Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
Wrong religion.
Not in this case. What else do have in Heaven, a really nice car, a Supermodel wife, dogs that never fart? Do tell?

I can only tell you what God's word says about heaven. Other than that, I don't know. What I do know is who won't be there and it's also according to God's word.
Where in the Bible, chapter and verse, did God say you were going to live in a mansion in Heaven after death?

John 14:2 - In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you
John, had to be you'd pick that. Well, you just plan for that nice big house then. It won't matter anyway,.

You better hope, where you're going, there are plenty of water hoses.
Not in this case. What else do have in Heaven, a really nice car, a Supermodel wife, dogs that never fart? Do tell?

I can only tell you what God's word says about heaven. Other than that, I don't know. What I do know is who won't be there and it's also according to God's word.
Where in the Bible, chapter and verse, did God say you were going to live in a mansion in Heaven after death?

John 14:2 - In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you
John, had to be you'd pick that. Well, you just plan for that nice big house then. It won't matter anyway,.

You better hope, where you're going, there are plenty of water hoses.
There is no God, more than likely, and no Heaven, and no Hell, and the like. You have one life and the world works exactly as you would expect it to if there was no God. Sorry, you've been sold a lie, a big one.
I can only tell you what God's word says about heaven. Other than that, I don't know. What I do know is who won't be there and it's also according to God's word.
Where in the Bible, chapter and verse, did God say you were going to live in a mansion in Heaven after death?

John 14:2 - In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you
John, had to be you'd pick that. Well, you just plan for that nice big house then. It won't matter anyway,.

You better hope, where you're going, there are plenty of water hoses.
There is no God, more than likely, and no Heaven, and no Hell, and the like. You have one life and the world works exactly as you would expect it to if there was no God. Sorry, you've been sold a lie, a big one.

That is your opinion.
Where in the Bible, chapter and verse, did God say you were going to live in a mansion in Heaven after death?

John 14:2 - In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you
John, had to be you'd pick that. Well, you just plan for that nice big house then. It won't matter anyway,.

You better hope, where you're going, there are plenty of water hoses.
There is no God, more than likely, and no Heaven, and no Hell, and the like. You have one life and the world works exactly as you would expect it to if there was no God. Sorry, you've been sold a lie, a big one.

That is your opinion.
And so is yours. Just opinions, only I thought it through and you accepted those of others. Carry on.
John 14:2 - In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you
John, had to be you'd pick that. Well, you just plan for that nice big house then. It won't matter anyway,.

You better hope, where you're going, there are plenty of water hoses.
There is no God, more than likely, and no Heaven, and no Hell, and the like. You have one life and the world works exactly as you would expect it to if there was no God. Sorry, you've been sold a lie, a big one.

That is your opinion.
And so is yours. Just opinions, only I thought it through and you accepted those of others. Carry on.

Never said it wasn't my opinion.

I don't accept yours.
John, had to be you'd pick that. Well, you just plan for that nice big house then. It won't matter anyway,.

You better hope, where you're going, there are plenty of water hoses.
There is no God, more than likely, and no Heaven, and no Hell, and the like. You have one life and the world works exactly as you would expect it to if there was no God. Sorry, you've been sold a lie, a big one.

That is your opinion.
And so is yours. Just opinions, only I thought it through and you accepted those of others. Carry on.

Never said it wasn't my opinion.

I don't accept yours.
So don't, just know out of all of man's religions yours is but one. And you believe it to be the One True Religion just like anyone else raised in that same faith, that's how it works.
"Place of public accommodation" shall not include a church, synagogue, mosque, or other place that is principally used for religious purposes.

Not religions- facilities principally used for religious purposes.

One of those places is a man's heart... For where else does religion and the freedom of it ultimately reside?

"Place of public accommodation" shall not include a church, synagogue, mosque, or other place that is principally used for religious purposes.

Not religions- facilities principally used for religious purposes.


Not according to the law- but let me know when you figure out how to have a wedding insides a man's heart- that would be interesting.

Are you saying it's impossible for those laws to be judge unconstitutional?

Actually I have often said that if anyone believes that public Accomodation laws are unconstitutional, they can do exactly the same thing that same gender couples who believe that anti-gay marriage laws are unconstitutional- they can try to either change the law- or they can file a lawsuit arguing that the law is unconstitutional.

See- I believe even homophobes have the same rights as all Americans.
Many people have rights yes indeed we all do, but it's what people do with those rights or it's their interpretation of such rights that ends up making a huge difference in what makes up the whole nation called America and it's character.
You better hope, where you're going, there are plenty of water hoses.
There is no God, more than likely, and no Heaven, and no Hell, and the like. You have one life and the world works exactly as you would expect it to if there was no God. Sorry, you've been sold a lie, a big one.

That is your opinion.
And so is yours. Just opinions, only I thought it through and you accepted those of others. Carry on.

Never said it wasn't my opinion.

I don't accept yours.
So don't, just know out of all of man's religions yours is but one. And you believe it to be the One True Religion just like anyone else raised in that same faith, that's how it works.

Never said mine was the only one that is around.

Why would I believe in it if I didn't know it was the one true religion?
Jesus never spoke about marriage equality or homosexuality.

Conservative65 has nothing of worth to offer on the subject.
The Bible where you learned about the one you just spoke about, and whom undoubtedly must be one that you respect as you spoke his name, inspired the men to write the very gospels in which the Bible has written into it, so what is your point ?
The point is that religion has no legal bearing whatsoever on the issue of same-sex couples' 14th Amendment right to access marriage law.

Just as 14th Amendment jurisprudence applies only to government, not private persons or private organizations such as churches, where members of the clergy cannot be 'forced' by government to perform religious marriage ceremonies for same-sex couples.
Jesus never spoke about marriage equality or homosexuality.

Conservative65 has nothing of worth to offer on the subject.

Actually, He did speak about marraige. While the actual discussion was about divorce, plenty like you say that the principle can be made even if the specifics aren't what the discussion is about. For example, same sex marriage supporters claim Loving v. Virginia upheld the principle that marriage is a right protected by the 14th Amendment equal protection clause. The case revolved around interracial couples yet the homo supporters say the principle applied to same sex marriage.

Jesus stated, when dicsussion divorce, that a man should leave his parents and be with his wife. The principle here is that marriage is between a man and a woman.

Seems you believe your disagreement means what I say has no value. Typical of your kind.
"Place of public accommodation" shall not include a church, synagogue, mosque, or other place that is principally used for religious purposes.

Not religions- facilities principally used for religious purposes.

One of those places is a man's heart... For where else does religion and the freedom of it ultimately reside?
Saying the religion in my heart tells me to shoot ******* and fuck 12-year-olds isn't going to keep me out of jail. Just because you think God requires you to hate the faggots doesn't mean we have to let you get your way in all situations.

And just because there are those whom think that they can justify attacks on Christians and Christianity, and all because of a few fanatics or radicals who are amongst the many groups out there that do bad things, it should be realize that there are individuals who do dwell among all the groups that (heck yes ((do many bad things either in a groups name, or in it's religion's name or other)), but this won't allow us as Christians (who are balanced in life) to stay quiet when your ilk fires up the guns when it wants to, and if it wants to on the balanced and good Christians like you all have been doing lately.

Let me show you the irony of your post:

And just because there are those whom think that they can justify attacks on homosexuals and homosexuality, and all because of a few fanatics or radicals who are amongst the many groups out there that do bad things, should realize that there are individuals who do dwell among all the groups that (heck yes ((do many bad things either in a groups name, or in it's religion's name or other)), but this won't allow us as Christians (who are balanced in life) to stay quiet when your ilk fires up the guns when it wants to, and if it wants to on the balanced and good Christians like you all have been doing lately.

As I have shown in my responses to you- for every action you call an 'attack on Christians', I can show equal or worse attacks by Christians on homosexuals.

What you justify as 'a few fanatics or radicals' when they are Christians could equally be applied to those homosexuals you disagree with.

You are blind to your hypocrisy on this issue.

IF you want to argue that Christians are under attack- then homosexuals are at least as much under attack- because homosexuals are actually being physically harmed just for being homosexuals in the United States.

Don't play around with the words in my postings and then re-post them, and I don't care if you are trying to show some sort of irony or what ever by doing that. Make your point as you did afterwards, it will work just the same.
You could have said replace the word Christian in the post above with homosexual, and that would have worked also... Just saying!
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Jesus never spoke about marriage equality or homosexuality.

Conservative65 has nothing of worth to offer on the subject.
The Bible where you learned about the one you just spoke about, and whom undoubtedly must be one that you respect as you spoke his name, inspired the men to write the very gospels in which the Bible has written into it, so what is your point ?
The point is that religion has no legal bearing whatsoever on the issue of same-sex couples' 14th Amendment right to access marriage law.

Just as 14th Amendment jurisprudence applies only to government, not private persons or private organizations such as churches, where members of the clergy cannot be 'forced' by government to perform religious marriage ceremonies for same-sex couples.
Duh, we already know all this Clay-Ton, what we are speaking about is the coming storms by evidence of the storms that have been raging already.. LOL
I can only tell you what God's word says about heaven. Other than that, I don't know. What I do know is who won't be there and it's also according to God's word.
Where in the Bible, chapter and verse, did God say you were going to live in a mansion in Heaven after death?

John 14:2 - In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you
John, had to be you'd pick that. Well, you just plan for that nice big house then. It won't matter anyway,.

You better hope, where you're going, there are plenty of water hoses.
There is no God, more than likely, and no Heaven, and no Hell, and the like. You have one life and the world works exactly as you would expect it to if there was no God. Sorry, you've been sold a lie, a big one.
And those are the common words of a desperate poster, and this when he resorts to using such personal attacks on someones beliefs like this, and it comes complete with rank opinions cast upon another who is a believer in here. LOL wow.
Jesus never spoke about marriage equality or homosexuality.

Conservative65 has nothing of worth to offer on the subject.
The Bible where you learned about the one you just spoke about, and whom undoubtedly must be one that you respect as you spoke his name, inspired the men to write the very gospels in which the Bible has written into it, so what is your point ?
That tired old heresy of the social conservatives that the Bible is the Sole Word of God. You should be a Muslim for that is the believers saw about the Qu'ran. I bet you believe in the 200 year old heresy that a Rapture or millennial event will occur in the last days: which of the 31 millennial theories do you believe?

The Bible is for inspiration and guidance, your Director is Jesus. You need to shift your focus.
Jesus never spoke about marriage equality or homosexuality. Conservative65 has nothing of worth to offer on the subject.

"Actually, He did speak about marraige." Thank you for admitting by omission that He did not speak about marriage equality or homosexuality.

"While the actual discussion was about divorce, plenty like you say that the principle can be made even if the specifics aren't what the discussion is about." Nope, they can.

"For example, same sex marriage supporters claim Loving v. Virginia upheld the principle that marriage is a right protected by the 14th Amendment equal protection clause. The case revolved around interracial couples yet the homo supporters say the principle applied to same sex marriage." False comparison. Loving is about the right to marry the person one wants.

"Jesus stated, when dicsussion divorce, that a man should leave his parents and be with his wife. The principle here is that marriage is between a man and a woman." No, the principle is that outside forces should never divide or prevent marriage of a loving couple.

"Seems you believe your disagreement means what I say has no value. Typical of your kind." That means your kind argue falsely and by omission, argumentation without value.
"Place of public accommodation" shall not include a church, synagogue, mosque, or other place that is principally used for religious purposes.

Not religions- facilities principally used for religious purposes.

One of those places is a man's heart... For where else does religion and the freedom of it ultimately reside?
Saying the religion in my heart tells me to shoot ******* and fuck 12-year-olds isn't going to keep me out of jail. Just because you think God requires you to hate the faggots doesn't mean we have to let you get your way in all situations.

And just because there are those whom think that they can justify attacks on Christians and Christianity, and all because of a few fanatics or radicals who are amongst the many groups out there that do bad things, it should be realize that there are individuals who do dwell among all the groups that (heck yes ((do many bad things either in a groups name, or in it's religion's name or other)), but this won't allow us as Christians (who are balanced in life) to stay quiet when your ilk fires up the guns when it wants to, and if it wants to on the balanced and good Christians like you all have been doing lately.

Let me show you the irony of your post:

And just because there are those whom think that they can justify attacks on homosexuals and homosexuality, and all because of a few fanatics or radicals who are amongst the many groups out there that do bad things, should realize that there are individuals who do dwell among all the groups that (heck yes ((do many bad things either in a groups name, or in it's religion's name or other)), but this won't allow us as Christians (who are balanced in life) to stay quiet when your ilk fires up the guns when it wants to, and if it wants to on the balanced and good Christians like you all have been doing lately.

As I have shown in my responses to you- for every action you call an 'attack on Christians', I can show equal or worse attacks by Christians on homosexuals.

What you justify as 'a few fanatics or radicals' when they are Christians could equally be applied to those homosexuals you disagree with.

You are blind to your hypocrisy on this issue.

IF you want to argue that Christians are under attack- then homosexuals are at least as much under attack- because homosexuals are actually being physically harmed just for being homosexuals in the United States.

Don't play around with the words in my postings and then re-post them, and I don't care if you are trying to show some sort of irony or what ever by doing that. Make your point as you did afterwards, it will work just the same.
You could have said replace the word Christian in the post above with homosexual, and that would have worked also... Just saying!

And you don't address or respond to my point.

Let me show you the irony of your post- again- by simply replacing one word.

And just because there are those whom think that they can justify attacks on homosexuals and homosexuality, and all because of a few fanatics or radicals who are amongst the many groups out there that do bad things, should realize that there are individuals who do dwell among all the groups that (heck yes ((do many bad things either in a groups name, or in it's religion's name or other)), but this won't allow us as homosexuals (who are balanced in life) to stay quiet when your ilk fires up the guns when it wants to, and if it wants to on the balanced and good homosexuals like you all have been doing lately.

As I have shown in my responses to you- for every action you call an 'attack on Christians', I can show equal or worse attacks by Christians on homosexuals.

What you justify as 'a few fanatics or radicals' when they are Christians could equally be applied to those homosexuals you disagree with.

You are blind to your hypocrisy on this issue.

IF you want to argue that Christians are under attack- then homosexuals are at least as much under attack- because homosexuals are actually being physically harmed just for being homosexuals in the United States
Jesus never spoke about marriage equality or homosexuality.

Conservative65 has nothing of worth to offer on the subject.
Loving v. Virginia upheld the principle that marriage is a right protected by the 14th Amendment equal protection clause. The case revolved around interracial couples yet the homo supporters say the principle applied to same sex marriage..

Loving v. Virginia upheld the principle that marriage is a right proteced by the 14th Amendment- both equal protection and due process.

And only the equal protection part was because of race

There is patently no legitimate overriding purpose independent of invidious racial discrimination which justifies this classification. The fact that Virginia prohibits only interracial marriages involving white persons demonstrates that the racial classifications must stand on their own justification, as measures designed to maintain White Supremacy. [Footnote 11] We have consistently deniedthe constitutionality of measures which restrict the rights of citizens on account of race. There can be no doubt that restricting the freedom to marry solely because of racial classifications violates the central meaning of the Equal Protection Clause.

These statutes also deprive the Lovings of liberty without due process of law in violation of the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The freedom to marry has long been recognized as one of the vital personal rights essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free men.

Note the two parts and the distinction.

Same gender couples have been consistently winning cases in courts around the United States based upon the equal protection clause and the Due Process Clause.

And because as the court pointed out- The freedom to marry has long been recognized as one of the vital personal rights essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free men
It's extremely unlikely in light of legal precedent and the 1st amendment. I think it's a better use of one's time to focus on likely hazards rather than assuming the sky is falling all the damn time.
When lawsuits fly left and right because the gay's or anyone else is offended about something today or they want to challenge something in this nation every time one turns around anymore, then for those who are being challenged by a sea of the newly offended in this nation, then I'd say yes indeed the sky to them could very well be falling in their opinions of it all.

Seriously do you really believe that homosexuals are the first to file lawsuits to challenge something?

Are you unaware of the NRA and its lawsuits?
Every side of every issue files lawsuits.

If you don't think that a law is correct- your right is to file a lawsuit.
If you think someone is violating a regulation- your right is often to file a lawsuit.

And it doesn't matter what religion either the offender or the offendee is.

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