and all he accomplished in his lifetime.

carry on

now back to bashing gay people
The difference between you and I is that I ask "Big Brother" to enforce public accomodation laws- you want Big Brother to police Americans bedrooms
Go fuck your sick self.

Oh quit fantasizing about me. I am happily married and not into homophobic bigots.
You're very ill.
You're not quite inebriated yet are you?

We'll wait








You have consistently demonstrated an intellectual means which fails to meet even the minimal standard required for speech to be considered by reasonable people. As a result you have been sentenced to summary Ignor-cution.

Ahh, another one from the old tribe? How thee expose themselves by their grouping and hive like behavior.

carry on
Oh, bullshit. If you didn't have a bag full of false narratives and straw men you wouldn't have anything.
The difference between you and I is that I ask "Big Brother" to enforce public accomodation laws- you want Big Brother to police Americans bedrooms

Your both fascist fags , I see no difference in the two stances.

Of course you don't.

There IS no difference. In EITHER case you are both asking the government to tell someone they can't do something.

You're a bright guy, so I assume you know this, therefor I must assume you are deliberately denying it.

Unless of course, you are telling me that I am wrong and you aren't that bright????

There is a difference. We have the government tell people that they can't do things all of the time. We tell business's that they can't sell alcohol on Sundays and we tell people that they can't drive 150 miles per hour down the road. We tell people that they can't drive without a government issued license.
Yes we do, but not unless we show that those regulations are worth the infringement of someone's rights. In other words, speed limits only exist because we the people have decided that someone's right to speed is outweighed by the safety to the public of not speeding. Now I must conclde that maybe you are NOT that bright else you would see that that is exactly what those against gay marriage want to do , they want to say that the dangers of gay marriage outweigh the individual rights of those who wish to marry.
We put restrictions on business's that we do not put on individuals. We treat business's differently. We regulate business's in ways we do not regulate individuals.

Citizens United would say maybe it's not so cut and dry. Further, does my business have first amendment rights? Second? Third? Fourth? Please tell me which enumerated rights my business does not have that do not extend to my business

From a legal perspective- one is currently legal- and the other isn't.

And that is also a distinction.

That's your argument? Yep, it's final, you aren't bright. 2 years ago gay marriage was legal NOWHERE in this country, should we have told the faggots to shut up gay marriage wasn't legal and that's that?
Your both fascist fags , I see no difference in the two stances.

Of course you don't.

There IS no difference. In EITHER case you are both asking the government to tell someone they can't do something.

You're a bright guy, so I assume you know this, therefor I must assume you are deliberately denying it.

Unless of course, you are telling me that I am wrong and you aren't that bright????

The government is not tellin' anyone that they can't do something. Nature has merely provided a standard which precludes perverse reasoning from changing the standard born of its immutable design.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

See how that works?

Marriage doesn't exist in nature so therefore it would not have much say on the matter. See how that works?
Are homo sapiens heterosexual by nature?

Is it really that hard to believe that both exist in nature?
Of course you don't.

There IS no difference. In EITHER case you are both asking the government to tell someone they can't do something.

You're a bright guy, so I assume you know this, therefor I must assume you are deliberately denying it.

Unless of course, you are telling me that I am wrong and you aren't that bright????

The government is not tellin' anyone that they can't do something. Nature has merely provided a standard which precludes perverse reasoning from changing the standard born of its immutable design.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

See how that works?

Marriage doesn't exist in nature so therefore it would not have much say on the matter. See how that works?
Are homo sapiens heterosexual by nature?

Is it really that hard to believe that both exist in nature?
Nature has gays in it so I guess Neil just doesn't like gays
Well one, not every child adopted is American. Two, that is simply wrong, many children are adopted privately.

The Differences Between Private and Foster Care Adoption

And you conveniently ignore my post.

Every American child that is adopted by anyone in the United States is a child that is out of foster care- and not going to be aged out of the system onto the streets.

Facts and Statistics

In the U.S. 397,122 children are living without permanent families in the foster care system. 101,666 of these children are eligible for adoption, but nearly 32% of these children will wait over three years in foster care before being adopted.

In 2012, 23,396 youth aged out of the U.S. foster care system without the emotional and financial support necessary to succeed. Nearly 40% had been homeless or couch surfed, nearly 60% of young men had been convicted of a crime, and only 48% were employed. 75% of women and 33% of men receive government benefits to meet basic needs. 50% of all youth who aged out were involved in substance use and 17% of the females were pregnant.

Three years is the average length of time a child in foster care waits to be adopted. Roughly 55% of these children have had three or more placements. An earlier study found that 33% of children had changed elementary schools five or more times, losing relationships and falling behind educationally.

Yet to you- all of that is better than letting a single child be adopted by a loving gay couple.
I didn't ignore your post, what you said simply isn't true. not every child adopted by an American couple is American, and not every American child is adopted through foster care. So you are the one ignoring my post, not me ignoring you. As far as your numbers. If the government wanted to encourage adoption, they could do it without putting children in vulnerable situations with homosexuals who are on average, poorer, more likely to molest, suicidal, and mentally ill in general. Provide tax credits like they do for people who have children. There are several ways to remedy this if this is an issue.

Gay people earn more owe less - Dec. 6 2012

Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender peopleare better at managing their money than the average American, new research shows.
They earn more, save more, have less debt and are better prepared for retirement, according to a Prudential survey of more than 1,000 LGBT respondents.
Respondents not only reported significantly higher annual incomes -- $61,500 compared with the national median of $50,054 -- but they also carried about $4,000 less in debt than the average American and had $6,000 more in household savings. They were even slightly more likely to have jobs in the first place, with an unemployment rate of 7% versus the national rate of 7.9%, Prudential found.

Men are more likely to molest than women- all men- all women- this is absolute- men are the molesters up to 98% of the time. Would you deny men or couples with men in them because they are more likely to molest?

Suicidal? Would you deny adoption to people who come from industries with a higher rate of suicide- just in case? Same thing with mental illness. What about if they come from states with higher suicide rates?

These are standards you apply to homosexuals- and do not apply to heterosexuals.

Because your concern is not about the welfare of the children.

It is about your issues with homosexuals.
Well, obviously I have a problem with homosexuality, it is a degenerate and socially destructive lifestyle. I don't think homosexuals shouldn't be prohibited from adopting just because they are on average poorer and their children are as well, that is one reason..

Clearly you do have a problem with homosexuality- because you presume that it is destructive.

You were the one who falsely claimed that homosexuals were on average poorer and posed that as one of the reasons why homosexuals should not be allowed to adopt children.

When I nailed you on that, and your other claims, you now switch claims.

So lets dance.

I will take each of your claims- and show how you do not apply the same standards to homosexuals- as you do to any other group.
Well, obviously I have a problem with homosexuality, it is a degenerate and socially destructive lifestyle. I don't think homosexuals shouldn't be prohibited from adopting just because they are on average poorer and their children are as well, that is one reason. You need to get with the program, are incredibly repressive society is what keeps gays poorer than heterosexuals. You aren't even on with the correct left wing message at the moment.
LGBT Parenting in the United States Williams Institute
LGBT poverty Gay and lesbian couples are poorer than straight ones.

Also, you are simply wrong, children from single parent and homosexual households are far more likely to have been physically and sexually abused than households with a mother and father. So your claim is wrong.
Chapter Five What Factors Contribute to Child Abuse and Neglect
How different are the adult children of parents who have same-sex relationships Findings from the New Family Structures Study
Same-sex parenting and children s outcomes A closer examination of the American psychological association s brief on lesbian and gay parenting

It isn't just an issue of suicide rate. But on pure suicide rates, the most suicidal profession, physicians, are 1.87 times the average. Whereas LGBT youth for example are 4 to 6 times the average. Totally different degree of severity. Also whereas physicians aren't inherently suicidal, there is a strong link between homosexuality and mental illness that triggers suicidal tendencies.
Highest Suicide Rate by Profession New Health Guide
Higher Risk of Mental Health Problems for Homosexuals Psych Central

Honestly guy, you are out of your depth here. You are essentially ceding to my arguments but admitting you don't care. You put your egalitarian pathology above care for children.
We know marriage doesn't exist in nature, how? Exactly?
Wolves definitely engage in specialized, long-term coupling behavior that is recognized and supported by the do other animals.
Of course you don't.

There IS no difference. In EITHER case you are both asking the government to tell someone they can't do something.

You're a bright guy, so I assume you know this, therefor I must assume you are deliberately denying it.

Unless of course, you are telling me that I am wrong and you aren't that bright????

The government is not tellin' anyone that they can't do something. Nature has merely provided a standard which precludes perverse reasoning from changing the standard born of its immutable design.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

See how that works?

Marriage doesn't exist in nature so therefore it would not have much say on the matter. See how that works?
Are homo sapiens heterosexual by nature?

Is it really that hard to believe that both exist in nature?
Of course you don't.

There IS no difference. In EITHER case you are both asking the government to tell someone they can't do something.

You're a bright guy, so I assume you know this, therefor I must assume you are deliberately denying it.

Unless of course, you are telling me that I am wrong and you aren't that bright????

The government is not tellin' anyone that they can't do something. Nature has merely provided a standard which precludes perverse reasoning from changing the standard born of its immutable design.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

See how that works?

Marriage doesn't exist in nature so therefore it would not have much say on the matter. See how that works?
Are homo sapiens heterosexual by nature?

Is it really that hard to believe that both exist in nature?

You didn't answer the question.

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